I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 89

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89. Mayfly

89. Mayfly

Lee Dae-cheol, who was in the lead, held a superhuman restraint device.

Setiren narrows his eyes.

Although it wasn’t shown on the face, it was obvious to anyone that he was displeased.

Namgung Seorin, who saw that, quietly raised her hand.

– Ss …

The black-uniformed superhumans each carry their own weapons.

They all have a stern expression and their magical power is at its peak.

You can feel his determination to fight to the death against a 7th-grade enemy.

“It is regrettable that you, who should have been treated as a state guest, are treated in this way.”

Is this what you call businesslike?

Namgung Seorin spoke with a stiff tone and a flat voice.

But there was a clear heat at the end of her words, and it was clear how angry she was.

Namgung Seorin continued speaking, looking at Setiren with eyes that reminded her of a fresh blue flower.

“But you brought this upon yourself. Please cooperate with the arrest.”

“… … .”

Cetirene doesn’t answer.

A sense of tension flows through the atmosphere that feels heavy, as if a boulder has been placed on top of it.

If we are to nitpick, there are pros and cons to Setilen, but the name value of the Vatican cannot be ignored.

If Setiren objects even a little here, things get a bit complicated.

Gulp, at that moment, only silence continued, to the point where even the sound of someone swallowing saliva could be heard loudly.

Setiren finally got up from his seat.

– Hook.

The brilliant light went out.

– Crackle, crackle.

The influence of the “bicycle” that has not yet been extinguished flows through Setiren’s body to the floor.

Setiren closes his eyes tightly, with pure white smoke rising from his shoulders.

And yet, he stands with his shoulders back in a confident manner.

That’s why I said that.

“I told you, I’m a spy. Do you think I would have come to the church alone?”

Setiren opened his eyes and looked at him indifferently.

He showed off his V sign with both hands.

In that state, fold it black and then flip your palm over – swish –

Then he pretended to laugh lightly and silently.



Redness once again appeared in Setiren’s eyes as his composure was broken.

Namgung Seorin frowned and warned, perhaps sensing its ominousness.

“I will strongly protest this matter to the Vatican. Surely that is not enough?”

“… … .”

“Just put down your weapons quietly and don’t add any more charges.”

Only after Namgung Seorin had said that did Setiren finally let go of the Judge’s Sword.

“I will hear more details after transferring you to the special department. I ask for your close cooperation.”

“…I don’t need any restraints. I’ll go on my own two feet.”


Namgung Seorin shook her head firmly.

“If it was a mass murder case, that would be fine. It would require a thorough investigation, but we already know that they are a group of devil worshippers. But.”

I exhaled deeply at the pity in Namgung Seorin’s glance at me.

“If you touch a wise man, there is no reward.”

“… … .”

Setiren’s eyes sink.

No matter how excessive her actions were, Namgung Seorin’s attitude was too harsh when dealing with the Vatican’s guardian deity.

Considering that even in Lafocal, people have only been warned for this kind of thing and have never been arrested, it was certainly unusual.

But Namgung Seorin’s attitude did not change.

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Lee Dae-cheol puts restraints on Setiren’s hands with a very hardened face.

I let out a deep sigh of relief as I watched her being arrested quietly.

“It’s later than I thought, sis.”

When I whined with all my heart, Namgung Seorin smiled bitterly.

“Sorry. I had a hard time because there were some tough opponents.”

It was only then that I noticed Namgung Seorin’s clothes.

There were clear marks of tears and blood here and there.

“Did you deal with it in person?”

“Yeah. I missed it, but… Wait, Jinwoo! Isn’t that blood?!”

“The wound isn’t deep, so you can get it treated later.”

“That’s what you’re saying…! Let’s go upstairs first. You need to get treatment first!”

“It’s really okay….”



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Then Namgung Seorin opened her eyes like a flounder and got angry.

“If you report that you were injured during the operation, I’ll be completely devastated! This is an operation that must be reported directly to the VIP. Can you please stop making things worse?”

