I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 398

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Episode 398

Golden Palace throne room.

After hearing the report from his close associate, the golden ball slowly tilted his head back.

“A message from the punishment building?”

“That’s right.”

“contents is.”

“I’m not sure because the communication is bad, but… … .”

The aide, who caught the master’s attention for a moment, spoke cautiously.

“… There was news that the devil had appeared and subdued the punishment cell.”

“… … .”

The golden ball was neither surprised nor embarrassed.

Although there is no basis for this, I had expected that the religious community would start to move around this time.

“If you give the order, we will immediately dispatch troops to the punitive force.”

“no. “Just leave it alone.”


“… … .”

“Oh, sorry.”

The aide, realizing the lord’s tendency to dislike speaking twice, lowered his head.

The golden ball lazily opened a grape and then rolled it slowly in his mouth.

The aide prostrated herself and waited until her mouth opened again.

“… The commotion will probably subside tomorrow anyway. “There’s no need to raid the beehive.”

“But then wouldn’t those inside the punishment cell be in danger?”

The person who said this was not the aide who was currently prostrating, but another vassal standing behind the Golden Duke.

“There are about 20 guards working in the punishment building. “The rest are all prisoners, and most of them are heinous criminals that it wouldn’t be surprising if they were executed immediately.”

“If we can save even twenty people…” … .”

“Also, the working conditions of the disciplinary committee must have included a hazardous work allowance. The reason they received higher salaries than other guards was for times like this.”

“but… … .”

“Or do you want to say that I have been wasting my money on useless things?”

“… … .”

The servant’s face turned pale.

The Golden Scale, which judges everything in the world solely by money, does not tolerate any criticism of these decisions.

When nitpicking, only when there is sound evidence and a solution that is more valuable.

There is nothing more pointless than appealing to this character about morality or ethics.

“If you’re done talking, everyone, please step aside. There’s going to be an event tomorrow, so I’d like to rest a bit more today.”

The aide spoke, trying to suppress the voice that was rising to the tip of his throat.

“All right.”

After his entourage withdrew, the Golden Duke quietly sipped his drink alone.

“… … .”

And Ludwig, who was eavesdropping on their conversation, clicked his tongue inwardly.

I knew that all Imperial Grand Dukes were eccentric, but I guess that was just as expected.

The Golden Ball doesn’t seem to be in his right mind either.

It felt like I was truly possessed by the magic of gold.

In any case, since he had heard information that could not be ignored, Ludvik immediately headed to Delak again.

He was nowhere to be found in the office where Delak usually stayed.

‘Where have you gone?’

Puzzled, Ludwig thought for a moment and then headed to the basement just in case.

Indeed, he was able to find Delak there, but Ludwig, looking through the iron bars, tilted his head.

Iron bars cut cleanly as if with a knife and empty handcuffs.

The person who was supposed to be trapped there was nowhere to be seen.

“Where did that witch go?”

“I missed it.”

“I can’t believe I missed it… … . “You mean the head of the family?”

Could that be possible?

The moment Ludwig let out an embarrassed voice, Delac closed his mouth.

Ludwig, who had been watching the scene quietly, said, “Ah.”

“ah. You let me go on purpose. There is certainly no better way to dig deeper. But you are still amazing. “I can’t properly track down people who use black magic like this.”

“What’s your business?”


Ludwig said, scratching the back of his head.

“I overheard the conversation between the Golden Duke and his associates. It seems like something happened in the punishment cell.”

Ludwig gave a quick, to-the-point explanation.

Something happened in the punishment cell, and the place is currently in a very dangerous state, and above all else.

“Our youngest has infiltrated there right now.”

“… … .”

“What should I do?”

“of course…….”

Delac closed his half-open mouth.

The words that rose from my throat and lingered in my mouth dispersed like fog.



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Instead of collecting the scattered fog again, Delak asked Ludwig Badniker, the son who may have been with him for the longest time.

“… “What would Iron Blood Ball do at this moment?”

“… … .”

Ludwig was quite taken aback by the fresh question from his father, something he had never been asked before in his entire life, but he was barely able to maintain his composure thanks to his characteristically thick facial skin.

