I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 65

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65. Ice Crystal

65. Ice Crystal

“What! What are you going to do if I twist it? What are you going to do with just one eye?”

As if closing and opening one’s eyes.

The reptile’s elongated pupils folded in half and then opened.

“If you’re going to twist it, then open the gates of hell and come out.”

– Ddddddd… .

– Ddddddddddd-

The entire Demon Realm shook and rumbled, but nothing happened.

That’s true. At most, isn’t it just opening one eye through the body?

I gave him the rottenest smile possible.

“Why? Are you scared? Are you so scared that you can’t even muster the courage to open the door? Yes, I understand. Yes, I understand. In the past, you were beaten and cried your eyes out before going back to hell.”

– Kookookookook-

“Go to hell and take a bath and wait carefully. I’ll go there and make you cry. Got it?”

– Kwarr! Kwargwakwakwakwa!

– Kwakwakwakwang bang bang-!

The world shook once, crevasses formed, and the ground collapsed.

Still, nothing more happened than that.

He lowered his hand that had been stretched out toward the sky and shook it off as if shaking off impurities.

“It’s annoying.”

“… … .”

“No need to be scared. It’s just big, it’s not really anything special.”

He smiled brightly at the gaze that seemed to be looking at a ghost.

“Even if you curse me to my face like this, I’m so incompetent that I can’t even lift a finger.”

At that moment, a nearby cliff collapsed and an avalanche occurred.

Snow poured down like a blizzard, reaching all the way to the distant sky.

“Right? The Demon King of Incompetence.”

I quickly moved to a different spot as a storm of magical power swept over me.

And then he didn’t forget to feed the fist potatoes to the eyes again.

“So let’s just ignore that and go our separate ways.”

“… … .”


I urged them on, feeling a bit uneasy inside.

“… Foot!”

Suddenly Luna burst into laughter, covering her mouth.

“Phew! Phewhahaha!”

“Hahahahahahaha! Nehhahihahak!”

Then, Yoo Hyun-seong and Seo Ye-rin burst into laughter.

Even Baek Eun-seol chuckled and shook her head.

Even Han Se-yeon’s lips slightly went up.

Yoo Hyun-seong said, wiping away tears from his eyes.

“Ugh! Ugh! Jinwoo, you’re really… Heh. You’re always… Heh, the same. Puheh.”

“Slowly hehehe! Junior Park Jinwoo is really, thuhuh! I said you don’t know even if you know?”

“Kick kick.”

Luna, who had been laughing with her mouth covered, smiled brightly.

“Thank you, Jinwoo. Thanks to you, I don’t feel scared by those gazes anymore.”

“I don’t think a leader’s talent is something that can be born with, but when I look at my junior Park Jin-woo… my thoughts change.”

Each of them says a word to cheer up.

Reactions that make you feel rewarded for having caught the eye of the Jealous King.

It might get a little tough later, but for now, I guess I’ll be satisfied with this.

Anyway, the important thing is to get used to the Demon King’s gaze.

“We’ve laughed enough, now let’s get down to business. I want to hurry up and finish this quickly so I can sweat it out in the sauna.”

“Agreed! I couldn’t even sleep, it was so tough!”

“I hope your hard work pays off.”

I stepped on the snow and went forward, crunching, crunching.

The repel gear I used last time was still there.

Starting from Baek Eun-seol, I went down one by one.

The moment when it finally came down to Han Se-yeon.

– Phew!

– Thud thud.

The middle of the rope snapped with a mysterious impact and fell to the floor with a whirl.

‘That damn demon lord?’

Han Se-yeon stared at the rope with half-open eyes, then threw it on the floor as if she was looking at a dirty object.

Yoo Hyun-seong smiled bitterly.

“The exit is blocked, so now there is no way out but to move forward.”

“You’re saying I have to climb when I go out? That’s going to be annoying.”

He grumbled softly and went into the cave.

Normally, I would have just hung a lighting spell over my head, but this time, things were different.



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In order to preserve even a single bit of magical power, he took out and used a magic tool related to lighting, just like Seo Yuri’s team members did.

– Tick.

Lights come on overhead, illuminating all around.

It was so faintly visible that it reached all the way inside.

This time, I had prepared thoroughly and sufficiently, so there was no lack of visibility or things to do.

“It’s just like what you see in the video.”

“Over there… there’s also a demonic language translated by my junior, Jinwoo Park.”

I walked past the signs praising the fanatics, examining the ground carefully.

I had hopes that I might be able to obtain the magic of freezing unique to this place.

