I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 200

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Chapter 200 – 200. Necromancer

Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of Deius’s footsteps, which was talking to Mule, grew further and further away, and soon the sound of the restaurant door closing was heard.


At the same time, a woman opens the door and comes out of the guest room. There are long traces of stitched thread all over her body, and her wide-eyed gaze looks around her.

She was beaten up by Jortu. Even if her entire body had been fractured, she would not have been surprised, but her upper body had already returned to its original state.

However, perhaps because there was not enough time, the lower body still looked strangely distorted.

Because of that, the woman quickly crawled across the floor and headed towards the first floor entrance.

Blood coagulated on the floor.

The white robe he was wearing was already stained crimson red, and Mihyeong’s face was soaked in blood.


Looking at the corpse, the necromancer woman couldn’t help but grin.

A corpse, clean except for the stake lodged in its neck. My body is a little thin, but it doesn’t matter because I’m tall.


The woman grabbed his collar with her teeth and started crawling back to her room, room 108.


The sound of laughter flowing out was truly bizarre.

* * *

When they arrived at the restaurant, the three stopped talking. It seems that the dark spirit and Hanso were asking something, centering around Ruanes, but it seems to have been a trivial matter.

“What about him?”

I did not bother to hide my answer to the dark spirit who asked in annoyance.


“Did you kill him?”

Han Xiao asked with a quite complicated expression, but of course he shook his head and denied it.

“He committed suicide. “He said he would meet me outside.”

With that said, I explained the new rules I had seen through Mule’s death.

-11. The higher the room number, the more likely guests are to come from a later time slot.

-15. There is no day in Mongmajeon.

“Hmm, I knew it wasn’t an ordinary place, but it was a strange place.”

“I’m number 101, so it comes from the past.”

“There is no day?”

Hanso, Ruaneth, and the Dark Spirit show different reactions. I watched Luanes especially closely, and he was quite cautious and calm for his age.

“Hmm, it seems like there are some strange people among the guests who came with us. What is it like? What about escaping by working together?”

When Hanso suggested while stroking his chin, the first to respond was Ruanes.

“Can I join in too?”

In response to the good boy’s concern that he might be in the way, Hanso responded by stroking his head.

“of course. “Didn’t we already survive once thanks to you?”

He sneaks out and looks at the dark spirit and wonders if he will be okay.

In the first place, the dark spirit accepted because he was interested in Ruaneth’s black magic, and as someone who knew the boy’s future, I also had no intention of leaving him alone.

That’s how rule sharing started.

The rules we learned are listed as follows.

– Haunted Demon Battle Rules –

-One. Private rooms are provided. Your room is room 110.

-2. Avoid going out at night. If you happen to go out, you are responsible.

-3. The owner of this mansion is the great evil Learic. Please always remember that.

-4. The number of floors permitted to guests is up to the 3rd floor.

-5. You can stay at Mongmajeon for a total of five days, and if it goes longer than that, you will be forced to leave.

-6. Fighting inside the Mongmajeon is not recommended.

-7. The clock is located in the center of the first floor. Don’t waste time by asking other guests for their time.

-8. If you are kicked out of the Demon Demon Battle after five days, you will lose all memories of what happened here.

-9. There are rules for the nightmare battle written all over the mansion. If you find it, there is a prize.

-10. Among the guests-

-11. The higher the room number, the more likely guests are to come from a later time slot.

-13. You must not explain to other guests how you came to Mongmajeon.

-14. You can only possess a total of 2 items obtained as a reward (provided by Hanso).

-15. There is no day in Mongmajeon.

-17. Cleaning is done daily. (Provided by Ruanes)

-20. Even if you don’t know the rules of Dream Demon Battle, the rules apply.

-21. Meals are replenished daily. Please feel free to eat as much as you want.

-22. A deceased guest leaves behind the rules he knew.

-23. The deceased guest’s belongings remain unclaimed in the mansion.

-24. When a guest dies, the room they are staying in opens. Until then, entry is prohibited even if the room owner allows it.

-27. There are up to 110 guest rooms. There is no room 111. If you find Room 111 and there is anyone staying there, kill them immediately. This is an uninvited guest who was never invited.

-28. There are no users in Mongmajeon.

-29. There is no 4th floor in Mongmajeon.

Adding the rules that Hanso and Ruaneth knew, I thought I had already found quite a few rules.

