I became the Tyrant of a Defense Game Chapter 366

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◈ 366. [STAGE 15] Dropout (2)

In front of my eyes, the magic door that was spinning round and round glowed red and then closed as if collapsing.

It meant that the gate over there had been destroyed. I gritted my teeth.

“Who last saw the Shadows?”

“That, that… … .”

Damian hesitated and stepped forward.

“When I looked back just before I got into the gate, I saw that I had escaped from the retreat procession and was running toward the wall.”

“… … .”

It must be accurate since it was Damian’s report, not anyone else’s.

My head hurt, so I pressed my forehead with my hand.

Then Torquel came to me and stammered to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. The situation was so urgent that I only looked at the end of the procession, so I thought we were the end… … .”

I entrusted the leper slayers with the finale of the hero party.

It was also his duty to make sure that all other allies had retreated. However, he did not notice the departure of the shadow unit.

“… … It’s not your fault.”

However, when 30,000 goblins rush in from all sides, capturing the castle, wouldn’t it be too harsh for the last person to take care of other parties who left the procession on their own?

So, cruel.

“It is the responsibility of the shadow troops who fell behind after leaving on their own.”

I said this.

“Wait a minute, Ash! You’re not going to abandon the Shadow Unit like this, are you?!”

It was Belldandi who urgently asked this question.

As an elf, the three elves of the shadow unit are also of the same kind, so it is not strange to feel a strong sense of camaraderie.

“There is another emergency gate installed inside the outpost! We can send a rescue team there!”

“… … .”

As Belldandi said.

There are a total of three gates installed in the forward base. The two installed in the double courtyard have just been destroyed.

For emergencies, for future use, the last one was hidden and installed elsewhere on the base.

Rescue units can be sent through this gate.

Yes, you can put in.

“… … So what? Shall we send a rescue team to the place occupied by the enemy’s main force?”

You have to think rationally.

Thirty thousand goblins have occupied the fortified base.

Are you saying we should send a rescue team here to find the Shadow Army, who don’t know where they are now or whether they’re alive or dead?

In all likelihood, even the rescue team will be annihilated.

“Their occupation is not complete yet! This is our only chance to save them before they completely take over the base!”

Belldandi said strongly. But I waved my hand.

“No, it’s better to wait until they clear the base and head north to the Crossroads, then send a search. At least we can guarantee the safety of the search unit… … .”

“Then the shadow troops will all die!”

I closed my eyes tightly at Belldandi’s cry.

The faces of the shadow troops crossing the line of fire with me flashed through my mind. I also thought of Old Girl and Skull who died in my place.

Under the name of ‘Shadow Unit’, how many feats did they accomplish?

Considering the dedication they sent, it’s right to organize a rescue team right away… … .


At that time, Lucas, standing next to me, said coldly.

“It’s not possible.”

“… … .”

When I turned around, Lucas shook his head with a cold, hard face.

“If you have the same thoughts as Evangeline in the past, I will definitely oppose it. It’s a different issue than it was back then.”

“… … .”

“The opponent is the commander of the Nightmare Corps, and the size of the enemy counts 30,000. It is not dispersed, but united as one. I cannot hope for the same luck.”

“… … .”

“As befits a commander on the southern front, judge calmly and rationally.”

I gritted my teeth.

And, he said to Belldandi.

“At the point of leaving the procession and falling behind in front of the goblin army, it was as if he had already lost his life.”

in the coldest voice I can.

“We are not playing children’s house. We are at war.”

“… … .”

“You can’t put everyone else in danger just because one party has fallen out. If we act emotionally now, further leaking power on this side, and eventually destroying that goblin legion here on the front lines, the whole world will be trampled by the monster.”

I said one more time as if to confirm.

“The Shadow Unit fell out in the middle of the enemy’s base. We cannot risk the lives of others for their rescue.”

Belldandi’s mouth was tightly shut.

As if feeling responsible, Thorkell lowered his head.

It was then.

Sigh. Sigh.

The sound of rolling wheels rang out.

I looked that way reluctantly.

Sitting in a wheelchair, biting his lip, he saw a red-haired sorceress approaching with a pale face.



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I reluctantly called her name.

“… … Lily.”


The outpost was teeming with green monsters.

Hiding in an empty room on the outskirts of the base, the shadow unit lowered their breathing and looked around. Everywhere was full of goblins glaring with murderous intent,

“They won’t be here long.”

God Hand whispered lowly to Burnout and Bodybag.

“Soon we will march towards the Crossroads. Then the base will be empty, and there will be an opportunity to escape… … . You just have to stay unnoticed until then.”

Burnout and Bodybag nodded with cold sweat on their faces.

It was then.

creak. creak.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor drew closer.

Surprised, Godhand looked up and saw a large goblin wearing fancy armor and a distinctive pattern on his face walking down the aisle.

Goblin Amir.

He was a goblin general of a rank just below the god king.

“Kirik. Is the search going well?”

“Yes, Kirik! They are scouring the inside of the base!”

《The God King himself ordered it. There may be rats. to examine thoroughly. Kirik.”



The group of goblins led by Amir continued their search by opening the hallway rooms one by one.

