I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 141

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Episode 141

For a moment, I forgot that the person in front of me was a doll and answered back.

“You’re pretty good at it too, right?”

“… … .”

Then Leone smiled even brighter without saying a word.

If he had shown a more humane reaction, my suspicions would have deepened, but since he just smiled vaguely like that, I don’t know.

And, regardless of Leone’s identity, an evil bloomed.

If someone is smiling like that confidently, I feel like I want to crush them in some way.

‘sorry. Please hold on just a little longer.’

After briefly apologizing to Seren in her mind, she swung her sword at Leone. I intentionally applied strength to my forearms and did so with a somewhat rough force.

In other words, the attack was made as if swinging a club rather than a sword, but the durability of the Seven Deadly Sins Sword is quite high, so even if it is used like this, there is not even a scratch.

Leone exchanged sword strikes with me a few times, but at some point, she tilted her blade loosely and let go of my attack.

Cough! Wow!

And I played the role of a jerk who was angry at the other person’s defensive response.

He swung his sword more roughly, as if he had lost his mind in anger.

During the few attacks, several faint wounds appeared on my body. Even in Leone’s workshop, it was felt that sincerity was gradually disappearing.

And the next time the sword strikes hit.

Kaaang… … !

Leone, who had been throwing her sword at an angle, pushed forward and sent the Seven Sins Sword flying.

My upper body, which lost sight of the weapon for a moment, would probably have been completely empty in the eyes of the opponent.

Pit, Leone’s sword was aimed at my uvula. Are you going to kill me outright? Putting my doubts aside, I immediately switched to the baktu stance.


Leone’s expression changed for the first time. It seems like he realized too late that the gap was a trap.


The moment I relaxed my knees, my new model fell down.

It looked more like he was collapsing rather than dodging, but Leone’s sword was perfectly dodged.

Then, he strengthened his loose calves and kicked the floor.


In an instant, my body reached the other person. The area under Leone’s chin was clearly exposed.

I don’t know if it’s an appropriate expression, but it’s a gap that looks delicious.

100 days eclipse, white eclipse type, 3rd eclipse type.

Sublimation: fire.


It went in cleanly.

Even if the jawbone were made of iron, it would be enough to shatter it to pieces.

‘however… … .’

Strangely, it doesn’t taste very good.

It felt like I hit a shield, not like I broke a bone… … .

This guy doesn’t even stumble, let alone fly. All I did was tilt my head slightly.

“… … .”

At that moment, I made eye contact with Leone.

This guy grinned at me and then suddenly burst into laughter.


Leone extends her left hand to me.

Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… … !

The outstretched palm felt big enough to cover my vision.

Geumnasu’s method.

Defense was difficult and evasion was too late.

This means that the best thing to do is to fight back.

100 sun eclipse, 白日 format, second eclipse eclipse, 第2招 format.

Fire wheel.

My palm, engulfed in flames, clashed with Leone’s palm. Kwaaaang! Waves of shock spread in all directions, but we did not back down even an inch.

We started the workshop at a distance where we could feel each other’s breath.

He swats away a particularly white hand and throws a knee kick. Pop! Simply blocked. This guy also raised his knee to block.

“Fuha… … .”

At that moment, I burst out laughing like Leone.

It’s like I’ve met my match.

Come to think of it, isn’t this the first time?

I met someone my age who could fight with me bare-handed, without a weapon.

Now, it doesn’t really matter whether this guy is a doll or not.

I was grateful for this meeting and expressed my excitement through my body.

My main force.

And there is an advantage when the opponent’s main strength matches.

The point is that you can fight whatever you can, without worrying about random thoughts or annoying battles.

Of course, Leone may still be hiding her true power.

Just like I fought with the Seven Sins Sword while hiding the Hundred Eclipse.


“… … .”



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The moment I saw Leone’s giggling face, I felt that such worries were useless.

Papa pa paak!

Kwon (拳), Jang (掌), Su (手), Cho (爪), Ji (指), Gak (脚).

And bone.

A trained human body is a weapon.

Leone and I attacked each other with weapons in close proximity.

He swung a hammer called a fist, thrust a shield called a palm, and thrust out a dagger called a fingernail.

Leone’s fingers were aiming for my eyeballs, and my fist was trying to break Leone’s ribs.

Blocked and avoided.

Leone’s martial arts were similar to mine. This meant that all herbivory was fatal.

Because I knew the power of my opponent, I could not easily allow attacks.

Fifty seconds, one hundred seconds, one hundred and fifty seconds without any decisive blow occurring.

When we finally reached two hundred seconds-.

It’s a disaster… … .

I realized my vision was turning white. A pleasant heat rushed through my whole body, and my whole body energy expanded several times.

Haha, I laughed.

Indeed, it has been a long time since we entered a state of whitewashing.

The moment I felt that Leone’s movements had become much slower.


My fist stuck in Leone’s face. Kudangtang… … ! Leone, who had not flinched even after being hit by sublimation, flew away helplessly and rolled around on the floor.