Of course, before answering, I didn’t forget to look at Delak’s face.

‘What happened?’

The face without any trace of expression, the calm expression, was clearly the face of the head of the family that Ludwig knew, trusted, and followed.

At least Ludwig didn’t find anything out of place there… … .

So I thought this question was just some kind of test as usual.

Ludwig, who thought for a moment, quickly responded.

“… If the devil has actually been summoned, then of course the Iron Blood Master’s blade should be pointed there. “Because it’s always been that way.”

“Then can I go right now?”

Ludwig burst out laughing as he watched Delak ask in a rather quick tone.

What an obvious trap. I might have been fooled 10 years ago, he thought.

“No. That is the worst of the worst plans, and it could be the enemy’s plan. We absolutely must not make any hasty moves now.”

“… … .”

“We have no idea about the labor camp. The sect has already infiltrated most of its core forces deep into the labor camp, which is considered to be enemy territory, and is leading the Demon King’s descent. There is nothing more fatal on the battlefield than a gap in information. So in the current situation, the only advantage we have is the presence of the lord.”

As I was talking, I left out the conclusion, but in fact, I already mentioned it earlier.

You shouldn’t move hastily.

That is the decision that Cheolhyeolgong must make now.


Looking at Delac, who nodded, Ludwig asked cautiously.

“Did you pass?”


“… … ?”


Delak spoke in a somewhat slow tone.

“Yeah, that’s great.”

“thank you.”

“Then, even if I can’t go myself, could you go and check out the situation?”

“I was going to tell you that anyway. I’ll be back soon.”

The moment Delak nodded, Ludwig’s new form disappeared.

Delac, who was left alone, stood there blankly for a moment.

He could see the iron bars he had cut himself, and the prison beyond them. Strangely, that damp, dark place seemed comfortable.

“… … .”

Delak, as if possessed, entered the iron bars of his own accord, setting foot on a place that no longer served its purpose as a prison.

What on earth does this action mean?

I do not know.

Delak leaned against the prison wall and looked up at the creaky ceiling.

Everyone has expectations of me.

The Golden Duke and his subordinates, the elders of the family who are not here, the Archmage Asad and his family, and even my enemies… … .

What are we expecting from Delac?


It is clearly Delac, but at the same time, it is not Delac.

I was once who I was, but now I can’t be who I am.


Although the season was spring and it was always scorching in the south, Delac suddenly felt cold.

* * *

It’s strangely chilly.

“… “I wonder if it’s going to rain a lot.”

Seren muttered as she looked up at the gloomy sky. Of course, it rains in the desert. It rains more often than people in other places would think.

Of course, if you measure the annual rainfall, it is a poor figure.

Seren closed her eyes, thinking of the sound of raindrops splashing.

Then, in my mind, the image of the empty bar changed little by little.

The sound of clattering dishes, bright lighting, and the faint scent of cheese.

Of course, what completes the scenery is the pleasant melody.

Thump, thump, thump… … .

Without realizing it, his fingers began to wiggle, tapping the dry tabletop as if he were playing a keyboard.

I know that ‘Seren’ doesn’t like this appearance.

But when the sky gets gloomy, it’s inevitable that I become emotional.

“Was it a Turkish march? I like it too. lancers.”

“… … .”

Seren opened her eyes.

The faint feeling of homesickness disappeared like a blown out candle.

And before I knew it, an uninvited guest had arrived in the store, which was supposed to be empty.

Dorothy Gale… no, here she’s called Dorothy Maneater.

Seren said bluntly.

“You haven’t been seen lately.”

“Ah… … . There were a few incidents. Things got messed up because I moved rashly. They say experience is the best teacher, and this is exactly what happened.”

Seren, who did not even know the proverbs of the countries across the sea, thought to herself that something must have happened when she saw Dorothy.

This is because the woman who always dresses neatly looked a bit sloppy today.

“Is that so.”

“You look depressed? Did something bad happen?”

“I wanted to be alone, but an uninvited guest showed up and started talking to me even though it was already bothersome.”


