I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 – 118. Finden Eye



The blood that is spit out is so sticky.

Lexi, who seemed to have put on some makeup, was covered in blood around her mouth, and her skin was turning pale and gradually dying.

“Wow, water bitch… … .”

With those words, traitor Lexi closed her eyes. Even though he was wearing the rescuers’ deceptive protective gear, he was not able to inflict even the slightest scratch on Finden Eye.

“Ha, you’re as hard as a dog.”

But it was the same for Finden Eye. Even though he struck several times with the axe, he was unable to pierce the rescuers’ protective gear.

In the end, there was no choice but to kill it by carrying mana and inflicting internal injuries from the impact of the axe.

It was a fight that felt like hitting rather than swinging an ax.

A protective gear that automatically releases when the wearer dies.

The protective gear called ‘Bangho’ used by rescue team members was like cursed armor even among the Resistance, and it could not be taken off unless the user actually died.

It was an item that showed off its overwhelming defensive power, which was also the reason why it had no choice but to avoid the rescue team members of the Clark Republic.

No matter how much you hit it, it takes a year to kill it.

“My movements feel awkward when I wear something like this.”

Lexi’s movements were much more awkward than before because she had just started wearing protective gear, and thanks to that, she was able to quickly sort it out, but real rescue team members are different.

“You just have to keep pushing anyway!”

“Give up, you bugs!”

Rescue workers had already stormed in and the inside of the bar had become a battleground.

One side of the bar’s wall was completely blown away by the explosion, and the wind was blowing, and relief workers were pouring in through the entrance, leaving it alone.

At least the Dobermans are leading the resistance, so they have held on so far, but the damage is accumulating.

Eventually, over time, they die.

A decision was needed to survive.

“Doberman, you idiot! “I’m going to clear the road, so help me!”

The Doberman glanced at Findeneye, who was running while holding the protective gear that Lexi was wearing, and nodded indifferently.

I don’t know if the fact that his facial expression doesn’t change even in a crisis like this is because he’s calm or if he just has that facial expression, but it definitely instills a sense of stability in those around him.

Findenai, holding the axe, took a deep breath and struck forward.

A battlefield where bullets fly from all directions. She uses the protective shield she holds in her hand as a shield to block the bullets.

“It’s a scrap metal dealer!”

“White hair and red eyes! Findenai, a level 1 wanted criminal!”

Finden Eye glared at the rescue team members who recognized him and pushed straight ahead.

Swing an ax to clear a path.

The more you swing, the more the blade of the ax gets damaged, the impact hurts your hand, and the rescue team members only cause damage to the extent of falling.

Nevertheless, Findeneye moved forward without even looking at whether the defeated enemy would rise again or not.

A Doberman follows right behind her and lends strength, and other Resistance members follow behind after noticing their intentions.

In the end, we have no choice but to die if we stay here, so we all get through it together.

No matter how you look at it, it was a strategy that was bound to cause severe damage.

“When did we fight with our lives guaranteed!”

Since they were people who had lived closely with death every day from the beginning, the Resistance attacked them harshly.

The choices are always similar.

Or die more.

Less likely to die.

If you stay still, you’ll just die more. No, we’ll probably all die.

In that case, we can only move in the direction of dying as little as possible.

Even these idiots.

To be honest, these are idiots who really wonder if they can win freedom from the Clark Republic.

Shouldn’t they be saved first?

Shouldn’t even small seeds be sown on the ground first?

That is the belief of Finden Eye, who has lived in excessive tragedy since childhood.

To the children who cannot fight yet, to the cowards who are just watching trembling with fear, to the old comrades who have given up and laid down their weapons.

Still, I wanted to show at least these things alive.

There are idiots here who cry out for freedom.


Findeneye’s red eyes are bright and sparkling. As the battle continues, her character becomes stronger, causing her body to heat up and her hands to the point where her ax breaks.



The blow, which had stopped at the level of simply knocking the rescuer down, reached the level of completely blowing away the relief worker.

“That’s amazing.”

“P, I only trust and follow Findenai!”

“You can live! “We live to fight for freedom again!”

At the praise that sounded like propaganda coming from behind, Findeneye made a threat and ran forward.

“No one is going to save you! Survive on your own, you idiots!”

Saying that, Findenai continued to swing the axe. Even though the blade has become completely damaged and blunt, he handles it like a club and mixes with the relief workers.

