I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 220

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220. The Wise Man’s Documentary (2)

220. The Wise Man’s Documentary (2)

Seo Jong-yeon unconsciously grabbed his forehead.

A distorted face.

A desperate scream keeps ringing in my ears.

“Wh, what’s going on….”

“We’ll have to see to know.”

Park Jin-woo walks in the direction where the fireworks were exploding, leaving the bewildered staff behind.

Seo Jong-yeon shouted urgently.

“It’s dangerous, wise man!”

“That’s why I’m going.”

Park Jin-woo answers in a calm voice.

Seo Jong-yeon opened her eyes wide.

“PD Seo!”

Park Jin-woo’s back gradually disappears into the distance.

The camera director, who had been stamping his feet with a heavy camera slung over his shoulder, shouted.

“What are you going to do?! Are you going to leave it like that?”

“… … .”

“No, that’s not the problem. 119! 112! Shouldn’t you report it first! Director Cho! Did the gate alarm sound separately today?!”

“doesn’t exist!”

Was it an explosion? The camera director was thinking to himself at that moment.


Seo Jong-yeon looks back at the camera director with hardened eyes.

“We have to film.”

“What? PD Seo, are you crazy? You can say something like that after seeing that?”

At the same time that the camera director is getting angry, there is another ‘Kwarrung-!’ lightning strike and a huge flame shoots out along with black smoke.

Then comes the vibration that shakes the ground, and a loud ‘kwakwak’ noise of heavy objects falling one after another is heard in my ears.

It was hard to see because it was obscured by other buildings due to the angle, but it looked like a tall building was collapsing.

“What if it’s a bad warning Hell Gate? What if it’s a terrorist attack or something?”

“You said there was no Hell Gate alarm? And the Academy’s magic tower is visible, so it can’t be a terrorist attack.”

“You don’t know that! And even if it was just a simple accident, why would a documentary film crew crawl into such a dangerous place!”

The camera director kept shouting.

“Look at that explosion. It looks like it would be dangerous to even photograph it from a distance!”

“But we still have to film.”

“What is this? This insensitivity to safety…!”

“Isn’t the wise man there? You were prepared to take risks and film, so you wore protective gear and stuff, right?”

The camera director momentarily fell silent.

This is because he could clearly feel the dark, sunken look in Seo Jong-yeon’s eyes as he looked at himself.

“PD Seo, you… .”

“Director, you know how we got here.”

“… … .”

“It was a case of seeing through odds that were slimmer than the lottery, and everyone had given up because it was definitely marked as impossible, but it was blatantly dealt with by chance, and then it was really just luck that got it done.”

“That’s it….”

“I still can’t believe it. I can talk to the wise man in public like this, ask for his opinion, and film him.”

Seo Jong-yeon snatched the small handycam from the assistant director’s hand and held it tightly in his hand.

“So I have to take it. No matter what happens.”

Soon, Seo Jong-yeon runs to the scene of the explosion.

All the staff members just blankly stare at his back.

The camera director said.

“… What the hell is that sh*t pose, sh*t pose? No, I said this is safety insensitivity?! Don’t try to commit suicide! Hey, PD Seo!!”

* * *

PD Seo started filming, even if it was with clumsy gestures, while moving backwards among the people running away.

It starts with concrete debris that seems to have fallen from the sky and is stuck all over the road.

“Ouch, aah…!”

Then suddenly a man is seen clutching his leg in pain near the debris.

Seo Jong-yeon instinctively ran toward the man.

– Bam-!

The sound of an explosion was heard more clearly than before.

You can see concrete dust blowing in from all directions.

Seo Jong-yeon quickly grabbed the man’s shoulder and ran towards any shade he could see nearby.

– Tadadak – Thud thud.

“Ugh, ugh. Ah, is it safe…?”

I looked around, out of breath, and found myself under the awning of a convenience store with holes all over it.

Seo Jong-yeon raised his head reflexively.

Now that it seemed to have been activated, a thin protective shield protecting the building was quickly descending from the rooftop.

“Oh, thank you…!”

“Get inside first!”

Seo Jong-yeon pushed the man into the convenience store.



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At the same time, a translucent protective barrier descends between Seo Jong-yeon and the man.

– Kukung…!

Seo Jong-yeon turned away from the man who was looking at her with his eyes wide open, and quickly walked away as she felt the ground tremble again.

‘There was no gate alarm? But what is this…!’

There’s no chemical complex nearby, and these explosions are happening one after another.

No matter how you think about it, it was a disaster created by man or by the ‘enemy’.

Seo Jong-yeon hid under a nearby tree to avoid the rocks falling on his head.

The sound of stones hitting the tree is clear.

“Ugh, euaaaah-!”

Seo Jong-yeon instinctively shrank down and protected her head.

