I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 170

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A country tries to create heroes when it loses a war or has something to cover up.

It’s the same in the case of individuals as well, just as when you feel joy while watching an interesting movie or performance when something is difficult or painful, it comforts your mind and gives you strength.

When something bad happens at the national level, heroes are highlighted to attract people’s attention and attention.

And now it is I and our 7th Division that His Majesty the Emperor wants to highlight.

So, after my body recovered to some extent, I came to the capital and held a triumphal ceremony with the surviving soldiers of the 7th Division without being able to return home right away.

Now, he was even forced to attend a special encouragement banquet given by His Majesty the Emperor along with the soldiers of the 7th Division in the yard of the Imperial Palace.

“Sergeant Otto, I can’t believe a mere serf like me is attending a banquet held at the imperial palace. “It’s something I’ve never dreamed of in my life.”

“You idiot, His Majesty the Emperor personally ordered us to participate. Serfs again, we are no longer serfs. What a worthy citizen! “If you want to be a serf, do it yourself!”

“To be honest, when I stayed at Richen Hill with the division commander, I thought life was really shit. Now that I think about it, it was the best thing I ever did in my life! “Life is short and bold!”

However, all the soldiers who risked their lives fighting with me are satisfied, so it is a good thing.

“Division Commander, instead of just watching your subordinates enjoy the banquet, why don’t you at least give them a word of encouragement?”

“I think everyone will really like it if the owner praises it.”

Normally, the best option for a high-ranking person in a situation like this would be to have a drink or a sip in a corner.

Now, as Anya and Charlotte said, I think everyone would be happy if I went around and gave at least a compliment.

With that in mind, I went to a nearby battalion and was about to give them a word of encouragement when I heard a loud voice along with the sound of a trumpet.

“Your Majesty Fernando von Reich, the sun of the great Reich Empire! “All soldiers of the 7th Division must show respect!”

At those words, the soldiers, who had never even met a baron who was not an officer in their lives, let alone the emperor, did not know what to do.

In fact, it may be because I was so nervous about meeting the most respected emperor in the empire, whom I thought I would never meet again in my life, that I completely forgot what I had been taught several times by the officers and court nobles.

The officers who saw this gave instructions to their soldiers in low voices, as if ventriloquizing.

“Get down on both knees and bow your heads.”

“Do not lift your head until you are told to do so. “If you get caught wrongly, it will be considered lese majeste and you won’t see any good results.”

“Kneel like you kneel when praying in church.”

The nobles around His Majesty who saw this just looked at the soldiers with happy expressions, even though it was a situation that would normally make them angry.

“Originally, those who are not nobles must kneel on both knees when meeting me, but the soldiers of the 7th Division here are the crown prince of the empire, my son’s benefactor, and heroes who saved the empire. We can’t make people like that kneel on both knees on such an auspicious occasion. Make an exception this time and ask them to kneel on one knee like the other officers. And lift your head up.”

According to the class system, in principle, commoners and serfs must kneel on both knees when meeting a king or a noble with a title.

This contains the meaning of ‘I am sorry and sorry that an infinitely lowly serf would dare to have an audience with a high man.’

However, now that the emperor had invited them with genuine gratitude, he had told them to kneel on one knee to show courtesy regardless of their status.

The soldiers were not yet sure what this meant, but the officers, who knew what it was like to have an emperor express his sincere gratitude, opened their eyes wide.

However, His Majesty seemed to have no problem with such matters and took the edict from the grand chief next to him and read it himself.

“Thanks to the tearful sacrifices and brilliant bravery of all soldiers belonging to the 7th Division, the Empire was able to avoid a major national crisis in which the crown prince was captured and 50,000 troops were lost. “For this, I, Ferdinand von Reich, Emperor of the Reich Empire, express my sincere gratitude.”

After saying that, His Majesty bowed his head towards us, although it was almost like a nod.

If you look at the size of the movement alone, it is not a big deal, but considering that the emperor does not bow his head except to God and his representative, the Pope, in principle.

It’s like showing in advance how grateful the emperor is to us and that he will promise us an unprecedented level of compensation.

Of course, this is an honor that everyone in the 7th Division can boast about until their death.

“Therefore, along with several ministers, I pondered how to repay those of you who contributed to overcoming a crisis that could greatly shake the empire. As a result, I have decided to repay you with the utmost sincerity and gratitude.”

When I heard this, I was convinced.

Frankly, if it had not been for the 7th Division’s performance, the expeditionary force would have completely lost 50,000 troops, and His Royal Highness would have been captured and taken hostage.