It seems that without the unknown artifact that Professor Kang Sung-jae possesses, the magic of freezing would no longer exist.

‘Is that really an artifact? Or is it something similar to the Demon King’s divine object?’

Professor Kang Sung-jae’s way of speaking is almost at the level of the Demon King’s transitional phase.

I guess I’ll have to ask him later if I can see that red thing.

Since we have the system and Akasha, wouldn’t we be able to salvage something?


It seemed like I would have to give up on gaining that special freezing power for now.

Although I couldn’t do anything about it right away just because I got it, I had to swallow my deep regret because of the gamer’s unique desire to collect.

– Thud thud.

It was at that moment that a small sigh flowed among the group that was advancing while keeping a lookout in all directions.


“…It looks so painful.”

Luna looked sad with a pained expression on her face as if it were her own business.

“I was frozen… in pain.”

“… Encountering a vivid image of the moment of death… is harder than I thought.”

Even the cool-headed Baek Eun-seol frowned and tightened her grip on the sword.

Seo Ye-rin, who is known for her talkativeness, also kept her mouth shut and clasped her hands together in silence.

Yoo Hyun-seong quietly bowed his head and meditated.

We held a brief moment of silence to mourn the victims.

“…let’s go.”

Baek Eun-seol took a step forward, swinging the tip of her sword.

The atmosphere among the group became heavier as they went inside.

Devil worshippers frozen to death in vivid images, just like the previous victims.

It’s a mix of superhumans, warlocks, civilians, and believers from all sorts of demonic cults.

“… … .”

Baek Eun-seol took a moment to catch her breath, then forcefully drew her sword from left to right.

The moment when a faint white light embroidered itself into the air.

The waists of the devil worshippers who were frozen to death like statues were all cut off and collapsed.

– Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter-

Baek Eun-seol snorted softly as she looked at the corpse that was shattered into pieces on the floor.

Then, as if he would not back down, Yoo Hyeon-seong swung his sword at the lower body that was still standing with its feet on the ground.

– Crunch! Crunch!

We walked along the path of ruins.

As they slowly reached the altar room where the Jealousy Clan was performing their ritual, Baek Eun-seol winked.

After nodding his head once, he disappeared like the wind along with Seo Ye-rin.

Once again, he took the same position as before, with Yoo Hyun-seong in the front and Han Se-yeon in the back.

“… … .”

A fighting spirit that builds up gradually.

There was no sign of fear.

Luna too, and Yoo Hyun-sung too.

He had been showing off his skills all along, but when the moment of the final battle approached, his eyes just became sharp.

at that time.


Beyond the altar, a huge cold wave swept in from inside the traces of madness that Professor Kang Sung-jae had created.

He covered his face with both hands from the blowing wind and stared ahead with narrowed eyes.

However, it is not visible.

There is only pure white sleet.

– … Boom! … Kuuung.

A soft explosion and a vibration felt under the soles of your feet.

“no way!”

Yoo Hyun-seong was startled and quickened his pace.

Luna, Han Se-yeon, and I also ran after him.

Not far away, a pure white light rises and falls amidst the snowstorm.

– Kuuung-!

The cave rang once.

Then, two figures land right in front of you.

It was Baek Eun-seol and Seo Ye-rin.

“Cow, cow…?”

Luna held both hands out in front of her and floated a small magic circle.

Then Baek Eun-seol stretched out her hand to block him.

“It’s not a body. That’s…”

“Tsk tsk! I ate your eyes. Ugh.”

Seo Ye-rin, who let out a low sob, rolled her feet again.

The snow piled on the ground rises and hits the ceiling.

Right in front of you, a tiger’s roar of ‘Keuh-uh-uh!’ erupts, creating a strong wave of energy.

It was the first stage of the sub-trait ‘Wildness’ of the trait ‘Beast Factor’, the emission of evil spirits.

“The movements are still big and rough. It’s not cool.”

Seo Ye-rin, speaking softly, aims for the Tao.

Then he glanced at me and spoke questioningly.

“It’s different from what my junior told me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Crystal Golem.”

Baek Eun-seol disappears into the snowstorm, leaving behind only those words.

I felt my face naturally harden.

I feel like hitting my forehead.

“Crystal Golem…?”

Luna blinked and opened her lips, saying, ‘Ah!’

“That’s it! Wasting time!”

“that’s right.”

The crystal golem is a type of summoned creature.

A ‘product of jealousy’ created by maximizing the power of the ‘evil spirit’ of the new water.

