I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 267

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267. King of Hell (2)

267. King of Hell (2)

“… … !”

Sparks fly from Setiren’s eyes as he realizes what he is saying.

However, Setiren did not get excited, and somehow kept his composure, and put his left hand into his pants pocket.

“You’re wrong. You didn’t ruin it, you fixed it.”

“Hmm. The expression is fine. But I wonder. Who ruined this masterpiece?”

“A special person, one and only in this world.”

Setiren raised the corners of his lips and grinned.

“That guy fixed it.”

“It’s impossible to damage the original foundation with normal methods. Is it a thousand-year-old castle?”

Cheon Sal Seong (天殺聖). The head of the Seven Great Saints, also known as the Savior of the World.

Seeing him mentioned as if it were a given, Setiren spoke again, laughing.

“Well, you have to do that yourself….”

– Hook!

“Find out!”

Setiren, which rotates 180 degrees around the sword, with the tips of the feet pointing toward the sky.

At the same time, he takes his left hand out of his pants pocket and shakes it vigorously.

He waved his hand in vain, trying to slap it away, but-

– Bam!

– Crackle crackle!

“… … !!”

The moment I made contact with the milky liquid that had sprung up from there, I unconsciously released the strength from my hand due to the burst of lightning.

In the gap, Setiren pulls out his sword and steps back.

“Purification Holy Water… It’s been a while.”

“Does it feel like it’s been a long time since you’ve been alive?”

“Time does not pass quickly even though you live forever. Your one minute and my one minute have the same time value.”

– Hook.

The Demon King has disappeared.

… The moment he realized that, a huge object appeared right before Setiren’s eyes.

No, it’s not even a huge object in the first place.

It was a fist engulfed in magic.

– Boom!

Setiren’s body flies around in the air.

Silvery pieces of iron shatter and scatter around her.


Revan, a holy knight of the Vatican and leader of the Punishment Corps, rushes in and catches her as she falls.

The shock from being hit by the Demon King was so great that Revan took a few steps back even after grabbing Setiren, his face distorted.

“Ugh…! Captain, are you okay?”

As Revan asked with great caution towards the Demon King, Setiren shook off his hand that was holding her and fell to the ground.

Then he bends down and, whoosh, spurts out blood.

– Thud thud.

A deep crimson liquid that descends into the bright yellow world.

Setiren clutched his stomach and vomited blood several times.

Only then did he finally seem to be able to breathe, repeatedly breathing heavily.

“Haak. Haak. Phew… .”

Roughly wiping the blood-stained corners of his mouth, Setiren looks up at the Demon King with eyes soaked with hatred.

“… … .”

He seemed to have already lost interest in Setiren, and was only looking at the convoy of cars without even giving him a glance.

Revan, who was watching the scene, said.

“It’s strange.”

“You think it’s strange?”

“Yes. You can tell just by looking at that ridiculous magic. If he wanted to kill us, he would have already died and disappeared….”

“Nonsense. Stop talking nonsense and draw your sword, Commander of the Punishment Squad.”

Setiren staggered forward a few steps.

Revan shook his head, holding his shield in his left hand and his sword in his right.

The warrior priests and holy knights who had been lined up behind him each advance forward with their weapons in hand.

– Flash.

Weapons and gloves that sparkle and reflect the bright yellow light.

He let out a dry breath as he looked at the equipment in the Vatican’s symbolic style.

“Even back then, you guys didn’t dare to oppose me. That was someone else’s job.”

– Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck.

“What will be different now?”

He extended his right hand toward the Vatican clergy.

The swaying magic energy blooms across the palm of your hand.

It shakes threateningly, as if it might spill out at any moment.

“There is nothing special among you. You have no value. Even if I wiped you all out, it would be meaningless.”

Is it too concentrated?



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A black liquid drips from the magic held in his palm, and in an instant, it contaminates the ground.

– Cheeeeeee… .

A blade of grass that melts and disappears in an instant, as if it had been doused with acidic liquid.

He looked down at it, thought about something for a moment, and then let his outstretched arm hang down.