Of course, it is not a fatal blow.

Leone suddenly stood up and spat. Pieces of teeth rolled around along with thick blood.

Is this a real doll?

“What does that look like?”

It seems that Leone also had doubts about me.

Even though he was bleeding from his mouth and nose, he looked at me with intelligent eyes.

“The martial arts I learned.”


“If I make it to the end, I will win.”


Did you understand my arbitrary explanation?

Leone chuckled and extended her hand to me.

“You’re really funny. “Then, should I show a little sincerity?”

Leone opened her palm to me again.

Geumnasu again?

a little bit different.

Right now, Leone and I are about ten steps apart. It is a distance that can never be reached unless you extend your arms.

In other words, that guy is trying to do something strange right now.

Guguguguk… … .

The moment a dark energy condensed in Leone’s hand… I was startled by that ominous energy.

It’s a feeling I know.



That is a power that cannot be used by dolls or humans.

It was a moment when many thoughts passed through my mind.


Dean Alderson’s shout echoed throughout the sparring hall.


As if reacting to the sound, Leone’s palm cracked.

After seeing that, it felt real.

The fact that what I’ve been fighting all this time is not a person, but a doll.

“… Sheesh.”

The cracks spread all over my body, as if there were cracks in ceramics.

Is there no pain?

Leone’s calm expression showed only regret. Patter… … . While her body was collapsing, Leone looked at me and said.

“It was fun.”

“… … .”

Then he waves his hand and speaks calmly.

“Say hello to Delac.”



And Leone sat down.

It was rare for me to hide my embarrassment.

‘What the hell is this-.’

When I looked towards Seren for a moment, I saw that this guy was also standing there looking bewildered.

The Iron Blood Ball that was fighting did not collapse like Leone, but fell in a bizarre position, like a doll whose strings had been cut.


And then Alderson’s sombre voice was heard.

[It looks like the doll caused the explosion. It’s my fault. I apologize.]

“… … .”

[…] Aside from that, you two have proven yourself to be strong enough. This means that the qualifications to pass the 4th floor are sufficient.]

And then an inorganic voice continued.

[congratulations. You have passed the Dalian floor.]

Alderson spoke again.

[…] I will allow you to re-enter the treasure trove.]

* * *

[Climbers who pass the Dalian floor are once again eligible to enter the ‘Treasure Storehouse.’]

[Choose one reward.]

After passing through the Dalian floor, we returned to the treasure trove.

You can choose one more reward here… … .

‘… … .’

Compensation wasn’t something that was important in my mind right now.

‘It’s an instrument.’

It’s not an illusion.

Since then, he has seen the devil, fought against a priest, and even been to hell.

If nothing else, there is no way to mistake the presence of an instrument.

Instrument negative energy.

An ominous and sinister force that only devils and devil worshipers can wield.

A piece of that power was found in a doll.

in other words.

‘Is Dean Alderson a church member?’

I laughed out loud.

If that’s the case, then the identity of Juan, the great criminal, is such a major incident that it feels ridiculous… Its impact cannot even be compared.

Oh my god, Alderson Marvour, one of the Seven Colored Archmages and Dean of the Academy, was actually a member of the Order?

“What are you doing?”

“… uh?”

I suddenly raised my head at the sound of a voice.

Seren was looking at me with strange eyes.

“Aren’t you going to choose?”


“What’s wrong with your face? “That doll named Leone, was that strong?”

If Seren is even worried, my face seems to be more serious than I thought.

I answered by shaking my head slightly.

“It wasn’t weak.”

“okay? Iron Blood Ball was more worth it than I thought. Of course, he was insanely strong considering his age, but it felt like he couldn’t use protection and couldn’t use mana freely.”

“… … .”

From what I was saying, it seemed like this guy didn’t notice Leone’s instrument.

So, doesn’t the ‘help’ Seren mentioned have anything to do with Dean Alderson?

You can’t necessarily jump to that conclusion.

Even in Badniker, apart from knowing the future, Seren didn’t seem to know the identity of the priest.

I lowered my tone and opened my mouth.

“Hey. “Could it be that the doll also plays a musical instrument?”

“Have you chosen everything?”

Dean Alderson suddenly appeared, interrupting my voice.

Seren’s gaze, who had just been listening to what I said, naturally turned in that direction.

“I chose.”

“Right. Where is the Lady of Goodspring’s insight…? … .”

Alderson looked at the black metal lump in Seren’s hand and said as if he was surprised.

“hmm. “Did you choose that antique?”

The metal was about the size of the palm of one’s hand, thin and elongated, and seemed to be an unusual alloy that I had never seen before.

“This is something I accidentally acquired on the black market 20 years ago. On the outside it looks like a rectangular metal with a smooth surface, but on the inside it has a very complex structure.

Seren’s expression hardened slightly.

“… Are you sure you dismantled this?”

“I see. Oh, don’t worry. “I put it back just the way it was when it was dismantled.”

“… … .”

