I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 45

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45. Guardian Festival Mini

45. Guardian Festival Mini

Proof of 13 improved circuit diagrams has begun.

A total of 13 circuit diagrams appeared on the giant screen behind Park Jin-woo.

But the belt didn’t draw attention to it.

Anyway, I’ve seen this guy so many times before coming here.

Although it is called ‘proof’, this place exists only for ‘lecture’.

Where would the proof or anything be in a circuit diagram that has already been made public?

Of course, you can understand the content more specifically and more clearly when the owner explains it directly… .

Right now, I’m more focused on what I just heard than on that.

‘You’re from the Department of Mystery?’

Park Jin-woo’s self-introduction kept bothering me.

Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever cared about Park Jin-woo’s affiliation.

Yeah, I guess so.

He is the main character of improving magic circuits, but what else could he be if not from the Department of Magic Engineering and the Department of Magic Circuits?

So, I thought it was natural to think of it as a ‘Department of Magic Engineering’.

‘Why on earth? Why!’

Anyway, I’m a first-year student who just entered school.

There are plenty of opportunities for transfer, so affiliation won’t be a problem right now.

But the belt drew attention to another part, not that one.

‘Are you really trying to create a genius out of Guardians?’

Capturing a student from a non-mainstream department called the Department of Mystery and branding him as a genius.

That’s just a joke.

What good is creating a genius for?

By consuming as many as 13 improved circuit diagrams that achieved such tremendous development.

But this doesn’t explain his affiliation with the Department of Occult Studies.

‘Why on earth!’

Belt waited with a heart full of despair for Jinwoo Park to finish explaining the 13 types of improved circuit diagrams.

Either the genius of magic engineering is affiliated with the Department of Occult Studies, or there is a conspiracy theory that he is working on something at Guardian Academy.

Anyway, this is something we will find out when the Q&A time comes.

* * *

Time passes in a way that is both interesting and boring.

Park Jin-woo continued his testimony in an extremely monotonous voice.

There are a total of 13 circuit diagrams.

As there were many sheep, the time required for proof was also not small.

Professor Vincent smiled inwardly.

‘Your speaking skills aren’t very good. Unless you’re intentionally making things boring, I’d say you have no talent as a speaker.’

Vincent relaxed his back, feeling relieved and the burden lifted.

Of course, there were moments when my liver and kidneys sank in.

It was when Jinwoo Park came up with a completely new concept, or when he solved a problem from a very new perspective.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the room became so heated that even the boring tone of the speech was drowned out.

So Vincent decided not to let his guard down.

‘The plan is to proceed as planned. First, we will break the mentality during the Q&A session, then the reporters will deliver a fatal blow, and if that doesn’t work…’

Vincent thought of his men who had been hiding within the Academy grounds since their hideout was destroyed.

The academy’s efforts have already lost their sharpness.

They were people of deep loyalty who would even give up their lives for the sake of the revival of the Jealous Sect.

‘All that’s left is to completely destroy it.’

Armed occupation.

Or, terrorism.

Anyway, as long as President Lee Ji-ah is here, we won’t see any huge effects.

‘Does not matter.’

His sole purpose is to make this lecture into the worst possible version.

For that, he could have thrown away the lives of his subordinates like straw.

This is all done by the jealous species for their great demon lord.

‘Hehehe, come on. Come on…’

Vincent waited patiently for the question and answer session to begin.

* * *

‘Akasha. I realized it this time.’

[Q. What do you mean, Master?]

‘It’s a skill to be able to say things in a boring way.’

How do you give lectures that make you fall asleep just by listening to them?

It was so hard that I even thought about that.

It was really hard for a former internet broadcaster to deliberately kill the tone and lower expectations as much as possible… .

‘I managed to do it in the end.’

This is the true victory of humanity.

“… Therefore, the power integration efficiency of this circuit is 23% higher than that of circuit 3.”

I swallowed the sigh that was about to escape and finished proving the last 13th circuit diagram.

It only took two hours to get here.



