I Became a Genius Magician at the Academy Chapter 110

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110. Is this new technology?

110. Is this new technology?

Shin Kyung-ah asked worriedly.

“Are you okay?”

“Because there’s nothing that’s not okay.”

He shrugged and walked away.

As you get closer to the central round table, the hyenas’ gazes begin to catch your eye, one by one.

I sat down next to Kim Ji-hoon, facing them head-on as they drooled.

“… … .”

Kim Ji-hoon greeted with a nod.

I looked back at the hyenas, responding with a smile.

They all smiled happily, but there was a hint of greed in their eyes.

Among them, the gazes of Director Lee Jae-cheol of the National Institute of Psychiatry, commonly known as the National Institute of Psychiatry, and Dr. Han Se-gil of Sahyun SDI were the most intense.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Jinwoo Park, a first-year student in the Department of Mystery at Guardian Academy.”

“Oh, by the way, you were still a student. Your reputation was so great that I forgot about it. Hahaha.”

Lee Jae-cheol burst into laughter, saying it was a joke.

It was obvious why someone like the head of the National Intelligence Service kept making such mean remarks to me.

Desire for honor.

There was no real gain, but just being associated with me for resolving the Seoul situation was enough to build up my profile.

But what good will it do for this person to provoke me like this?

[Answer. It is obvious that they calculated that it would be beneficial just to keep the Master’s mouth shut.]

‘You’re trying to shut me up?’

Certainly, the world’s known wise men’s ‘specialties’ have little to do with electricity.

Just because you know how to use brain magic doesn’t mean you’re an electrical master of magic engineering.

If you are thinking of kicking me in that regard… .

‘Are these people all in the same boat?’

In particular, Director Lee Jae-cheol of Kookmasoo and Dr. Han Se-gil of Sahyun SDI appear to be the main players.

As I thought about it, a strange thing suddenly caught my eye.

‘You came here without even saying you were coming here in the first place.’

It’s not like these people are speaking with the intention of picking on me from the beginning.

“I have a question.”

I quickly gathered my thoughts and asked Jae-cheol Lee, who always had a smile on his face.

“What does the National Defense Commission have to do with countermeasures for power shortages?”

“Oh, I found out something pretty interesting a few months ago.”

Lee Jae-cheol continued his explanation as if he had been waiting.

“The horn of the Blue Horn Unicorn that lives in the Magyeong area of ​​Geumcheon-gu has a special secret. Originally, it was possible to extract a magic stone containing a small amount of electric energy, but when 3-aminophthalhydrazide is applied to the inside, it has the characteristic of maximizing the electric energy.”


“Of course, it was a discovery made by chance… but after hearing this, Han Se-gil, the head of Sahyun SDI, got the idea and recently saw the results.”

When I naturally turned my gaze to Han Se-gil, he nodded in agreement.

“Can I see the papers or materials that were published separately?”

“Of course. Please check this material to see if it contains a summary of the key points.”

I looked at the simply organized paper.

If you have the data, that would be even better.

I ‘downloaded’ the hidden meanings of the technical terms that appeared here and there from Akasha, and narrowed my eyes as I read the peculiarities of this material.

‘The part about business is on the first page?’

The parts related to technology are actually placed at the back.

Isn’t this the perfect thing to dazzle the eyes of someone seeing it for the first time?


I looked at Jae-cheol Lee, suppressing the faint pain that was coming from my head.

I briefly glanced over the material, so I waited quietly for him to continue.

“… … .”

“… … ?”

Jae-cheol Lee, who met my gaze, just blinked.

Let’s wait patiently and silently, and then Lee Jae-cheol finally opens his heavy mouth.

“Why are you looking like that?”

A calm voice.

A curious look as if asking why I keep looking at you.

I asked back without thinking because of his confident attitude.

“Is that the end?”

“Yes. That’s the end.”


He was so confident that I was speechless.

‘Is that really the end?’

This is ridiculous.

“But why are you there?”

Lee Jae-cheol frowns.

He continued speaking, raising his palm to block his lips that were about to open at any moment.

