I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 – 69. King of the Griffins


[I will kill you! I will kill you!]

[Why won’t you let us go!]

[I want to stop! I just want to close my eyes now!]

Souls escape.

To have ego, to contain anger, to let go of resentment.

Each and every soul pouring out of the evil spirit became a powerful sling.

Because the mana contained in the soul was turned into magic by the evil spirit, the souls that came out like a whirlpool could not hold back their anger and began to strike here and there.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

An uncontrollable force.

In addition to attacking evil spirits, they also crashed into pillars, ceilings, walls, and lights in the throne room, making it look as if they were committing self-harm.

Even my protection magic couldn’t stop the rampage of ghosts like this.

However, it was obvious that if the Lemegeton that activated and amplified them was stopped, the demon would devour their souls again.

Lower your body.

It was inevitable that there would be damage to me, but it was a necessary procedure because the damage to the evil spirits was extreme.

When I glanced behind me, Deia and Darius were also caught up in the onslaught of souls and were taking a defensive stance, but it didn’t seem surprising that they were quickly defeated.

At least the dark spirit was guarding it, but since she was also a ghost, there were limits.

All of the workers who had already rushed in had fallen to the floor and fainted, and there were some who were swept away by the torrent of souls.

Because it wasn’t me who could save everyone.

First, I distanced myself from the evil spirit and returned to the two people.

“Hey, is it resolved?”

Daya asks first. I shook my head and brought the two people within the range of my protection magic.

“It’s not over yet. “I only liberated the souls that had been condensed in it, but I didn’t completely destroy them.”

Extinction wasn’t that easy, and he didn’t suddenly become an ordinary ghost simply because the souls escaped.

The power of the foul will just disappear, but the original power will still remain.

Of course, it would be several times easier to deal with.

“When on earth will this end?”

Darius’ question could not be answered separately. The number of souls that evil spirits have consumed over hundreds of years was greater than anyone could imagine.

Their resentment was also very deep-seated.

“Can’t we do it?”

Souls that have become stronger due to the softly glowing Lemegeton. It seemed like there was a need to stop this quickly.

Because if he made a mistake, he would destroy the entire royal family.

[What will you do?]

I answered the dark spirit’s question by turning my attention to the demon again.

“There is no time to wait. Break it down first and then go in.”

If this was an empty field or a barren plain, I would have waited, of course.

If we just wait, eventually all the demonic power will disappear and we will be in a state where we can do what we are now.

However, because the runaway of souls he was holding was so severe, there was a high possibility that there would be victims among the users, and the royal family was also likely to fall into disarray.

The good news is that he is much weaker than before and the souls that are escaping are making him crazy.

“Dark spirit stay here and protect Deia. “Darius is coming with me.”

“I’m going too!”

Deia responded angrily, but I stopped her by shaking my head.

“Take care of that box. “If I give you a signal, you use it.”

Deia’s mouth twitched as if she wanted to ask what was in the box she was wearing, but she didn’t bother to ask again.

He just held the pistol tightly and was not convinced, but accepted it.

“Stand behind me.”

Darius and I move forward together, keeping our bodies low. The idea was to protect him with magic, but instead Darius did the opposite and attacked forward.

“No, you stand behind me.”

“… … .”

“You are the only one who can deal with that demon who has now taken Your Majesty’s body, Deius. “Take care of yourself.”

It was indeed the right opinion.

I certainly didn’t know that Darius would step forward and claim himself as a shield.


While he was cautiously heading forward, Darius suddenly opened his mouth.

I didn’t bother to answer, but he continued talking.

“I never imagined we would have a future like this.”

“… … .”

“I only thought about following in my father’s footsteps and protecting the family. “In fact, I didn’t know what that family was.”

Darius turns his head slightly and makes eye contact.

It was my first time.

I never thought he was trustworthy.

“You may be like your father, but to me, you are Verdi and your family. So if I die here… … .”

[Give me that stone!]


The demon notices that we are approaching and begins to counterattack.

The strategy was not to stop the water flowing from the bottomless dock, but to kill me and take the Remegeton away before it all spilled out.

Black hands rising from the ground attack us from all directions.



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Darius concludes his speech by drawing his sword and cutting them down with grace.

“The next move is yours.”


He is quite an excellent warrior. He only looked sloppy because his immediate opponents were ridiculously strong.

But unfortunately, this time it was the same. As his opponent was a necromancer who had lived for hundreds of years, he could not even swing his sword a few times and fell to one knee.

