I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 216

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Chapter 216 – 216. Living Witness

“I have come to bring the savior of this land.”

Hearing the woman’s words, Findenai immediately brought the ax forward and aimed it at her neck.

There was not the slightest hesitation, and if the woman had stepped forward even a little, a deep scar would have been left on her neck.

However, even though the cool ax blade was held out right in front of her, the woman did not back down in the slightest.

“The Savior must go. Are you really planning to just sit here and watch? “A lot has already changed.”

“Shut up?”

Even though Findenai warned her that she would not tolerate it any longer, the woman continued talking.

“The destruction of the continent is getting closer. Savior, will you fail again?”

“… … !”


That one word makes Aria’s heart flutter.


If you fail in this round.

Will I ever experience that again?

Even though everyone has forgotten about him, will he have to bury them in his heart and save the continent from suffering again?

Will I lose my current professor?

The moment you think like that.


Findenai’s fist hit the woman’s face.

The woman who fell backwards was left lying on the floor.

“I warned you.”

The fact that he swung his fist rather than chopping it with an ax was proof that Findeneye showed great patience.


The feeling of being struck heavily remained in the fist, but Findeneye slowly took a stance due to the strange discomfort.

Other believers continued to press on Aria, ignoring their comrade who had fallen on the floor.

“Are you going to end it like this?”

“The continent will eventually be destroyed.”

“Nothing will be solved if you stay still.”

“Do you want to see the end of the continent again?”

“Get back out!”

Findeneye gestures and pulls Aria and Owen back at a distance. An atmosphere that can only be described as a religious fanatic.

Findeneye swung the ax as if cutting off the blind faith that struck its entire body with its mere presence.


The ax only grazed through the air and did not cause any damage to them.

“… … !”

At that moment, Findeneye remembered the conversation between the saint and Deius in the waiting room just now.

You can’t even hurt a Mule with an ordinary weapon.

An arrogance that seems to require that even a fallen god must have the appropriate dignity to touch him.

“It’s not just a trick… … Are you a part of it too?”

The moment FindenEye reached the correct answer.


The bodies of the visiting women swell as if exploding, and their clothes are torn in all directions.

What exists there are the remnants of a broken god.

A tentacle with an appearance even more disgusting than that of a demonic beast.

The tentacles were studded with eyes and teeth, and even though they looked like that, they seemed to have a will, so they recognized Findeneye and rushed at them straight away.


Smoke billowed out from the war shoes he was wearing, and Finden Eye instantly appeared. She swung her ax again at the oncoming tentacles, but it only missed her through the air.

“Oh, it’s so useless!”

In the end, Findeneye throws away the ax and lands on the floor again, clenching his fists.

“It means that when I just punched, it worked.”

The reason was because of the red gloves called Blood Ancestor Hands that Findeneye was wearing.

This was a gift from Deius, and it was also a high-grade item in the game.


In fact, Findenai’s judgment was accurate. The fist he swung heavily while twisting his waist was eaten by the tentacles.

Although he unintentionally ended up fighting with his bare fists, Findenai, who was from the revolutionary army, was also used to fighting without weapons.

The way he struck down the incoming tentacles with his fluid movements was similar to that of a boxer.

Even though there were a lot of numbers, there were too many.

The tentacles were expanding as if they were bulging, and Findeneye’s fist lacked any decisive destructive power.

“I think we should push ahead and run away.”

“Uh, shouldn’t we call the memorial service?!”

Owen, who was holding Aria’s hand tightly out of fear, shouted, and Findeneye responded by clenching her teeth.

“There’s a silence spell on the stands! “You have to go all the way to the venue to call!”

“I will help.”

In the end, the moment when Aria, who had tried not to participate in the battle as much as possible, took out her great sword, Duatein.


The blue flame burning from the tip of the tentacle outside the door completely burns the tentacle.

It didn’t take long before the flames spreading along the path reduced the tentacles to ash.



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At first I thought Deius Verdi was back.

Because the blue flame was very similar to the one he used.

However, Deius was still visible on the screen in the waiting room.

The being that appeared outside the door had gray hair that had lost all color.

“Who are you?”

Finden Eye was still tense at the appearance of a man she had never seen before.

“you are… … !”

Arya knew him.

Because in the first round, destruction was confirmed when the man’s head was cut off.

A face you can never forget.

Dante’s leader.

“I came to repay my debt to Deius. So follow me. “At least for today.”


When he clenched his fist, soft white smoke billowed all over his body. It was a necromancer’s magic, but the soul was not visible.

Luanes declared, showing off such unique power.

“You won’t die.”

* * *


The debate is in full swing.

Deia, sitting in the stands, sniffled sensitively.

I felt like I could smell the faint smell of grilled squid, but I thought it was no big deal and turned my attention back to the stage.

“I never imagined that so many people would come to help Deius.”

“Stop dragging your feet.”

Seeing Darius with tears streaming down his face, Deia says he is pathetic.

