I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 330

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Imperial infantry officers quickly followed instructions.

“Form the 1st battalion square! “The 1st Company stands first, followed by the 2nd Company!”

“Stand still like training, and I’ll stab you like training!” “As long as you stick the polearm into the ground properly, you can block it!”

“Don’t be scared and move as instructed! Throw away your thoughts! The thoughts are done by this body that directs you! “I will take full responsibility!”

When told to move as if in training, the soldiers moved as if they were one body and instantly formed a large cavalry pike phalanx. The anxiety that was eating away at their hearts gradually dulled as they were told to let go of their thoughts.

During the training I have been through so far, there were times when I felt like giving up because I thought that no matter how many orders I received, it would be impossible, as I was rolling countless times. Therefore, I had the experience of going beyond my limits when I moved.

Just as I did back then, I now have faith that if I follow the officer’s words, I will emerge victorious from the battle with the knights and return home alive.

Peter Yeager felt proud to see the results of his repeated formal training and other training.

On the other hand, General Dante, who commanded the mercenary knights hired by the Venetian Alliance and the knights made up of nobles from each principality, saw the imperial infantry in such a state and said, “How on earth were the imperial infantry trained,

so there were more than 20,000 knights?” “Is it possible for you to react so calmly in the face of a wild assault?”

He, who commands 20,000 knights, should not have seemed surprised or scared even when a sword was held at his throat.

Unlike the militia and mercenaries he had seen, he couldn’t help but let out such a weak sound when he saw the imperial infantrymen, who were almost perfectly prepared to take the charge without any hesitation.

However, the fortunate thing among the misfortunes was that his words were obscured by the sound of horses’ hooves and no one could hear them, and the knights behind him were shouting loudly.

“Let’s cut off the head of Peter Jaeger of the Reich and change his name!”

“That lion with a sword emblem is the damn Jaeger emblem! So if you dig down there, you’ll find that bastard Jaeger!”

“Knights of the Principality of Frito! “We have 20,000 knights, but the Reich Imperial Army consists of nothing more than exhausted scoundrels!”

The knights charged in a wedge formation, and were struck down by magic and arrows fired by wizards and crossbowmen belonging to the imperial army, shouting their final words.

Because the future depends on whether or not they will be able to protect their homeland depending on the success of this assault… The

noble knights of each principality defended their vested rights and honor, and the mercenary knights rushed forward to receive money. .

Finally, the knights of the Veneta Union and the infantry of the Reich Empire clashed.

Many of the soldiers pierced the weak points of the horse’s armor with their spears and the impact was absorbed by the ground, preventing them from being blown away. However, some of the inexperienced soldiers were hit by heavy horses and flew straight to their deaths.

Of course, there were soldiers who died after being pierced by lances, and there were also soldiers who lost their human form after being trampled by horses that kept running behind them.

A terrible scene unfolded with blood splattering everywhere, but the morale of the soldiers of the Reich Empire did not drop…

“It is not too late to mourn our dead comrades even after the war is over! “Knock it down with a mace or a stick!”

“Don’t try to have a sword fight with knights for no reason!”

“Break your left leg and start! “It’s difficult to block attacks coming from the left while on a horse!”

The officers began giving orders as if trying to kill even one more of the knights, and Peter Jaeger gave orders to the riders.

“The rear left and right wing units surround them as if encircling them from the inside! Since we outnumber the knights, we now have the advantage. do not worry!”

The horsemen and buglers conveyed Captain Jaeger’s orders to the soldiers on the left and right wings of the rear, and they followed the instructions and began to surround the knights, like a person embracing someone with both arms.

The knights of the Veneta Union saw that and tried to turn their horses as quickly as possible.

This is because the most powerful weapon of cavalry or knights wearing heavy armor is speed, but if they are caught in this state, they are as good as dead.

“Turn your head! “Turn your head and run away!”

“If we don’t get out of here, we’ll die! “Get out at all costs!”

“You bastards like Reich cockroaches. “I attacked you with a horse, so why are you still okay?”

However, the knights, who had lost one of their weapons, speed and impact, were unable to overcome the imperial soldiers who pushed ahead in numbers.