“This is a seminar to resolve the current power shortage disaster. I don’t know exactly what new technology you’re going to announce, but aren’t you a little unqualified to get involved with something you’ve only discovered as a core material?”



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“It’s not right to discuss qualifications in a discussion forum to come up with countermeasures. If you go by that, even you, the wise man… .”

“Why? Are you trying to criticize me for not being qualified? That’s why I said I wouldn’t speak. You guys are the ones who forced me to do that.”

Then Han Se-gil spoke urgently.

“Manager Lee Jae-cheol is also fully qualified. He has been a great help in establishing new technologies.”

“Hmm. Well, I guess it’s a technique that can’t be explained by anyone other than this person?”

“That’s right.”

“Oh, really?”

A deep smile appeared on his lips.

“I’m looking forward to that. I wonder how much help it will be and in what areas.”


Han Se-gil coughs and Lee Jae-cheol turns his gaze towards the audience for a moment.

I didn’t miss that moment and looked in the direction my gaze was directed.

It was exactly where Director Ahn Dae-chan and Director of National Security Hyun Jun-pyo were sitting.

“How amazing is this technology that it is being presented at a seminar? Let’s first take a look at the data.”

He snickered and straightened his posture.

Then, those sitting around the table cough uncomfortably.

Some of them glance at Lee Jae-cheol and Han Se-gil with displeased expressions.

Perhaps he would blame me, saying, ‘Why do you bother to provoke the wise man and make a fuss?’

‘Even the seminar was treated as part of politics.’

It is a seminar where the director and head of the ‘Criminal Investigation Research Institute’, who have nothing to do with the disaster situation, and even the safety manager and section chief of Spit suddenly appear.

If even the chief researcher of a large conglomerate called Sahyun is involved, even the most perceptive person would notice.

‘No matter how much Hyun Jun-pyo looks like he was born into the family, he is still a member of the Hyun family.’

It was such an obvious story that I couldn’t help but laugh.

After finishing the speech, let’s wait for a moment, and then the host, who had been observing the situation, said.

– Please continue the free discussion.

Lee Jae-cheol pressed the microphone.

“The disaster that has struck Seoul this time is unprecedented. The aftereffects have caused concern not only to ordinary citizens, but even to civil servants and superhumans like me… .”

Jae-cheol Lee, who started off with a familiar phrase, speaks at length.

How can we address power shortages, and how can we help save energy in everyday life?

A statement that is just a twist on the news that is heard every day.

I let it go in one ear and looked over the materials distributed on the table.

There was no need to read the first part of the material written at the top because it was filled with things like business performance and expected profits.

Now we get to the most important ‘technology’ part.

[The horn of a Bluehorn Unicorn contains an average of 37.2 EMm. However, by simply combining a specific solution with it, the average EMm soars to 545.8 EMm. This is an increase of approximately 14.7 times… .]

I pictured the blue horn unicorn in my head.

A monster with the appearance of a unicorn, but with a blue horn.

When I get excited, I remember it as a brain-electric property that sends out electricity in all directions.

‘Horn… Horn… How was it used in Lapocal?’

Because it was such a minor material, my memory was vague.

[Answer. It is a material that was generally classified as miscellaneous items. It had to be made into powder to be used like gunpowder, and is the main material for flying thunder bullets.]

‘Oh, right. That’s right.’

Akasha supplemented the imperfect memories of humans, which were inevitable.

‘If it’s a fireball, it’s really a minor consumable… .’

Fire bombs, flame bombs, ice bombs, etc.

A consumable item that can be said to be a product of magical engineering and is on par with military consumables.

Among them, this one is chosen as the worst bomb.

Because this guy called Biryeottan… .

‘Because it’s a guy who’s used more for terrorist purposes.’

[Answer. It was notorious as a consumable for suicide bombing, inflicting wide-ranging damage to both living and non-living objects, including enemies.]

‘Is that where you’re starting to get the concept?’

The man who created the concept that became the origin of the Biryeottan is Lee Jae-cheol, the head of the Kookmasoo.

