I Became a Part-time Employee For Gods Chapter 6

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#6. Became the leader of the dwarves (1)

Rattling rattling.

My heart started beating to the sound of the subway.

“This is the first time I got excited after seeing a part-time job announcement.”

He burst out laughing.

A translucent window appeared before my eyes.

That was enough to make Damdeok’s heart flutter.

[We are recruiting security and security guards for the blacksmith furnace!]

Employer: Hephaistos

Spiritual power: 1000 or more spiritual strength

Experience: Beginner possible

Job Description: The main task is to prevent the dwarves assisting the blacksmith from stealing weapons. (*Caution* A slight fight may occur.)

Working hours: 1 day

Salary: Receive one of the equipment produced that day.

Spiritual power is over 1000!

Since I definitely meet the qualifications, a new part-time job seems to have come to mind.

I opened my profile and checked the status.

New abilities were added under talents and skills.

[Strength: 1320]


Spiritual power has increased significantly.

The reason may be… .


My eyes fell on the subway electronic display board.

– Currently, the Hunter Association is not expressing any position, and the young man who had a great influence on clearing the Labyrinth Dungeon is making waves on social media under the nickname ‘Corea Hunter’… .

His face was still appearing on the news.

Some people in the subway even glance at Damdeok’s face.

[Awareness increases!]

[Your spiritual power continues to increase!]

The profile’s power is increasing in real time along with the message.

‘When you become famous, your spiritual power increases…’

They say my job is God, but this really makes me feel like God.

‘If we keep doing this, won’t we eventually have dedicated priests?’

I giggled and looked at the details of my part-time job.

[Job content: The main task is to prevent the blacksmith dwarves from stealing weapons (*Caution* A slight physical fight may occur.)]


It’s a bit of a struggle.

In the past, this is a word I would have absolutely avoided.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, right?”

It’s not a life-threatening battle, just a little physical struggle.

Didn’t you clear that difficult labyrinth dungeon?

Damdeok’s confidence was at its peak.

Moreover, the salary for this part-time job is whopping… .

‘Equipment made by Hephaestus!’

Hephaestus knows.

God of fire and god of blacksmiths.

He was the god who created the weapons and various other equipment of the gods.

‘Good. I just happened to want a weapon.’

What do you do when you have talent?

No matter how much a martial artist fights with his bare body, he needs to wear knuckles or armbands to be in form.

Moreover, he even has a talent for swordsmanship.

‘If possible, I’d like to have a sword.’

This is equipment created by the blacksmith god. I don’t know what it will take, but I’m really looking forward to it no matter what it is.

When I smile brightly, people’s attention seems to be more focused.

‘hmm. Rather than applying right now, wouldn’t it be better to go home and apply?’

Why wasn’t Thor’s part-time job taken away as soon as he pressed the apply button last time?

It was too eye-catching to do on the subway now.

‘okay. Let’s go home and do it.’

The moment I was about to quit my part-time job,

[Currently, a total of 3 gods are viewing this announcement.]

[caution! Recruitment will close soon!]

A warning window pops up.

“what? Others… No. “Other gods are taking it away?”

That shouldn’t be possible.

Because I wasn’t strong enough, the part-time jobs I could apply for were limited.

Besides, isn’t this the only part-time job that will give me equipment for my daily use?

At department stores, a single 1-star (★) equipment costs hundreds of dollars!

I got up and moved to the next room.



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Fortunately, because it was a weekday, there was an empty space.

As soon as the door closed, I quickly pressed the support button with my finger.

I was worried that I might have missed it, but fortunately, as soon as I pressed the button, the familiar white light filled the space.

A sigh of relief came.

‘Even though it’s a part-time job for the gods, it’s true that we have to consider the competition rate…’ .’

The world of gods or the world of humans.

As the scenes inside the subway became increasingly blurred, Damdeok slowly closed his eyes.

* * *


The intense heat oppressed my entire body.

‘Ugh. what.’

The source of the heat was in the front.

I approached as if possessed.

“lava… ?!”

A large furnace was bubbling beneath my feet.

The immense heat makes my face brighten like the moon.

‘This isn’t some kind of volcanic area.’

It was when I was looking at boiling red molten iron.

A muffled voice came from behind.

[Woah, are you here? The system is convenient.]

Similar feeling to Thor.

A voice that is not heard with the ears, but directly hits the whole body.

‘It’s surprisingly ordinary, isn’t it?’

Hephaestus’ appearance was friendly itself.

Bronze skin and a bushy beard.

Are they similar to Western miners?

It was even more so because he was carrying an armful of rebar.

As I bowed my head in greeting, Hephaestus laughed heartily.

[haha! what? What is the greeting that only those people would use?]

He tapped me on the shoulder as he threw the rebar into the furnace.

It was a greeting full of joy.

Rather than a god,

‘He seems like a tough Greek guy.’

[hmm. Looking at your career, you’ve created Thor and Dungeon, right? I don’t have many friends who have worked at the level of a state employee, so it’s good.]

Can I also see my previous work experience?

As expected, the Gods’ Albanara system is not usually convenient.

Why on earth did I get this system?

[Ah, I also saw how humans were used to deal with the Minotaur a little while ago. haha. You made it and then immediately destroyed it. Isn’t this a very hot friend! Haha!]

Apparently, he really liked me.

In fact, there was a god who applied before me, and he said he selected me right away after seeing my unique career. They say the battle in the labyrinth dungeon was also impressive… .

