I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 338

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Episode 338

When we came out of the room, Assad, who had been waiting anxiously, looked at us with a somewhat nervous look.

I said with a somewhat solemn face.

“The surgery was successful. Guardians can rest assured.”


“No, treatment.”

My words came out in vain.

As he approached me with a serious face, his muzzle started talking arbitrarily again.

While I was punishing him by tapping his lips with my finger, Asad also sighed, probably relieved by my stress-free attitude.

“… Thank goodness. I’m really glad. So, when do you think Delak will come to his senses?”

“If all you have to do is regain consciousness separately from physical rehabilitation, it won’t take long. “I can’t say for certain, though.”

I secretly agreed with Verita’s response.

This was because before I returned, I had a memory of Sanghyeolgong chasing me relatively quickly.

The treatment was also completed much more cleanly than before, so maybe it could happen sooner?

It’s almost evening, so I’ll come to my senses sometime early this morning or tomorrow morning.

“is it… … . for a moment.”

Assad apologized and entered the room.

This is probably to check how much of the instrument is left in Delac’s body.

Of course, it wasn’t a long process, and Assad’s expression immediately brightened.

“The instrument is completely gone. “It’s a feat you can’t believe even when you see it with your own eyes.”

“thank you.”

“By the way, what did you do with the instruments extracted from Delak?”

“… … .”

Assad asked in an indifferent tone, but I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous at this point.

I had a long conversation with Verita before coming here.

Of course, we also created model answers to most questions… … .

Among the pre-planned scripts, the most dangerous question was what Assad had just asked.

“I used a relic.”


“yes. “It was a relic that could contain musical instruments.”

“okay? “Can I have a look?”

“ah… … .”

Berita closed her mouth in embarrassment, and Assad’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“why? Is there any reason why I can’t show it?”

“No, that’s not true… … . hmm. Please wait a moment.”

Verita, who was embarrassed, hesitated and took something out of her arms.

It was a broken Rosario.


“yes. “It is a relic that can store musical instruments.”

“… … .”

Asad looked at Rosario carefully. The bluish glow in the eyes seems to indicate that they are using mana.

After quite a heavy, unbearable silence… … .

Finally, Assad shook his head.

“… “It seems like a pretty valuable relic, but how do I compensate for it?”

I internally breathed a sigh of relief.

‘It worked.’

Of course, that rosary is not a holy relic or anything.

Although it is an extremely old item that appears to have something at first glance, it has no special abilities.

However, there is no way to distinguish between relics that have already lost their effectiveness and old antiques.

This is because the relics that have lost their effectiveness are antiques.

Of course, the crucial reason why Assad was able to alleviate even the slightest doubt was because the reverberations of the instrument actually remain in that rosario.

I had destroyed the instrument before coming here… … .

The insight of an archmage would be sufficient to know that the instrument is the instrument of the Behemoth that ate the body of the Iron Blood Master.

‘The root of my instrument is the instrument that encroached on the body of Iron Blood Ball.’

anyway… … .

After quietly overcoming the greatest crisis, I was once again relieved and reprimanded in an indifferent tone.

“You are very suspicious. “Still, he went out of his way to help us, but isn’t that too rude?”

“… It’s not that I don’t believe it, it’s just that I don’t know.”

Assad responded in a somewhat embarrassed voice and cleared his throat exaggeratedly.

“Anyway, you both did a great job. “Sister Razvet, you especially.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

“Badniker doesn’t forget Eunwon. Until Delak wakes up, he will treat you as an honored guest, so rest well. “I will take care of it without any inconvenience.”

“hmm… … .”

Berita paused slightly and looked at Assad.

At first glance, he seems to have realized the true meaning behind the favorable words.

If you listen without thinking, it may sound like they are treating you with the utmost respect, but in reality, it is a ploy to hold Sanghyeolgong in order to hold him accountable if he does not wake up or something goes wrong.

‘This is how it is to be a Bad Knicker.’

While I could understand it to some extent, I also thought that this family’s external evaluation was abysmal.



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“I will do it.”

Fortunately, Verita did not look particularly offended and nodded with a smile.

* * *

I was lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

I purposely wore uncomfortable clothes so that I could go out at any time… … .

Lying in bed dressed like this gave me a strange sense of immorality, and I was able to maintain a certain level of tension even in a place where the bed was prone to sagging.

In that state, I struggled with flapping my arms and legs.

‘Once the biggest goal has been achieved… … .’

Unlike his previous life, he was successfully treated for the Iron Blood Ball.

In the process, I avoided a situation where I was suspected of being a member of the church, and as a bonus, I accepted Cheolhyeogong’s instrument twice, so the Amcheonwolhyanggeuk also made progress.

In fact, just looking at the results, I couldn’t be more satisfied, and this was because I didn’t have as much difficulty persuading Verita as I thought.

To be honest, I was very worried that Verita would help with Sanghyeolgong’s treatment… … .