“Four infantry fighting against one knight! “One guy blocks it and three guys hit it!”

“Remember how many people you killed! “That way, you can receive a proper reward later!”

“Corporal Martin! Three people under Corporal Martin!”

The Beneta soldiers were helpless and died in front of the joint tactics of the squad, where one person blocks the attack and three people beat it down.

As the number of knights was slowly but surely reduced, thousands of the nearly 20,000 knights were killed or taken prisoner.

When the mercenary knights found themselves in this situation, they thought there was no answer, so they were not satisfied with successfully retreating and escaping. Instead, they broke away from the Venetian allied forces and began to leave the battlefield.

Dante felt a sense of emptiness as he watched that scene.

At the same time, there was something clearly visible in his eyes as the leader of the knights.

‘The knight’s charge was completely blocked and failed. And from what I saw on the way, the infantry was gradually being pushed back… so the Union would definitely lose. ‘You brought 250,000 people and lost against only 150,000 people.’

Now that things were like this, he thought that what he had to do was to save at least one more of the Bolonia knights he belonged to and send them home.

‘Anyway, no matter how much that incompetent bastard tries to fight, he won’t be able to turn the tide. So this is the best.’

If it had been the army of the Principality of Venetia alone and not the Venetian Union, this judgment would not have been made, but isn’t it natural for each side to abandon the other when the union becomes unfavorable?

Dante ordered.

“Everyone retreat! No, retreat and leave the battlefield! Hurry!”

At that command, the image of the knight who had been charging majestically up until now suddenly disappeared and he began running away as quickly as a mouse that had encountered a cat.

Captain Jaeger’s adjutant asked.

“Shouldn’t we give orders to the infantry to pursue them?”

Peter Jaeger saw the scene and was lost in thought, contemplating a future strategy.

From a tactical perspective, it would make sense to chase down the knights, but from a strategic perspective, it was a little different.

‘Anyway, we moved our troops with the determination to completely eliminate the Veneta faction among the Farosian Union. We’ll have to fight a siege, and to do that, we’ll have to maximize the conflict between nobles and citizens, so it’ll be easier later.’

And the best means he thought of was this.

Let the nobles survive as much as possible and focus the attack on the militia.

Through this, the citizens’ resentment was turned towards the nobles who returned alive.

“Leave those who escape the siege alone.”

At that time, a soldier belonging to the archer cavalry hurriedly ran over and reported.

“The Veneta Union infantry has now been defeated and cannot maintain its formation! “Our team is victorious. What will you do?”

Rather than being happy about this good news, Peter Yeager made a rational judgment as quickly as possible and issued orders based on it.

“Order the archers and knights to kill at least one more militia. If we miss them now, they will join us in guarding the walls, and it will be more of a hassle for us later when we have to attack Veneta Castle and other castles.”

“Do you think the knights don’t have to chase?”

“This commander will take full responsibility, so the knights will not pursue. From now on, focus on chasing down the militia! If you surrender, capture me alive, or kill me!”

The order was soon conveyed to Anastasia and Major General Siegfried, and they immediately gave instructions to pursue the militia.

As a huge number of knights and archers began to chase down the demoralized militia soldiers, only screams, death, and pleas for life remained on the battlefield.



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“I surrender! “Please just spare my life!”

“Ahh! mom!”

“…I shouldn’t have started a war.”

All the nobles, mercenaries, and militia fled with all their might to survive, and Peter Yeager could tell from his experience as a commander so far.

That he won this battle.

In this way, the 150,000-strong Reich Imperial Army succeeded in completely defeating the Venetian Allied Forces, which numbered over 250,000.

Imperial forces killed 10,000, wounded 13,000, and no prisoners.

The Venetian Allied Forces killed 75,000 (the majority were militiamen) and the wounded 30,000 were taken prisoner (due to the unit’s crushing defeat, the Venetian Allied Forces did not retrieve the wounded, so all prisoners the Imperial Army could not secure died) and 40,000 prisoners.

Peter Jaeger ordered the clearing of the battlefield and at the same time sent a letter to General Giuseppe of Milan asking him to join him.

Because it was necessary to discuss how to sort out the Veneta Alliance in the changed situation after this victory.

A word from the author (author review)

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