I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 93

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Over the next two months after winning the battle, we divided our forces into appropriate sizes and plundered about 400 villages where barbarians lived.

As a result, they captured approximately 400,000 prisoners and captured an innumerable number of cattle, pigs, and sheep, so it can be said that they achieved an achievement that will remain in history.

The Northern Army was unable to escape Ludwig’s territory north of the Queppenhavn Peninsula because there was still no army of similar size to replace us.

To put it this way, one might think that even though Ludvik and his tribe were completely annihilated, other hostile forces appeared.

Other barbarians in the north are also barbaric and ignorant, but their survival instincts have developed to the point where they are close to human limits.

“Regiment Commander, this is Hendrik Hommel, 4th company commander. A barbarian tribe north of Queppenhavn asked us to surrender in return for their loyalty.”

Rather, they voluntarily came to offer up their entire territory so that they would not end up like the warriors who followed Ludvik or their wives and children who became slaves of the empire.

There was no fool foolish enough to defy the empire that destroyed the powerful power next to it and emerged as a new power.

In addition, if they were thinking of surrendering to the empire’s army, there were many who wanted to surrender through the area we were protecting.

That might be because I killed Khan.

“Damn, I’m going to come dressed in armor. “Here is the glass of warm milk I was about to drink. Drink it and wait.”

“Thank you, Colonel.”

After saying that, Captain Hommel bowed to me with bright eyes and drank warm milk.

Then, following his suggestion, I changed into my armor and moved to the place where the gate guarded by our regiment was located.

When we walked for about 10 minutes to the gate or guard post we were guarding, we saw a considerable number of barbarians riding horses there.

There are about 4 people who look like tribal leaders dressed in colorful costumes, 2,000 warriors who can fight on horseback, and 5,000 families.

Due to the nature of the nomads, the total number of horses, cattle and sheep seemed to be approximately 10,000 to 20,000.

I said while glaring at them majestically.

“Wise northerners who seek to return to the Empire, we welcome you. However, unless you are a soldier of the empire, we cannot allow you to enter our territory armed. “I want you to disarm me.”

As I said this, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion on duty at the guard station pointed their spears and weapons at them.

They began to be on guard as if a war was about to break out.

It may seem like we are overreacting to those who came to surrender, but even a week ago we were told to disarm.

There was a time when they almost crossed swords with each other, so in a way, it could be said to be a natural measure.

While the two sides were facing off in an armed state, I heard the voice of a woman who seemed to be around my age.

“Disarm everyone. “Put down your weapons and follow instructions.”

Although the warriors of other tribes showed a slightly reluctant attitude at those words, they all put down the weapons they were holding, such as spears or swords, on the ground.

I sighed and said, internally relieved that another unnecessary battle or confrontation did not occur.

“Northerners, I, Colonel Peter Jaeger, commander of the 24th Regiment of the Reich Army, welcome you. Then, before passing through our guard post for the last time, I would like everyone to stand in one line and come in. In addition, we will inspect all the luggage you bring.”

“So be it.”

Let me put it that way, you are not a barbarian.

Since they had defected to the empire, the northerners living in the northern part of the empire quickly followed my instructions and all lined up to be inspected by us.

As if entering the country from overseas, they were not asked why they came or where they intended to stay, but the inspection itself was very strict and thorough.

Regardless of age or gender, the soldiers of the empire personally touched their entire bodies beyond their clothes to check if there were any hidden weapons.

All the luggage I brought with me was unpacked and returned after checking all its contents.

However, it could be a big problem for a man to touch a tribal leader who appears to be a woman, so he called Laura in and had her inspect it.

And when all the regiments were mobilized and the inspection of all the luggage and people brought by the northerners was completed over the course of half a day.

“Thank you for your cooperation. “Is there anyone who represents this group?”

As I said that, a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes took off her fur hat and walked confidently.

“I represent them.”

Although she was a very young and beautiful woman, she was not just a chieftain in name, but those around her had the dignity of a leader of a tribe.

