I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy Chapter 100

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“War is a transaction mixed with threats, where you attack the enemy as much as possible with limited troops and resources and then get what you want. “I would like to propose this operation.”

After saying that, I unfolded the map I brought and began to explain.

“First of all, in a normal war, we declare war, the enemy raises an army accordingly, and it ends with one big fight to determine victory or defeat. But in this case, we have a cause, and we must exact revenge on Francois.”

And I said, tracing the red line with my finger.

“Go inside the enemy’s territory and repay them for the same methods they used to render the Reich Empire’s agricultural lands and village castles unusable. “We will expand the scale even further and plunder the core eastern granary of the Francois Republic.”

“…Then there is a possibility that the enemy army will enter the Reich Empire.”

Certainly, if our army and the enemy’s army do not engage in alternating battles, when we enter the Francois, the enemy army may enter the Reich Empire.

The key point is that the armies of the Francois Republic will never be able to enter the territory of the Reich Empire, and the countermeasures against this are surprisingly simple.

“The empire maintains a total strength of 300,000. Since Ludvik is dead, all we need to do is withdraw about 50,000 troops from the north, where the major danger has disappeared, and deploy them as a reserve force in the east of the empire, just in case. Then, even if they invade the empire’s territory, we can buy time with minimal damage.”

“Impressive. So in that situation, while the 50,000 men of the Northern Army hold back Francois’s army, will our expeditionary force retreat back and surround them from both sides? “If they notice this and run away from the northern army, they will be caught by the expeditionary force chasing behind them.”

By using about 50,000 of the Northern Army as a reserve force, a large-scale engagement with them can be avoided, and if the expeditionary force carries out persistent plunder, there will be no major damage to the Empire’s troops, and the eastern part of Francois will be devastated.

“Furthermore, when we attacked the eastern part of Francois, we moved along places where it was easy to requisition food from Sargminenne Castle to Vallon over hundreds of years, but if we set up military warehouses and run supply corps as I suggested. You will be able to travel directly from Château de Blanc to Poitiche. “Because we appeared through an unexpected route, the enemy will take a long time to catch up with us even if they hurriedly turn their defense forces around.”

In the meantime, what if you divide your troops into battalions or regiments and thoroughly loot all the villages in the widest possible area before Francois comes?

Even if we lose the war, they will suffer enormous economic and social damage that will be difficult to recover from over the next dozen years.

“If that happens, we will move the military as quickly as possible because we will judge that if the Francois nobles show any more indecent behavior to the people because they have already been excommunicated, a nationwide peasant uprising may occur.”

Minister of Military Affairs Moritz must have already imagined the Francois nobles rushing to prevent the worst-case scenario of a peasant uprising.

He was smiling so brightly that I thought he couldn’t be any more pure and bright.

As a duke of the empire and a man known as a legend in the imperial army for decades, he must have had a lot built up in his heart because the Francois bastards threatened the empire.

“In normal times, we do not know what will happen when the enemy infiltrates, so we will advance by adjusting the speed appropriately while checking through scouts to see if there is an enemy ambush as much as possible. However, aristocrats who have been excommunicated and whose standing is at a low level cannot march while observing such common sense due to political interests.”

“You are truly evil. From here on out, I’ll tell you. “Are you planning to deploy a company or battalion-sized surprise force in the middle to block the road or make a surprise attack to reduce the number of soldiers and maximize the fatigue of the army?”

When I slightly nodded in agreement with those words, the Minister of Military Affairs smiled brightly and said,

“I knew it would be like that. If our troops have advanced that far, the two armies will soon meet and a big battle will break out. “Do you have any plans for that battle?”

I thought that if I couldn’t answer here, I would end up in the abyss of working overtime again and end up having to report at least 5 battle plans that take into account the number of cases.

Of course I prepared it.

“Strategy goes according to plan to some extent, but combat and tactics, as the academy also says, are often useless within three minutes of the battle starting. So, I can’t say that the combat operation is a definitive plan because a full-scale fight with the enemy has not begun, but I made a rough plan assuming a number of cases.”

“I wouldn’t be happy if the other officers in the Chiefs of Staff followed your lead even half the time.”

When you hear that, tomorrow, His Excellency the Minister of Military Affairs, will ask if there is another officer who made even the slightest mistake at the Chief of Staff.