… This is because the person who fought the Iron Blood Prince was none other than the Colorless Demon King – the Great Brother.

Therefore, for Verita, it is safe to say that the Iron Blood Ball is a heretic among heretics who opposed the God she believed in.

At first, I thought about hiding the fact, but I thought it would cause more trouble if I got caught later, so I notified Verita in advance.

– it’s okay.

… came the carefree answer.

Don’t you think that the Grand Master will be defeated? This is my feeling, but it seems a bit different from such blind faith.

At this point, I really wonder what the colorless believers are doing.

At some point, I thought I needed to know for sure what these guys were thinking and what their goals were.

‘Not now… … .’

… After Sanghyeolgong comes to his senses, I also have to do my job.

‘Maybe I should go south?’

The mastermind who caused the disaster in Utgard… If Big Boss Gustav went to the South, there is a high probability that even if an incident were to occur, it would occur in the South.

Not only has the mastermind disappeared, but now that the Golden Horn is in full swing, Utgarde’s alertness will be further strengthened.

“It’s Rahilde’s labor station… … .”

I thought about that place carefully.

Rahild Labor Ground is a place called hell for sinners in a different way from Utgard.

It’s a crazy place where you work at least 16 hours a day under the scorching sun, but of course there are no human rights.

Unlike the Utgard water station, where information is strictly controlled, Rahild Labor Yard is a fairly famous place in the south.

That’s because even if you search the entire empire, you won’t find another labor site that is as large as 8 million square meters.

The reason why such a large labor camp was created was, of course, to excavate relics.

Even at this very moment, relics of enormous value are being unearthed in the southern desert, a land of weathering and forgetfulness.

And the place where Rahild Labor Yard was built was the place where the capital of [La-Hirudaras], which was called the [Golden Country], was located in the past.

The name was so long and difficult to remember that even the desert residents decided to shorten it to their own devices, and now it is called Rahilde.

‘Let’s just go there… … .’

As I said before, Seren, who we promised to meet again, will be nearby, so I guess I can stop by on the way… … .

What matters is how you infiltrate Rahild.

It’s probably impossible to get into the labor camp as a manager, so the most likely thing is to just create a fake identity and infiltrate as a prisoner… … .

Honestly, it’s difficult to make a plan right now.

This is because there is too little information and we do not know what is going on.

Besides this, there is another problem with Evan.

If possible, I’d like to reunite with that guy and move together, but unlike Seren, I don’t even know where this guy is or what he’s doing.

I thought that since I had told Mir, he would know my whereabouts at some point, but I might not be able to see him again for a long time.

Depending on the situation, traveling from the north to the south may take several months or more.

‘… ‘I’m a bit anxious to deal with it alone with Seren.’

I thought for a moment.

You need at least one trustworthy person, three or more if you can.

In the first place, it was clear that finding Gustav in that large labor yard would be extremely difficult.

It seems that Verita will follow suit, but he will not be able to play a big role in the South either.

The southern desert is the region with the most unbelievers in the empire.

Should we say that the culture and ideology itself are barbaric?

While ethnic groups in the Eastern Plains who worship their own ancestral gods also respect the 72 religions to some extent… … .

In the southern desert, a barbaric land, all kinds of superstitions and cults are prevalent, and simple and clear strength is revered more than religious people who preach faith.

Moreover, they would most likely enter the labor camp as prisoners, but it seems unlikely that Verita or Seren would perform this role well.

‘That’s why I needed Evan.’

At least his acting skills are believable.

I briefly thought about the talented people I knew, but since most Corrupted people are of a different race, it wouldn’t be of much help.

At least the human-looking Lanfero would be fine, but I’m not sure if this sun-vulnerable man could survive in the desert… … .

‘There’s nothing I can do.’

For me now, if I exclude Corrupted and my classmates from the retreat, I have only one network left.

For the first time in a while, I decided to get up and visit my brothers one by one to use my blood relationship opportunity.

First of all, the person with the highest probability… … .

A man who was an active hero like me and said he was sorry he couldn’t join us on our last mission.

He is our eldest brother who will definitely be a strong force if he joins.

“Sorry. “I already have a mission.”

“aha… … .”

I immediately sighed with a sullen expression on my face. Hiiro looked at me with a pitiful expression and added.

“… “For your information, you won’t get help even if you talk to Nero. He’s going to be on the same mission as me.”

“okay? “I’m sorry.”

As you can tell just by looking at their names, Hiiro and Nero have the same mother.

It didn’t feel like the two were very close, but since they had the same mother, it felt like they were closer than other siblings.

‘There is definitely a manpower shortage.’

Perhaps Hiiro has a full schedule of assignments every year.

This is because the total amount of requests pouring into Heros right now will easily surpass the total number of heroes.

The scary thing is that this is just the beginning.

The rise of the Dark Church begins now.

The Unknown Empire is just an empire, but in reality it is as large as dozens of kingdoms combined.

So, no matter how large the organization Heros is or how many talented people it embraces, it cannot suppress incidents and disasters across the entire empire.