“Stay still.”

I stepped forward, squeezing his shoulder.

“Don’t leave a useless will. “Are you planning to close your eyes, satisfied that you have just escaped your father’s shadow?”

“… … .”

My magic assists Darius. When he had some time to spare, he glanced at me and jumped up with a big smile.

“Yeah, you’re too lanky for the Northern Wall!”

The sword held tightly again.

He asked, stepping in front of me once again.

“I will protect you at all costs. “Don’t think about anything else, just think about dealing with that blasphemous bastard!”


I took out the Lemegeton again.

No matter what you do, you can’t win with magic. In the first place, the body belonged to King Orpheus, so it could not be harmed carelessly.

So what I have to do now is.

Funnily enough, it awakened the spirits even more strongly.

Because the most important person was still asleep.

After King Orpheus, whom we saw in the game, finds out the truth, there are only two outcomes.

Either break it or overcome it.

But now I knew.

The thing that won was not King Orpheus.

‘It’s just that a demon has taken over my body.’

So I guess it was just that simple.

On the contrary, it’s broken.

Orpheus’s beliefs were so rigid and upright that they broke.

There will be no such ending this time.

I will make it like that.

With the Lemegeton emitting even more light, I opened my mouth.

“Your Majesty, can you hear me?”

* * *

I felt like I was in the mud. It feels like a bunch of germs and bugs are crawling all over my body.

It was uncomfortable and disgusting, but I couldn’t run away.

I can’t open my eyes, smell, or open my mouth.

I heard that after death, one takes a rest similar to sleep.

Can this be called rest?

In an act that bordered on semi-torture.

King Orpheus feels a faint voice tickling his ears.

A firm voice that is calm yet confident in itself.

But even though those voices were heard, the thought could not reach them. It’s familiar, but I can’t remember who it is.

In a situation similar to just before falling asleep, Orpheus slowly tried to close his eyes.


He felt someone grabbing his shoulder.

It wasn’t one.

In an instant, the hands that were all over his body were urgently yet gently waking him up.


Slowly open your closed eyes.

Since he couldn’t move his body enough to look around, he didn’t know who was holding him, but the voice itself could be heard more clearly.

– Your Majesty, we are now there.

“De, Ius?”

It was clearly Deius Verdi’s voice. I don’t know where it’s coming from, but as I hear his voice, strength gradually comes into my body.

– Now, Your Majesty, you just need to make up your mind and get up. Then we can destroy this great evil that has been entangled in the Griffin dynasty.

“I… … ?”

Are you ready?

What resolution are you talking about?

– You have probably seen the numerous evil deeds committed by the Griffin Dynasty so far.

“ah… … .”


From the journal in the basement.

I have seen all the atrocities of the so vicious Griffin dynasty.

Even though it was something he did while his body was taken over by a demon, that demon was ultimately Griffin’s ancestor.

– You must have thought you were not qualified. He must have been distressed that he was not the one to sit on the throne.

“… … .”


I had no choice but to suppress my desire to throw away the crown and run away somewhere.

– But, Your Majesty, there is a difference between being unqualified and not being responsible.

“… … .”

– You have too much to shoulder to simply say that you are also a victim. A king is someone who leads and takes responsibility, not someone who makes excuses and runs away.


– That is indeed correct. The Griffin Dynasty has already lost its right to be the sun of this kingdom. Incompetence in the position of king is a sin.

Because I knew the meaning contained in those sharp words. Orpheus wondered if he was probably shedding tears.

– However, shouldn’t you take responsibility? Shouldn’t this kingdom, which has become a deformed structure, be restored to its original state?

“that… … they say.”

– I made a mistake, so I’m getting off my seat? Isn’t it just like enjoying what you enjoy and running away?

I thought maybe Deius would be smiling self-mockingly right now.

Because in the end, there was only one thing he wanted to say.

– So, take everything and sit back on the throne.

“… … .”

– It’s time to cough, Your Majesty.

I felt like the accident was happening. It feels like someone is pulling you out of the water.

As my back arches and I feel myself being pulled, I turn my head and look at the owners whose hands shook me awake.

There were faces I knew, and there were faces I didn’t know.

I felt like I knew who it was.

“Father, mother.”

The late King Opert Luden Griffin was eaten by an evil spirit a long time ago.

and her mother, Hiran Luden Griffin.

