I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 220

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Episode 220

Seren cried and poured out her story… … .

Overall, it wasn’t something that was easy to understand.

This is because the words of a person in panic are generally rambling.

Still, I get the point.

“… So, there were two souls in one body?”

The moment Seren sniffled and nodded, my expression couldn’t help but become serious.

The first thought that came to mind when I heard this story was that it was a possibility that all citizens living on the continent had no choice but to have.

“Hey. “Are you a member of the church?”


Seren said with a tearful face.

“I know that the cult has a magic that transfers souls. But, I’m not like that.”

“… … .”

“I know it’s hard for you to believe. still… … .”

Seren finally closed her purring lips.

It seemed very unstable, and it seemed like there was something else he was hiding until the end.

But that’s not the only reason why you can’t take this guy’s words at face value.

Of course, in times like this, trusting you without saying anything can be said to be proof of friendship or trust… … .

Actually, the interaction I had with Seren was not particularly deep.

So the worst possibility I can think of right now is… … .

‘Seren’s body has already been stolen by a church member, and that church member is aware that I am a priest, or at least suspects it?’

I guess this is it.

Of course, as it is the worst possibility imaginable, the probability is not high.

First of all, Seren is from a great family, and among them, Goodspring is said to be of high rank. Even the number of divine protections he possesses is not small.

Basically, it means that it has a high resistance to the cult’s magic.

Even if, by chance, my body has already been taken, the probability of anyone noticing the instrument hidden within me is even lower.

I didn’t realize the middle names including Pacheongeom, Lena, the leader of the Royal Knights, and even the existence of Iron Blood Ball and Purgatorio.


Still, I need to check first.

“So, to sum up what you said, you who are talking to me right now are the ‘real Seren’, and that grumpy guy I saw until now was a guy called ‘Sihyeon’ who possessed your body?”


“hmm… … .”

The name Sihyeon is not familiar.

Eastern part of the continent.

Would we be able to find similar names in that vast grassland where many ethnic minorities live?

I do not know.

‘but… … .’

Unexpectedly, I have heard a name format similar to this.

Perhaps, on this continent, I may be the only person who knows.

Of course, it is the third death penalty.

‘The human who possesses Seren’s body is a human from the same world as the third death penalty?’

What are the odds?

I can not know.

I don’t know, but strangely I thought it wouldn’t be impossible.

This world I live in seems to be going crazier than I can imagine.

“But why were you crying? “Shouldn’t you rather like it?”


“The guy who took your body is dead. From the ‘real Seren’ perspective, she has finally regained her body, so she can’t dance with joy, so why are she stuck in a place like this?”

“… … .”

Seren was still squatting, with her face buried in her knees. His pure white hair flowed down like a curtain.

Soon, a gurgling voice leaked out from beyond the curtain of hair.

“Because Sihyeon is a hero.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s literally it. People who save people in danger and do things that criminals cannot do are called heroes. Sihyeon… … .”

A whispering voice continues.

“It showed me that Goodspring isn’t everything. It proved that it wasn’t my family’s fault, but that I was wrong. It taught me that what’s important is not other people’s evaluation, but my own thoughts. “I saw them all.”

“Seren… Not this. “Does that Sihyeon guy even know of your existence?”

“I found out relatively recently. This was after Sihyeon realized the forgotten power of God, and that power is dangerous. “After using it, I lose consciousness for a long time.”

“aha. “So, you were the one who seemed a bit distant from Badniker’s family?”

“… … .”

Seren’s shoulders trembled, but that was the answer.

“So what exactly is he like now? “Has it completely left your body now?”

“That’s not it. I can feel it definitely exists inside me. Since it’s a matter of senses, there’s no evidence… … .”

“Then why were you so embarrassed if you didn’t disappear?”

“I might never be able to wake up like this.”

Seren sniffled again.

“What if Sihyeon is dead? I don’t know how to wake up a sleeping soul… … .”




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This guy.

That’s why I was locked in my room the whole time. To avoid running into other guys.

This is because the Seren Goodspring that most of the leaders, including myself, remember was someone who had nothing to do with the words weak or weak.

Separately… … .

I couldn’t quite understand the thoughts of the real Seren in front of me.

You don’t have the courage to live it yourself, so you lend your body to someone else and watch it happen?

At least for me it is torture.


That’s who I am now.

When I thought back to the time when I didn’t receive even a single blessing, I thought that it was inevitable that I would feel that way.

To put it bluntly, if the devil had come to me at that time and asked me to give up my body to give him divine protection, I might have worried to some extent.

“Have you tried anything?”

“Of course!”

It’s a surprise.

Seren suddenly raised her head and looked at me and said.

“Sihyeon enjoyed taking hot baths, and she especially loved floating rose petals! “He didn’t get out of the bathtub for as long as two hours.”

The voice, which had risen in decibel level, gradually lowered.

“… Even though I was in the bathtub for three hours, with the same temperature and atmosphere as before, there was no reaction. “Thanks to you, I felt dizzy and almost died from dizziness.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What? “Am I not dead?”


Why is this guy thinking this way?

What should I say?

It is a way of thinking that seems to condense all the misfortune circuits in the world.

I wiggled my fingers and spoke arrogantly.

“Something like this. It’s most likely a mental problem. “Rather than stimulating the body, it should give a spark to the mind.”

“Uh, really?”

“That’s right. I saw it in a newspaper a long time ago. There was a man who had been brain dead for 10 years and did not budge despite treatment by a renowned doctor, prescriptions from a pharmacist, or the divine power of a bishop. In the end, her half-given wife returned to her native land with her husband, and at that moment, her eyes lit up.”

“Wow… … .”