“however… “Do you by any chance know what that thing is?”

Seren hesitated slightly and answered.

“I have been interested in roast technology since I was young. “She studied a little.”

“hmm. “If it’s Good Spring, that’s probably enough.”

Alderson nodded and said.

“So, what should we do? Are you planning to climb more?”


Seren shook her head.

“I used up all my stamina fighting the doll. “I don’t have the confidence to face any more trials than this.”

“Right. Then I will immediately remove you from the tower.”


“There are staff on the ground. You can stop by the accommodation according to the instructions and go straight to the banquet hall. “Good job.”

“Now, wait a minute-.”


And somewhat suddenly, Seren’s new form disappeared from the treasure trove.

“… … .”

“… … .”

I just watched it all quietly.

Alderson looked at me like that.

It was a very complex look.

“… “It doesn’t stop you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you notice? “I forced Seren Youngdo away.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Why did you just watch? She could have been forced into it… … .”

Does it matter now?

There was a lot to talk about, but Alderson seemed to prioritize the immediate question.

So I just answered honestly.

“That guy is very tired. I figured it wouldn’t be of much help even if a situation were to arise. In that case, it would be better to send him out alone. Seren didn’t see anything anyway, so I’m the only one she can silence.”

“… “Huh.”

Alderson shook his head.

“It seems like I’m talking to a mercenary who has been through all kinds of hardships. “What kind of life have you been living?”

“… … .”

“No, I was just talking to myself. “I’m sorry.”

Alderson pursed his lips.

It looks like he is choosing what to say.


Procrastination conversations aren’t my thing, so I asked directly.

“Dean Alderson, are you a member of the church?”

“Is that possible…? … !”

A startled voice came back, as if someone had started a game.

His white beard was trembling.

I guess so.

If he was really a member of the church, there would be no reason for him to be watching me like this.

I also reached this point by organizing my thoughts alone.


So what I say from now on is speculation.

“Have they been creating demons in this tower?”

“… … .”

Alderson closed his mouth. Although her face was expressionless, I could feel her breathing slightly.

It’s a reaction that seems to have hit the nail on the head.

“Dean Alderson. As an aspiring hero, a member of Badniker, and above all, as a citizen of the Empire, I cannot help but ask this question. “Are you sane?”

“… “We are ignorant of the devil.”

Alderson spoke in a low voice, as if making excuses.

“Do you know? To them, all intelligent beings living on the continent are just humans. “Not only the seven major races, but also their derivative races are all treated as ‘humans.’”

“… … .”

“You think it’s absurd, but you probably do. Because it would be something only a fool would do to unite beings who have different appearances, as well as characteristics, habits, history, and culture… … . But we also make that mistake.”

“What does it mean?”

“The types of demons are much more numerous and diverse than the races on our continent. It is said that only a small number of devils are worshiped by church members. The rest, most of the demons we don’t even know exist, live their own lives in their own lands. “Let alone harming the continent, they don’t even care about their fingernails.”

Alderson’s voice was filled with heat.

“And yet we lump them all together and call them devils… … ! “Do you think this is a normal accident?”

“… … .”

“I thought. “If there are so many different types of demons, and if their number is greater than the population of all intelligent beings on the continent, aren’t there perhaps good demons as well?”

I burst out laughing at the nonsense of the great wizard.

And then I spoke to Alderson, who was glaring at me.

“excuse. “You weren’t joking, were you?”

“… I have studied demonology for half my life. “There is no one in the Empire who knows more about demons than me.”

“Is that so? But there is a saying in the world that it is better to see something once than to hear it a hundred times. Dean Alderson, have you ever seen the Demon Lord?”

“… “Of course not.”

It will happen.

If I had seen the devil in person, I wouldn’t have been able to say such bullshit.

“You said he was a good devil. To me it sounds like cold fire or soft stones.”

It was hard to turn the words “Stop that bullshit” like this, but there was nothing I could do because the other person was an archmage.

However, I couldn’t help but be sarcastic in my tone of voice.

“Would you like me to teach you exactly how they view humans? An equal being? Of course not. The weak or the prey. “If it had been that much, I wouldn’t have said it in such an extreme way.”

What on earth are humans to the devil?

Unless they are equal beings, prey to be eaten, or even livestock to be raised.

What do they view humans as?

“It’s a toy.”

“… … .”

“Toys to kill time, to kill time. “Nothing more or less than that.”

“… “Some children think of toys as friends.”

Alderson’s words made me laugh again. Unlike before, it was a much more blatant ridicule.

It was because I had no idea that the author of the Grand Wizard would make such a childish rebuttal.

“So, Dean, you think humans and demons can be friends?”

“Can’t you think of it that way?”

“You are free to think, but don’t reveal it. There will be some idiots who get swept up in such crazy thoughts. “Your position is not light.”

“Crazy thought… … .”

This time Alderson laughed softly.

Then he looked at me with bloodshot eyes and said.

“Is this thought even the Sangvis-Blood Ball’s thought?”

… what?


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