God Hand, Burnout, and Body Bag exchanged puzzled glances.

I have to hide – there is nowhere to hide.

Looking outside the building through the window, the outside is also full of goblins. Either way, it was an outsider.

creak. creak.

The sound of footsteps was right in front of me. God Hand gritted his teeth.


The door opened violently.

Goblins poured into the room. Amir, a goblin who followed a few steps behind me, carefully inspected the room.

“hmm… … .》

The room was empty.


Kyririk… … .

Goblin soldiers searched the room. It seemed to have been used as a warehouse, but it was full of junk, but no special traces were found.

《… … There’s nothing wrong with this area, Kirik. Let’s go to the next area!”

Goblin Amir turned around. The other goblins followed suit and rushed out of the room.

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Looking at the clean, empty room, God Hand quietly swallowed a sigh of relief.

Right now, the three members of the shadow unit were floating right under the ceiling.

Body Bag’s telekinesis magic.

With this, the three bodies were hurriedly lifted up into the air, and they were holding their breath while holding close to the ceiling.

Fortunately, the goblins didn’t even think to look at the ceiling.

After a few more minutes, the three elves carefully lowered themselves to the ground. The three exchanged glances without speaking.

I did it. I evaded their search… … .

《Kick. kick kick. I knew it would be like this.”

At that time, a low-quality laugh that sounded like scratching the floor rang in the ears of the three elves.

When the frightened God Hand looked there, the goblin Amir and the soldiers who had thought they had left were pouring out from the other side of the hallway.

“I smelled it, Kirik.”

Goblin Amir smirked and tapped his hooked nose with his fingertips.

“The smell of tender elves’ meat… … !》

“Kuh… … !”

《Kirik! Kill the Elf! If you make a major, the God King will ‘promote’ you guys!”

Kirik! Kyririk!

The goblin soldiers, their eyes flashing red, rushed down the hallway screaming in unison.

God Hand connected the iron shields piled up in the warehouse, and Body Bag built the barricade at the entrance to the room. Burnout pulled out his bow and crossbow.

It was time to fight.


The goblin at the forefront easily jumped over the barricade and charged at God Hand.

God Hand struck the guy in the jaw with his left prosthetic arm, and stabbed him in the stomach with the spear in his right hand. The guy died instantly.

The one who followed right after was thrown away by Body Bag with his telekinesis magic, and the two men behind him were hit by arrows shot by Burnout and fell down, dripping with blood.

During the brief battle, the goblins couldn’t even get close to the Shadow Army. For a moment, the three members of the Shadow Unit thought they could easily survive this way.

But that opinion soon changed.



Around the time he defeated more than twenty goblins, one of the goblin’s spears that ran through the piled corpses pierced God Hand’s shoulder armor.

After killing him, the next goblins charged at random, wielding their swords, and after killing them, goblin archers fired arrows from the other side of the hallway. It was an arrow that was fired at random without paying attention to whether the ally was hit or not.

Body Bag removed the arrows with telekinesis, but several of them managed to fly in and left scars on the shadow unit’s body.

With Chaeng!

Wow Chang-!

At the same time, the left and right windows of the room were broken, and goblins began to invade there as well. Not only from the front, but from three directions, goblins grabbed their blades and jumped up.

Goblins are often portrayed as the weakest monsters, and they are.

He is about half the size of an adult human male and has less than half the strength. It has its own quick agility, but even so, it is not superior to humans.

Roughly equivalent to a human child under the age of ten.

But this is a one-on-one comparison.

They act in groups and are instinctively good at killing.

Assuming that even human children around the age of 10 would rush at each other by dozens.

Even more so if he had a sword or a spear or other blade in his hand.

Besides, if you are good at rushing to kill your opponent without regard for your own life.

It’s hard to handle even if you’re a master.

“Heo-eok! Huh!”

When the shadow unit defeated nearly fifty goblins.

The narrow room was covered in goblin corpses and blood, making it difficult to move, and the three elves suffered minor injuries all over their bodies.

Above all – I was discovered.

It was a long way from hiding and secretly escaping. There was no more hope. The only thing left now is to die fighting… … .

The three elves had a hunch of death.

《Kikikick, Kirik. Like a stupid elf.”

As the three elves showed signs of exhaustion, the goblin Amir drew his sword and approached.

“I will personally cut off your ears and present them to the God King.”

Its long tongue licked its own blade. God Hand thought about how much damage he could do to the goblin army if he made him his companion.


Suddenly, he wanted to see his lover.

The red hair that was disheveled on the pillow on the bed, the gaze that looked at her affectionately… … .

I missed the night sky we sat side by side watching.

Unknowingly, God Hand muttered.

“Lily… … .”

That was the moment.


The goblin Amir and his escorts, approaching with their tongues licking their swords, were engulfed in relentless flames throughout the hallway.

A terrible smell of flesh and intense heat swept through the room. The three members of the shadow unit hurriedly fell to the ground to avoid it.


After the heat storm passes, God Hand raises his head bewildered and looks ahead.


It was there.

“I told you.”

His lover, breathing heavily, with flying red hair.

Senior Wizard of the Monster Front – Lily smiled.

“If anything happens, I will come to rescue you.”

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