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Roughly speaking, each circuit took about 9 to 10 minutes.

“That is all.”

He spoke as calmly as possible and looked down at the stage where the officials were gathered.

Kim Ji-hoon, who had been waiting, was drawing a circle with his hand raised above his head.

The time has come.

This is the moment when you can make the most of the expectations that have been greatly lowered until now.

With that thought in mind, I looked around the entire auditorium.

People who kill time by fiddling with their smartwatches or chatting with people next to them.

Scholars looking at the 13 circuit diagrams with somewhat interested faces.

Those who wiggle their butts while harboring all sorts of doubts.

And there are those who are ready to raise their hands at any moment, with expressions that clearly indicate other intentions.

“… … .”

He smiled slyly at them, raised his hand, and tapped the microphone.

A sharp sound echoes throughout the auditorium, shattering the disturbed atmosphere.

Then, all of their gazes are focused solely on me.

They probably expect the words ‘I’ll be taking questions’ to fall from my mouth any minute.

Or, you might expect, ‘We’ll take a 10-minute break and then have a Q&A session.’

‘But what can I do, I feel sorry?’

There won’t be a Q&A session as you wish.

Because during the hustle and bustle of the festival, there won’t be time to even go to the bathroom.

I opened my mouth with that small expectation.

“Are you all bored?”

“… … .”

“Oh, there’s no answer. You must have fallen asleep while listening.”

He pointed to the circuit diagram displayed on the rear screen with the laser point he was holding.

“Anyway, all of this is public on the Internet. I just explained it in more detail.”

Still no answer.

Well, those here are either students of the academy or luminaries of the academic world.

You can’t expect them to respond like an ordinary audience.

He gave a signal to Kim Ji-hoon with a smirk.

– Srrrr… .

Then, the 13 circuit diagrams on the screen turn to dust and disappear as if they were snapped by a finger.

Then, when the respirator is removed, a small amount of vitality is injected into the auditorium that was at the level of death.

Even so, it was at the level of ‘Oh…’ where I was amazed by this type of performance.

“So, let’s stop this boring ‘review’ thing here.”

The moment he said that and waved his hand.

The entire screen turns black, and soon a small solid line begins to appear in the center.

Eventually, lines met to form letters, and those who read the completed letters cheered loudly.

< Guardian Festival MINI >

On the screen, only these three words were written in large letters.

“Festival? Mini?”

“A festival out of the blue? What on earth is that?”

“What kind of event is this?”

People start to look around and say something.

Soon, their gaze turns to President Lee Ji-ah, who is sitting in the official seat.

But President Lee Ji-ah just smiled and looked at me on the podium.

He said, winking at her.

“From now on, we will open the Guardian Academy festival, very simply!”

The festival has begun.

* * *

I couldn’t understand what Park Jin-woo was saying.

Of course, I thought there would be a Q&A session, and I was ready to struggle to somehow get the chance to ask questions.

“A festival out of the blue? What kind of performance are you trying to show?”

“I think they were trying to freshen up the atmosphere… but was that really necessary?”

Nicole tilts her head, a small question in her eyes.

It’s not even an academic conference.

This is what a lecture is like anyway.

A static, boring atmosphere.

If you want a friendly and lively atmosphere in the first place, it would be better to go see a public comedy show.

So I didn’t even care that the genius of the century was surprisingly bad at giving lectures.

“Hmm, what on earth was the Guardian thinking…?”

Belt’s gaze, which had been quietly expressing doubt, focuses on the screen showing signs of change.

The letters on the screen faded out and disappeared, and then new letters appeared above them.

“New extraction method?”

Just looking at what’s written, it seems like they’re revealing a new technology.

Soon, even the letters disappear, and a large thesis-style screen appears above them.

Belt frowned in displeasure.

“While giving a circuit diagram lecture, what the heck is this…?”

– Bam!

However, I couldn’t continue complaining until the end because Nicole got up right next to me.

Belt looked up at Nicole in surprise.