Seren slightly raised her head. Her blue eyes and white eyebrows were curved with a sense of goodness.

“It’s like a miracle! “It’s romantic!”

“It’s not a miracle, and it’s not romantic.”


“That man lived in his hometown for decades. A place where he experienced a lot and forgot a lot more. And he actually remembers everything that the human brain seems to have forgotten at first glance.”

“… … ?”

Seren looked like she had no idea what I was saying.

“It’s frustrating. The moment you set foot in your hometown, your brain reacted to the sights, smells, sounds, and feel of the sun or wind on your skin. “I started moving again to recall memories that had settled down, and in the process, my brain became activated and I naturally came to my senses.”

Of course, I don’t know if this is true, but I think it’s more persuasive than lumping it in with the word miracle.

Seren looked at me with slightly ambiguous eyes.

“… Confucius is not romantic.”

“What are you saying?”

“But I understand what you said. The feeling of hometown… … .”

While Seren looked worried for a moment, my eyes turned to the inside of the hall beyond the window again.

There was now a somewhat ripe banquet atmosphere.

It seemed like Hector was still leading the banquet… … .

At that moment, the lighting at the banquet changed slightly.

The light from the chandelier became much clearer, and the soothing music also changed.

I couldn’t hear the trumpet sound, but it felt a bit passionate. The highlight was the sound of the piano.

There was a grand piano placed in the center of the hall.

“Your Highness, the princess, please!”

How does that voice sound familiar?

Is this the guy who made a fuss when the purgatory festival appeared?

While I was thinking about useless things, a woman appeared in the center of the banquet.

The face that haughtily sheds concentrated gaze at once exudes a dignity and confidence that cannot be hidden.

A woman with red hair.

It was like that. she is a woman

Of course, even though she was the 6th princess, she looked much older than Ferist and Glenn, which was not particularly unusual in the imperial family.

In the end, the ranking of the royal family lineage is not based on age.

in other words… … .

This means that she has virtually no chance of becoming emperor.

No. Now that Ferist is like that, does he have to go up one level?

“uh… … .”

At that time, Seren let out a surprised voice.

I tilted my head.

“why? “Do you know the 6th princess?”

“Oh, no. That’s not it… … .”

Seren’s gaze was not directed at the princess, but in another direction.

Looking at the direction, what this guy is looking at is… … .


“yes! Sihyeon loved the piano, and she played it really well! He moves his fingers as fluidly as a pianist, playing a solo piece I’ve never heard before, and how elegant and pretty it looks… … !”

“… … .”

I wonder if this is a surprise or not.

As I was about to think a little philosophically, Seren’s voice continued.

“… It was probably music from Sihyeon’s hometown. Maybe if she listens to the music of her hometown, she might come to her senses… … ?”

“Hmm… … .”

It was a very difficult order, but somehow, at this moment, a tune flashed in my head.

Naturally, it was a song that the third brother-in-law often hummed.

If those two people are really from the same world, wouldn’t this also get a reaction?

I too am a nobleman.

Of course, because he received liberal arts education from his family, he knows how to read music and play the keyboard.

So, the important thing is how to play the piano naturally in the current situation.

This is actually not difficult.

Just ignore the ‘naturally’ part in front.

“Wait a moment.”

I returned alone, leaving Seren behind. Some nobles secretly glanced at me, and one bold person even approached me openly.

Ignoring most of the guys, I headed to the center of the hall.

Hector and the princess were standing there at that moment.

“ah. “You must be Prince Ruan.”

The princess noticed my approach and spoke to me with a gentle smile.

I was wondering how to respond, and then I just said something.

“Meeting Her Highness the Princess.”

“Hehe. That’s me. “It is an honor to meet the most famous spirit in the fortified archipelago.”

“Yeah, well… … .”

“oh. “You don’t have to be so nervous.”

I’m not nervous, it’s this girl.

But this princess is a noble woman.

I must have been mistaken, but suddenly he started talking nonsense.

“You didn’t seem interested in the banquet, but thank you for running to see the princess like this. “Are you a little impressed?”

“Oh, yes.”

As I nodded insincerely, Hector, who was standing behind me, his eyes became more intense.


When I ask with my gaze, Hector desperately moves his mouth.



When I slightly raised my right hand, Hector shook his head like crazy with a thoughtful look on his face.

“I heard that Prince Ruan is the hero who contributed the most in this incident. I hope the head of the family will be happy too. “Including the two people here, Prince Hiiro and-.”

“I’m sorry for interrupting you.”

I pointed to the piano.

“Can I try that?”

The princess’s expression stiffened in shock at my words, but soon her face straightened as she realized what she was thinking.

“Ah, are you playing for me? Hehe… “You’re cute.”

What is he saying now.

I didn’t feel like clearing up the misunderstanding of the princess whose name I didn’t know, so I just passed by and sat down at the piano.

Then, lightly trace your fingers across the piano keys.

“oh… … .”


Then there was a slight buzz in the surroundings.

I felt more interest than I expected, and I also saw the princess with an expectant expression on her face.

I smiled slightly and then started playing.

Miredore Mimimi.

Rerere. Mimimi.

Miredore Mimimi.


… … .

… … .

The surroundings were immersed in silence.

Of course, the atmosphere was not impressed by my performance.

I ignored the stiff reactions of those around me and looked toward where Seren was.

Seren’s eyes, which were looking at us with quite a surprised expression, became slightly blurred… … .

Immediately, my head falls down as if a thread has been cut.

And after some time had passed, when I raised my head again.

“… under.”

The corners of his eyes, which had been drooping, were raised, and a jagged curve somewhere between ridicule and sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seren looked at me in a puzzled manner for a moment, sighed, and twirled her fingers around her temple.

good. It’s a success.


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