I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 221

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221. The Wise Man’s Documentary (3)

221. The Wise Man’s Documentary (3)


– Tall.

Seo Jong-yeon stops walking as soon as the word ‘Jeong’ comes out.

I held up one hand and waited until the red line disappeared.

– Pavabak!

White and yellow electric lights flash in front of my eyes and then disappear.

I briefly glance through my magic eye between the hallway and the wall to check for danger.

‘I guess we need to block this.’

If the foundation collapses, it’s over.

Without hesitation, he fills the crack in the wall where the electric light had flashed with “Bingbaek”.

Seo Jong-yeon silently films the scene.

I suddenly became curious and asked.

“Is there any use for filming this and using it for broadcasting?”

The question was, why do I need to film such a simple thing when I have already done the same thing over and over again?

Seo Jong-yeon nodded as if it was obvious.

“Of course, sir. I don’t know where or which scene will be used.”

“Well, it’s not a live broadcast. The editing is like that… .”

Generating sources for edited versions is a natural duty of live broadcasting.

It’s not for nothing that all broadcasters put in effort to create funny scenes.

“We’ll do it separately in the editing room. So, it’s a good idea to stock up on sources.”

“Oh, I do it myself.”

“Oh, the spirit of craftsmanship.”

“Rather than that… because you didn’t give me support… .”


Looking at Seo Jong-yeon smiling awkwardly, it seemed like I could see the inside story at first glance.

If they don’t even provide the basic editing support that broadcasting companies provide, then how much is it?

“Thanks to that, my skills are steadily improving. It seems like the company is intentionally trying to develop me.”

Seo Jong-yeon snickered as he said that joke.

It was a smile that seemed hollow to anyone, but I smiled back silently.


Then, I thought about the broadcasting station staff, including Seo Jong-yeon, who had been with me for the past four days.

These people, all with passion in their eyes, did their best to carry out the duties assigned to them.

Eyes filled with hope, as if they had seized a great opportunity.

“…Okay, I think I’ve taken enough pictures.”

But the darkness that clung to the corners of their eyes could not be hidden.

They all had a glimmer of despair, like a label that had become so familiar that it had turned into a stigma.

It was a very familiar look to me.

“Let’s move.”


That’s why, rather than leaving this person behind, they chose to take him with them.

I let out a small sigh and walked through the disaster with a load on my back.

That was when.

– … … .

“… … ?”

I wince, and without realizing it, the muscles around my neck tense up.

I strained my hearing and concentrated hard, but I couldn’t hear anything.

“A mistake… That can’t be true.”

“Huh? What do you mean…?”

Ignoring Seo Jong-yeon’s question, he asked Akasha.

‘I just heard something strange. Am I mistaken?’

[Answer: Retrieve the latest information recorded by the Master.]

Para-ra-rak – the sound of a bookshelf turning echoes.

Then a faint sound plays in my mind.

– … … Shh… .


– … … in the year… .

Eyes that frown unintentionally.

It is still impossible to tell whether it is language or noise.

‘Can’t it be as big as possible?’

[Answer. Rather than saying that the Master’s hearing is lacking, it seems that he was unable to produce a complete sentence in the first place. There is not enough information to distinguish between the sound of gas leaking out and the sound coming from a person’s throat.]

“… … .”

When in doubt, just do it and see.

As I had always thought, I changed direction.

Then, he quickly left a message on his smartwatch.

[Me] I think there are survivors on the 3rd floor.

[I] checked and felt



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[Stubborn] There is no sign of life downstairs….

I turned off the screen without even looking at it.

I trust my gut more than what they say.

I went through the piled up debris with Laplace running at full speed.

“Tongue, wise man? Isn’t there no way there?”

“There are people. Survivors.”


Seo Jong-yeon quickly turns the lens in the direction I am going.

That doesn’t mean that any invisible survivors would catch his eye.

“Wow, is it buried…?”

“First of all, as expected.”

He nodded slightly and looked around with his magical powers.

The third floor, which was in shambles, was extremely dangerous due to the collapsed ceiling and floor.

To be honest, if Seo Jong-yeon, an ordinary person, makes even one wrong step, he will be buried in the rubble.

‘You’ve really messed up, you cockroach-like devil.’

After secretly casting a protective spell around Seo Jong-yeon, he moved while stepping on the exposed floor frame and concrete.

If there are many obstacles in a state where magic is scattered sparsely like this, the visibility within the magic power will become shorter.

