I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 201

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“As you know well, madam, I am the princess. Because of that, I focused on learning how to live an elegant and dignified life like a princess. So I know how to dance beautifully at a ball, and I have also studied literature, art, language, and music quite in-depth. Someday, if your loved one wants to listen, you can play an instrument or sing a song in your sweet voice.”

As Louise said, all the education the noble daughters of the empire received was to become good wives and ladies.

So, most of the ladies who enter the market for arranged marriages are people who cannot help but be beautiful and elegant.

Louise, in particular, was born a beauty, and ever since she was young, she had dreamed of marrying someone as handsome as a prince on a white horse.

With the goal of becoming a worthy princess, she worked hard to sharpen herself and became recognized by everyone in social circles as the most intelligent and sophisticated beauty.

This is completely different from Laura, who learned only the bare minimum of culture as a noble daughter with the dream of going to a military academy like her father and becoming a commander.

“Yes, but I will be honest. Lieutenant General Jaeger is a count and lieutenant general of the empire, but he is so obsessed with war that he lacks the culture of an aristocrat, right?”

“He is that kind of person. So, even when you go to social gatherings, you often find yourself not good at dancing, or when you talk to other nobles, you can’t talk about popular literature or performing arts at all.”


“So no matter how good a singer I am or how cultured I am as a noblewoman, that fact won’t be very attractive to him.”

When Laura heard this, she could not hide her astonishment.

Because what Louise said was that in order to become a family with Lieutenant General Jaeger, she put down her culture and dignity as a princess and respected a person named Laura von Wehner.

This is because I thought it was truly surprising that a person who had lived with great pride and pride in his status and way of life would let go of what he considered most important.

“So I also tried my best. I closed up the book containing the stories of knights that I had enjoyed reading whenever I had time, and opened and read a book on military studies that Lieutenant General Yeager knew well and liked. I also called Baron Zeppelin and learned the military knowledge I learned at the academy. That way, I could echo the stories of Lieutenant General Jaeger, who often visits me.”

After saying that, the princess placed the academy’s first-year course textbook, which naturally had traces of her own hands on it, on the desk.

“This is an introductory military science textbook that I used when I was studying with Baron Zeppelin. “At first, I didn’t even know what was going on so I didn’t want to open it, but as I continued to study, I was able to understand a little bit of what the lieutenant general was talking about, which was great.”

Laura and Charlotte Anastasia opened the textbook the princess had taken out.

In it, as expected, there were traces of Louise von Reich’s efforts to become even a little closer to Lieutenant General Jaeger, whom she admired.

Parts of the textbook that were considered important were underlined, and the empty margins were heavily annotated.

Anyone who sees this can immediately tell that the princess’s feelings for Lieutenant General Jaeger are sincere.

“So, when I was training the 7th Guards Division based on what I learned here, when I asked about the story, he calmly pointed out each and every detail with a serious expression. It was really cool. It was nothing compared to other noble men (young men) who were anxious to create even a small relationship with me and flattered me based on the topic of my favorite story. “So I was so happy, to the point where I could even enjoy Baron Zeppelin’s introductory lecture on military science, even though I had no idea what was going on.”

The three Laura, Charlotte and Anastasia were left speechless by the weight and effort of Louise’s sincere love.

“But the more I learned, the more I understood how great the lieutenant general was, but the disappointment remained. When you are at home rather than on the battlefield, I can cheer you on and help you both materially and spiritually to help you gain strength. But like Lady Laura, I can’t be there to help the Lieutenant General when he needs it most. “I was so jealous of that.”

Laura was able to provide direct help by performing quite well in the Battle of Austria.

In addition, we have fought together in dangerous battlefields for about 10 years and were able to make up for each other’s shortcomings.

In that regard, Laura and Peter Yeager had a much wider consensus than other noble couples and had always been close psychologically and physically.

Even though Laura was like that, she was able to sympathize with the princess’ words that she was jealous of her.

This is because when Lieutenant General Jaeger was in danger of dying on Lichen Hill, she was unable to help because she was pregnant with Friedrich.

Louise said, directly holding the hand of Laura, who looked at her with a surprised expression.

“So, I have no intention of competing with you. “There are different areas where we can help each other, and both I and Mrs. Laura are people that the Lieutenant General needs.”

Laura looked at the princess and thought.

‘Lieutenant General Yeager is such an outstanding person that he has many enemies and the weight of his duties and responsibilities is at a different level than mine. Even now, he often has nightmares about what happened on Richen Hill. Can I really say that sharing his burden alone is enough?’

After thinking about it a little more and calmly, the answer I came up with was no.

So, hasn’t she been thinking about assigning Anastasia and Charlotte to Lieutenant General Jaeger for quite some time?

Louise next held Charlotte and Anastasia’s hands and spoke.

“I heard a lot about the Battle of Richen Hill from the Lieutenant General. When Colonel Anastasia retreated, she brought the lieutenant general on a horse and came with her, and barely survived. And if Charlotte hadn’t taken care of him, he would have died from exhaustion while fighting.”