[now. Now focus! Let me explain the job!]

Every time Hephaestus shouted, his whole body tingled.

[It’s very simple! All you have to do is stop anyone from stealing everything in this blacksmith shop! As you know, in Asgard, dwarves make equipment for the gods, but in Olympus, I handle all the orders by myself. Because the work was too much, I made a pact and brought in some dwarves, but they must be a bit of a nuisance, they are so old.]

That is to say.

He was saying that the dwarves who worked at this blacksmith shop were stealing little by little what he had made.

Because of the clause in the contract that states that the body must be returned intact at the end of the contract, it is impossible to do this or that.

It seemed like a very cautious stance, as if the provisions were violated, it could lead to a war between the gods.

‘Well, the world of the gods is also a pain in the ass.’

Even if you give them a stern warning, these guys are born with a tendency to be troublemakers and kleptomania, and they have a hard time going even a day without looting.

‘It’s like leaving the fish to the cat.’

Still, Hephaestus’s position was that without the dwarves, he could not meet the gods’ requirements on time and could not drive them out.

hmm. He seems like a more innocent god than I thought.

‘To put it in a bad way, it’s stupid… .’

He explained as he stirred the huge furnace.

[It’s okay to scold them very harshly! As long as I don’t do it myself, it’s okay. ah! But you should never kill them. If you die, it will be a pain in the ass.]

Saying that, he threw me a stick.

[Isn’t it a bit weird to stand guard with bare hands? Even if it looks like that, it’s a pretty useful weapon!]

A smooth wooden club.

To stand guard with neither a sword nor a spear, but a club… .

Although he was a little disappointed, Damdeok’s eyes widened in an instant.

[Hercules’ Club (Rare)]

Description: Hercules’ club carved from olive wood, a replica of the club with which he killed the Nemean lion.

Effect: Gives all living creatures a 10% chance of inflicting the abnormal status effect ‘stun’.

“What kind of option is this… .”

A 10% chance to stun all creatures?

Doesn’t this mean that if you hit it 10 times, you will definitely faint once?

‘A decent 3 star… No, it’s like a 4-star rating, isn’t it?’

Our world. So, in the human world, the level of equipment is measured by the number of stars.

From 1 star to 9 stars.

Originally, this was a hunter’s rating system, but since item equipment was used a lot by hunters, a similar system was established.

“If it’s 4 stars, it’s at least a few hundred million…”

I swallowed my saliva.

Do you think your life will turn around sooner than you think?

Without realizing it, I hugged the stick tightly.

Hephaestus looked at him as if he were dumbfounded.

[hmm? Why are you suddenly embracing it? haha. What a no-nonsense friend. now. Let’s start dating later. Now, let’s go downstairs.]

Hephaestus headed down again carrying an armful of iron ingots.

* * *

[after. It’s here. This is where you will work. You just have to protect the first floor here.]

The inside of the blacksmith shop was spacious.

It seems to be almost as large as the factory land of most large companies.


With the sound of the heavens and earth shaking, a large circular space was visible beyond the laid down rebar.

A bookshelf wrapped around like a magical library in a fairy tale. Instead of books, there were lots of fancy equipment on display.

Even if you look at it, it sparkles brightly. Hunter Department Store’s VIP section looks like it can’t compete.

I walked as if possessed and looked at the weapons.

What caught my eye the most was a trident in the shape of lightning, which was both large and shining with a flash of silver light.

“This can’t be right…” .”

Hephaestus chuckled at my wide-eyed gaze and praised me for my ability to see.

It was none other than the trident of Zeus.

A weapon said to be used by Zeus, the god of lightning, when exercising his power.

“It doesn’t feel real, really… .”

Additionally, the sword and spear of Ares, the god of war. The winged god and hat of Hermes, the wine stand of Dionysus, the god of wine, the saddle of the horse pulling the sun chariot, etc. The space was filled with objects used by the gods.

[They will be going to work soon, so let me tell you one thing. Never look away. They are very clever people.]

After giving advice in a teasing manner, he immediately walked to the workbench and clunked! I started hammering.

Surprisingly, dwarves started coming in from somewhere to the sound of the hammering.

‘what. ‘Where did you come in all of a sudden?’

As if there was a hole in the wall, each of them was holding a large tool in their hands.

A scruffy face with a bushy beard.

The barrel-like body and muscular body looked like a mini-me version of Hephaestus.

It was somehow cute.

‘It’s so small.’

About 50cm.

Miniature-like dwarves filtered the molten iron, poured it into a mold, and began hammering it.

That wasn’t all.

On one hand, he helped Hephaestus increase the sharpness of the weapons, and on the other hand, he assembled the completed parts to make weapons for the gods.

Naturally, like flowing water.

The work at the blacksmith shop continued in such a systematic manner.

“Haha, this is so… .”

Isn’t this a scene that could only appear in a fairy tale book?

Before I knew it, Damdeok had fallen in love with their cute appearance.

Those little thieves. Isn’t it so cute just looking at it?

‘This somehow feels like a sweet part-time job.’

Just as a leisurely thought passed through my head, Zeus’s trident, which was lying in the distance, clattered! It moved.


Damdeok’s eyes turned cold.

Two dwarves were looking back and forth, trying to pull out the trident.


‘I heard you can’t give a dog a habit…’ .’

Damdeok’s hand holding the club was filled with strength.


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