I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 138

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And half a year later, an order was given to generals and lieutenant-level officers, including myself, in the capital or near the capital to appear at the imperial palace.

The purpose of the summons was to personally check the plans for the first expedition led by His Majesty the Crown Prince.

Generals and rank-and-file officers who had little opportunity to meet except at banquets such as New Year’s ceremonies were standing in the corridors of the imperial palace, greeting each other and asking about each other’s well-being.

“Ah yes. This time, I was appointed as the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 12th Regiment. “I wanted to go to the North… but the competition was a bit fierce.”

“I served in the military for nearly 30 years, but I never thought I would hear about young people competing because they wanted to go to the North.”

“As you know, Brigadier General Felt, this is all thanks to Director Yeager. Thanks to him, the North has been almost pacified, but there are still barbarians who have not been naturalized and are causing trouble, so it is not that difficult to subdue them, but it is also good to raise military merit.”

When I think about it, in the past, the North had many opportunities to improve its military capabilities, but when dealing with 2,000 enemies, there were only a few hundred archers among them, so it was a struggle.

It was a terrible place filled with stories of officers being dishonorably discharged or recommended for discharge after losing the war and having their careers shattered because they could not handle the archers.

Nowadays, most of the barbarians have become slaves and are forced to pay for the sins of their ancestors by doing hard labor such as clearing roads in mine fields or constructing buildings, so the size and unity of the hostile barbarians has decreased significantly.

However, if you add a little bit of exaggeration, you can eliminate small-scale rebels once a month, so as the major said, it’s a really good place to improve your military performance.

While thinking about random things like this, I was heading to the main auditorium of the Imperial Palace, where the strategy was announced.

Suddenly the relaxed atmosphere suddenly became tense, and a salute was heard from behind me.

I thought His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was coming, so I turned around and bowed.

“Ah, aren’t we Director Jaeger? “I’m so glad to see you.”

“It is an honor, Your Majesty.”

“Don’t be too stiff between us haha. If you keep doing that, I’ll be a little disappointed.”

In places where there is no one-on-one face-to-face meeting or where only close associates are present, the correct answer is to show respect as FM like I did.

It is obvious even without looking at the reason why the crown prince treats him so intimately in front of other generals and rank-and-file officers.

Yes, it is a strong declaration that when he becomes emperor in the future, he will one day use me as the core of his army.

“By the way, how is your friend? “Are you sure you’re four months pregnant?”

As the Crown Prince said, I was suspended from work and while I was on probation at home, I worked out at night without using the birth control spell with Laura, who was guaranteed to leave work on time or early every day.

As a result, about three months after the suspension ended, Laura received news from her doctor that she was pregnant.

And on that day, His Royal Highness received all kinds of childcare supplies and baby clothes, and the Marquis of Venner drank over two liters of beer and cried, saying that he only had two regrets.

That lingering desire was to become an enemy and to see the grandson that Laura gave birth to.

“Thanks to your concern, I am doing well, Your Highness.”

“It was the same when my wife was pregnant, but it is important for pregnant women to always keep their lower bodies warm. Also, I often try to control what I eat because I don’t want to gain weight, but I make sure to stop that. “Otherwise, your body will get hurt.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

After exchanging a few greetings, the crown prince signaled for me to follow him and we walked together.

I naturally stood a little behind the crown prince’s right, i.e. the second person in the group.

Then, with an expression as if he had forgotten for a moment, he pointed to the officers following behind him.

“Here I often hang out these days, Major Max, who is your brother, and other officers. They are all pretty good guys, and they entered the Staff College last year. Well, these days, he’s been through a lot of hard work studying and reviewing the invasion of Switzerland with me. Look at my face. “Isn’t it half of it?”

As I said, I guess I was overexerting myself because I couldn’t sleep well. You have lost some weight on your face and the depth of your dark circles…

“You are definitely a little thinner.”

“It’s a plan that was put together with so much effort. Of course, I planned a rough plan based on data about Switzerland. Those guys did the practical planning. “After hearing this announcement, everyone will recognize me as a future emperor with military capabilities.”