Nicole was looking at the screen behind Jinwoo Park with a bewildered expression as if she had encountered a ghost.

“… … .”

“Dr. Nicole?”


Nicole was speechless.

Belt tilted his head in puzzlement.

“Dr. Nicole, why are you doing this?”


“Ma? Hey, Nicole Park… .”


The belt was so surprising that it caused the match to start from the seat.

It wasn’t just Nicole, but screams like screams were heard from all directions.

“Oh, wow, I’m surprised… .”

The belt swept across his chest and he looked around.

All over the auditorium, people were seen standing up with their faces blank and staring at the screen.

Those in Guardian Academy uniforms, as well as prominent figures in academia like Nicole.

Belt checked their faces and realized they had something in common.


They were all famous alchemists from the alchemy world.

Belt realized by then.

‘That was a new technology related to alchemy.’

I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the butt.

Not only do they bring 13 basic circuit diagrams for magical circuitry, but they also bring new technologies for alchemy.

‘This couldn’t possibly have come from that genius’s head. No, it couldn’t have. That’s ridiculous.’

Belt kept denying the assumptions that came to his mind, but he couldn’t hide the empty laughter that escaped his lips.

Then, I checked out the new technology of alchemy, and indeed.

I now understand why they were so surprised.

‘This is definitely a similar concept to the graphene extraction method. Extracting ironite from magic metal in just a few seconds?’

While quietly exclaiming in admiration, Nicole read the papers displayed on the screen with trembling eyes and grabbed her head.

No matter how large the screen is that it can be seen from the entire lecture hall, it cannot contain the entire thesis.

Of the papers that appeared on the screen, only four pages were visible.

But, that contained the entire A to Z of the paper.

With only 4 pages.


The new technology called is explained in just 4 pages.

It was a simple yet effective extraction method!

– Thud.


“What’s wrong, Dr. Nicole?”


Nicole didn’t answer Belt’s question either.

No, I couldn’t.

It was difficult just to hold back the sighs that kept bursting out.

Soon, as groans like screams were heard throughout the auditorium, Nicole spoke with an expression on her face like she had chewed a handful of raw mustard.

“… The project that had been going on for three years has been canceled as of today.”

“… … .”

“Heh heh, right. Heh heh heh. Haha. Heh heh heh… .”

Belt, who intuitively understood what was being said, kept his mouth shut with an expression that said nothing.


Belt nodded after reading the new technology in front of him more intently.

‘With this level of technology, all the ironite extraction processes that have existed until now will be obsolete.’

As soon as I thought about that, goosebumps appeared all over my body.

The level of aftereffects is incomparable to the improved circuit diagram.

The circuit diagram ends up just ‘adding’ and ‘modifying’ a few improvements to the existing technology.

But what on earth is this ‘new technology’ that can wipe out an entire ‘technology system’?

It was no wonder that all the alchemists were scratching their heads.

“Is that why it’s called a festival?”

The belt nodded.

It’s amazing that they’re putting this new technology announcement after a lecture on circuit diagrams.

A shock of this magnitude could certainly be called a festival.

It had that much of an impact.

… I thought so.

“Okay. Have you read it enough? But isn’t it a bit difficult to understand with just this?”

Nicole muttered as if chewing on what Park Jin-woo said while laughing into the microphone.

“If you can’t even understand that, you should just get rid of the magician label….”

While Nicole was muttering to herself and getting worked up, Jinwoo Park demonstrated the actual extraction method using the tools set up on the stage, thereby ‘proving’ its effectiveness.

And then he said with a grin.

“Have you seen it? This technology has already been proven. If you have the right tools and materials, you could probably do it right now.”

As I put down the tools in my hands, the staff member who came up quickly took them back.

Jinwoo Park paused for a moment and looked around every corner of the auditorium, then smiled and said.

“I think you have a sufficient understanding of this . Well, if you still have a question, please check our academy homepage. The full text is written there. Then, shall we move on to the next step?”


“There’s a next one?”

– Groan, groan.

The entire auditorium suddenly becomes noisy like a flea market.