And isn’t it Dr. Han Se-gil of Sahyun SDI who established the concept so that it could function as a ‘bomb’?

‘It’s not like they started out with the concept of a bomb. They were trying to make it out of a battery, but it accidentally exploded…’

[Answer. Considering that it was supplied for military use, it is very likely.]

I nodded inwardly and read the following content.

Since I already knew what the ‘new technology’ written here was and its complete form, nothing really caught my eye.

But as I continued to read, something irritating caught my eye and irritated my quiet nerves.

‘This isn’t even a skill in the first place.’

After organizing the images that came to my mind into one, I turned on the microphone.

– Beep!

Then, Jae-cheol Lee, who was in the middle of explaining, suddenly shut his mouth.

“Ahh. Hmm. Ah. Mic test. Check check.”

“What are you doing now…?”

“I have a question.”

“No, there is still time to speak….”

I ignored him and continued talking.

“There’s this new technology. Isn’t it a bit crude to call it technology?”


“I just discovered the phenomenon.”

Not only Lee Jae-cheol, but even Han Se-gil, who was waiting for his turn, had his face harden.

Han Se-gil asked into the microphone, seeming displeased.

“What does that mean?”

“I think you meant it as a new technology because it is a new technology that ‘amplifies’ the energy of the Blue Horn catalyst, but I think it’s more of a ‘new discovery’ than a technology.”

“That’s not it. The Bluehorn catalyst doesn’t amplify the energy contained within it without the specific solution we developed. In addition, if you don’t pay the utmost attention to the specific mixing method, the efficiency decreases…”

“Yes, yes. I understand, it’s all in the data here.”

He spoke while scribbling down the material that contained only the technical information, leaving out the ‘business’ part.

Why is it so sad that there aren’t even that many pages?

“The specific solution you’re talking about here. I see that it almost always contains 3-aminophthalhydrazide.”

“Of course. It’s a prerequisite for activating the Blue Horn catalyst.”

He nodded.

“So, it’s a discovery. 3-Aminophthalhydrazide… The name really is. Anyway, when this meets the Bluehorn catalyst, an oxidation phenomenon occurs and a powerful energy amplification phenomenon occurs. There’s nothing technical about it other than the fact that it was ‘discovered.’”

“What have you been talking about… Look closely. The special solution and mixing method we developed is… .”

“Yes, yes. So I understand that the phenomenon called ‘amplification’ occurs. I understand it well, but…”

He turned his head towards the host.

He pointed to a projector that was spread out on the back wall, showing only a blank white screen.

“Since no one is using this, I’ll write it down. This… well, what should I say? You made such a basic mistake.”


“Could you please turn to page 17?”

The embarrassed host checks Lee Jae-cheol’s expression.

Lee Jae-cheol, who had been having a silent conversation with Han Se-gil for a while, nodded.

A 17-page presentation of the so-called new technology appeared on a giant projector screen.

“Thank you. Um… Please focus on the part about measuring the activation intensity for catalytic applications. If you look here, the average EMm value per 10 grams is set at 1.5. But when you add that special solution, it increases to 22.09. Next, page 19, paragraph 5.”

The projector screen changed, and huge graphs and magical formulas appeared.

“This time, they took the average of several samples and then proved the formula. If you look, 10EMm is defined as 146.2EMm.”

“What the hell is the problem…?”

“I’m going to point it out because it’s there. This time, please look at page 16, the first page of the technical explanation.”

The rustling sound of paper being turned echoes around.

At the same time, the very first paragraph of the technical description appears on the projector screen.

He said, pointing at it.

“As you can see, the first start is clearly based on the assumption of 14.7 times.”

Lee Jae-cheol narrowed his eyebrows.

“That’s a bit off topic. You put ‘약’ in front of it….”

“I’m sorry, Chief Lee Jae-cheol of the ‘Investigation Department’.”

He said with a sly smile.

“There is no such thing as ‘omission’ in magic. If it’s a number like 14.6720430… then you have to input it as it is. Sometimes it’s 14.6, sometimes it’s 14.7, so it’s not fluid.”