Dorothy held her stomach and burst out laughing.

“So what is this business you’re looking for? I’m a bit busy, so if you could just tell me what’s going on quickly, I’d appreciate it.”

“know. “Are you planning on having a fight at the workhouse?”

“… … .”

“But it would be better not to go there. To be more precise, it would be better to get out of the South as soon as possible.”

“Is this a warning?”

“No. I’m just giving you advice as someone from your hometown.”

People from the same region are a piece of shit. They’re even different races.

Seren frowned.

Even though it was to contact the [Abnaham Witches], I ended up giving too much information to this unpleasant woman.

‘I didn’t gain anything, though.’

Seren opened her mouth.

“Thank you for the advice. “If I ever leave this place, I will remember Dorothy’s advice and be deeply grateful.”

“I guess I wasn’t convincing enough. Then how about this? I found a way to go to the other world.”

The moment Seren paused, Dorothy’s smile disappeared from her lips.

“Why don’t you come with me?”

* * *

It was difficult to stop the guards from heading towards Tangtata’s mouth hole on their own.

These guys seemed to think that the world would not perish only if they fed Tangtata, so they went to the top floor without giving in to any hardships or hardships.

Even if they were forcibly tied up or locked up, they acted as if they would end their lives at any moment, so there was no way to catch them.

Anyway, if we leave it like this, even the sane ones might all die.

I sat in the infirmary and spoke to Verita.

“I think we’ll see the match tonight.”

“Isn’t it too soon?”

“That’s right. But if we don’t get out of here as soon as possible, there will be massacre.”

Today is the last day of the holiday, and tomorrow will be the day when the cross-species subjugation team goes to fight the monster underground.

If we kill the Black Cult leader or get rid of the demon lord before then, the legions of different races will not be exterminated.

If the Demon King has already been summoned in the first place, the death of a different race has no value.

It literally means dog death.

Verita spoke carefully.

“If that is what you think, brother, then I will follow it… … .”

“know. “It’s something that shouldn’t be rushed.”

I need to learn more about Tangtata, and that will take time.

However, as time passed, it was difficult to control my nervousness as I thought that the guards were crawling into the devil’s mouth one by one… … .

If Verita and I fail anyway, everyone in the punishment building will die.

‘Gustav, I’d like to see it with my own eyes at least once.’

The conclusion was that the risk was too great.

First of all, my soul itself is a mouthwatering prey for the demon lords, and even though Leone’s disguise fooled the cult leader, there is no guarantee that it will even work on the demon lord.

Ultimately, the fact remains that the meeting or reunion with Tangtata must take place in the form of battle.

“For now, I’ll think about it a little more until dinner.”

“All right.”

I left the infirmary behind and headed to the surveillance room.

There are currently no guards in the guard room.

Most of the video functions were broken anyway, so I couldn’t see anything… … .

However, the sound function was still alive, and the prisoners’ cries and nonsense were heard intermittently, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

I haven’t noticed it recently, but it seems like the madness gets worse when you’re close to the top floor.

This means that most of the nearby prisoners have already tasted it.

Anyway, in that place where all the guards were reluctant to go, I sat down and ate without any hesitation.

It was the only place on the first floor where I could be alone, and I was wondering if there was anything I could salvage.

It’s a moment when I’m eating canned food alone and filling my stomach somewhat mechanically.

[Ah, ahhh… … . Ahhhh? Hmm. Can you hear me?]

“… … .”

Amidst the muttering and nonsense of those who had lost their minds, an unusually clear voice was heard.

I immediately stopped eating and looked at the blank screen.

The video function was dead, but I could still tell where the sound was coming from.

But there was no need for that.

Because I knew that voice.

[Are you there? Luzard.]

That voice mixed with laughter was something I had heard many times during my time working at the punishment cell.

Nevelik, a young man and prisoner on the top floor.

[I have something I want to tell you. Can you come here for a moment? You won’t lose anything by listening.]

I had the feeling that the invisible Nevelic was smiling for some reason.

[I’ll teach you how to conquer the Demon King.]

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