A water leak inevitably occurs somewhere, and whenever that happens, damage occurs.

Even though I know the future, I cannot intervene in even the smallest of events.

When I was stuck in the south and working as a mercenary, I only heard big rumors that could literally shake the world.

Anyway, after losing the two most reliable people in an instant, I quickly contacted the next person… … .

“I’m sorry. Even now, I barely managed to save time… “He must return to the Order of Knights immediately.”

“… … .”

I was also rejected by Hector, whom I trusted.

So who is left now?

Aquata, the eldest daughter, won’t be of any help, and neither will Lina, the third daughter, who is a wizard but is confined to the Magic Tower.

Most southern wizards are war mages, and unlike ordinary wizards, they are very violent and have a violent temper, so taking a wizard like Lina with them will only lead to a fight.

I don’t think this guy, who I’m not even that close with to begin with, will listen to my request.

Needless to say, Everan is in the fashion business.

At least Olivia, who is a mercenary, will be helpful.

Other than that… … .

“… “There is only one brother, Ludwig.”

“… “Can you please stop guessing my identity like it’s obvious?”

Ludwig, who was disguised as a collector, spoke in an absurd voice.

On the contrary, I said shamelessly.

“The point is… … . “Didn’t you have any intention of hiding your identity?”

“Well, it was still a bit loose since it was my house. Anyway, Mr. Ben knows my situation.”

“Eh? “Last time, my father and my brother were the only ones who knew that my brother was alive.”

“that’s right. But where is the eternal secret? “There is more work to be done, my father is busy day and night, and it is difficult to share the situation with just the two of us, so the number of people who know my identity is increasing.”

“… … .”

Even if you say that, it will still be a very small minority.

Ludwig muttered with his arms crossed.

“As for the South, the last time I went there was about two years ago… … . Actually, except for the islands and the eastern part, it’s not strange if something happens at any time.”

“Do you believe me? “Is it still just speculation?”

“Your actions so far have been too impressive for me not to believe it. “The gold fairy who drives accidents, disasters, and demons.”

“… … .”

There are times when being constantly screwed with demon lords helps.

“Anyway, so you’re helping me?”

“I’ll look at it positively.”

That was enough for now, so I gave him a thumbs up.

* * *

Time flies when you’re working or busy, but when you’re playing, it passes quickly.

For the first time in a long time, I had a lazy time.

There was no other way, because I had no choice but to stay alone while Berita was tied up at home.

I can’t leave this guy alone in Badknicker.

But after a day or two, then three or four days, I became a little anxious.

This is because there was no sign of Sanghyeolgong waking up.

From then on, I went to see Assad’s condition once a day with Assad’s permission, but there was nothing unusual.

“The damaged body is recovering quickly. “I think regaining consciousness may be delayed because all of the effort is being put into recovering the body.”

Assad had a point, but… … .

As someone who knew the past, I couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

‘At that time, he immediately got up and chased after me.’

However, this does not mean that the treatment is wrong.

There certainly wasn’t a single instrument left in the Sanghyeolgong’s body.

Amid doubt and anxiety, time passed without any clear solution being found.

When five days, six days, and finally a full week had passed… … .

At this point, Assad, who had been optimistic, had no choice but to check the Iron Blood Ball’s condition again with a slightly stiff face.

“hmm… … . “No matter how you look at it, there’s nothing wrong with your body.”

“yes. Rather, the situation is favorable.”

Assad and Berita talked as usual, giving the same diagnosis… … .

Meanwhile, I had nothing else to do, so I looked down at the face of Sanghyeolgong lying on the bed.

Sanghyeolgong’s complexion had noticeably improved.

Compared to the time when I was suffering and dying, it seems like I just got some sleep now.

“… But why isn’t it happening?”

That’s the moment.

Suddenly, without any warning, Sanghyeolgong’s eyes opened.

“Uh… … ?”

When our eyes met, I reflexively closed my muzzle.

Various thoughts passed through my mind, but somehow I couldn’t say anything out loud.

No, you suddenly open your eyes like this?

“what’s the matter?”

“Brother? ah-.”

I could feel the eyes of the two people talking also turning in this direction.

Those two also witnessed that Sanghyeolgong finally came to his senses.

But even then, Sanghyeolgong’s eyes were fixed on me.


“… … .”

“… … .”

“excuse me.”

Iron Blood Ball, who had been looking at me clearly for a while, asked in a somewhat anxious voice.

“… “Who is your brother?”

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Time froze.


A very long, heavy silence filled the room.

Archmage Assad,

Verita, the colorless believer.

I am the gold fairy Luan Badniker… … .

The three people here are brave warriors who have experienced everything from mountain warfare to air combat.

He was a man of monstrous composure, unfazed and unfazed by any situation, but this moment was an exception.

As silent astonishment filled the room, it was Assad’s muttering that broke the loud silence.

“… “You’re screwed.”

“… Iknow, right.”

This is really f*cked up.

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