I became the Tyrant of a Defense Game Chapter 289

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◈ 289. [Side Story] Dance Festival (2)

“They say the good times pass quickly.”

Lily muttered as she waved the glass in her hand.

“The festival is coming to an end before I know it.”

the time when the sun has already set.

However, the central square of Crossroads is brightly lit, and it is still full of people singing and dancing happily.

As Lily watched the people enjoying the end of the festival, God Hand holding the wheelchair behind Lily chimed in.

“That’s right. Lily. It flew by.”

Lily smiled and looked up at God Hand.

“Did you enjoy the festival, God Hand?”

“sure. It was the first time in my life that I had such a fun festival.”

God Hand, who grinned, had his hair torn here and there, and even a few strands were charred and looked ugly.

It was the result of being scolded by Lily on the first night of the festival. He was smiling like that, so why did he feel a little stupid?

‘Anyway, since he’s been focusing on me… … .’

I guess I don’t have to bother anymore.

Lily secretly put down her 1st skill, [Fire Cannon], which she had secretly stored in the magic furnace.

Even so, I think carrying this was a bit excessive… … .

God Hand, who was carefully watching Lily, hesitated and asked.

“Did Lily really enjoy it?”


“that… … It’s my first time dating… … .”

God Hand was embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

“In case you didn’t enjoy the time you spent with me… … I was worried.”

“… … .”

“I don’t really… … Since I’m not a funny guy… … .”

Staring at God Hand, who didn’t know what to do even after spitting it out herself, Lily smiled.

“It’s nice just to be with you.”

Lily didn’t expect much from her lover.

In the same space, seeing the same scenery, going through the same things, and making the same memories.

That alone was enjoyable enough. To the extent that the past two days disappear in an instant.

“… … .”

God Hand, who had been looking down at Lily as if possessed, slowly came to Lily’s wheelchair.

“I, Li, Lily-sama!”


He hesitated and stammered, then slowly got down on one knee.

“I think it’s a bit late to say this now, but! Still, even now!”

God Hand urgently took something out of his bosom.

It was a short metal rod. It was a clunky, clunky lump of iron.

However, at God Hand’s fingertips, that metal rod instantly blossomed into a single rose. It was a feat that God Hand, a metal master, could do.

Lily is fascinated by this strange sight,

“Me, me and… … Please formally date!”

God Hand said, closing his eyes and holding out the metal rose.

“forever… … No, you don’t know yet if it will be for the rest of your life or not! Anyway, I’ll make you happy while we’re together!”

God Hand bit his lip as he stopped talking.

He spoke too hurriedly and then stopped biting his lips. God Hand was embarrassed and hurt, but somehow managed to finish the confession.

“I’ll make you happy… … all.”

“… … .”

Lily, who was facing such a god hand with a ridiculous face, burst into laughter briefly.

“Show me your lips.”


“Your lips look like they’re bleeding. Show me.”

God Hand put his face forward in bewilderment. Lily, holding his chin and examining his scarred lips,


I kissed him lightly on the lips.

“… … ?!”

God Hand’s face instantly turned red. Likewise, Lily grinned at her blushing face.

“I like dating. I promise you one thing instead.”

“Uh, what kind of promise?”

“Don’t lie to me in the future. No matter what the unavoidable situation, tell me only the truth. … … Can you promise me?”

God Hand nodded without hesitation.

“of course. My Lady.”

The two of them smiled awkwardly and looked at each other for a while.

Just when the atmosphere is about to get better.

Udangtang! thud!

Suddenly there was the sound of something collapsing beside me.

Surprised God Hand and Lily looked around to see a trash can in the corner of the plaza, along with a body bag and burnout.

It must have fallen by mistake while hiding behind the scenes… … .

“Huh! I’m sorry! Huh, I didn’t mean to steal it!”



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Body Bag quickly stood up and waved her arms with a contemplative face.

“I-I’m just worried! I was worried about whether God Hand, who was a fool, would be able to date properly… … ! So I just wanted to follow you… … !”

Nod nod!

Beside him, Burnout nodded urgently.

Anyway, the good atmosphere was blown away at once. The moment the bewildered God Hand tried to bruise his two younger brothers,

“Come here, Bodybag. Burnout.”

Lily, who had covered her mouth and laughed, gestured.

“let’s hang out together.”

Surprised Bodybag and Burnout widened their eyes.

“yes? but… … .”

“God Hand is the older brother and older brother of the two of you, right? So, now that God Hand and I are dating, we will have to see each other as often as that.”

Lily gestured to the two elves.

“Be friendly. Now, let’s spend the rest of the festival together.”

Body Bag and Burnout, who had been watching each other, carefully came to Lily and God Hand’s side.

God Hand looked apologetic towards Lily, but Lily didn’t care.

Even though I feel like I already have younger siblings.

well, it wasn’t bad

pop! Perbung-!

At that time, several lines of sparks flew over the central plaza of the crossroads, scattering sparks. Surprised Bodybag shouted, pointing a hand up.

“It’s a firecracker!”

“Really? It’s fireworks!”

That was the beginning. Firecrackers launched from all over the city colored the sky of Crossroads.

Lily looked up at the scene quietly and murmured.

“The end of the autumn festival is, of course, fireworks.”

They were small, simple fireworks like firecrackers in a rural corner of a city.

But it was beautiful.