That moment.

– Ttatang. Ttadadadang… .

The noise that was suddenly heard seems to fade away as if a car window had been closed in the rain.

Then a calm voice is heard from above.

“No, PD-nim, why are you here?”


Seo Jong-yeon raised his head with a puzzled look at the voice that sounded somehow familiar.

A handsome young man in a black coat looking down at himself pitifully came into view.

“Tongue, wise man? Those clothes….”

“It’s my combat uniform. No, that’s not the point. Why didn’t you run away and are you here? Did you follow me?”

Park Jin-woo’s gaze briefly passes by the camera in Seo Jong-yeon’s hand.

As the misery floating on his expression grew stronger, Seo Jong-yeon smiled awkwardly and turned the camera lens towards him.

“He has a thorough professional consciousness.”

“ha ha ha….”

“Anyway, you came in carrying that heavy equipment yourself last time too. Tsk.”

Park Jin-woo shook his head as he recalled Seo Jong-yeon’s stubborn appearance, wearing protective gear and coming in with the camera director.

Then he glanced at the huge building with black smoke billowing out of it.

“Are you going?”

“Can I, can I go?”

“Even if I say no, you’ll still follow me.”

Seo Jong-yeon becomes cheerful all of a sudden.

Park Jin-woo muttered so that everyone could hear, as if he didn’t like the sight.

“I would like to just lock you in a barrier….”

“Can I sue?”


Jinwoo Park, who was looking at the camera that was recording, started walking without saying a word.

Seo Jong-yeon followed behind, smiling happily.

* * *

The sparks flow.

Electric lights jump out, lost and black smoke engulfs the area.

From the slanted ceiling, ugly skeletons protrude, twisting in odd directions.

Seo Jong-yeon carefully twisted his wrist to capture the pebbles falling on the camera lens.

“Use this.”

Suddenly, Jinwoo Park takes something out of thin air and holds it out.


I hurriedly looked at the lens, but the rippling space had already disappeared.

Seo Jong-yeon swallowed her regret and accepted the item that Park Jin-woo offered.

“what is this?”

“A gas mask and protective clothing. They’re not for firefighting, but they’ve been modified for better performance, so they should be usable. This is an oxygen tank.”

“Ah… thank you, wise man.”

Seo Jong-yeon quickly put on his gas mask and protective clothing on the spot.

The shape of the gas mask was no different from the common shapes that can be seen often.

Instead, the purification tank was slightly heavy, and its central part was connected to the oxygen tank carried on the back.

“When the oxygen runs out, you will automatically breathe through the purification tank. You will have difficulty breathing for a very short time, but don’t be alarmed.”

“Oh. Okay! Oh, can I capture this on screen? Is it confidential or something…?”

“as you please.”

Although the reaction was slightly disappointing, Seo Jong-yeon paid it no mind and cheerfully captured himself fully armed on screen.

Then, after seeing Park Jin-woo’s face blossoming with an unidentified magic, I became curious and asked.

“Sir, don’t you use this equipment?”

“This is much more effective than that. Whenever something happens, I keep putting it on my face, which limits my field of vision and doesn’t do any good. So I came up with a new one.”

“Then me too… .”

“Because this thing continuously drains your magic power. But I can’t always stay by your side and give you more magic power, right?”

Seo Jong-yeon nodded, smacking his lips in regret.

Park Jin-woo looked up at the half-collapsed building with sharp eyes, then entered the entrance without hesitation.

Seo Jong-yeon, who was taking pictures of the gruesome sight of the huge five-story building, quickly followed behind.

– Hwareuk!

A small flame that welcomes you as soon as you enter.

Seo Jong-yeon was startled, but she didn’t feel hot, perhaps because of the protection that Park Jin-woo had provided.

“It’s a surprise.”

Seo Jong-yeon stayed close behind Park Jin-woo to avoid the flickering flames.

Whatever magic he had used, Jinwoo Park didn’t look hot or hot at all, even though he was only wearing a black coat.

Seo Jong-yeon suddenly remembered that he was not just a magician who did research in a lab, but a budding superhuman who could defeat monsters crawling out of hell.


Park Jin-woo, who was looking at the wall with the electric lights flashing, stretches out his fingertips to see if there was a short circuit.

The pure white ice that protrudes from there sticks to a part of the wall and expands its area.


A strange magical ice wall is created in an instant that does not melt even in the hottest fires.

Seo Jong-yeon, who was quietly expressing admiration, asked.

“Why did you freeze this place instead of the other places?”

“This is where the risk of explosion was the greatest.”

“Hey, there’s an explosion? Here?”

“If it exploded elsewhere, it would have been small in size or would not have had any significant impact on other places. But if this had exploded, it would have caused a chain reaction.”

