I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 – 48. Execution Ceremony

“… … .”

There is silence inside the prison for a moment.

Now that I have finished everything I have to say, I am just waiting for the king’s verdict, and the Archmage also swallows his saliva, showing his nervousness.

“… … I am.”

The eyes of King Orpheus, who lowered his head, were filled with power. By clenching his fists, he once again makes his authority known.

“I can’t trust you.”

“… … .”

“I will not deny that your words are persuasive, but I am the king of this country.”

The King Orpheus I saw in the game had been on the throne for a little over a year.

A vigorous king who sat on the throne at a young age.

A man who loves his people, is talented in martial arts, has deep knowledge, and has conviction.

Of course I didn’t think he would accept me.

“My decisions should not be personal. It must be fair and fair. “No matter how persuasive your words are, I cannot be swayed by one person.”

“That is indeed correct.”

I nod softly, respecting the king’s decision.

“I admit that unidentified incidents are occurring in various parts of the kingdom, and the frequency is increasing day by day. “In relation to this, even if we want to dispatch her saint, it is not difficult to call her.”

The saint is the only one who can respond to the phenomenon caused by evil spirits in the kingdom.

She may be wandering around in all directions, but there is no way the church would look favorably on a saint being referred to here and there like a royal servant.

Perhaps, every time she moves, the tiring war of nerves between the royal family and the church will continue to unfold.

“So I’m going to give you a chance.”


The king holds up three fingers.

“From now on, I will ask you three things. If you solve it all, I will trust you, my sinner. I also formally declare the royal trust in you.”

“your majesty!”

The Archmage Rockpelican shouts out in urgency from behind, but Orpheus gestures and replies that it is okay.

“Keep in mind that the trust is placed in you, not the warlock, and know that these things will not be easy.”

“I will accept it.”

This is why I believed in King Orpheus. He is wise and will know that there is no truth in what I say.

However, I lack the information and background about myself to believe in myself.

He was told to prove his qualifications to stand next to the king by solving a kind of homework assigned to him.

“The first of these is whether you can save yourself. “The kingdom does not need a foolish savior who cannot even properly protect his own body.”

King Orpheus clenches his fists and declares firmly.

“I will proceed with your execution ceremony. “The Sorcerous Judge Tyrn Ol Belokus will carry out your execution.”

“… … .”

“He is one of the five most powerful people in the kingdom. Will he survive?”

If I were to die here, it would be enough to simply kill a warlock.

If you survive, it was also an opportunity to prove your minimum ability.

The archmage shakes his head, saying that a duel with the Magic Judge is impossible.

Because the magic judges were especially strong against wizards.

In reality, with my current skills, I would be defeated in an instant without being able to penetrate the armor that distorts even space.


I answered with a smile that formed naturally without me even knowing.

“It’s simple.”

* * *

King Orpheus takes a step forward while being seen off by the Magic Judges.

It was a strange feeling.

It was refreshing, but it was also uncomfortable. I felt lucky, but I also felt like I got it wrong.

Deius Verdi was truly a strange man.

“What did you think of the Archmage?”

That’s why he asks for advice from Rockpelican, the great wizard who led him here.

Rockpelican remained silent for a moment and then answered seriously.

“He could be a rare genius or a fraud. But when I saw the self-willed magic he sent me. With high probability… … .”

“You mean genius?”

“Even that might not be enough. “I have dealt with several necromancers, but this is the first time I have dealt with spirits directly.”

It was the first time I had seen an archmage honestly praise and acknowledge another wizard, excluding his own student.


Of course, the reason for making this offer to him was for the sake of the kingdom.

To be honest, I couldn’t say it didn’t involve personal feelings.

“Is it because of your previous Majesty?”

When the archmage asks worriedly, Orpheus answers with a sigh.

His father, His Majesty, died suddenly. Orpheus had a question for his father, and he thought that if Deius Verdi was a truly capable necromancer, he might be able to give him the answer.

“I still have no idea what my father’s last will meant.”

“… … .”

“Father, why on earth?”

As I shove my hand into the pocket of my thick coat, I feel a strange texture inside.

It was a neatly folded notepad.

Just before he left, Deius Verdi asked him to give him a pen and paper.



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He simply wrote something down and handed the note to himself.

‘When your faith in me is shaken, look at this.’

I laughed and accepted those bold words.

“My faith is already shaking.”

When King Orpheus leaves the prison, he feels like he has been played by the warlock’s wicked tongue, so he smiles mischievously and opens the note.

The archmage also rolled his eyes and wanted to check the details.

“… … .”

After seeing the contents of the memo, King Orpheus froze in place and was unable to take a step forward.

The Archmage was confused and checked the note to see if it had magical properties, but it did not contain a single bit of mana.



King Orpheus came to his senses, crumpled the note and put it back in his pocket.

His face showed anger that was both shameful and absurd.

“what… … ?”

When the archmage asks carefully, Orpheus grits his teeth as if he is uncomfortable and answers.

“Just always be stupid.”

“… … !”

The archmage’s eyes widen. Those words were not simply an insult to the king.

Rather, it made me even more interested in the man named Deius Verdi.

“It seems like he can actually talk to the dead.”


“Seeing as you even know the will of your late father, His Majesty.”

* * *

My execution date did not take long.

My execution took place just one day after King Orpheus visited.

A huge execution site in the kingdom.