“The prophecy of the Apocalypse is never wrong. He is definitely here. If you don’t see one… .”

Then he turns his head and looks behind him, outside of the “black cloud”.

As if in disbelief, his red eyes, shining brightly even in the darkness, opened wide.

“That insignificant power… is that him?”

He thought of the only car that had been thrown out of this black space.

The very car that was hit and destroyed by the magic bullet he had fired to stop the long line of cars.

“… … .”

Looking back, I had clearly decided that it was useless and sent out the magic, but there was no response whatsoever.

It must have been a fresh soul feast, with a strong scent of blood.

“You’re holding on….”

Although it was not visible because it was covered by magic.

The corners of his mouth were clearly twisted upward.

“It was there.”


In that very vehicle that he had trivialized and ignored, there is the being that the Apocalypse refers to.

– Hook.

He turned around without hesitation, his whole body covered in rippling magic energy.

Take one step at a time back the way you came.


“Are you, are you running away? The Demon King?”

The priests and knights are disturbed when they see this sight.

I was more afraid of turning my back than of looking at myself.

It was the same for Setiren, and she watched her opponent with very wary eyes, not knowing what he might do.

Then, when he realizes something, he frowns.

“Stay over there!”

He stomps the ground and shouts with all his might.

– Kwaaaaang-!

At the same time as the shockwave exploded upon contact with the Demon King’s fist.

– Kuuuung-!

He is slammed into the ground with his sword.

Ugh- bright red blood bursting out of my mouth again.

But even in that state, Setiren immediately kicks the ground and raises his body, swinging his sword.

His steps, which had been advancing without stopping, were finally stopped.

“It’s annoying.”

He, the Demon King, turns his head.

I stared at Setiren with fierce eyes, and met her gaze with a haughty gaze.

* * *

“That is… the Demon King’s descent. It is so different from anything we’ve seen before.”

Seo Ye-rin sniffles at Baek Eun-seol’s words that she is chewing on.

“Even that’s arrogance. That’s what we saw in the labyrinth.”

“I should have expected it from the moment the Demon King’s eyes opened. If there were eyes, there would be a descending body… .”

“It’s no use blaming yourself for being too late. Get a grip on yourself, junior Yoo Hyeon-seong.”


When I finally managed to secure safety, the first conversation I heard clearly was this.

The Demon King’s descent body is right here.

Only after hearing that did I realize what the situation was.


“Mr. Jinwoo! Are you okay?”

Luna looks up at me with sparkling eyes, perhaps noticing the relief mixed in with my deep breath.

I smiled and nodded, meaning that it was okay.

‘It’s a good thing I’m in top condition thanks to the elixir, otherwise I would’ve just passed out with a nosebleed.’

It would have been easier to deal with them if they had been special techniques woven with magic or complex sorcery.

But the terrifying attack I just received wasn’t a technique or anything.

It was just an overwhelming violence, just a forceful pressing.

‘This is the real Demon King.’

It’s on a completely different level from the Demon King I saw through the monitor through the game character in Lafocal.

It is not a piece of data made up of 0s and 1s, but a living monster and demigod that I face directly with my body.

In terms of pure fighting power, there is virtually no one in humanity who can fight the Demon King one-on-one.

Even if they are the Seven Great Saints.

‘Except for the character I play.’

But if the Demon King that appears on the screen is in a descended state, then the story is different.

I focused my gaze and closely examined the black figure that was engaged in a fierce battle with Setiren.

The whole body was dyed black due to magic.

A bipedal creature with two healthy arms, a straight back, and two dimly visible eyes.

Although it is humanoid, its condition cannot be properly identified because its appearance is obscured.

‘If you force yourself into an unprepared vessel, the strength you have prepared will disappear like a bottomless pit.’

It wasn’t for nothing that the church ‘cultivated’ Leah for years.

If it could come down at any time, the Earth would have been devastated already.

That is not to say that the descent ritual requires numerous prerequisites.

‘In Lapocal, there was no prepared descent body for Lucifer. If it was a hastily made descent body… No, wouldn’t that be strange? Why is Setiren at a disadvantage against descent bodies?’