But Park Jin-woo paid no attention and sent a signal to Kim Ji-hoon.

Then, the contents of the paper titled that had been floating on the screen disappeared, and only a huge name remained in its place.

< Personal Portable Subspace: Park Jin-woo Edition >





Silence fell throughout the auditorium.

Looking at that sight, Jinwoo Park ended up smiling faintly.

“I shouldn’t be surprised already….”

What followed was truly shocking.

* * *


The most impressive flower of space magic to the public, along with space travel, is the so-called glass space (遊離空間) or imaginary space (虛數空間) isolated from reality.

However, contrary to such images, it was extremely difficult to find subspace magic in real life.

That would be the case because subspace magic consumes a tremendous amount of magical power.

To the extent that ordinary space wizards would consider it a dream come true.

“Think about it. There is a wall between space and space, and it exists as an isolation between the inner and outer dimensions.”

Park Jin-woo spoke while pacing left and right on the stage.

“Of course, a lot of magical power would be consumed. That’s why there is only one artifact related to subspace in the world.”

“Even that is on display at the museum,” Park Jin-woo said with a bitter laugh.

‘Last Apocalypse’ is definitely a game, but it’s the kind that sticks quite closely to realism.

The lack of inventory forced him to carry a backpack, which had a very high chance of being lost or destroyed during battle.

So, from the middle part onwards, an artifact with this ‘subspace’ engraved on it was required, and to obtain it, you had to go through an incredibly difficult time.

It was then that the experience suddenly came to mind.

“That’s why the general public, as well as ordinary space magicians, haven’t had many opportunities to look into this subspace thing. Right? Subspace magic itself is a high-level spell of level 6, and the magical power that goes into it is also incredibly high. The image of barely opening a subspace with 27 magical power generators is still famous, right?”

Park Jin-woo made a joke, but the audience in the auditorium did not react.

Couldn’t do it.

Just reading the description of ‘Subspace: Jinwoo Park Edition’ that appeared on the screen was overwhelming.

The reason their gazes left the screen was purely because of the small ‘bracelet’ that Park Jin-woo took out of his pocket.

“Voila! How is it? Simple, right? I made them plain on purpose. Some are prototypes, but others are intended to be easily integrated into smartwatches.”

Gulp, the sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the intestines.

There were murmurs of discontent here and there over the fact that it was not enough to simply publish the paper.

Guardian Academy, no, Park Jin-woo.

I actually made the thing and brought it to you!

It was giving people a huge shock.

“It’s not like I stayed up all night for two days to make this and the design is a mess! Hehe… Oh, but there’s one drawback.”


People tilted their heads, but no one frowned.

The very act of turning subspace magic into a ‘magic tool’ is an absurdly difficult task.

So, it would be strange if there weren’t one or two shortcomings.

Is it possible that the duration of the subspace is short because too much magic power is consumed?

Or is it something that only superhumans or wizards with a certain level of power can use?

People who had been imagining all sorts of things in their minds soon focused on Jinwoo Park’s mouth, which was slowly becoming quiet.

Soon, Jinwoo Park looked at the subspace bracelet with a face full of the expression, ‘Hmm. This is a failure.’

“The internal capacity of the subspace is only 1m cubic. Tsk, who the hell am I supposed to stick this on…?”

‘What the f*ck! It’s so big!’

The audience listening all screamed inwardly.

It was a sentiment 100% consistent with what President Lee Ji-ah had said just a day ago.

* * *

“This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!”

Park Jeong-jik of Jeong & Seong Shinmun, one of the five media outlets that has built friendly relations with Park Jin-woo, kept pressing the camera shutter, unable to hide his boiling excitement.

Jinwoo Park’s subsequent explanation further fanned the excitement.

“I think there are some people who are worried about the duration of subspace magic, but there’s no need to worry. This thing has a lot of my patented technology in it, so its magic efficiency is amazing.”

‘No need to recharge your magic.’