“Such minor errors can easily occur due to environmental factors that affect the magic. Rather, aren’t you applying the sterile yardstick to electromagic?”

“Really? Do you really agree with this opinion?”

I asked other scholars who were carefully examining the screen and materials.

Then, he shakes his head slightly or slyly avoids eye contact.

How long did they try to pass it off as a fluke?

After giving Jae-cheol Lee a look that seemed to suggest that he understood now, he continued speaking.

“If you still don’t understand, then page 23… the last paragraph of the last chapter.”

Several pictures appear on the projector screen.

It was a picture of Blue Horn, its surface melting and emitting energy.

A paragraph containing the journey of mixing various solutions to find the most effective ingredients and mixing ratio.

“As you can see, they are all glowing blue. This is a glowing effect that is caused by oxidation by 3-aminophthalhydrazide. Yes, the horn of the Bluehorn Unicorn, the catalyst is oxidizing and releasing energy.”

“What does that mean?”

“But the 9th photo is the only one that isn’t glowing.”

The host enlarged the photo.

The image is slightly broken up by the stair-step phenomenon, but it is still clear enough that the photo fills the screen and each letter written on it can be seen in detail.

He said, pointing to that part.

“The formula for the special solution is written there.”

Han Se-gil, who had been looking at it carefully, opened his eyes wide.


“Do you understand now?”

He said, waving the report paper.

“The only thing missing from that formula is 3-aminophthalhydrazide. It was replaced by another solution. However, the phenomenon of electrical energy amplification occurred, and the oxidation reaction also clearly occurred.”

“… … .”

“Yes, that’s right. The optimal mixing ratio you found, the ingredients that go into that special solution, that new technology. None of it is of any use.”

– Okay.

“The only thing that matters is that ‘when an oxidation reaction occurs, electrical energy is amplified.’”

“… … !”

Shock crossed Lee Jae-cheol and Han Se-gil’s faces.

While the scholars watching nodded and unconsciously agreed, a small commotion arose from one side of the audience.

I turned my gaze to check that direction.

I saw Director Ahn Dae-chan suddenly stand up and scream.

“It looks like something isn’t right.”

He said with a smile.

“Shouldn’t you be going quickly?”

“… … .”

“Or is the seminar more important to you?”


Jae-cheol Lee suddenly got up and went downstairs.

Han Se-gil fidgets with an expression of wanting to go down at any moment.

‘If I do this, won’t the rockets come out?’

I smiled to myself and spoke to him.

“I thought you were looking for some advice. I hope this is the advice you were looking for.”

“Thank you for listening. It was truly insightful and worthy of being called a wise man.”

“I don’t know who is talking about insight to whom. I think you need to change your tone of speaking in judgment of others.”

“… … .”

“Well, anyway. Since I’ve come this far, I’ll participate in the free discussion until the end of the seminar. So, shall we start with the next statement?”

A brief silence fell over the seminar room.

It took quite a while for the next agenda item to come up, which was to further improve the expanded operation of the ‘nuclear-horsepower plant’.

* * *

Is it because I’ve already seen my nose broken once?

I could no longer feel the cold gazes of the scholars looking at me.

It seems that they were trying to do something related to electrical technology, but Sahyun SDI, which was at the center of it, suffered a huge embarrassment.

If he were to suffer humiliation again, he would have concluded that he was in a situation of no return.

of course.

“The Hexia battery has a power leak of a whopping 22.8%. Since the magic stone inside can’t possibly be ineffective, this means that the outer packaging is the problem. I honestly don’t recommend this product.”

The fact that I intervened in every little thing and showed that I had no shortage of knowledge in this field also had a big impact.

So the free discussion time ended safely.

It was an extremely meaningless and pointless waste of time, with little to no income.

“Phew… .”

He sighed, leaning his back deep into the back of his seat.

Then, Shin Kyung-ah, who had been watching silently, greeted me with a smile.

“Thank you for your hard work, wise man! It was really cool how you pointed out my mistakes.”