“Then can you tell me a little about what strategy you have planned?”

After hearing those words, the crown prince shook his head and said.

“Isn’t the operation going to be announced soon? Your brother, who is following you here, will explain in detail. “Wouldn’t it be cool if you wait a bit or listen to it in advance?”

Even when I lived in Korea, I was informed of the movie’s content in advance and then watched it, which made me lose interest.

I never thought I would hear a similar story from His Highness the Crown Prince.

“Then I will wait with great anticipation.”

“That’s not enough. “Please listen with great anticipation.”

“I will trust only your highness.”

With those words, the crown prince stepped forward, dragging other young officers one by one, and I went to find my seat in the main auditorium.


The main auditorium is normally used for large banquets.

There were hundreds, if not a thousand, of formal chairs placed here, according to the ranks ranging from major to captain and marshal.

I naturally sat down on the chair provided for the directors.

After about 30 minutes, a bulletin board with a huge map was installed in the center of the auditorium.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and my brother stood in front of the bulletin board and began explaining the operation.

“Then I will now begin to explain the war operations against the Duchy of Switzerland established by me, Michael von Reich! Major Max!”

My brother answered those words in a very natural and confident voice, probably having practiced it dozens or even hundreds of times.

“Major Max von Wehner! “Then, from now on, as ordered by His Highness the Crown Prince, we will announce our war strategy against the Duchy of Switzerland!”

Although I am about two years younger than my brother, for some reason, watching it reminded me of the time when I had just earned the rank of major and was preparing for the occupation of Visochia, explaining the strategy in front of everyone.

Even though my military service was shorter, the speed at which I got ahead and the weight of the work I had to handle along with it were different.

I can’t tell my brother or Laura, but the truth is that in my eyes, my brother looks like a squealing chick.

“First of all, the size of the Reich Empire’s expeditionary force will be 50,000 men in total and will be organized into 6 divisions. “I think the launch will be in March next year.”

When I heard those words, a murmur could be heard from where the generals, including me, were sitting.

“I understand that it is March next year, but there are only 6 divisions…?”

“This is His Highness the Crown Prince’s first expedition. Isn’t this too dangerous?”

“Let’s hear more about the story. “If you look at the silence of those at the Chief of Staff over there, it doesn’t mean there were any problems during the inspection.”

To be honest, I also had doubts.

That’s because the Principality of Switzerland had a barren land and a small population, but it wasn’t a country that could do anything with only six divisions.

Furthermore, beyond the empire, the country with the strongest infantry on the European continent is Switzerland.

Since they make a living as mercenaries, it’s virtually a paradise for monsters where all the soldiers have the combat skills of an Imperial infantry sergeant or higher.

Why on earth did the Chief of Staff pass this plan?

Of course, Minister of Military Affairs Otto Moritz was holding out at the Chiefs of Staff, so if it seemed like a plan that made no sense, His Highness the Crown Prince’s operation would have been dismissed.

My brother continued his presentation confidently while receiving the attention and notice of the generals.



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“In addition, the goal of this war is for the Imperial Army to occupy 6 of the 23 cantons in Switzerland (00 degrees in Korea), including Bern, Basel, Bad Ticino.”

As soon as those words were finished, the other majors of the Young Prince faction who were standing next to him quickly turned over the map on the bulletin board.

There was a pretty shocking picture drawn there.

“According to principle, an army of 50,000 men would have to attack Switzerland at once, but this time, following the precedent of the Francois Republic where the troops were divided into brigades and plundered, we plan to divide the troops into 6 units and fight each battle individually. . “I will take questions here first.”

At those words, one of the generals asked the question we all wanted to ask the most.

“If we can succeed, it will greatly help the empire achieve hegemony. However, Switzerland is, to put it mildly, a military country that is more fierce and powerful than the nomads. “How did you plan to divide your troops in enemy territory when attacking such a country?”

His Royal Highness ‘I was already anticipating that question.’ He smiled brightly and answered.

“Let me answer that.”



See next episode

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