If you only look at the image sent to the screen, it looks like it’s on par with Setilen, but that’s not the case.

Now, Setiren is clearly being ‘pushed’.

‘A 7th-grade combat priest is at a disadvantage against the Demon King’s descendant?’

Even though it’s hastily made, the descent body is definitely strong.

But Setyrene is much stronger than that.

Officially, he is a 6th-grade superhuman, but in reality, he possesses the fighting power of a 7th-grade superhuman, and is even advantageous when fighting against demons.

Still, it would be almost absurd to say that Setiren is not gaining an advantage over the Gangrimche.

‘If that’s really the descent… .’


All seven Demon Lords of Hell, without exception, use this ‘Descent Body’.

Why is that?

The answer is surprisingly simple.

Because on Earth, your own power is limited.

[Answer: This law applies to all beings belonging to Hell, including demons, monsters, and beasts.]

That is why the Demon King uses a ‘vessel’ called a ‘descent body’ to contain his consciousness and power.

However, if one’s descended body takes a serious hit while maintaining this state, the Demon King’s main body will also receive a significant blow.

The Demon King’s Eye is the ‘medium’ that acts here to neutralize the shock and maintain stability, a sort of base station.

The power will be doubled and the output will be cut in half, but safety will be guaranteed.

Therefore, it can be said that the Demon King’s Eye and the descended body are a set, and that without the Demon King’s Eye, there is no descended body.

‘But what if it’s not Earth? Would a descendant be needed then?’

However, this is only a temporary measure prepared because the power of the original body is significantly weakened on Earth.

And the front line is not Earth.

Just because it’s connected to Earth by a giant gate doesn’t mean that Earth’s laws apply.

As if the world was brightly lit by an unknown yellow light.

[Answer. Based on information from Last Apocalypse and reality, I can say with certainty that the Demon King appears in his true form on the front lines more than 99% of the time. This is because he can exert more than 80% of his original power.]

“Yes… Rather, appearing as a descendant here is closer to an unconventional act.”

“What are you talking about, junior?”

I suppressed the urge boiling inside me and got up from my seat, leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

Luna supported him from the side, but he quickly regained the strength in his legs and was able to stand on his own.

“What if the Demon King over there is the real thing?”

He raised his hand and pointed to a black object on the screen.

Everyone gasps or their faces harden.

I continued speaking without paying any attention.

“I still don’t know how he got here from hell in just one day, or the possibility or principle behind it. But according to my ‘gut feeling’, it’s Lucifer himself. Not some fallen body or something.”

“I guess that’s what it means… .”

“Yeah. Okay.”

The Demon King of Arrogance still wears the rippling magic wrapped around his body like armor.

It is still impossible to tell whether what is inside is a descending body or the main body just by looking at the monitor.

But no matter which way it is, what I have to do doesn’t change.

‘There’s no way to escape from here anyway.’

No, just one.

There is something like that.

Ignoring everyone I brought here, I use teleportation magic with only a small number of people.

If it had been in the same condition as when I was in the Mirror Labyrinth, I would have suffered serious internal injuries, but now that I have fully recovered with the elixir, there is no problem.

If you really put your mind to it, there is a way to escape.

“… … .”

Lucifer, the King of Arrogance.

The fake final boss, which was considered the final despair for Raphocal gamers.

If you can’t get over this wall, you won’t even be able to see the tail of the Heavenly Demon Dragon.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a mountain that you will have to overcome at some point, and your chances of clearing it will greatly increase depending on how quickly you deal with it.


‘It hasn’t even been a year yet. Even if you’ve gained experience at an unimaginable rate by using the Sword Master early on, facing Lucifer directly… is practically suicidal.’

[Answer. It is true that I am lacking in all aspects, including experience, basic stats, and skill proficiency.]

Akasha confirms my thoughts.

If you told every gamer in Lafocal about the current situation, they would probably run away in a heartbeat.

It’s not that I don’t want to do that either.

But why is that?