“Rule number 10 was cut off from the beginning, right?”

“that’s right.”



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It wasn’t there since I first came.

Hanso agrees with the answer of Ruanes, who came first to room 101, saying that it feels uncomfortable.

The part where rule number 10 was cut off bothered me from the beginning.

It means that there is a reason why it was cut like that.

“I’m a little scared of rule number 27.”

“Hmm, I checked all the room numbers. There was no room 111.”

As I was silently looking at the rules, listening to the conversation between Ruanes and Hanso about the rules in one ear and letting them out in the other, the dark spirit next to me asked a question.

“how is it?”

There was a strange sense of anticipation in her gaze as she brushed away her flowing hair.

“If you look at it, there are conflicting rules.”

After listing the rules of the Nightmare Battle, it seemed clear that the archdemon named Learic had quite bad tastes.

“For example, number 2. “I told you not to go out at night.”

My finger slides over the numbers on the rule and points to number 15.

“If you look at number 15, it says that there is no day in the night before.”

In short, it meant not to go outside the Mongmajeon.

“Also, if you look at number 4, the number of floors allowed for guests is up to the 3rd floor.”

Slowly remove your hand and turn your attention to the rule at the far end.

“If you look at number 29, it says there is no 4th floor in Mongmajeon.”

The two characteristics were that they decorated something that did not exist as if it existed.

There is no day, and there is no fourth floor.

When he only knew one rule, he cleverly mentioned it as if it was obvious.

“He is the great devil of deception.”

The dark spirit sighs for no reason at my words and flops down on a chair in the dining room.

So, along with the discussion about the Nightmare Battle, we went to Room 109, which Mul was assigned to, and Room 107 of Zortu, where they found the rules and brought back the rewards they received.

The rewards that Jortu, who knew all three rules, had were a ring, a necklace, and a bracelet.

I wondered if there was a separate magic attached to the accessories, but that wasn’t the case. These were not items of value beyond monetary value.

On the contrary, the items that Mule, who knew the four rules, obtained were all dazzling treasures.

A cane made of black lantern wood that makes you think it was prepared just for you.

The robe, which has a red magic circle on a black background, has a time limit of 10 minutes, but uses absolute defensive magic.

In addition, treasures such as a white dagger containing various magics and a thick round shield with a golden lion on it were poured out.

The dagger was for Ruaneth’s self-defense, and the shield was given to Hanso since he was the only one who could handle it anyway.

I took the rest of the staff and robe.

Although the dark spirit was jealous, it seemed like I was the one who caused Mule’s death, so I also had ownership.

So time passed.


The youngest, Ruanes, yawned from fatigue, so he and Hanso went back to the room first.

I also slowly got up to go back to the room, but my eyes caught the dark spirit sipping coffee.

She just blankly stares at the rules we wrote down, without any intention of getting up.

She looked like she wanted to be alone, so she was about to leave the restaurant without talking to her.

“excuse me.”

The trembling voice of the dark spirit captures me.

As he slowly closed the restaurant door and looked at her, the dark spirit made a complicated expression and shook his head.

“No, nothing.”

A word that leaves a lasting impression.

If it had been anyone else, he wouldn’t have paid much attention and just walked out, but since he was a dark spirit, he didn’t take any steps.

“You seem to be worried about something.”


Seeing the dark spirit’s confused reaction, as if he didn’t expect me to continue the conversation, I slowly returned to the restaurant.

Sit in a seat not far from her. She thought about having some coffee, but instead she just put her hands on the table and clasped them.

“Are you affectionate with your colleagues?”

“I? To you?”

The dark spirit shrugged his shoulders at my question, saying it was absurd.

“I know you, a woman with a lot of affection.”

As soon as I uttered one word, the dark spirit’s body stiffened and his eyes focused entirely on me.

“… … “You don’t know me very well.”

At our first meeting, she was a dark spirit who pointed out that I didn’t know much about her, but I didn’t bother to answer.

Even if you don’t have to explain the fact that it was intentionally hidden, a dark spirit would know.

“What was the relationship?”

I answered the dark spirit’s question without much hesitation.

“He was my teacher.”

“… … uh?”

A completely unexpected answer.

The dark spirit was looking at me with his mouth open and his eyes wide, and he approached me, dragging a chair as if he wanted further explanation.