“Really? Thank you for your kind words.”

“Kuk kuk. I was also impressed by the way you called luminol by its full name, 3-aminophthalhydrazide.”

“What is that… But is this what a seminar is like? Is it really this messy and low-level? Are you up against world-class scholars?”

“It all depends on how you package it.”

“What kind of packaging are you putting on even in a place like this…?”

Honestly, what I saw this time was so disappointing.

If I had known this would happen, I would have talked to the seniors at the Academy’s research institute in advance.

I am starting to regret bringing Shin Kyung-ah along just because she has a lot of experience attending seminars.

“Anyway, it’s disappointing. Seriously.”

I looked back, pouting.

Not only Director Ahn Dae-chan, who had been causing a commotion, but even Director of Security Hyun Jun-pyo had disappeared, leaving only an empty space.

“It popped out in the meantime.”


“That old man behind you, when on earth did he disappear?”

“Uh… Well, well? You just disappeared without a sound.”

Shin Kyung-ah shakes her head as if she doesn’t know.

I stared at the empty space for a moment, then shrugged my shoulders and turned off my nerves.

‘I guess I can ask the escort team agent later.’

I checked the time on my smartwatch.

It was just past 2:30 in the afternoon.

The seminar wasn’t over yet, but I just got up from my seat.

Shin Kyung-ah looks up as if she is curious.

“Sir, why are you doing this?”

“Let’s go. It looks like there’s nothing more to hear.”

“Ah… yes, yes yes.”

I stood up from my seat and went out into the hallway with Shin Kyung-ah.

Then, he sent a text message to Kim Ji-hoon using his smartwatch.

The idea was to have a conversation about ‘one-hit wonder technology’ in the hospital room tonight.

‘It’s not like there was no harvest at all. I’ll have to see the actual thing to judge that.’

This is the ‘amplification process’ of Blue Horn that was confirmed this time.

And even Kim Ji-hoon’s ‘magic electric energy substitution technology’ that is receiving a one-hit wonder rating.

‘If we organize the concept….’

If you mix these two together, it seems like you’ll end up with a pretty decent guy.

‘If this works properly, it will only take some time to install the equipment, but we will be able to solve the power shortage right away.’

Currently, the metropolitan area is experiencing a shortage of maseok.

So I was trying to figure out a way to use the ‘magic stone’ to a minimum while at the same time obtaining a huge amount of electrical energy, but unlike my previous experiences, the ideas didn’t come to me right away.

So, honestly, I was a bit happy about the idea that came to me this time.

After a few days, I diligently poured water on the sprouts that had just emerged, and took out a mask and hat from the subspace and put them on.

Then Shin Kyung-ah asked with a puzzled look.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I plan to take it easy when I go back.”

As I said that and took out a mask to show her, Shin Kyung-ah smiled and nodded.

She, wearing the same mask as me, secretly got close to my arm.

“By the way, wise man. Didn’t you say today was a date?”

“Huh? Where did you hear that?”

Not many people have said that.

How on earth did this get into this person’s ears?

When I asked about that part, Shin Kyung-ah snickered and said.

“I am a professor at the Jangchang Hospital.”

“… … .”

How did this damn professor know that his opponent was a neurotic?

“Wise man.”

Shin Kyung-ah brought her arm closer.

Let’s look at each other silently. Shin Kyung-ah blushed and said.

“There is a place I want to go….”


“It’s the perfect place for a man and a woman to date.”

He says so and shows a refreshing smile.

“Um… Okay, let’s do that. My business is over.”

When I checked the time and nodded, Shin Kyung-ah’s face brightened with joy.

And then he takes a quick glance behind him.

“Why, Senior? Who is following me?”

I turned my head to look down the hallway, but there was no sign of life.

Then Shin Kyung-ah laughs and asks back.

“Well, what do you think?”


“Haha. Let’s go. The date ended sooner than I thought, so should we continue?”

Shin Kyung-ah, shaking off her worries and concerns, said that with a slightly mischievous smile.


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