I didn’t immediately realize that I was walking towards the place I wanted to return to.

* * *

“Sigh! Haha!”

Findeneye, who was breathing heavily, looked around. She saw the sun go down twice, so it’s been two days since then.



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My legs are heavy, my heavy breathing shows no signs of calming down, and the area around my eyes is sticky and stinging due to the blood.

Judging from how cold it is, I feel like I’ve reached the North Weden Mountains, but my legs can’t move anymore.

I take a quick look behind me. I don’t know if it’s because my senses have become dull or because I just don’t seem to like it, but I breathe a little sigh of relief.

Findenai’s heated body eventually falls to her knees and falls to the floor.

for a moment.

I was planning on taking a short break.


I exhale deeply, my eyes gradually closing with fatigue, but my fists clenching.

You never know what might happen if you fall asleep here. When I opened my eyes again, I could have been in the same place, or I could have been in a dungeon or labor camp in the Clark Republic.


I needed something to ease the pain. He put his trembling left hand in his pocket and searched for it, and found a cigarette in his hand.

It was the beginning of the year I was biting when I killed Lexi. The tobacco from the Clark Republic is so strong and addictive that if you smoke it for the first time in a while, it will alleviate the current pain to some extent.

Findeneye, who was looking up at the tobacco she had taken out, wondered if the promise she had made with her master was important when she was in danger of dying at any moment.


But surprisingly.

Without hesitation, her fingers crumpled the tobacco in half and threw it on the floor.

“What a dog-like owner. “I’ve been looking for you, but just try not to summon him using necromancy.”

A bittersweet feeling lingers in my mouth. Even though I couldn’t smoke tobacco, I strangely felt like the pain in my whole body was subsiding.

Although it was a feeling she had never felt before, Finden Eye felt energized to the point where she wondered if throwing away the beginning of the year was the right answer.


Thanks to this, I was able to twist my body and get up again. I couldn’t stop yet.

Soon you will reach a base where Darius’ private soldiers are located. If you climb a little further up the North Weddon Mountains, you can relax.

And the damn owner will do something about it.

“Because I always do something.”

This time, all we have to do is treat the injured body, so it won’t be too difficult.

Since it hasn’t been a week yet, I wouldn’t have left for the academy.

Findeneye’s foot takes a step forward. She was still heavy, but perhaps because she had rested for a while, she was able to hold on.

Findeneye, who had forced himself to climb the mountain step by step, was trying to get a cane while strengthening his limp hands.


It was a horrifying gunshot.

The coolness of the bullet piercing spreads quickly as if freezing the blood throughout the body. Blood spread out on the floor like spilled tomato juice.

Findeneye was a little too late to realize that the blood that was wet and wet had just been applied and that the owner of the blood was herself.



This time, he falls to his knees not of his own accord but of someone else’s will.

bang! bang!

The bullet that was fired did not end there, hitting Findeneye’s back again, causing excruciating pain.


Findeneye eventually fell down with his face on the floor.

Blood suddenly pours out of the mouth that had been so dry.

“… … flaw.”

I wanted to swear something, but I didn’t have the strength to do so.

As my vision gradually clears, I can hear a human voice muttering.

“First-level wanted criminal, scrap metal dealer Findenai. “He was arrested.”

“Kiya, haven’t we caught all the Resistance bigwigs now?”

“I guess so. “I’m glad we ate the last one.”

Rescue workers wearing protective gear looking up through blurred vision.

‘I thought I was kind of left out.’

Plus, you caught all the big names.

In the end, doesn’t this mean that all the Dobermans and others were caught?

‘Stupid bastards.’

Even though he was complaining that he had saved them for no reason, Findeneye was a little worried about their safety.

“But it’s evenly matched, isn’t it? “He deserves to be famous.”

“Sweet, hey. Should we take him in, treat him, keep him alive, and enjoy him for a few days?”

“Wouldn’t it be dangerous?”

“If you cut off all your limbs and pull out your teeth, what can you do? “If you put some medicine on it, it will go away.”

Now that I think about it, I remember that I told the owner that I was going to buy a stimulant, but I forgot.

You may not have believed it, but the city where Findenai lived as a child was a place where s*xually harmful products such as estrus pills and condoms with holes were sold as main products.