I continued to ask questions rather than explain.

“So, I have one question.”

If I had the chance, there was a question I wanted to ask the dark spirit.

A question I tried to ask several times, but ultimately couldn’t.

I spit out, a little viciously, my past to her.

“Why do you want to see the end of necromancy?”

“… … .”

I’ve been curious about this for a long time.

In the end, the reason the dark spirit accompanied me was to master everything about necromancy.

At the same time, when I was fighting Magan, I left a meaningful comment saying that I hoped I wouldn’t end up like him.

If a dark spirit in my time zone found out about this, he would say it was shameful.

Still, I needed to know.

As a person accompanying her.

The dark spirit slowly closed his mouth in response to my question. However, it wasn’t that he was having trouble answering, it just seemed like he was organizing his words.

Wait a moment.

The dark spirit gave me an honest answer as I waited and looked around the restaurant for a while, without being overly nervous.

“… … “What was it?”

* * *

It rattled.

Luanes, who entered room 101, feels that, in a rare occurrence, her expression is relaxed and she is filled with a sense of elation.


Starting with Han So, the Dark Spirit and Deius Verdi. It was quite a fantastic thing for him as a young man to become colleagues of three wonderful people.

Born as the king’s half-son, he was treated akin to exile and was driven out of the capital, Greypond.

His father’s letters, which came to him often, were his only rest and contact with others.

As they took responsibility for each other’s lives and developed an equal relationship as colleagues, Luanes felt as if she could fly.

“You shouldn’t be a burden.”

Although I was tired, I didn’t lie down in bed right away, but instead swung the white dagger I received as a gift in the air.

Since the magic contained within cannot be used in the room, I planned to practice at least some self-defense techniques.

As it happened, he was a prince whose existence was not permitted.

The scope of learning is wide, and the self-defense techniques using daggers that were learned in the past are brought out from memory.

Thump thump!

At that time, Ruanes was startled by the sound of a rough knock on the door and asked.

“who are you?”

Thump thump!

I thought I was hiding my trembling voice well, but the person outside the door didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping knocking.

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Rather than knocking with your hand, it feels like hitting with something heavy.

The clever Ruanes easily realizes that the opponent is headbutting the door.

First of all, they are not colleagues.

In that case, there was no reason to open the door.

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Thump thump!

Constant noise.

At this point, I wonder if people around me will notice.

Would you rather go out and fight?

I thought about that, but Luanes immediately shook her head.

I knew how to use black magic, but I wasn’t skilled enough to use it for combat.

The moment when I just covered myself with a blanket and pretended not to notice and tried to sleep.

The noise stops.

Thinking it was over, I lifted the blanket, stuck my head out, and checked the door.

However, a small thread came through the cracks as if mocking the boy’s expectations. The strands begin to stretch exponentially and soon take on the shape of a human hand.


Luanes, who had already laid down on the bed trying to ignore it, could not react.


The hand made of thread unlocked the lock and turned the doorknob.

The boy’s room opened so softly to welcome the uninvited guest.

Luanes stood up immediately, holding a dagger.

The boy’s mind was so clever that it could not be said that he was young.

‘If the other person is a guest like me, they cannot enter this room.’

-24. When a guest dies, the room they are staying in opens. Until then, entry is prohibited even if the room owner allows it.

Even if Ruanes allows it, you cannot come in without permission.



Standing in front of the boy’s door is Mule, wearing an iron mask and blood-stained robes.

So, it was a man who had just committed suicide. Since his body was missing, I thought it was cleaned up separately in the Mongmajeon.


The creepy laughter of a necromancer woman heard from behind Mule’s corpse.

“You grew up precious, right? “It’s obvious.”

“… … .”

Outside the threshold, the woman continues talking about what is so exciting.

“A corpse of a child that can be seen by at least a high-ranking noble or even the royal family… … Touch it for the first time!”

“You’ll regret it if you come into my room!”

It was a warning in its own way and the only resistance Ruanes could offer.

“Because I’m not going in.”

The woman’s statement suggests that she already knows rule number 24.

At the same time, Mul, the corpse, begins to step towards Ruanes.

After a while, the necromancer woman crossed the threshold and entered the room.

The door to room 101 was closed.

-24. When a guest dies, the room they are staying in opens. Until then, entry is prohibited even if the room owner allows it.

fantasy, game, possession,

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