I took it to mean that I would personally express regret to the others who gave me 4-5 stars, and I prayed in my heart that not a single staff officer would make a mistake tomorrow.

The Naeri Galgum that starts with the battalion commander also dries people’s blood, but it starts with His Excellency, the Minister of Military Affairs, who is a 6-star dignified person.

That can’t be anything other than extremely tragic.

“It is an honour. First of all, we plan to be able to quickly determine the location of enemy troops through surprise troops deployed throughout the area. When the distance to the enemy is reduced to some extent through them, I plan to have the marauding units dispatched from afar return to the base to recover their stamina and then prepare for battle.”

“very good.”

“In addition, we are considering using carts and terrain to fortify our troops as much as possible and fight, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy must attack us quickly and achieve a quick victory. “I have something more prepared, should I tell you?”

This is half a lie.

That’s because I’ve prepared a lot more than just this, but anything beyond that is full of unpredictable problems because there are too many variables that need to be taken into account.

You have to respond with improvisation, but since the opponent is a master general with the title of guardian deity of the empire, there is a high probability that it will not work.

Fortunately, though, our Minister of Military Affairs nodded and said with a satisfied expression.

“Further plans are an area for all staff to put their heads together and think about. Also, there are too many variables. “By the way, you’ve managed to plan everything well up to this point.”

“I was just thinking based on what I learned at the Imperial Academy.”

When I said those words of humility, the Minister of Military Affairs looked slightly awake and spoke.

“It’s just that you are capable. If I were to order another staff member to come up with a plan like this for a month and a half, no one would be able to do it. As expected, he is a genius who broke convention and was promoted to brigadier general at that age.”

“It is an honor, Your Excellency.”

“By the way, I have some good news for you.”

I have already received enough benefits such as promotions and titles, so I don’t think they are giving me anything directly.

What kind of good news does this mean?

“His Majesty the Emperor officially accepted the warriors of the barbarian tribes who sacrificed their homes and defected as soldiers of the empire. The family members were scattered throughout the empire, each engaged in the same occupation as their previous status. In other words, some of the northern tribes have officially become citizens of the empire.”

Why on earth is this news that is helpful to me?

Well, the more northerners who are completely naturalized and living in the empire, the more profitable it will be for the empire…

Ah, because all the northerners naturalized in the empire now are people who shudder in disgust at the mere mention of Ludwig’s ‘ru’ character.

They have a very good opinion of me for killing that evil khan, right?

When those people disperse as a group.

“And the second and third sons of the serfs, who had been working as day laborers but could not get married because they could not get land to farm within the empire, also went north.”

“Is that so. “Your Majesty the Emperor will be pleased.”

“Not being honest. “If you’re just 25, you can show an honest reaction like a boy blushing when he sees a beautiful woman.”

You can tell without saying anything.

Yes. The story is that my reputation, which until now had only been rumored and spread among nobles and big cities, will spread throughout the Reich Empire.

This probably means that you will automatically gain the reputation that is most important to nobles.

This is definitely really good news.

“Instead of giving up the land where their tribes lived in the north, the defected tribal leaders received suitable vacant land, received knighthood, and officially became nobles of the empire. In addition, a woman named Anastasia Kergit, who defected through you, received the greatest reward and treatment.”

When I was about to say thank you for letting me know, with an expression on my face that I was deeply moved by those words.

The Minister of Military Affairs got up from his desk, came next to me, and whispered quietly.

“I like it, but don’t. Look at reality. You are so flawless and perfect. From now on, there will be a lot of scum trying to frame a man named Peter Yeager against His Highness the Crown Prince.”


“I’m saying this because you truly feel like my son, but from now on, I will be moderately greedy and clearly show my loyalty. Otherwise, people who are jealous of you will bite you and tear you down because you have no weaknesses. Instead, if you create an appropriate weak point, it is easy to target and respond only to that point.”

When I nodded and was about to leave, the Minister of Military Affairs smiled and said,

What you saw just now is the maid whom His Majesty the Emperor gave me to make my life comfortable. Since you have also been promoted to general, I will join you.

Judging by the context of what he said so far, what he was saying was clear.



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‘There will be more eyes around you, so be careful how you behave.’

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