The republic was that crazy.

More than that.

‘These f*cking bastards.’

Who do you dare cross?

Findeneye glared at them and opened its mouth wide. Rather than being humiliated, he decided to just bite his tongue and commit suicide.

I’ll give you at least the body.

‘The soul will find it on its own.’

The owner took half of your soul, so if you fall asleep for a while, he will automatically wake you up.

The moment when Findeneye, believing that, was about to bite his tongue with the last of his strength.

White snowflakes tickle and tickle your nose.

“What, is it snowing?”

“It’s July now? Even in the Northwestern Mountains, it never snows.”

The moment when rescue workers looked up at the sky, thinking something was strange.

[I think it is inevitable that you will live with the blood of others as you live your fleeting life.]

A voice that resonates like thunder. An overwhelming feeling of intimidation that turns humans into mere creatures just by their mere existence.

[That is the way of this world. I also accept him.]

Findeneye realizes that it is a voice she has heard before, but cannot remember it.

Is it because of lack of oxygen?

Or is it simply because I am not smart enough?

I don’t know what it is though.

‘Crazy guy.’

Anyway, I could tell that the owner had done something.

When I relaxed the teeth that were about to bite, the corners of my mouth naturally went up.

[How viciously they have lived, beyond the lingering scent of blood, their resentment overflows from their bodies.]

“what! “Isn’t it a beast?”

“Bum, bum? It’s a crime! Just shoot!”

I slowly closed my eyes while listening to the screams of the rescue team members who foolishly killed themselves.

[Do not enter my mountain with dirty feet.]

* * *

Cozy floor and soft blanket.

Findeneye, who had woken up in the meantime, slowly opened her eyes. Although she felt no strength in her body, she knew for sure that she was healed.

The feeling of a bandage compressing my entire body.

A fluffy down pillow placed by the bedside.

The view of downtown North Weden from the window next to the bed.

Warm herbal tea scent.

The sound of books turning over echoes in the quiet room.

The owner is calmly enjoying reading with his legs crossed.

“Are you awake?”

Deius asked with his eyes still on the book. Findeneye asked with a laugh at the familiar sight.

“How long has it been?”

My sense of time was vague, but considering that I woke up strangely refreshed after all the hardships, it seemed like I had been asleep for quite a long time.

“It’s a full moon.”

Deius’ answer was not within the range that Findenai had assumed.

“15 days? 15th?”


The words “I’ll be returning to the academy in a week” were all in my throat, but I didn’t bother to say them out loud.

For some reason, I didn’t want to hear the answer, and I also didn’t want to cause trouble for the owner.

Different from usual.

“I’m going to be hungry, so I’ll ask you to prepare a meal.”

Deius closed the book.

Findeneye, who was looking at him, thought for a moment and answered grumblingly.

“Ah, I’m craving the beginning of the year.”

Right now, I have a stronger desire for the beginning of the year rather than rice, so it was something that came out without me realizing it.


Deius sighed and took out an antique box from his pocket.

There were about ten cigarettes inside, and I pulled out one of them and handed it to Findenai.

“At least it has a less unpleasant smell and is less addictive. “They said it was made by a fairly famous craftsman.”

“… … .”

Finden Eye, who slowly raised his upper body and leaned on the edge of the bed, took it blankly.

Then, he looked at Deius for a moment and then put a piece of tobacco in his mouth with a smile.

“Light it on fire.”

Because there are no lighters or matches.

A completely natural request.

Deius held back the sigh that was about to come out, lit a weak fire in his fingers, and reached forward to bring it to the end of the tobacco that Findeneye was holding in his mouth.


The beginning of the year falls on the blanket.

Findeneye’s forehead, which slipped into the outstretched hand, touched Deius’ chest exactly.

“Ah, I lost my strength.”

It’s an intentional lie no matter who hears it.

“Then get out of the way.”

Also, even though he says that, he doesn’t necessarily shake it off.

Although it was only for a short time.

Deius supports Findenai’s body, which was quite tired.

Until just now, I felt like my mouth was dry because I wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Now, I feel at peace.

Is it because of Deius’s unique, yet subtle fleshy scent?

Findeneye buries her face a little deeper and calmly closes her eyes.

His scent seeping through his flowing hair.

Surprisingly, before you know it.

I realized that I liked this smell.

fantasy, game, possession,

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