“It was my decision. I was the one who requested cooperation. If there is a problem, I will tell you separately.”

“To whom? To the VIP? Or to the chief? That’s fine. Jinwoo, I’m the one who accepted your plan. So I’ll take responsibility.”

Namgung Seorin, who had been speaking in a stern voice, suddenly let out a sigh.

“Really… I feel like I won’t be able to have a good day if I get involved with you…”


“Are you laughing now?”


He moved his gaze, giggling.

Leah, Luna, and Yu Hyeon-seong were being carried away on a stretcher.

Luna looked fine, but Yu Hyeon-seong’s hand was torn and blood was flowing from Leah’s forehead.

Among them, I carefully observed Leah’s condition.

The skin that had been covered in black veins had now returned to its original white color.

I looked through the magic eye, but there was no sign of magic running wild.

“are you okay.”

Namgung Seorin noticed my gaze and said.

“He took care of the situation in his hands. Quite a lot.”

He glances at Setiren and lets out a small sigh.

“I just fainted.”

“What about Leah?”

The scar on Leah’s forehead came to mind.

He must have been hit in the forehead by a piece of breaking ice.

Then, suddenly, Namgung Seorin covers her mouth and laughs.

“Kuk kuk.”


“How can there be a misunderstanding when you show it so blatantly? Oh my, this innocent guy.”

“I said no.”

“Yeah, yeah, no, then. Yeah.”

“… … .”

“Concussion on the Winter Lake side. Pupillary response was normal. We’ll have to examine him closely, but it shouldn’t be a big deal.”

Namgung Seorin speaks lightly with a voice mixed with laughter.

I nodded in relief and thought about the topic that had just ended.

The ‘tough guys’ that Namgung Seorin personally faced.

If she, a 6th-grade superhuman, could say something like that, then the person she was talking to must have been a bishop-level person.

I asked, wondering if something had caught my eye.

“So what does it look like?”

“Are you embarrassed?”

“… … .”

“Okay! Cook, I’ll stop. … Well, first of all, the red color caught my eye. No, reddish brown? It’s a much darker color than Mr. Winterlake, so it must be right. And the woman… was wearing a pure white hanbok.”

That’s just a bishop of wrath… .

Once you get caught, they’ll chase you like a stalker.

I was a little worried.

But since it’s Namgung Seorin, there won’t be a big problem.

“And the other side is-.”

“Wait a minute, you fought two?”

When I asked in surprise as I watched Namgung Seorin continue speaking, she nodded.

“Yeah. There were two, and one of them got his throat ripped off.”

He pretends to cut his throat with a bright smile.

asked in surprise.

“You killed him?”

“It was close. They were both critically injured and were running away. If they were okay, I would have been the one to get hurt.”

“…What did the person who killed him look like?”

“He was an Asian man with curly hair and a cross-eyed look like Han Se-yeon. He was tall and thin… He looked like an innocent country boy. He was always smiling. He laughed even when he was dying. He looked like a crazy person.”

“That wasn’t… a small fry, was it? It was definitely strong, wasn’t it?”

“That’s right. If he had been healthy, it wouldn’t have been easy.”

“… … .”

An image matching Namgung Seorin’s description came to mind.

Akasha transformed it by substituting it into Lafocal’s setting.

There was just one suitable person.

‘No… No way. Really? Is this right?’

That kid is already dead?

At this time? Here? So vainly?

It’s hard to believe.

“Sister. Can you please check that person’s body?”

“That doesn’t matter, but why? Do you think I know you?”

“Yes. We’ll have to see.”

Namgung Seorin nodded her head coolly.

We left the messy Sahyun Group underground auction house.

Outside the building, soldiers with guns stood guard like an iron wall, their guns pointed inward rather than outward.

Whoever jumped out, if it was a raiser, he was ready to crouch down and shoot.

Then, when he confirms that it is us who are walking out leisurely, his expression brightens.

“Loyalty! Seong!”