In addition, numerous owners of the Griffin Dynasty have been eaten by evil spirits and had their bodies taken away.

“Ah, is that why you told me to be foolish?”

Now, King Orpheus realizes the true meaning of his father’s will.

Just always be stupid.

“You didn’t want me to know the truth?”


Strength goes into the clenched fist. The desire that burns in your heart spreads throughout your body.

“Did you hope you didn’t know about Griffin’s ugly situation?”

Wrinkled palms felt on the back.

Orpheus realizes that it is his father’s and sheds hot tears.

“I thought you were really far away. “He was a very respectable father to me.”


“I can now see my father’s back, which was far away.”

I feel my back being gently pushed.


just now.

From the clutches of evil spirits that no one in the Griffin Dynasty could escape.

The oppression of the royal family, which had been trapped in a long chain of chains, is broken.

“Soja, I will surpass you.”

Soon after.

What I saw before my eyes was Deius Verdi, smiling with faith, with a half-destroyed throne room.

* * *

“Huh! “Huh!”

King Orpheus, breathing heavily and clutching his chest, comes down from his throne and kneels in pain.

I immediately took away the light of Remegeton, and the ghosts who seemed to be holding a crazy party forever began to gradually calm down.

“It’s done!”

Darius, who had barely survived the demon’s attack, was already covered in wounds, and blood pooled under the soles of his feet.

Treatment will be needed, but the battle is not over yet.


The demon that fell from King Orpheus began to struggle and scatter the remaining mana.

Now it is simply a demon struggling within its instincts.

Feeling as if a thorn was flying at me, I stretched out my hand.

The image of a soul surrounded by mana comes to mind.

A magic to absorb evil spirits that I also used at the family mansion.

This is a method used by necromancers to completely subjugate an evil spirit as their own, surrounding the magician’s soul with an evil spirit.

[You’re crazy!]

The demon, thinking that I was trying to subjugate him, lunges at me with its mouth wide open.

The black head swallowed me up, and soon the control of my body began to take over.


[In the end, you are just the same necromancer! How dare you make me yours? You’re crazy! Where are you doing so carelessly… … !]

Just like the original Deius possessed me.

The evil spirit also begins to take over my body. She stumbled and fell to one knee, but at the same time my eyes fell on the woman in the distance.

The quick-witted younger sister immediately opens the box on her back.


With Deia’s exclamation of nonsense, light begins to emanate from the entire dark throne room.

The mere presence causes evil spirits to flee, and ghosts close their eyes.

Lemegeton is a fraudulent item for necromancy.

However, the game does not unilaterally give one side a fraudulent weapon.

That is not simply a reward for the Lemegeton, but a gift from God that purifies all evil things.

The most perfect material on the continent.

A silver cup that holds everything in the world.

Deia was embarrassed as she took the Holy Grail out of the box, but I shouted, fighting for control over the demon.

“Now is the time.”

[You’re crazy!]

Now the situation is reversed.

I am the one holding on to the evil spirit that is trying to escape from my body.

I knew that the moment I saw the Holy Grail, I would run away, so I needed some kind of shackles to hold me securely, and I just gave it to myself.

Deia, holding the Holy Grail in one hand and the magic power gun in the other, aimed at me without hesitation.

In those eyes, there is no resentment towards me, my second brother.

Because there was trust.

The divine power from the Holy Grail mixes with Deia’s mana and flows through the hands and into the muzzle of the gun.

[Are you borrowing the power of God? Ah! Aren’t you embarrassed? Ah! Necromancer!]

I sneer and laugh at the absurd struggle.

“You and I, who have become demons and cannot receive God’s blessings, are different.”


The muzzle spewed fire, and a bullet full of divine power flew straight towards me.

“The dead had to stay dead.”


A bullet lodged precisely in the left shoulder. As divine power poured out throughout my body, I urgently dropped the Remegeton.


The demon touched by divine power lets out a scream and begins to burn under God’s judgment.

Even through the intense pain I feel in my shoulder, the smile on my face cannot be erased.

“It was a mistake to think I owned you.”

Even though I clearly told him, he was a student for whom teaching was not effective at all.

“I said the only thing I had in store was extinction.”

I look up at the sky, holding my throbbing shoulder with my hand.

Sunlight enters the throne room with many holes in it.

The late dawn is leaving.

As the sunlight gently falls.

Griffin’s ghost has completely disappeared.

fantasy, game, possession,

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