The field of vision that sees the smallest units is blocked by too many particles.

Because Magic Eye isn’t some kind of real clairvoyant ability.

‘Not around here.’

I stopped for a moment and listened, but all I could hear was the sound of falling rocks and electric sparks popping.

It’s not an environment that can be found by sound.

He continued to move while relying entirely on his magical power.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Seo Jong-yeon struggles to keep up, even while breathing hard.

I spoke to him.

“Why don’t you just wait somewhere safe? You’ll end up tearing your legs if you keep chasing me.”

“Huk, gasp. Absolutely. Absolutely, I’m going for a close-up shot. Gasp.”

“PD, you are really stubborn.”

“Hehehe. That’s why I get ostracized as a weirdo.”

Seo Jong-yeon, who took a moment to catch his breath, jumps again with a large force.

Tak- The moment I crossed the collapsed floor with a light gesture.

– Damn.

With the sound of the floor splitting, Seo Jong-yeon’s figure suddenly falls downwards.

“100 million…!”

– Got it!


Seo Jong-yeon groans in pain.

Grabbing his arm, he yanked it upward and said a word.

“… I told you it’s dangerous.”

“There is a wise man here. And I have life insurance…”

“That’s something to be proud of.”

Could it be because of the wrinkled eyes visible through the gas mask?

It’s not that I hate you for nothing.

After releasing Seo Jong-yeon to a safe place, I looked around with my magical powers.

“Thank you, wise man. Oh, now I have something to tell my wife.”

“Are you married?”

“Yes. I have a daughter too.”

“Your daughter?”

“My name is Yejin. I’m 7 years old.”

“But why did you volunteer to come here?”

“… They pay good hazard pay. The evidence is also solid.”

I clicked my tongue softly at the sight of him holding the camera and shaking it gently.

‘I’ll take back what I said about not hating him. He’s really annoying, man.’

If you hear things like that, who would easily abandon you when an emergency arises?

– Woof… .

That was when.

As I was casually scanning my surroundings, something strange suddenly caught my eye.

I called out to Akasha with my eyes narrowed.

[Answer: It is a spatial layer distortion phenomenon caused by a strong magical flow.]

‘What is the possibility that it was artificially spread?’

[Answer: It is possible, but the wasteful consumption of magic power is enormous. The phenomenon caused by a magic stone generator failure is much more convincing.]

‘It was an accident.’

Then it makes sense that those who climbed the building first failed to detect it.

The detector’s magical waves must have bounced off the distorted space layer without being able to penetrate it.

This is a phenomenon that occurred when the equipment and magic stones installed in the building became strangely intertwined.

“It’s over there.”

Seo Jong-yeon moved only along the safe and easy path and arrived at a place where the spatial layer was distorted.

It is clear when you look closely.

The space itself was twisted by a ferocious magic, distorting even the light.

Just like a prism, sunlight passing through a barrier spreads out into rainbow colors.


Seo Jong-yeon exclaims in admiration and films with concentration as if she finds it fascinating.

I moved my interference force through the gap and made contact with the distorted space.

– Sssssss… .

The fiercely growling magic of the magic stone is comforted by the magic of nature.

Then, in an instant, the magic power of the stone makes him as gentle as a domestic puppy.

Having lost its home, it blends in with nature and becomes one with it, like a magical force.

“Uh huh…?”

“Please step back, PD.”

“Ah, old!”

There was another gentle puppy.

Seo Jong-yeon stepped back obediently, looked at the empty fourth floor, and placed his hand on the pile of debris below it.

The magical power radiating from the tip of the finger took the form of a giant net, covering each and every pile of debris in detail.

It looked as if a giant spider web had covered the exterior and interior of the wreckage.

After briefly checking the maintenance of the magical power in that state, and deciding that it was sufficient, he applied force in all directions.

– Pavababak!

As if an explosion had occurred from within, the fallen debris scattered in all directions and hung suspended in midair.

In the center of it all was a woman wrapped in a net of magical power, stuck to the floor, as if she had been pressed down the whole time.

I can clearly hear someone swallowing their breath behind me.

“W, really, a person…!”

“There are severe bruises and abrasions all over my body. There’s a mark on the back of my head where I was hit. If I don’t treat it properly, I’ll be scarred for the rest of my life.”

Check the condition of the woman, whose dried blood is clearly visible.

The woman’s body appears distorted, as if in a hallucination, as if the residual magical power of the magic stone is flowing around her.