So, when he placed the imperial army in front of him and told the northerners who followed him to disarm, everyone would have obeyed his words.

“Anastasia Kergit, the chief of the Kergit tribe and the white wolf of the North. “I came with this group to surrender to the empire.”

However, some of the other soldiers and officers looked at her with deathly eyes, as if she spoke informally to me, a colonel of the Imperial Army, on the subject of surrender.

She is not a prisoner but a surrenderer, and she led a large group of her own, so it is rather strange that she is servile in front of me.

“I am truly grateful that Lord Kergit made a firm decision and came this far. I will get permission from the commander in the north by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and set a policy so that I can live officially as a citizen of the empire. “Also, you must have gone through a lot of trouble to get here, so why not enjoy a banquet?”

“I will do that.”

After getting her approval, I gave orders to the soldiers.

“It is an auspicious day when four tribes, including the Khergit tribe, defected to us. Let’s slaughter the cows, pigs and sheep looted by Ludvik and have a banquet. “You never know when another tribe may come, so alcohol is prohibited, but there will be no restrictions on eating, so eat until you’re full.”

When I said that, Chief Kergit looked at me with interest in his eyes.

Laura stared at her with a very wary look.

I guess Laura is on guard out of concern because she doesn’t know what harm the Kergit chieftain might do to me.

“Major Laura, it’s okay. “Didn’t you check all the luggage her tribe brought in to make sure she wasn’t hiding any weapons or anything like that, and didn’t you just check that there were no weapons under her clothes?”

Well, if you go really, really deep, there are other ways to hide weapons.

It can’t possibly be like that.

“That’s true, but.”

“Besides, this is my job too. Instead, when I feel anxious, I double the number of soldiers who will protect me outside the barracks. “Then, Lord Kergit, let us have a little chat while the rest of the party enjoys the banquet.”

When I said that, Anastasia smiled brightly and answered what I said.

“Let’s do that. “It makes my heart race to think that I can talk to the hero who killed Khan.”


Three hours later it was night.

“Haha thank you so much for killing that damn Khan.”

“Hmm, the one who killed that rotten bastard was our regimental commander. I happened to see it from the side! “He flew down and plunged the dagger into the guy’s solar plexus.”

“You look like the white wolf from our tribe’s lore. “It’s similar to how you defeated the evil Khan at a young age!”

Outside my barracks, the Northerners and the Imperial Army were having a heated conversation about how I killed Khan and defeated the damn Ludvik tribe.

Normally, it would be difficult to instantly integrate with the barbarians who surrendered like this.

Seeing that they were doing well, they must have harbored resentment in their hearts for being driven out by Ludvik and having to live in the harshest place in the north.

This may be possible because our military, which released it, is viewed quite favorably.



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Moreover, since they have surrendered, they have admitted that they are much weaker than us, so we will need to show them that they do not want to fight the Empire.

As I was listening to the conversation outside, Anastasia Kergit, the leader of the Kergit tribe, came into the barracks.

Then, as soon as she saw me, she spoke in a very polite manner, unlike what she did outside.

“Anastasia Kergit, chieftain of the Khergit tribe, meets the hero who killed the evil khan. Please look after us carefully.”

I guess he is trying to show a confident attitude to the guys who followed him, to dilute their resistance to surrender, and to get something from me by bending his pride and everything else?

I quite liked that, but…

“Get up. Also, I am just a regiment leader. “You may not know this because I’m from the north, but I don’t have the authority to decide how you will be treated.”

What I like and how I will deal with you guys are two completely separate stories.

In addition, regiment commanders and brigade commanders like me dispatched to the border have the obligation to rate and report the value of each tribe upon their surrender.

Even if you don’t have authority, you have the right to ask how you are treated.

Prove your worth sometime.

A word from the author (author review)

The author is currently spending the Lunar New Year holiday well.

I hope you all have a great time with your family during the holidays, and I participated today as well.

I love you, readers.

See next episode

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