Park Jin-woo speaks lightly and taps the frozen wall.

“You have to take precautions in advance.”

“Oh, I see. But how did you know that…?”

“Movement of magic.”

Park Jin-woo’s fingertips point to the power lines that were embedded in the wall and then popped out due to the impact.

“The movement that was popping out here was quite strange. Normally, the magical power that burst out would spread out in all directions, but here, it seemed to be curling inward in a semicircular orbit-.”

“… … .”

“…I drew it out.”

Park Jin-woo shrugged his shoulders at the expression on his face that showed no understanding at all.

“It will be easier to understand if you draw it as a picture. You can refer to what I just said and edit it later.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Let’s see… .”

Park Jin-woo moves while looking around additionally.

Seo Jong-yeon followed him and walked through the midst of the disaster.

As if not wanting to miss a single moment, he attached the handycam to the front of the gas mask.

‘Hmm. The lighting is so bad…’

The fact that there are sparks of light everywhere means that there are dark places as well.

Seo Jong-yeon glanced around, seeing the screen looking messy because it was either too bright or too dark.

It was a hallway with a certain amount of width on both sides.

‘If you go to a place with a little bit of light…’

Seo Jong-yeon, as a PD, began to move around to find the best shooting angle, displaying a sense of duty.

Then Jinwoo Park, who had been walking forward without looking back, spoke.

“It would be dangerous to go that way.”

“Huh? Uh… There’s no short circuit, and it’s a normal wall?”

That was when.

“PD Seo.”


At the sudden voice calling him, Seo Jong-yeon involuntarily stopped walking and took his eyes off the handycam.

That moment.

– Boom!

A small explosion occurs in the wall right next to you, sending shards of rock flying out.

It passes in front and behind Seo Jong-yeon.


“…Be careful of the rocks.”

“Oh, yes, yes… .”

Seo Jong-yeon sighed softly and cleared his chest.

Soon, the two began to walk again.

– Thud thud thud thud.

Jinwoo Park, who is walking in the lead, is walking at a strangely fast pace, unlike the first time.

Seo Jong-yeon, not wanting to miss, quickly matched Park Jin-woo’s pace.

– Hururuk!

– Pavabak.

– Crackle, crackle…!

Sparks, falling rocks, and unexpected flashes of electricity.

Although they were prepared, all kinds of dangers threaten the two.

Seo Jong-yeon steeled his resolve, but fortunately or unfortunately, there was no danger that directly affected the two of them.

“… … .”

While he was still behind Park Jin-woo, Seo Jong-yeon suddenly felt something strange and tilted his head.


It was like a feeling of deja vu, a strange feeling that couldn’t be explained.

A feeling where you can’t even figure out why you feel that way or what’s causing it.

An unbearable feeling of discomfort runs down Seo Jong-yeon’s back.

Seo Jong-yeon frowned and watched the screen being recorded on the handycam.

– Startled.

Park Jin-woo suddenly stops walking and slightly leans his upper body back.

It was such a subtle movement that I wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t noticed the uneasy feeling.

Seo Jong-yeon blinks in bewilderment, at that moment.

– Crunch!

A single iron bar falls in front of Park Jin-woo’s nose and sticks into the ground.

The heavy concrete at the end causes it to sink deep into the ground and quickly disappear from view.


Seo Jong-yeon opened his eyes wide.

‘Did I see something wrong?’

At first glance, it seemed like Jinwoo Park moved ‘first’.

Seo Jong-yeon felt an overwhelming desire to check the recording right away, but he had to hold it in.

“Let’s go.”

This is because Park Jin-woo moved to avoid the debris with a calm expression as if he had known.

Seo Jong-yeon nodded his head wildly and followed him at a quick pace.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at the debris stuck in the ground.

‘It’s so brutal… .’

It makes my stomach churn to think of something like that falling on my head.

It was the moment when Seo Jong-yeon gulped while imagining the worst in his head.

– chin.

Park Jin-woo grabbed Seo Jong-yeon’s shoulder.


– Bam!

Suddenly pushed against a wall.

“Ahh! Tongue, wise man, why!”

“Bow your heads!”


That moment.

– Kwarrrrrrung-!

The hallway ceiling collapses, showering with debris!


I didn’t even have time to finish screaming.

The wall that Seo Jong-yeon was leaning against also collapsed, and he rolled into the empty room.

– Wow!

Seo Jong-yeon curled up like a child and screamed without letting out a sound.

The camera lens focuses only on Park Jin-woo.

– Woof woof!

A translucent membrane surrounding the perimeter.

Seo Jong-yeon let out a gasp of breath without realizing it.

“are you okay?”

“Yes, old.”

“I’ll move once the vibrations stop. Until then, stay like this.”


Seo Jong-yeon nodded like a docile lamb.

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