An impulsive feeling dominates my body, a feeling that I don’t want to choose the option of running away even if it means dying.

You must not run away.

Don’t run away.

It feels like someone is whispering those feelings directly into my head.

‘The opponent is a true Demon King, considered the strongest among the Demon Kings. A monster that is identical to Satan. In fact, in the current situation, a guy who is practically the final boss has appeared, and you’re saying you won’t run away?’

Yeah, like this.

As I repeat to myself, I keep unfolding dark temptations.

What if this situation was a game, if it was just a rapport enjoyed beyond the monitor?

What choice would you have made?

I am….

– Empty.

Take out the ruin, hold it in your hand, and lightly tap the floor of the analysis car.

The eyes of the guys who were each lost in thought, as if deeply engrossed in what I had said, gathered on me.

“You might think it’s the worst case scenario, but I see it as an opportunity.”

“An opportunity? The Demon King himself has descended?”

“So, it’s actually an opportunity. Look, what’s here.”

He pointed to the small windows on the analysis vehicle.

Beyond that, the corpses of monsters that had been killed while being caught up in the Demon King’s attack were scattered around.

“It’s because there are so many of them, but there aren’t any dangerous monsters, let alone demons. And even those can’t even approach my “Black Cloud”. But what about the Demon King? Where is Lucifer right now?”

Everyone’s gaze turns once again to the monitor hanging from the ceiling.

A bright yellow meadow surrounded by calm dark clouds on all sides.

The Demon King and Setiren are locked in a fierce battle above.

Even people who are ready to unleash concentrated fire whenever an opening appears.

“He’s out in the ring alone now, against all of us.”

“I’m alone, ra… .”

It was when Yoo Hyun-seong nodded his head with an expression of interest.

“Do you think it’s possible?”

Baek Eun-seol asks with an extremely cold gaze.

“If that’s not the descending body but the Demon King of Arrogance himself, then the odds of winning are slim. Have you forgotten? Even the Seven Great Saints were unable to condemn the sins of Hell and had to step down. Even the saints of salvation… couldn’t overcome the Demon King of Arrogance.”

You can tell just by looking at it that sin remains without any vacancy.

None of the Seven Great Saints were able to subdue the Demon King.

Not even a single king.

“And yet you are aiming for the pinnacle of hell. And you are doing so in your right mind.”

“It’s not like there’s no chance of winning.”

“Hmm. Interesting. You’re the one who says for sure that you have a chance of winning….”

Setiren, Namgung Seorin, Lee Ji-ah, Park Han-eul, Lee Sun-hoo… Superhumans whose names alone are recognizable are abundant here now.

They are followed by elite priests who are the devil’s natural enemies, and only two military organizations representing the country are together.

There are even professors at the academy who are considered top-notch personnel, although research and development take priority over practical work.

‘Above all, there’s Han Se-yeon, who has never been seen before without a penalty.’

If you include the ‘Hwarang Unit Commander’ in full condition, which is considered perfect, then in reality, there are only two 7th level superhumans.

The closest rank to an adult is a 7th rank superhuman.

There are many 6th graders, and many 5th graders.

“It might have been different when the attention was divided by a huge amount of material, but now that we can concentrate our firepower in one place, the possibility has actually increased.”

One needle can’t do much damage.

But if there are hundreds or thousands of needles, it’s a different story.

“In this situation, there’s no choice but to run away, right? There are monsters all around, and the Demon King is right in front of you. What else is there to do but fight to the death? If all you can do is fight, then let’s just fight hard.”

I finished my speech with a confident smile.

“… … .”

Baek Eun-seol, who was staring blankly at me like that-

“I thought you would say that.”

He nodded with a slight smile.

Then, once again, his expression becomes serious and he looks at me blankly.

“There was no other way from the beginning, so there’s no need to argue for or against it at this point. So what’s the plan?”

“It’s nothing grand.”

“But I’m sure you’ve thought about it. I don’t think you’re going to just charge in swinging guns and swords.”

“That’s true. Well, for now-.”

I explained the operation I had concocted based on my experience at Lafocal as quickly and concisely as possible.

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