I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 218

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Chapter 218 – 218. Wake up, come

[We don’t need a god like that.]

Stella’s resolute declaration rings out.

Anyone can say something that denies God. When life goes in an unexpected direction, everyone is quick to look for God and blame Him.

But the saint’s words had a special weight.

Was that the same for Mule?

“Four years… … .”

Stella’s declaration seemed to have been quite provocative.

Mule’s pretty face was distorted with anger and she glared at Stella as if she were going to destroy her at any moment.

When I stretch out my hand full of emotion, tentacles rise up and break the floor.

The number is such that one wonders just how many tentacles are lying underground.

But Stella was not the only one here.


Rough pressure comes from the sky, crushing the tentacles. Tentacles hanging down on the floor, spewing green blood here and there.

The person standing on it is definitely the executioner at the execution site.

“As expected, this place is more suited to an execution site than a debate hall.”

A golden robe similar to armor, and a spear-shaped staff worn on the shoulder.

The Sorcerous Judge Tyrn Ol Bellokus suddenly jumped down from the VIP table and joined us here.


“It’s been a long time, Saint Stella. “I didn’t know you were with Deius.”

Since Tyrn is also acquainted with Stella, he bows his head and holds his cane with both hands.

“I only know magic, but what that guy is dealing with right now… … “Is this true divine power?”

[you’re right.]


Tyrun tilts his head and asks again.

“Deius wielded divine power with the Holy Grail, and the saint was chosen by God. “That guy refers to himself as God.”

Stella, who realized what question Tyrn was going to ask, smiled and waited for him to speak.

“Is that guy really God?”

[you’re right.]

“… … .”

[But please keep this in mind.]


[We are humans.]

Stella’s resolute declaration.

It contained the same tenacity as my belief that the boundary between life and death must be maintained.

[I have served God for humanity and for you.]

After hearing those words, Tyrn looks at Stella as if he realized something.

“… … Ha, how can he teach us even after death?”

Let the light from the staff banish the shadows on Tyrn’s face.

With a cheerful laugh, Tyrn hits the floor with the tip of his cane.


“You are indeed right! “I have longed for your good deeds, not for the glory of God.”

When he, the sorcerer judge, stands here, of course the sorcerer judges who follow him flock and surround Mule.

Although they cannot even reach the tentacles with ordinary weapons, they are all the kingdom’s strongest force.

The golden robe he was wearing had a protective magic so complex that it created a haze around him, and the staff was also a weapon that could handle both close and long range attacks.

The equipment they wear alone is worth an outrageous amount of money.

Naturally, Mule’s tentacles were exploding helplessly in front of the Magic Judges.

At first glance, you might think that the appearance of the Magic Judges would quickly turn out to be favorable.

I clicked my tongue as I looked at the tentacles that continued to pour out.

“It’s dangerous.”

Even as the judges gradually surround Mule and organize the tentacles, tentacles continue to erupt from the floor.

Situations where things pop out not just in the debate hall but also in the audience, or in situations where Mul’s followers turn into tentacles.

If it was coming out of Mule’s body, it wouldn’t have mattered just to ignore it. However, I have already seen something similar to this scene rising through the ground from underground.

“It’s the same atmosphere as the 4th floor of Dream Demon.”

A foul odor flows in through the hole in the floor caused by the tentacles. The stuffy air and bad smell made it difficult to breathe.


Right below.

The body of Romuleus, who had swallowed up the entire demon battle, was buried underneath.

Considering its size, it would be able to swallow at least half of the debate hall in one bite.

“We need to get out of here.”

Lucia was working with Stella to suppress Mule’s divine power, while Rockpelican was working magic for the people in the audience.

I headed to Rock Pelican.

“Grand Wizard.”

“Deius! Congratulations on winning the debate!”

A joke that tries to brighten the mood even though you know it’s not the situation.

I continued with a bitter smile.

“Is there a way to move all the people in the debate hall outside?”

I asked just in case, but Rock Pelican’s forehead wrinkled as soon as he heard it.



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“entire? Including the audience?”

“Yes, everything.”

“… … If you use wind magic, it might be possible. But there will be many injured and dead. “We need a lot of mana, so our disciples will have to help.”


“Besides, there might be someone left out. No, but why? “Everyone is already evacuating.”

I shook my head when Mule told me not to worry because they would stop him.

“It’s late. “If we continue like this, we will all die.”

“… … What?!”

Although it may be confusing right now, it looks like this side will solidify its victory as time goes by.

Actually, that is not the case.

The fact that Mul, who had a strong sense of pride, did not strongly resist the saints and magic judges meant that he already had dark intentions.

I was the only one who experienced and noticed it.

“I don’t have time to explain. “If Rockpelican can’t do it, I will do it.”

“… … “Are you saying you can take everyone inside here outside?”

“I don’t do anything.”