People gathered in the square cheered and looked up at the fireworks. Bodybag and Burnout hopped and ran under the flames.

Watching the scene, Lily quietly reached out and grabbed God Hand’s hand, then squeezed it tightly.

God Hand’s long ears turned red. It was noticeably cute on her, so Lily covered her mouth and laughed.

‘Elves like this.’

Discovered unexpected benefits.

“See you again next year, Fireworks.”

To Lily’s low whisper, God Hand replied with a smile.

“Yes, next year too. please.”


Perbung-! pop-!

Firecrackers rise.

While I was sitting on a mat in the corner of the plaza and pouring and drinking with my party members, I looked up in surprise. What are you?!

Evangeline, who was chewing on the grilled squid, looked up at the sky with a bright face.

“Oh, it’s fireworks time!”

“Fireworks time?”

“The end of the autumn festival. It is a tradition to end it with fireworks.”

There was such a tradition That’s a pretty hot finish.

“Well, since it’s smaller in scale than the horrendous fireworks display in the imperial city, it’s understandable that seniors are embarrassed.”

“Oh no, I didn’t mean that… … .”

I’m a gamer in the corner in the first place, so I’m not used to this kind of insider culture… … .

Anyway, everyone who had been talking noisily on the mat raised their heads and looked at the sky.

And I looked at the magical fireworks that bloomed in different colors.

Kelly Bay and her sidekick Hannibal.

Quylan and the Punishment Unit. Belldandi and the Holy Grail Exploration Team. God Hand and Shadow Squad. and Lily.

All the other heroes, including Marherita, and many soldiers.

And even the main party members next to me. Everyone is. Stare at the festival of fireworks.

“… … .”

I looked not at the flames, but at the faces of the people looking up at the flames.

After the festival is over, we will have to go back to our daily lives of fighting monsters.

However, memories of such a peaceful time.

It will be a solid anchor that supports your tired mind so that it doesn’t drift away.

People gain the strength to live one year, then another year, over and over again.

“It was fun, Fall Festival.”

“Hi-Hi. Yes?”

“I’m looking forward to next year!”

As I muttered, Evangeline and Damian smiled broadly.

“next year… … Ira.”

Junior laughed bitterly and put the smoking pipe in his mouth.

“… … .”

Lucas silently watched as the flames spread.

It was then.


I heard a refreshing voice from outside the plaza, and when I looked there, Serenade was standing there.

Under the lighting of colorful fireworks, the serenade with aqua-colored hair blowing in the autumn wind was somewhat like a mermaid.

Even though it has neither scales nor a tail.

It seemed to emanate from her such a refreshing scent that the foam of the waves would sway around.

I hurriedly stood up and stood in front of Serenade.

“serenade. You worked really hard throughout this festival.”

I shyly scratched the back of my neck.

“You worked hard, but thanks to you, it seems like I just played comfortably. Sorry.”

“Huhu, you are welcome. I did this in hopes that His Highness would have a good time.”

The serenade with silvery eyes round and a smile ah! She made a noise and held out one of her hands in front of her.

“majesty. I’ve been working hard throughout this festival… … Would you like a prize then?”

“of course. What do you want?”

I asked again with a grin, and I suddenly remembered what a serenade had asked me to do before.

So that… … seeds, seeds… … .

‘Kuh, keuhum!’

If it wasn’t for that kind of thing, I’d be happy to listen.

Slightly nervous, I waited for the serenade’s answer.

Then Serenade giggled and took a step closer to me, extending her outstretched hand.

“Would you like to dance a song with me?”

“huh? Are you talking about dancing?”

“yes. The day at the dance festival isn’t over yet, is it?”

Her face was red with the bold demand. Are you a little nervous?

After a moment of silence, I burst into laughter and slowly stood in front of the serenade, clasping my hands together.

“Gladly, partner.”

pop… … . Perbung… … !

Under the light of the firecrackers,

Now people’s attention is fixed on the sky. hiding out of sight Not in the center of the square, but in a corner.

We started waltzing slowly.

There was no music, no chandelier, no carpet. This had its own luck.

We danced smoothly, perhaps thanks to our long-term collaboration in the ecliptic.

The serenade that was happy with a red face in my arms whispered softly.



“Do you remember a few days ago when I said I had something to tell you?”


The first day Serenade arrived at Crossroads. Serenade said this with a determined expression.

– There is something I must convey to His Highness personally.

From the ecliptic to the crossroads here, the words that you have to convey to me even while traveling that long way.

The real reason she visited this southern remote area.

But maybe it was because there was no chance to be alone, so I couldn’t convey it until now.

I swallowed dry saliva. What are you trying to tell me?

‘No way, go, go, confession?’

Ah, I’m not ready yet… … ! Even if I think of myself, it’s like a sukmaek, but I really don’t have the tolerance for things like this… … !

Serenade looked around with a slightly nervous face. There is no one beside us.

After confirming that there were no ears to hear several times while dancing the round and round waltz, the serenade whispered into my ear in a small whisper.

“… … The treason is in progress.”

The accident hardened.

Suddenly, I couldn’t understand what he was talking about. Blinking in a daze, I asked in confusion.


“A treachery is under way in the ecliptic, Your Highness.”

Serenade whispered in my ear one more time with an extremely serious face.

“His Highness, 2nd Prince Fernandez, is trying to rebel… … !”

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