In order for that pattern to activate, the condition of ‘the body’s health being below 25%’, i.e. entering the time-wasting phase, is necessary.

“f*cking terminal difficulty…!”

The three phase summons are deployed from the very beginning.

I really couldn’t have imagined this.

There is a penalty that it takes quite a while to revive once you catch it, but if you face it from the start like this, even that penalty loses its meaning.

This means that you have to watch the guy you only see in phase 3 throughout phases 1 and 2.

“Yoo Hyun-seong!”


Yoo Hyun-seong runs after the two people.

Then he nodded towards Luna.


A burst of wind.

The spell is activated and gives a correction to the movements of everyone around it.

Reaction speed, movement, dynamic vision, etc.

Seo Ye-rin lets out a roar of joy at her suddenly enhanced physical abilities.

– Creak.

Baek Eun-seol’s sword dug into the side of the crystal golem.

A movement that is clearly different from before.

There’s a reason why wizards are considered the most important resource.

Even aside from direct firepower, it even boasts this kind of excellent auxiliary ability.


Then, Seo Ye-rin’s fist, filled with magical power, is stabbed into the other side.

A crystal golem that staggers and loses its posture.

Through that gap, Yu Hyeon-seong’s is thrust down.

– Phew!

The part that makes contact with the sword explodes, spewing out fragments.

However, the Crystal Golem is a unique inanimate summon that does not know pain and is jealous.

He swings his blunt fist at them as they put away their weapons without even pretending to be in pain.

– Boom!

In an instant, a crystal fist rushes in and strikes the ground, shaking the axis.

A gap that is clearly visible.

However, the three do not attack recklessly.


– Push shu shu shu!

This is because the protrusions that sprouted from the entire body of the crystal golem were shot indiscriminately!

The three men calmly cleared the crystal shards away, each swinging their weapons and fists.

I felt rewarded for having them study patterns by using their imaginations so hard.

If you approached it without knowing the pattern, it would have been a bad ending regardless of whether it was Baek Eun-seol or anyone else.

“… Phew. This is exactly what my junior said.”

“How about having faith, senior?”

“This is enough… .”

– Crunch!

“…I trust you.”

“Does that matter now? Here! Next to me! I need some help~!”

Three people take positions while chatting about something.

Meanwhile, Luna, Han Se-yeon, and I headed inward, keeping as far away from each other as possible.

Whether it was a modified golem or something, what was important now was the state of the body, not the summoned beast or something.

If by any chance the body has already awakened, contrary to the calculations… .

‘Oh, goosebumps.’

Things will get so much harder that I don’t even want to imagine it.

“Awake, are you awake…?”

Luna asked in a whisper, as if she was anxious.

He shook his head slightly.

“Not likely. If he were awake, he wouldn’t be leisurely sitting in a place like this.”

“But, still… that crystal golem exists…!”

“The crystal golem is a summoned creature born from the power of the divine being. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with the state of the body.”


Luna exhaled secretly, as if relieved.

At that moment, Han Se-yeon, who was walking ahead of us, stops and raises her fist.

Since Laplace’s warning did not fly in, it was determined that the situation was not dangerous.

I raised my head to avoid the pouring snow.


Luna’s breath, either a gasp or a groan, escaped right next to me.

It was because of the giant ice pillar that appeared before my eyes and the hill of snow surrounding it like a crown.

Among them, the pillar of ice.

Inside was Leah, covered in black magic.


Because they copied Leah’s inside and out, and even copied the vessel of descent, there was a snow monster that sublimated into a ‘body’ in her place.

“It really…looks exactly the same…!”

“My sculpting skills are a bit different.”

To be exact, it’s Akasha.

“… I see. How closely did you look at it? Wow. To see such detailed information…”


Isn’t this a situation that should be admired?

Why is the way you speak and your voice so… .

“The seal wasn’t broken.”

Han Se-yeon approached the ice pillar half step by half.

Until then, nothing much had happened.

There was just a constant flow of snow pouring out from the top of the ice pillar, through the gap where it met the ceiling.

“It looks like the cave ceiling has been breached.”

“Mr. Jinwoo. If that’s the cause of this eye problem, I think it would be best to block the hole right away.”

“Me too, I agree.”

He nodded and gathered magic power into his fingertips.

After drawing a huge magic circle, he shot out an incomplete “Ice White” that did not use magic.

– Tsk tsk tsk.

The snow that had been pouring down in an instant freezes and blocks the ceiling.

Naturally, the snow storm stops and the inside of the cave becomes quiet.