“Of course, because of this subspace magic, there is a risk that items will be stolen without anyone knowing. That’s why we prepared the non-storage function for unauthorized items and the ‘inventory’ function. The non-storage function is described in detail in the thesis, so please refer to it.”

‘There are measures to prevent theft.’

“There’s nothing special about the inventory function. It’s just a function that links to a smartwatch and projects objects in a reduced form in the subspace to the outside. You can see what’s inside at a glance, and with this, you can take out the items inside with one touch without having to go through them one by one.”

‘Equipped with a state-of-the-art inventory system.’

“Of course, there is a lot of potential for abuse. That’s why civilians can’t store any categories related to weapons. Only superhuman licenses and government permits can unlock this function.”

‘Preventing terrorist threats.’

Park Jeong-jik, who had been hastily writing down the contents on his smartwatch, finally let out a long sigh and relaxed his body when Park Jin-woo’s mouth closed.

My body, which had been frozen due to nervousness, screamed.

Even as he groaned and relaxed his stiff body, Park Jeong-jik couldn’t take his eyes off Park Jin-woo.

“You really developed all that by yourself…?”

To be honest, it was hard to believe.

It would have been easier to believe if they had said it was President Lee Ji-ah’s research results.

As a disciple of the siege, she was a world-famous space magician.

Maybe he received a lot of help from Lee Ji-ah or Gong Seong.

I had that thought, but on page 1 of the paper that appeared on the screen, it clearly said, ‘First author: Jinwoo Park.’

“Ha… right. Haa.”

Park Jeong-jik sighed and swept back his bangs.

I waited for Park Jin-woo’s next ‘ending’ with sparkling eyes.

Finally, Park Jin-woo’s mouth opened.

“Then let’s move on to the next one.”

Silence falls again on the auditorium that was filled with admiration and amazement.

Park Jeong-jik thought with his mouth wide open, as if he didn’t have the strength to feel any more despair.

‘There’s another one next…?’

“Why are you reacting like that? Do you think you could call something like this a festival? Hey, have a conscience~.”

As he looked at the text that appeared on the screen, Park Jeong-jik let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, I thought of a topic that was too lacking compared to the subspace issue.

‘Is it something like a magic supplement? This one is relatively ordinary.’

However, contrary to Park Jeong-jik’s thoughts, a commotion comparable to that of the subspace bracelet began to run among the pure magicians and magicians who checked the thesis that appeared on the screen.

* * *

“When you’re lacking magic power, just having this one will open up a whole new world. Not only will it noticeably speed up your recovery speed, but it will also temporarily increase your total amount.”

Vincent, who had been absent-mindedly watching Jinwoo Park continue his explanation of , clenched his teeth as if he had just woken up from sleep.

If you just think about what you’ve heard so far, it’s a story about a dream from a starry world in outer space.

But, as long as there is clearly a ‘real thing’, it cannot be a dream story.

It’s a harsh reality.

‘This won’t do…’

Vincent scanned the auditorium as a whole.

The boring atmosphere from the beginning had disappeared, and everyone was concentrating on Park Jin-woo’s presentation with sparkling eyes.

Vincent didn’t like that at all.

Of course, everything that Park Jin-woo explained and showed was incredible, but it shouldn’t have been like that.

This lecture… no, this festival disguised as a lecture will never, absolutely not, end successfully.

No, that won’t happen.

‘It’s no longer an atmosphere where questions and answers can do anything. The media too…’

Even the media outlets that had mobilized all their connections to rally around the issue found their mood reversed.

It was a shocking story that had to happen, so it’s not hard to understand.

Because they haven’t yet achieved 100% control of the media.

It’s bitter, but it can’t be helped.

Vincent steeled his resolve.

‘I have no choice but to send my subordinates to the death.’

If you can’t destroy it from the inside, destroy it from the outside.

Vincent gave the order without hesitation.

[For the Jealous]


The elite of the Jealous Sect appear across the pure white snow.

They just looked at each other without saying a word and exchanged glances.

Those who were prepared to die soon became giant shadows and dug into the training grounds.


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