“I just want help.”

There were people willing to lend a hand to resolve this situation. It consumes quite a lot of mana, and that is entirely due to my skills.

I was confident.


Because I am the envoy of the Griffin Kingdom.

* * *


Deia’s shotgun emits a harsh firing sound. Fortunately, we were able to attack the tentacles with a valuable item airlifted from the Clark Republic.



“hurry! “Run this way!”

Standing next to the exit of the second floor audience area, she was shooting tentacles that were attacking people.

Although it is difficult to aim precisely, since there are so many tentacles, it is an effective weapon if fired at a concentrated area.

One flaw is that the bullets are fired through Deia’s mana.

Thanks to this, Deia’s mana was slowly reaching the bottom.

‘Damn, how much does it stick out?’

I think I dropped about fifty of them, but these tentacles keep sticking out without stopping.

Moreover, when a tentacle wraps around a person, that person also becomes a tentacle and attacks the people around them, so escape was inevitably delayed.

“Deia! “Don’t you smell something strange!?”

If Deia is firing a shotgun at the entrance for cover and protection.

On the contrary, Darius drew his sword and was cutting down the tentacles.

As the eldest son of the Verdi family, the family treasured sword he wore was playing a significant role.


Frowning, Deia sniffed and noticed that a really bad smell was creeping up from the floor.

“What on earth is going on?”

I understand that the guy named Mule is the problem. He shows a strange sense of leisure as he stands alone against the magic judges.

Deia was anxious about that.

“What is he doing? He’s not running away.”

Even though you are a necromancer, why are you included in a topic that does not specifically address the soul?

Even though I was dissatisfied with Deius, I saw the archmage and his disciples gathered behind him.

I was also excited to see what else I would do.

As if the preparations were complete, Deius slowly took it in his hand.


Deius calmly opens his mouth in front of the microphone used during the discussion.

-A great people who live on the back of a divine beast called Griffin.


A truly massive volume that pierces your ears. A call that wakes up the confused Graypond.

The voice was so loud that even the birds were startled and flew away, and the people evacuating also frowned and covered their ears with both hands.

But Deius did not stop talking.

– Those who still have lingering love for this land.

A voice spreading widely into the sky.

“no way?”

But the moment Deia heard his words, she knew what he meant.

The voice spreads across Graypond through the sky.

He was talking to the ground, not the sky.

* * *

-Now Gray Pond is facing an unprecedented crisis.

The voice that rang out from the discussion hall reached Erica Bright, who was guarding the castle walls.

Every time I said a word, I felt like my body was shaking because of the volume.

There was a small smile on her lips.

“W-what is the situation?”

“Isn’t it the voice of the Commander-in-Chief?”

“W-are you trying to use some kind of magic?”

The soldiers on the wall helping Erica are filled with anticipation.

It was funny to expect magic from a warlock, but the situation was that desperate.

Outside the golden curtain surrounding the castle wall, thousands of tentacles were waiting to see when the magic would disappear.

Even though I thought it was terrible what would have happened if Erica hadn’t used the Spirit King’s magic right now.

And as time passes and the magic disappears, they will begin their invasion again.

In this situation, the voice of the mourner suddenly came to them like a gentle rain.


Erica crosses her arms and thinks of Deius while maintaining her magic.

-A fallen god is invading this land.

His magic is necromancy.

But he does not treat the soul lightly.

– You were born, you lived energetically… … .

It was Erica who began to anticipate what he would do.

To be precise, I felt like I knew who Deius was calling right now.

– This land is finally dead. need your help

* * *

“It’s calling the dead.”

Luanes, who was heading outside with Aria, Findenai, and Owen, explained calmly.

What Deius was calling for now were the dead who had died on this land.

-Who is the owner of this land?

“Since you lost the Lemegeton, you probably can’t wake it up like you used to.”

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s there or not.”

Findeneye, who did not like the sight of Luanes coolly analyzing Deius’s actions, scolded him.

Even in the fight between the two, Deius’ voice still rings without wavering.

– Are you really planning to give up your hometown to a god from whom you don’t know where it came from?

His voice, which awakens and stimulates the soul, gave the listener a strange sense of uplift.

– How long are you going to sleep?

“Is this Deius Verdi’s necromancy?”

“Ha, the sky… … .”

– For the person who left flowers at your grave.

Luanes, a fellow necromancer, and Owen, who has a better spiritual sense than the others, react first.

-For those who wet the tombstone with tears.

Findeneye and Aria couldn’t see anything.

Luanes and Owen were watching the feast of souls covering the sky.

There were so many dead.

In a landscape where such sentiments cannot help but arise.

-For those who walked forward without forgetting their sadness even in their busy daily life.

Deius Verdi’s voice continued to call them.

– Wake up and come to me.

To give them a chance.

– Let’s protect it together.

fantasy, game, possession,

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