“Rest. The inside is roughly cleaned up, so can you just block outsiders from approaching?”

“Yes, I understand!”

The sergeant answered loudly and led his men into a new guard formation.

‘You’ve worked hard.’

I felt a little sorry when I thought that they would have been deployed right away as soon as the special forces entered.

They must have been on tenterhooks on the ground, waiting for an operation.

If only I hadn’t been blinded by 447.7 billion won… Ahem!

“Good luck~.”

After expressing condolences to the poor young men, he followed Namgung Seorin.

Then, he saw Namgung Seorin walking towards the medical tent and said hurriedly.

“Wait a minute, sis! Let’s look at the body first.”

“…you really.”

Namgung Seorin, who had been looking at him with a slightly angry look, sighed and turned around.

As we entered the area where the entry was restricted, we saw a refrigerated truck and a field analysis vehicle.

– Rattling.

At that moment, the door of the refrigerated truck opened and Kim Ji-hoon jumped out from inside.

“Hey, you’re here? How’s the operation going ja-aaaaal?!”

Kim Ji-hoon suddenly starts talking and starts a fight.

I looked around wondering what was going on, and Kim Ji-hoon ran over and started to stroke my body up and down, not knowing what to do.

“What the heck is this! What on earth is going on inside…!”

“Oh, well… something really got messed up. But it was resolved well.”

“Who is it! Who the hell made you like this! In the same way right now-”

“It’s Setiren.”

“Retaliation… yes?”

“Inquisitor of the Holy See. A member of the Vatican.”

“Ah, aha!”

Kim Ji-hoon nodded and let out an exaggerated sigh.

“I’m glad it worked out well.”

“That’s good. But somehow, the area I was hit feels like it’s really hurting… .”

“Oh, please hurry up and send the military doctor-.”

“It feels like my desire for revenge is rising to the top of my chin~.”

Kim Ji-hoon, smiling brightly, turns his gaze to Namgung Seo-rin.

“Are you here because of the body? Did you confirm its identity?”

“Wow, shit. That’s too much.”

“Yes. Jinwoo said he wanted to check it out. Lieutenant Kim, can you show it to me right away?”

“Of course. Come up.”

Kim Ji-hoon, who entered the top car, picked up the zipper of one of the bulging Yeong-hyeon bags.

As I was putting it down, I saw a frozen face with a ‘kihihi’ smile.

My face also hardened as I looked at it.


“Who, what?”

“He is the Bishop of Laziness.”

“…was a bishop?”

Namgung Seorin, who was blinking, asks back with a little surprise.

He nodded in agreement.

“If I gather all the information I have, there is only one person left: Bishop Na Tae-jong of Asia.”

A hateful and mischievous character from Lafocal who causes all kinds of trouble and stirs up trouble while participating in the main story until the second half, and who takes on the role of a villain and rival to Yoo Hyeon-seong’s religious group.

A beggar among beggars who, when caught on such a topic, just throws out a title and disappears.

Bishop of Sloth, Orias.

“He’s dead. … He’s dead.”

… like this, in a place I don’t even know.

Well, you never know what the variables of reality are.

“… Do you think there is some bad luck?”


“Jinwoo, you’re laughing right now.”


I touched the corner of my mouth.

It was real.

He hid his laughter by gently scratching the muscles that had become tense.

“No way. I’ve never actually met him before.”


“Yes. Since they are only a threat to humanity even if they remain alive, I can’t help but think that they died well.”


Then, Namgung Seorin looked back with a strange look in her eyes for a moment, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

“Yeah. … Yeah. I see.”

“Yes. Honestly, what reason would I have to meet the bishop of the church?”

Namgung Seorin nodded without saying anything.

That’s all for now.

Finally, after checking Orias’ body in its entirety through the magic eye, he came out of the refrigerated truck.

Namgung Seorin spoke while remaining inside.

“Go to the medical tent. Go there! Get proper treatment, get a medical opinion, and apply for military disaster compensation!”

“I’m not a soldier.”