It was uncomfortable for Louise to put down her pride and status as a princess and speak in such a requesting tone.

This is because she has not been in a position to ask someone in a low manner, but rather in a position to demand something from someone in a high manner.

However, there was only one reason why Louise did not hesitate.

‘Sometimes, putting aside your authority and position as a member of the royal family for a while is a way to gain true authority.’

As he said, he came here with the decision to secure his own firm position in the earl’s family, headed by a man named Peter Jaeger, and at the same time avoid making everyone jealous.

These efforts bore fruit, and Laura eventually nodded as if she had no choice, sending an unspoken signal that she would truly accept Louise as family.

“Lady Laura, from now on, when you call me, please call me Louise. Don’t just use an honorific title like “Your Highness” for no reason; treat it like you would your younger sister. “Anyway, we’re like one family now, right?”

Laura was very embarrassed by those words, but answered cautiously.

“I understand, Louise.”

“Yes, please take care of me. Sister Laura.”

In this way, Louise succeeded in uniting Charlotte and Anastasia Laura by making full use of her status as a princess and her social skills.

At the same time, Peter Yeager was being mistreated by the Crown Prince, who thought it was a little scandalous that he would dare to take away his younger sister, the only one in the royal family whom he trusted and cared for.

“Lieutenant Jaeger, you know that I really care about you, right? Oh, of course, I believe everyone knows how much you care about the 7th Guards Division.”

“Yes, Your Highness. “I know it very well.”

“So you can have a drink on their behalf. A bottle of wine costs a few gold pieces, but would it be a waste of a few bottles for you and the officers of the 7th Division? “I believe you will not refuse my sincerity.”

“Your Highness, I have an official document to process tomorrow…”

“I’m sure your father-in-law will take care of it.”

So on this day, Lieutenant General Jaeger and the male officers of the 7th Guards Division drank a huge amount of alcohol, including at least two bottles of wine and 1 liter of beer per person.

In Korea, it would have been violent for the crown prince to do something like that, but in the Reich Empire, where manly and macho ideology reigned, it was an enormous reward, so everyone was very satisfied.

Except who suffered the most.


The Peter Yeager mansion the next afternoon.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that he does not get along with the other princesses because their political interests are intertwined, and that’s why he said that he only cares about Louise. But if you make me drink this much… will I really be able to go to work tomorrow?”

After muttering that, a savory, sweet smell and the unique oily, savory smell of grilling sausages came in through the crack in the door.

It seems like Laura and Charlotte are making food for me to relieve my hangover.

“Master, please wake up quickly. “It’s not good for your body to sleep just because you have a bad hangover.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have the strength. “Can you give me a little support?”

“Yes, just a moment.”

Charlotte used her experience in Lichen to support wounded soldiers and carry them to field beds, and easily supported me, who was larger and heavier than her.

In the process, I felt like my right hand and chest were touching Charlotte’s chest. I was embarrassed and looked at her face for a moment…

Even though it was the process of supporting me, she seemed to be very worried as well.



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My face is red.

So, if possible, I would like to walk on my own feet, but I don’t have the strength to do that right now.

So I carefully went to the desk and sat down, supported by Charlotte, who had just turned 20.

On the desk were bread mixed with potato rye and barley, wurst (sausage) fried in garlic oil, which is often eaten to relieve hangovers.

Inside the kitchen, Laura and Louise Anya were working hard.

“Louise, I would like to ask for a fork and knife.”

“Laura, I like to sprinkle a lot of sugar and cinnamon on my churros.”

“Anya, if you have milk or fruit juice instead of beer, please bring that.”

I don’t know what happened yesterday, but Laura and Anya had been secretly competing with each other to the point where sparks could be seen flying between them.

Louise is a princess, so it must be very difficult for Laura and Anya to deal with each other, but what happened to this scene of them calling each other close and being friendly as if they were family, even though it was awkward?

Did someone use magic?

Before I knew it, Louise came up next to me and said, putting down the knife and fork.

“If I want to be your beloved wife, I don’t have to use my status as princess to have an uncomfortable relationship with Laura and Charlotte. I thought we should be as close as possible. So, I put aside my pride first and persuaded the four of us to get along well together.”

… When I heard that, I was grateful and a little dumbfounded at the same time.

Louise saw me like that and quietly whispered into my ear.

“If I use my position as princess to get into a fight with Laura or Charlotte, you will definitely stay away from me. I wanted to be loved, so I put down a little bit more. So instead, you should love me as much as you can, my prince.”

He puts down his pride for me and solves small family problems and big political issues.

I understand why His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Majesty the Emperor cherish Louise so much.

Yes, I am truly the thief of all worlds.

A word from the author (author review)

A popularity poll for the 200th episode commemorative swimsuit illustration and heroine is being held in the notice.

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Thank you for your interest and congratulations on episode 200.

PS The author thrives on comments. i love you. In addition, I often write episodes and perspectives of heroines, so it would be even more helpful if you let me know what you think.

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