If the situation goes like that, even if His Majesty later deposes the Crown Prince in return for this, they will have to take His Majesty away from them.

In return, he would have had to give at least 3 to 4 duchies to the Duke of Switzerland, which would have lowered his national power and put him in a diplomatic predicament.

The fact that the emperor mentioned such a crisis foreshadows the unprecedented reward that will come later, and the unprecedented reward may contain a political intention to bury the defeat in the war by highlighting the hero.

“First, the 7th Division of the Imperial Army, which saved the Empire, will be specially promoted to a ‘Guards’ Division, and its soldiers will be given promotions and decorations according to their respective achievements. In addition, 10 gold coins were given to all members of the 7th Division from Jim, and 5 gold coins were given to all members from the Crown Prince. However, special rewards will be given separately. And all soldiers and their families are freed from serf status.”

In the Brown Bear Empire, the title of ‘Guardian’ was given to the emperor as he pleased and there were no special benefits, but in the Reich Empire, it was different.

Typically, units with the title of Guard receive more than twice the salary of officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the same rank in other units.

In addition, if you go through this unit even once, from officer to non-commissioned officer to soldier, you will receive significant bonus points for future promotions.

Moreover, in the Imperial Army, medals, no matter how low the rank, are given only to officers.

If you receive the lowest level medal here and work hard in the military, you will be able to graduate from the officer academy and become a second lieutenant, so you will be able to easily rise to the rank of semi-noble.

In addition, 15 gold coins is enough money to go to any rural area in the empire and buy a reasonably large land, a house, and a pretty wife.

In short, the guys working in my division have completely lost their lives whether they continued their military service or were discharged.

“Officers will also be given enormous rewards based on their rank and merit, and all officers will be given a special promotion to the first rank. In addition, a sword with a medal and the royal family emblem will be awarded.”

The first-class special promotion and medals for former officers are great, but it is difficult for even a decent nobleman to receive a sword with the imperial family emblem until he or she has the rank of colonel.

So, what I’m saying is that those who served under me will be promoted much faster than other officers.

Moreover, judging by the atmosphere, it seems that a huge number of Knight’s Cross and Sword medals, which automatically grant knighthood, will be distributed.

If this continues, the nickname of the 7th Division will become Knights.

“In particular, Lieutenant Colonel Kergit and Lieutenant Colonel Werner, who played a significant role in this war, will be formally awarded the title of Baron and Baronet, and will be awarded 30,000 gold each as a reward.”

For your information, all officers were given a special first-class promotion, so those two were promoted to colonel and became barons in name and reality.

“And Major General Peter Yeager, commander of the 7th Guards Division, please come forward.”

Following those words, I quietly walked in front of the emperor, got down on one knee, and bowed my head, receiving everyone’s attention.

“Major General Jaeger was the first to realize that Count Bern of Switzerland was a double agent, and he completely defeated Count Ticino’s division with very little damage. He led the 7th Guards Division and stood at the forefront as a division commander to preserve the crown prince and the 50,000 imperial troops as much as possible. And he raised the majesty of the empire high with his courage and resourcefulness by cutting down at least 200 Swiss soldiers over the course of a month. Therefore, his achievements were worthy of reaching the heavens, and he struck fear into the enemies of the empire all over Europa and made them tremble.”

These are all my own achievements during this expedition, but hearing about them from others through the emperor’s mouth only makes me think that they are truly incredible.

“Therefore, I, Fernando von Reich, in recognition of this unparalleled and overwhelming achievement, award him the following. The title of count was granted to Viscount Peter Jaeger, and the County of Ingolstein Augsburg and the Barony of Angol were granted. In particular, he is promoted to lieutenant general and awarded the Diamond Knight’s Sword Cross and the Twin Dragons Medal.”

When you become a count in an empire, you become the highest-ranking noble, with only the marquis and the royal family above you, and among counts, there are not many families that have multiple counts.

Moreover, if you become a lieutenant general, you can go on any expedition as a second-in-command.

Even though it was a failure, if you go with His Royal Highness like the Swiss expedition, you will become the actual commander-in-chief.

And the Order of the Twin Dragons is the highest medal of honor that was last given to the Marshal who helped the empire overcome an extreme situation a hundred years and several decades ago.

It is a medal of much higher rank and enormous influence than the Diamond Knight’s Sword Medal, which is considered the highest medal in fact.

That means that even the enemy of the imperial army must bow down to my military experience and achievements.

So I shouted with sincere gratitude.



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“I will repay your Majesty’s grace by dedicating my whole body and soul.”

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