“Since you performed the same operation, I will release you according to the Superhuman Law.”

“It’s not much, though.” With that remark, Namgung Seorin looks back at the body with a wink.

‘Hmm. Even if it’s only a little bit, I should at least apply.’

A little goes a long way.

Compared to 447.7 billion won, it’s just a drop in the bucket.


At that very moment, I turned around, giggling.

My body froze, a chill running down my spine.

Just now, my eyes met with something I shouldn’t have-

“… … .”

I raised my head carefully.

I moved my eyes following the gaze that I still felt so strongly.

Beyond the refrigerated trucks, in the distance, countless buildings tower over us.

A grayish shadow appeared standing proudly on the roof of a high-rise apartment building.

Long, reddish-brown hair that flutters in the wind.

She is wearing a pure white hanbok and a black overcoat draped over her shoulders.

Bishop Gremory of Anger.

I made eye contact with her.

It’s so far away that it looks like a small dot, so it’s normal not to know.

I feel it.

Gremory’s gaze.

That intense gaze that stares straight through me-

“… … .”

… No, that can’t be me.

From the beginning, I had no involvement in anything related to the gathering of the Devil’s Cult.

It was also because of Setiren that I was caught inside, I had no reason to be involved with the Devil’s Cult.

So, this gaze is clearly directed at Namgung Seorin.

Since Orias, who was with Gremory, died in vain, perhaps that is a natural reaction.

‘I have to go before I get noticed.’

I dragged my feet, covered in dirt, toward the medical tent where it had been set up.

* * *

Yoo Hyun-seong opened his eyes.

The first thing I saw was a pure white ceiling.

The next thing that caught my eye was the pink curtains.

“… … .”

Yoo Hyeon-seong raised his right hand in front of his eyes.

A bandaged palm.

He raised his left hand and felt over the bandage.

A stinging pain was slowly transmitted to me.


A sigh escaped my lips.

It was pathetic.

He kept saying that he couldn’t back down, and then he fell with one stroke of the sword. With just one stroke of the sword.

What a hideous sight this is.

And you’re going to dream of revenge after all this?


Yoo Hyun-seong covered his eyes with his left arm and swore softly.

The opponent was a member of the Vatican’s patron saint.

If you think about it, it’s like having a UFC champion and a white belt from a local taekwondo gym.

All my experience, all my years as a superhuman, all of it is incomparable.

So it’s natural to lose.

… Excuses like that didn’t even register in Yoo Hyun-seong’s mind.

If there is one, there is only one.

The only fact is that they were defeated.

For Yoo Hyun-seong, the embodiment of competitive spirit, that was the only thing that mattered.

“Baek Eun-seol… Setiren… .”

Yoo Hyun-seong called out the two names softly.

Two people who have deeply engraved the name of defeat into themselves.

“… … .”

If it were Baek Eun-seol, she wouldn’t have lost even to Setiren.

Park Jin-woo would have been helpful.

Unlike myself, who collapsed miserably and became a burden.

“I want to become stronger.”

A voice that flowed out like a groan from the gap between the teeth of the evil spirit.

I want to become stronger.

Not the vague desire I’ve felt so far, but a desire to run toward a clear goal.

Such a desire constantly burned within Yu Hyeon-seong.

Burning constantly, burning constantly-

▶[The All-Purpose Factor] responds to your boiling passion.

: Condition met.

▶The sub-trait [Boneless] evolves according to your desire.

: success.

▶The sub-trait [Boneless] has evolved into [Humanity Boneless].

It germinates without you knowing it.

A sprout that Yoo Hyun-seong couldn’t see, but Park Jin-woo would have naturally thought of.

“…I want to become stronger.”

Yoo Hyeon-seong lay in his hospital bed and repeated those words for a while.

* * *

Jirisan Magyeong suffered from measles for the first time in a long time.

The low-level superhumans who made fun of the hot air all collapsed from the heat.

Those who are screaming and begging for their lives.

Rescue workers deployed to rescue those in distress.