“Wow! Wow! Casting magic this fast…!”

“This isn’t enough. Han Se-yeon, can you evaporate all the snow around you?”

“… Such a small unit is difficult because the strength cannot be controlled.”

It was said that if we were not careful, the whole area could be blown away.

“That won’t work.”

I had no choice but to take out the speech tube from the subspace.

After having Luna and Han Se-yeon each hold one can, he started spraying them on the floor.

The accumulated snow melted away in an instant, creating a small pond on one side of the cave.

It was around that time that the battle between the three people that had been taking place not far away ended.

“Wow! Junior, what’s wrong? Suddenly your eyes stopped and the crystal golem became weak!”

“I blocked the hole where the snow was pouring in. So, what did you do?”

“I just turned it into powder!”

Seo Ye-rin laughs while throwing a one-two jab with both fists.

I shot “Ice White” at the remains of the crystal golem that was rolling on the ground in fragments, nodding its head.

Debris that was stuck to the floor and frozen solid.

“This should buy me some time.”

Since there is no eye as a medium, it will take more time until resurrection.

It would be ideal to process the body in the meantime, but… .

“That’s the Demon King’s body… .”

Yoo Hyun-seong muttered while holding the sword that was smoking azalea.

“They really look the same.”

“It’s almost like they’re the same person.”

“I want to take you home….”

They all get excited, saying that she resembles Leah.

If even friendly people are like this, how would total strangers react?

‘As expected, it was a good idea to ban other people from entering.’

Experience monopolization is a bonus.

Praise our Akasha~

“Let’s check the condition first.”

Baek Eun-seol approached the ice pillar standing alone and tapped it with the tip of her sword.

It’s so hard that it doesn’t even leave a mark, let alone ice flakes.

“It’s quite hard. It’s not ordinary ice.”

“Professor Kang Sungjae gathered all the strange power he used to the limit and exploded it. Think of it as a special magical effect.”

The ice was so solid that the sheer force of its expansion could have pierced the ceiling of the cave, causing snow to pour out from outside.

You can tell just by looking at the bottom of the ice pillar.

It was not a naturally frozen form, as if connected to the ground.

It was a rapidly expanding pillar of ice that was stuck in the ground and was fixed in place.

“It looks like the explosion of freezing magic was quite effective.”

“What are you going to do, Jinwoo Park?”

“It needs to be melted.”

He nodded toward Yoo Hyeon-seong.

Yoo Hyun-seong nodded silently and injected magical power into the blade, and soon the ‘s unique crimson magical power began to glow.

In the meantime, the group dispersed to their respective positions and prepared to strike Soche’s neck at any time.

After a while, Yoo Hyeon-seong, who had been taking deep breaths, struck down the with all his might!

– Bang~

A clear and refreshing sound resonates without any foreign matter.




We all blinked and looked at Yoo Hyun-seong.

Yoo Hyeon-seong swung his sword again, his face red with embarrassment.


Taking a deep breath, he strikes the ice pillar with the sword that is brimming with the energy of the .

A cutting strike is performed to fully transmit the force while minimizing the contact area.


– Clang~!

This time again, a clear and beautiful sound rang out.

I could see the blade vibrating thinly.

He shook his head and stopped Yu Hyeon-seong, who was about to swing his sword again.

“The regular won’t do. Let’s use the passing sword.”

“I don’t feel like using it before I even start….”

Yoo Hyeon-seong stepped back as if he had no choice.

Soon, Seo Ye-rin and Baek Eun-seol take their places.

Then they look at each other and nod their heads in unison.

“-Let’s get started!”

Luna, who had shouted like that, released the spell she had stored up.

The magic that burst out all at once seeps into the bodies of those waiting, penetrating their physical nature and strengthening them.


Seo Ye-rin takes a deep breath and opens her mouth wide.


The first stage of primary impact and synergy is building up.

After that, Baek Eun-seol’s is inserted.

– Titi ting~ Tick!

Even then, the sound of everything being bounced away rings out, and at the end, a single tiny petal lands.

Stage 2 of synergy.

Short duration of less than 1 second.

In between, Yoo Hyun-seong’s cuts through like lightning!

– Kwaaaaang!

A gigantic explosion that shook the earth.

Luna’s second wind magic, activated at the same time, protects Yu Hyeon-seong’s body.

Soon, the air inside the cave is completely pushed out, creating a vacuum for a very short time, and then it all blasts in at once as if it is being sucked into the center, sucking up the pure white ice and snow powder.