I look at her more closely through the magic lens.


A black light that flashes in the field of vision.

He flinched for a moment and his fingertips froze, but he didn’t show it and reached out his hand again.

Gently touch the woman’s shoulder and tap, tap, tap, tap as lightly as possible.

“Excuse me. Are you awake? Excuse me?”

“… I, wise man. You seem to be unconscious.”

“You never know.”

This time he placed both hands on her shoulders.

Then he gave a request to Seo Jong-yeon.

“Please take a good picture. I need to keep it as evidence later.”


“Okay, lady whose name I don’t know. I’m going to lift you up now. But since you have quite a few wounds on your body, I think there will be quite a lot of contact areas if I try to lift you while avoiding the wounds.”

“Excuse me, sir? What are you doing now…?”

“What are you doing? I told you to leave evidence. Lady, this isn’t s*xual harassment. I had no choice but to touch you to save your life. So you can sue me later-.”

“So what evidence is there…?”

“It’s proof that it was an act of emergency. Anyway, you can’t sue me, right?”


The look in his eyes as if he was asking what he was doing in an emergency situation was very harsh.

“Because it’s ingrained in you. Did you take pictures of them all?”

“I kept taking pictures, but….”

“Okay then.”

He first surrounded the woman’s body with a magical barrier, then took out ‘cloth’ from the subspace and wrapped her body like a mummy.

So tight that you can’t even wiggle it.

“I think it’s too much…?”

“This much should be enough. I’ll also apply pressure to the wound.”

“Ah, ah. Is that so?”

After smiling faintly at the camera, he carried the woman on his back and wrapped the ‘cloth’ around her tightly around his body.

I looked up at the hole in the ceiling that led to the fourth floor.

– Dddddd…!

An unusual vibration echoed from the rooftop.

This causes the stones to fall – pitter-patter.


After lightly brushing away the dust from my head, I quickly typed a text on my smartwatch.

[Me] Still in combat?

[Stubborn] He is extremely agile and elusive. He is a tough enemy that is difficult to kill, let alone capture.

[me] ???

[Me] The interrogator doesn’t intervene?

[Stubborn] He chased after the other demon that was with him. That guy was no ordinary quick-witted guy.

[Me] Okay

[Me] Is there something like black smoke coming out of the demon’s body?

[Stubborn] Yes. How did you know?

[Me] Hahahaha


It seemed like there was no need to go up to the roof.

He looked back at Seo Jong-yeon and said.

“Let’s go down now.”

“Yes? Aren’t you going any further up?”

“Yes. There is no need to go any further.”

Seo Jong-yeon frowns as if she finds it absurd.

“You don’t have to go, so why did you come here?”

“Just in case?”

He flicked the cloth connected to the motionless mummy behind his back.

“But, well, there was this much income. And if it goes any further, the situation becomes really dangerous. Since we’re not firefighters, non-experts should stop here. Or what? PD, do you have a firefighter’s license or something?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then I can’t continue the rescue operation on my own, right? As an Academy student, this is all I’m allowed to do. There’s also the issue of PD-nim’s safety. So let’s go down now.”

Seo Jong-yeon nodded, as if barely understanding.

I let out a small breath and tied the cloth connecting me to Mira tightly again so that it wouldn’t come loose.

“Let’s get out of here as quickly as possible by taking the shortcut.”

Unlike when we had been climbing as slowly as possible, we were out of the building in an instant.

* * *

[Stubborn] I ended up losing it.

[Stubborn] It seems like I’ve been fooled by the devil’s illusion.

Suddenly, the vibrations and explosions that had caused so many people misery disappeared and were no longer felt.

I smiled faintly at the deep annoyance I felt from the text and sat down under the shade.

Not far away, I could see a crowd of reporters who had already smelled the scent, but perhaps because it was the building where the problem had just occurred, they didn’t try to come closer.

I quickly wrote a text and sent it.

[Me] The number of reporters and onlookers below is increasing.

[Stubborn] Oh my.

I looked up at Seo Jong-yeon, who was checking the recording scene while giggling.

Seo Jong-yeon stares at the screen with infinitely serious eyes.

A good idea occurred to me.



“How much do you know about the devil?”

“The devil… are you talking about?”

Looking at the curiosity that filled his eyes, unlike his stiff tone, I still touched the cloth tied around his back.

I grabbed the black smoke that was slowly creeping up my fingertips.

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