It’s quite funny to see them grab the people who came to rescue them and sing ‘Blood Flame Grass- Blood Flame Grass-‘.

Even the 7th level doesn’t come close to Jirisan’s magic.

This is one of the jokes surrounding the abandoned magic mirror.

It was largely because I thought it was just a common fever and laughed it off.

The super heat of Jirisan is a phenomenon caused by a foreign substance called ‘ruin.’

Since it is under its influence, there is no way that any character of any level can survive it.

Except for a few special people.

“… Haaah- It’s refreshing.”

She smiled brightly, taking in the hot air head-on.

Sky blue hair blowing in the tangled hot wind.

Eyes that shine blue, as if they were made of aquamarine.

It shines with a hint of weariness.

“It took a long time, didn’t it?”

She looked down at the crater spreading out beneath her feet and muttered as if asking someone else a question.

A crater that was in shambles, as if the world had been turned upside down.

However, the lava that had filled the interior had already cooled down and turned black.

Because the heat that used to fill the interior is no longer there.

“It’s a shame to just spread it out like this… .”

She put her hand into the empty air and pulled out a square crystal cube the size of a baseball.

I held it above my head, its insides clearly visible.

Then the cube rose up on its own.

Looking up at it, she smiled with a charming smile like a flower in full bloom.

“Eat it all without leaving a single bit behind.”

As if he understood what I said.

– Woohoo.

The cube vibrated once, and then a red spark flew out loudly from inside.

Immediately after, the heat of ‘Ruin’ filled the area around the crater-

– Saaaaaaah-!

It starts to suck you in towards the cube.

Like a suction cup. Or like a drain.

Without leaving a single grain of heat behind, everything.

The dregs of divinity that had transformed the Jirisan Magical Scenery into a fiery hell disappeared as if washed away.

Even if you disparage it as the dregs of divinity, divinity is still divinity.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she effortlessly handled something that even the most extraordinary superhumans would not dare to handle.

“Will this be enough to help him?”

It was not something to say while looking at the immense power that would bring hell to humanity if unleashed at once.

She was holding the cube that had descended smoothly in her hand, looking down at the red heat floating inside, when she suddenly burst out laughing.

“It really happened just as he said.”

Superhumans who cry and cling to others, asking for water and for their lives.

Rescue workers capture those who are confused and disoriented due to the divine destruction and forcibly transport them.

When she saw those who mistook them for enemies and even brandished swords, she took in the sight with eyes filled with interest.

In the meantime, there was also the Lee Sun-ae party that was in full swing.

“They say they are mayflies, but they really only live for a day… .”

She took in their appearance at a glance, then slightly shook her head and turned her body.

A cube thrown into the air disappears into space.

But even at that mysterious sight, she did not even pay attention and was absorbed in other thoughts.

“To die or not to die. We’ll probably find out by tomorrow.”

Soon, her figure began to blur as if it was melting into space.

– Pfft!

It emits a faint light and disappears into space.

In the Jirisan Magical Realm, only craters that had lost their heat and superhumans who talked nonsense were left.

* * *

As soon as I got back I fell asleep and when I woke up it was Monday lunchtime.

I skipped the entire morning lecture, but thanks to that, my head, which had been heavy all day yesterday, was at peace.

Full condition!

If this is the case, even Cetilene can do it in one shot!

– Tiddik.

I took my time eating and drinking, turned on the large TV, and watched.

The news was just continuing.

“Look at the crazy facilities. It’s Maehwa-dong after all.”

Wow~ I let out an exclamation of admiration and buried myself in the sofa.

Yesterday, as soon as I got back, I received a message from Lee Ji-ah asking me to move, so I hurriedly packed my bags and came, and there was already most of the furniture inside.

I was so grateful that I sent a thank you note via text message, but he apologized for not being more considerate and for being late.

As expected, Lee Ji-ah. She’s such a kind person.

‘By the way, at the end, it says to please tell Luna that one page is enough. What does that mean?’