The ensuing aftershock.

– Hoooooow… .

I checked the condition of the ice pillar while holding the hem of my clothes fluttering in the wind.

The dust storm that had been in full swing gradually subsided, revealing the whole picture.

I ended up gaping in shock.

“… Are you okay?”

“Oh, that’s ridiculous!”

“Junior, let’s try again.”

The three people in confusion once again create the synergy of .

Another powerful explosion occurred, and the dust became thicker than before.

The power was so strong that the ice on the ceiling blocked by the iceberg was torn off.

However, the ice pillars are visible through the dust that Luna has magically shaken away.

“This is crazy…!”

… it was clean without a single trace.

Everyone’s eyes turn to me, as if wondering what happened.

‘This is truly an unexpected situation.’

I ended up scratching the back of my head and laughing awkwardly.

It seems that the magic power of freezing has an internal perpetual circulation structure like a magic stone, so it seems to have this unexpected effect… .

“If we do this, we won’t be able to tell when the ice will melt.”

Maybe it will suddenly melt in 10 seconds, or maybe it will remain frozen until the day the world ends.

Even if I interpreted and calculated the structure that was visible through magic power, it was the same.

Because each and every horsepower shows a different calculation result, it is impossible to define it clearly and clearly.

‘It’s so different from what I expected.’

This was the first time, I swear, that something like this had happened since I started looking at the world through magic eyes.

Including cases where the calculations are this unclear.

My lips are so dry.

‘But it doesn’t make sense to just leave it here.’

It is something that must be avoided at all costs, as it would put the Demon King’s body in Leah’s form on display.

‘Then, are you going to take this outside? Do you have any reason to carry a billboard?’

In the end, the answer that is derived is simply ‘handle it here’.

I made up my mind.

“… If the synergy of doesn’t work, then you need to bring an extreme spell of at least level 6 to 7.”

“Junior, do you know how to use the 6th level spell?”

“It wouldn’t be strange if Jinwoo said he knew how to use it.”

“Mr. Jinwoo, you’re amazing!”

I was speechless at the absurdity.

“What on earth do you guys think of me normally? If you knew how to use that, would you be an Academy student? You’re a 6th or 7th level magician. Instead of doing this here, you should be having a drink with Mansangju.”

“… Think about your usual behavior, Jinwoo Park.”

Baek Eun-seol shook her head.

‘My usual behavior?’

I thought back to my life at the academy.

Except for the followers of the Devil’s Cult, I only remember faithfully participating in the classes taught by professors.

‘You’ve never had an accident? You’re such a model student.’

I don’t understand.

How on earth is this image captured?


I sighed and looked back at Han Se-yeon.

“Let’s blow it up properly.”

“Blow it? … To what extent.”

The fact that a maximum level spell of at least 6th or 7th grade is required means that an attack using at least the full power of a 6th or 7th grade superhuman is required.

So of course.

“Full power.”

A strange color appeared on Han Se-yeon’s face.

But it soon subsides.

Just that small change caused a tinge of anger to appear on my shoulders.

“The terrain will collapse.”

“You just have to prepare so that you don’t collapse.”

Everyone looked like they couldn’t understand what we were talking about, but I was holding back my words because just trying to figure out a way to do it would make my head explode.

All sorts of methods came to mind and were discarded repeatedly.

‘Neither this nor that.’

After failing to find it for a long time, I finally calmed my mind.

If one thing doesn’t work, try a combination.

Methods that were abandoned.

The work involved weaving together laws and regularities to form a large trunk and then pruning away the branches.

So many means and methods were engrossed in a task that resulted in just one method.


[Answer: It is quite possible.]


[Answer: It is definitely possible, although it requires thorough preparation.]

I made a decision.

[Answer. View the required records.]

“Ah, Jinwoo is laughing like a mischievous child again… .”

First, I clapped my hands to get their attention.

Then he explained something I hadn’t been able to explain yet.

“I plan to melt it all at once with extreme heat. To do that, I need to prepare the groundwork.”

“What should I do?”

Yoo Hyun-seong asked with sparkling eyes.

A passionate attitude that takes upon itself suffering!

As expected, he is a protagonist who will save the world.

He answered with a smile.

“You’re going to carve a large magic circle, right? So first.”

He smiled and pointed to the floor.

“Let’s start with leveling.”


“It has to be cut like a marble floor.”

He turned his finger pointing at the floor a full 360 degrees.

“Everything, cleanly.”


Seo Ye-rin kicked the floor and ran out.


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