I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 52

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Cases where a battalion commander or higher takes the lead can be broadly divided into two cases.

First, there is a situation where the friendly forces are in a very disadvantageous situation and the battalion commander, a high-ranking commander, must risk his life in order to somehow turn the situation around.

The latter is judged to be an overwhelming advantage over the enemy, so it is a measure to establish martial arts and solidify the advantage, assuming there is no risk.

In the former case, the enemy’s reaction will be happy and think that we have won, but in the latter case, they will realize that they are in a very dangerous situation and fall into a state of despair.

Therefore, the soldiers of the unit we are dealing with now realized that they had fallen into a quagmire from which they could not escape with the appearance of the battalion commander.

“Why is this bastard called the battalion commander making a fuss here? Have we already lost? Are we all going to die now?”

“f*ck, save me! “You crazy bastards!”

“What is our battalion commander doing? “The Reich piglets’ battalion commander stands at the forefront!”

In a war where both sides eat and eat each other, the enemy’s lament is our joy, and the enemy’s misfortune is our ally’s joy.

The entire Jaeger Battalion, including me, felt joy and relief upon seeing the enemies shaking with fear.

In normal times, it would be a crazy criminal to feel this way after seeing someone else tremble in fear, but in war, a person who does not feel happy after seeing another person being consumed by fear is a strange person.

I stood in front of the soldiers under my command and gave orders.

“Each person breaks at least two enemy heads. “I will take action to ensure that anyone who destroys more than five can be discharged more quickly.”

Is it because of this statement, which is 100% effective, from sergeants in their later years to privates that they are excluded from all tasks in military life?

“Long live Commander Jaeger!”

“For a generous reward and a quick discharge!”

“Go in to break your head!”

The morale of the enemy soldiers had hit rock bottom and they were beginning to dig in, so I picked up my rifle and quickly advanced through the friendly spearmen towards the enemy.

Then, he found the first enemy soldier he encountered without even a helmet and struck him down mercilessly with the infantry’s pyeongun he held in both hands.

“The cowardly commander who is hiding while his subordinates are dying like snow is melting, come out quickly! “Let’s fight like nobles!”

If a higher-ranking person, not just a platoon commander or company commander, but a battalion commander or higher, is attracted by this kind of provocation, it will be like a general in the Three Kingdoms who is lured by enemy provocation and offers his castle.

So, a commander with the right concepts would pretend not to hear anything and continue to lead even though his parents and he were being criticized for all their shortcomings.

However, since all provocations in this world are good if they work and not if they don’t, he continued to swing his sword and kill the soldiers in front of him while shouting.

“The Czech commanders are as weak as women! How cowardly are you that you don’t come out until the end even when all your soldiers are dying? good night! “I will send a lot of dresses for women to your camp, so starting tomorrow, change into dresses and come out dressed up.”

While spewing out these childish rants, I struck the helmet of the armored enemy soldier in front of me so forcefully, as if flowing like water, that he knocked him out.

Just as he was about to fall, he stabbed the spear blade attached to the bottom of the handle of the flat gun into the gap between his armor, and blood flowed out from there.

I don’t know who he is, but seeing that he is wearing proper armor, he seems to be a commander or high-ranking non-commissioned officer.

“Follow the battalion commander! “Let’s grab the flat iron and break the head!”

“Piece the Czech pigs to death with the thick, long spears you are holding!”

“Deus has guaranteed us victory!”

When I turned around at the sound of those shouts, I saw the soldiers of the Jaeger Battalion following me and slaughtering the enemies.

At the front, soldiers with pingons killed enemies by striking them with pendulum-equipped heads like me, and behind them, men with long spears stabbed enemies at vital points, such as the enemy’s neck.

It’s heartbreaking to see the guys who had withstood our attacks well just a few minutes ago suddenly collapse and lose their will to fight.

“Where is our battalion commander? He said that if you listen to his orders carefully, you can return alive!”

“Has the commander abandoned us?”

“You crazy bastard, that bastard values his life too. In the end, the only ones dying in this game are us lowly people.”

No matter how desperately the Czech soldiers search for their commander like a child searching for his parents, he will never come here.

It’s a shame that our opportunities to pursue majors are diminished, and for those who die in front of us, it’s an indescribable misery.

This is because if a battalion commander appears in a situation where his unit is completely destroyed and cannot be rebuilt, it is obvious that it will not change the tide of battle and will only result in a dog’s death.

However, you can’t just criticize him because in the middle of a war, having one head of a high being blown off has a greater impact on the morale of the entire army than having thousands of soldiers die.

This is because it is impossible on the battlefield for a person who can survive to jump to his death to save soldiers who cannot be saved.

The odds of winning increase even a little if at least one person survives and kills the enemy, so in this case, abandoning at least one human duty would be a choice a commander should make.

Of course, that’s the case under the circumstances, but I don’t think it’s something a human bastard would do, hiding behind and not showing up when all his subordinates are dying.

“Listen up you pigs of Czechia! Your battalion commander abandoned you! If you put down your weapon and kneel down right now, I will save your life! Surrender!”

As soon as my words fell, the Czechs in front of me all put down their weapons and knelt down as instructed.

“Those who kneel down will be left alone! The division commander will take you prisoner anyway, so don’t worry about it! “Kill the bastards holding weapons in front of you first!”

At those words, my soldiers continued to move forward without even paying attention to the surrendered guys.

Part of me thinks of how much major I would have accumulated if I had taken all the prisoners and turned them over, and I thought it was such a waste.

But our goal now is to get to the enemy base as quickly as possible and slit the commander’s head.

“Battalion Commander, enemy reinforcements are approaching! “I don’t know the exact number, but it looks like there are more than us!”

If you think about common sense, wouldn’t there be only one unit of obstacles on the way to where the enemy commander is?

So, if you waste your time capturing prisoners or fighting enemies who have lost their fighting spirit.

Soldiers like walking corpses will be resurrected as they merge with the reinforcements and will even interfere with us.

In that case, it is much more advantageous to throw away all prisoners and quickly attack the crowd of enemies.

As I was moving forward, Marco, who was in charge of the unit commander, came up to me and asked.

“Major, shall we reorganize our formation now? I guess…”

Under normal circumstances, we would have to regroup now and fight the enemy.

Now, the enemy reinforcements are arriving in a hurry, so they are unable to form their formation, and our formation has collapsed as we engage in a melee.

And our battalion has Pyeongon, the weapon that is most advantageous in a melee called a dog fight.

“Currently, the friendly and enemy forces are intertwined, and if we do not regroup, both sides will have no choice but to enter a melee. Then, neither army will be able to use long spears. An ally who has been thoroughly trained with simple auxiliary weapons such as flat weapons and blunt weapons is much more advantageous! Get ready for a dog fight!”

“All right! Throw away your polearms! “Let’s dig in like this!”

At the same time as those words were spoken, the sound of the infantryman’s long spear, which was like his lover, falling to the ground was heard.

I couldn’t look back because I didn’t have enough time, but I was deeply moved.

This is because, in a battlefield where one might die at any moment, it takes tremendous courage to throw away one’s most familiar weapon, a long spear, at a single command, which is no different than one’s life.

No, in this case, it should not be seen as courage, but as proof of faith in the commander, Major Peter Yeager.

As evidence, isn’t the guy in armor who looks like a company commander running in front of him unable to hide his shocked expression?

“Before entering a melee, do what you always do! Crossbow wizards who have the resources should shoot all enemies in front of them at once! “When the enemy and allies are tangled up, send them away with a polearm they can’t even use!”



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