The place, which was modeled after the Colosseum in Rome, was one of the most popular places in the Griffin Kingdom.

Normally, the general public could view the execution ceremony for free, but this execution ceremony was held in secret, so there were no spectators inside.

Only the king and his entourage were looking down on this side.

“It’s a really cool place.”

I go up on stage, bound in chains. The Magic Judge dragged me to the center of the wide, horizontal execution hall.

When we arrived in front of the execution platform, Tyrn Ol Bellokus was standing there, wearing the Magic Judge’s unique armor, which was a combination of robe and armor.

The space around him was still shaking and twisting due to how entangled the magic was.

All the other judges have left the stage, and only me and Tyrun are looking at each other.

He spoke to me with an expressionless expression.

“Look at the floor, the ground is dark red.”

“… … .”

“Innumerable people shed blood on that spot. “Even big names you can’t even imagine.”

He was a serious man.

What he was holding in his hand was not a huge sword used for executions, but a spear-like staff that he always carried.

“I don’t understand why His Majesty wants to see you and me competing. “I just follow.”

“… … .”

“So, warlock. Do whatever you want. “Isn’t this the perfect stage for you?”

It was quite different from the emotional state of being in prison. I thought this was how he felt in public.

“Attract all the mana of this life and try to break through your limits. “If not.”

It was not for nothing that King Orpheus trusted him.

“You, too, will end up like the countless sinners who died here.”

“From now on! The younger brother of the Earl of Northwedon! The second son of the Verdi family! “The execution of warlock Deius Verdi is carried out!”

thud! thud! thud!

A drum sounds, announcing the execution ceremony. Not only King Orpheus and the Archmage Rockpelican, but also numerous close associates were looking down at us with their necks craned.


The chains that were binding me split in half.

My hands are finally free. As he turns his stiff wrist around, Tyrion glares at him mockingly.

“Yes, even though I used a chain that weakens mana, I was able to break it off on my own. “It’s not normal, but I heard it.”

Just because my mana is blocked, it doesn’t mean I can’t use the souls around me.

When I warped, I had replaced it with magic in advance so that the dark spirit that entered me could use its own mana.

“good night.”


The tip of the cane hits the floor violently and enters. Heavy dust spreads along with a vibration that feels like the earth is screaming.

“The Sorcerous Judge Tyrn Ol Belokus will carry out your execution.”

As intense mana spurts out, numerous evil spirits at the execution site begin to run away.

The sense of intimidation he exuded was not ordinary.

‘I’m not in charge of one of the kingdom’s best forces for nothing.’

I had no choice but to admit that the current Aria was not skilled enough to be sure of victory even if she fought.

Originally, it was a fight that could not be won.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the decision was made in a split second.

[I’m really going in!]


A dark spirit comes possessing me. However, I had no intention of losing control of my body and mind.

Tyrun’s eyes tremble slightly as if he sees her new form appearing above me.

I open my mouth as if to criticize him.

“Judge, look at the blood on your own hands.”

Before I knew it, the Lemegeton that the dark spirit had been entrusting to me was in my hands. It begins to emit black light, forcing countless souls sleeping at the execution site to wake up.

“Look at your red hands, moist and stained, and now even skin color has no meaning.”

It is the Remegeton that forcibly awakened the vengeful spirits of Setima who did not want to wake up and gave them strength.

Moreover, the vengeful spirits at the execution site were asleep while being forced to die, and they must also clearly remember the object of their grievances.

“This is not an execution ground or anything like that. “It is the largest cemetery located in Gray Pond.”

A place where many great people died.

All I could do was reach out to the huge mana they were holding when they woke up.

“Are you ready to drown in your own blood, Tyrn ol’ Belochus?”

[My ancestors have called me to fight the final battle!]

[Originally, you have to pay money to move! I have some personal feelings for that guy.]

[Okay, is this an opportunity?]

Unlike ordinary demons, they transformed into new magic on their own even though I only replaced mana with magic.

“Warchief Katholler, Pirate King Oulman, and Prophet Benton. “They are all the people I killed.”

Tyrun, seeing the scene, shakes his head in bewilderment.

“Okay, I salute you. “You are different from the warlocks I have dealt with so far.”

The evil spirits at the execution site continue to rise up from the ground.

As the dark spirit and I were replacing their mana with magic, the numbers continued to increase.

Tyrun is bold, so he holds up his staff and spews out mana roughly.

The mana pouring out around him embroiders the sky.

The referee’s mana spreading out with a crackling sound was reminiscent of a huge tree.

Or, it looked like a crack in the sky breaking apart.

“Even so! They are all dead! should! “I, the Sorcerer Judge, have already died once by the hand of Tyrn Ol Belokus!”

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Even though the evil spirits’ attack has already begun, no one can pierce Tyrun’s armor.

It had enough defense power that even the dark spirit could say that he would have to shoot a ballista to pierce it.

“Sinners! Rise again and again! “I will execute you a hundred times!”

A staff resembling Tyrun’s spear is swung violently. His spirit was clearly outstanding.

“Let’s give it a try.”

I answered calmly, adjusting my clothes.

The light of the Lemegeton I was holding in my hand was growing stronger, and the dark spirit’s necromancy was quickly being absorbed within me.

Tyrone probably knows that this is a race against time.

After all, he can’t hit the soul directly.

If he reaches me through countless souls, my defeat.

If not, my victory.

This was that kind of battle.

fantasy, game, possession,

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