In fact, she was also grateful to the people who came to this stage to represent Deius.

I was also proud of Deius, who worked hard for people even though he was a warlock, a position that made people feel unreasonably uncomfortable.

‘Did you say you would be a proud older brother?’

Clearly, he was becoming Verdi’s pride.

“Cluck, cluck, cluck!”

“What, what’s wrong?”

At that time, a coughing sound was heard next to me.

It was a dull sound, but it momentarily sounded more like a demonic beast’s cry than a human one.

“Cough! “Why is my neck like this?”

The number of people coughing sporadically began to increase little by little, and Deia quickly found one thing in common.

“Are you Mul believers?”

The rosary handed to me by Mul, who is hanging around my neck. These were people wearing eye-shaped rosaries.

Because of the silence magic, there didn’t seem to be any abnormalities in the discussion hall yet.

“Deia, something is strange.”

Darius placed his hand on the sword strapped to his waist and embraced his sister with his hand.

* * *

The discussion continued.

But the flow was eventually coming to us.

Many people that even I didn’t expect came to represent me.

Starting with Saint Lucia, the bishops who followed her, and even King Orpheus.

While I was coming to Gray Pond for today’s debate, they had been preparing a lot for this time.

[But it was possible because you worked hard, not anyone else.]

Stella seemed to have read my thoughts and naturally approached me with a smile.

I nod my head at her words and look at Mule.

There was no change in expression.

He was still looking this way with a good-natured smile on his face.

In fact, the mood of the other bishops behind him indicated that the flow of discussion had already passed.

“Deceiving citizens with divine power can definitely be considered a serious crime. Deius Verdi must take responsibility for that.”

Lucia goes through each detail one by one.

“But it is true that the Holy Grail was returned, that he comforted so many dead people, and that he helped many people.”

I don’t know if I was some kind of saint, like an ordinary believer or a saint.

“Another important thing is that the name of Memorial Master is not a position obtained through divine power chosen by God, but a name given directly by His Majesty the King.”

“… … .”

“This is not a place to judge his divine power, but a place to judge his qualifications as a memorial envoy.”

The bishops standing behind Mule let out a groan. In the end, I learned how victory and defeat were decided.

It is true that a man named Mul was performing miracles, but the position of memorial priest was ultimately bestowed by the king, not by God.

“I think you were a little mistaken about the name he carried.”

As Lucia glared at Mule and stabbed her nakedly, Mule had no choice but to slowly lower the smile on her lips.


In the end, host Rock Pelican, who recognized that the winner was decided, tried to organize the opinions by gathering them into one.

“It’s not over yet.”

I’m sorry, but now is your time.

I was grateful that others gathered people together to protect me and asked me to testify.

But I do the opposite.

Rather than protecting myself, I invested time in biting Mule’s neck, and more specifically, in uncovering the fraud he was carrying out.

“Bring me the woman named Charles whom you saved.”

Mule’s brow furrows even more at my words. It was an unwanted expression, but at Rockpelican’s request, Charles, who had been waiting in the back as a living witness to a miracle, stood on top of the chairman.


At the same time, the soul of the woman hidden within me comes to mind. Just as she had previously shown her appearance to students with the correct answer to the Dark Spirit Temple’s appearance guesswork.

This time, it adds color to the soul. Her translucent appearance gradually begins to stand out and soon becomes visible to people.


When I did it to the dark spirit, I had to touch it with my hand and couldn’t even make a voice.

I, too, am a woman who is more elaborate than before because I have not been playing around for a while.

[Am I really awake?]

Charles’ voice rang through my mana like an electric sound, and at the same time spread through the microphone and throughout the venue.

When I asked Findenai and Deia to explain the scene where Mule saved someone’s life.

I heard that the two men’s souls emerged and were immediately absorbed by their god.

However, this woman named Charles was different.

It was said that his soul was nowhere to be seen, and that he was revived because of his outstanding faith.

Because people cannot come back to life.

Romuleus decided that he would only take Charles’ body and throw away his soul.

I was able to go there myself and bring back Charles’ soul.


Charles, who was looking around with tears in his eyes, fixed his eyes on Mule and screamed.

[How can that be? Ah! I came to you to receive your blessing! I went there because I heard he would pray for me!]

That is the truth hidden in a veil.

The secrets of the fallen god that only the dead could know.

[That man killed me! I put something else into my body!]

Not only the bishops who served Mule, but also the audience are once again shocked.

The bishops, who already sensed defeat in the debate, began to slowly move away from Mule.

“Well, then who is this woman in front of us now?”

One of the bishops who finally came to his senses pointed to Charles, who was standing tall in the center of the venue, and asked.

One was Charles, who had a real body.

Another one is Charles of the Soul.

In the end, it was clear that one of the two was lying.


The moment my mana was replaced by magic and touched her body to reveal the truth.


The woman who was Charles turned into a huge tentacle and soared high into the sky.

fantasy, game, possession,

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