Even if I think about it, I still don’t get it.

Did the president personally assign you an assignment?


It’s also strange that you asked me to convey it to you instead of saying it directly.


“I thought I would move sometime soon, since I started being called a wise man.”

I had a bite of a breakfast/lunch sandwich.

This has been in the refrigerator since I moved yesterday.

It looks like it was handmade, and although I don’t know who made it, it tasted pretty good.

[… … I did. The temperature inside the magic room dropped by a whopping 2 degrees overnight.

As signs of Jirisan Mountain’s magic show signs of returning to normal, authorities have launched a large-scale investigation.

If the cause is identified, it becomes possible to make a hopeful observation that the unresolved magical problems in various places can also be resolved.

It is said that domestic occult societies are also showing great interest.]

The news was full of talk about the magical beauty of Jirisan.

“What, 2 degrees? This quickly?”

I was secretly surprised.

It’s only been a day since the ruins were removed.

“What? Did some kind of counterbalancing effect occur?”

While I was wondering, the news quickly moved on to the next story.

I emptied the rest of the sandwich into my hand and chewed it.

As I was about to pick up my next sandwich, my smartwatch started beeping.

The name [Lee Seon-hu] appeared on the screen.

– Yeah.

“I got a call.”

[Please come to training room D33 by 1:30 PM.]

“Excuse me, who are you?”


“Who am I, you piece of shit? Is your name a foreign character?”

[… Professor Jang Chang-byeong and Lee Seon-hu. Did you not save their numbers?]

“Huh? Professor? Oh… Oh, no. The number was 8 instead of 7. I’m sorry for making such a mistake.”

[Hmm. Yeah, that could be possible. Anyway, come back on time, Park Jinwoo.]

“Yes? Professor, I’m Park Jin-ho.”

[Ah… … Ahem. I guess I made a mistake. I’m sorry. Hang up.]

“Yes. Come in!”

– Stop.

I hung up the phone, picked up the sandwich, and took a bite.

I tapped my toes and focused my attention on the news that was still going on.

[… … It is said that the crowd was so huge that some even suggested that the change was caused by superhumans who came after hearing rumors of the appearance of the Blood Flame Herb.

Even in the heat where it was difficult to even breathe, a line of superhumans formed, desperately trying to find the Blood Flame Herb, but that only lasted for a moment.

As more and more people died from heatstroke, the authorities reportedly issued a restraining order.

An ID photo appears on the screen that was showing a group of zombies wandering around Jirisan Mountain.

As soon as I saw it, I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

The faces in the photos that turn the page one by one are very familiar.

It reaches its peak the moment you see the black-haired woman in the fourth photo.

[“My name is Lee Seon-ae. I am the team’s pathfinder.”]

Her voice introducing herself resonates in my ears.

A obituary for those who were saved while leaving Jirisan Magyeong that day.

I feel a strange sense of excitement just from having the chance to talk to him for a moment.

Suddenly, I remember what Leah said.


“Mayflies… .”

I found myself nodding without realizing it.

“That’s true. I only had one day to live.”

It’s just that unnecessary greed brings about trouble.

Tsk tsk, I clicked my tongue and put the remaining piece of the sandwich in my mouth.

– Ring ring ring – Bing.

[You little punk, how dare you tease the professor?]

“Oh my, Professor. Why are you so angry? Just because your student acted a little cute.”

[Kuhehe. Oh yeah- Since the disciple is acting cute, it’s only natural that the teacher would respond as a teacher. It’s to be expected.]

“I’m a complete beginner. Please be gentle. Gently.”

[Okay. Gently… Gently. Okay, I understand.]

– Stop.

The sound of the call just being cut off.

If the last words sounded like murder, would that be an illusion?

He got up from his seat, laughing heartily.

It was time to learn proper window-smarting, not just the basics.

I killed some time until about 1:15 and then headed to the training ground.

As I opened the door to Room D33 and went inside, a track the size of a typical school playground came into view.

In the center, two shadows stood facing each other.


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