I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 66

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 066

18. Ballroom of Temptation (4)


Jeki, who had not said anything for a while, turned his head awkwardly.

And then.

“What is this? It’s gross. Gross

woah! It’s gross!!! Wow! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. “This is not me!”

He was tearing his head out with both arms, spitting out blood, and screaming.

But no matter where I looked, my arms and legs kept appearing in my field of vision.

“Give me back my arm! please! This, this is so gross! no! “I don’t want to live like this!!”

As she was screaming, she suddenly looked at Puleim. Pouring out her bloody tears, she gave the full-time menacing

It crawled at speed.

“It’s full lay… … Please… please help me

help me… … please… …

However, there was no way now.

It was completely turned into black magic, so it was impossible to turn it back.

The cadets hesitated and took a step back. I didn’t want to do that, but I ended up getting a look of disgust etched on her face.

Noble NPCs, students, everyone.

I was moving away from her.

‘This, this…’ … It’s not reality… … .’

Jackie was shocked and his mouth was shaking.

all. I wanted to cover my face with my hands, but my hands had become sharp and made it impossible to do even such a trivial action.

“please please… … Full frame, please. you… “You can do anything.”

Until now, there was a possibility of recovery. As long as it wasn’t completely blackened, it could have been purified to any extent.

But now it is impossible.

Fulleim closed his lips tightly and shook his head.

“… Sorry. “Jackie.”

So, the final sentence has been passed.

“… ha ha ha. Hehehehe. Hehe, heh heh… Hehehe. Hehehehe….

Jackie suddenly realized the cause of all this.

“I see.”

In the first place, if it wasn’t full frame.

“It’s all because of you.”


“It’s because of you. You, you, you! It’s because of you!! If it weren’t for you! If only you weren’t there!”

Screaming, he raised his blade-like arm and swung it towards the full frame.

I tried to do it, but

Grumble! Damn… !

Fierce fireballs and icebergs of cold ice shot out from both sides, penetrating Zeki’s body.

“Wow, ugh… … evil… !”

Her ability is to control the other person’s mind. Then, will she be able to demonstrate her full strength only when her mental power is disturbed?

Since he was already severely injured and had lost most of his strength due to the weakening of the barrier, even this attack was fatal.

■I don’t like it… I am… … why… … .”

Good luck! Puff!!

Without stopping there, Heung Bi-yeon fired one more fireball and stepped forward, saying he couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Now, wait a moment. danger… … .”

“You stay quiet now. “Because you did everything you had to do.”

She swatted away the full frame that tried to block her with a low voice and stood in front of Jackie with a cold expression.

Hong Bi-yeon looked at Jackie’s face and saw that his expression was devoid of any emotion.

Gulro said.

“It’s ugly.”

“You are… … !”

“More on the inside than on the outside.”

For her, being away was probably a good thing. Because it was Hong Bi-yeon who had once looked even uglier than me.

“Yes, what do you know…” … “Aaaah!!”

Grumbling!! As Jackie tried to tell her what to do, Hong Bi-yeon burned her wounds without hesitation.

“Insolent, speaking informally to the princess.

Don’t do this. “You are no longer a classmate, so there is no reason to speak informally.”

“Now, stop for a moment! I still have reason! Uh, if I somehow find a way… … !”

“What if I find it?”

“… uh?”

As Azel hurriedly shouted, Hong Bi-yeon turned her head and made eye contact with her. Unlike when I looked at Jackie… … It was full of regretful, painful, and indescribable emotions.


Her cheeks looking at Jackie

One look was smoke. When Ezel realized this, he stopped his steps.

“If you find it, will you find a way?”

Since it has been completely consumed by the black devil, there is no more answer. This is because there was no other answer than to overcome the black magic attack on one’s own before something like that happened.

“Well, that’s still… …



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“Ha, you have a kind heart. Okay, if your friends want it that way, I’ll give it a chance.”

Hong Bi-yeon spoke as if she were being generous.

“If you regret your mistakes even now and apologize sincerely, I will spare your life.

I will rock it. Get down on her knees and kiss my feet.”

-… … what!”

that… … She was treated very humiliatingly and humiliatingly. But no one, including her full frame, stopped her. No, she couldn’t be stopped.

If things go wrong… … Because everyone here might have been killed by Jackie.

The crime of trying to kill fifteen students is by no means small.

Nevertheless, I dare say that Hong Bi-yeon’s generosity in giving her the opportunity to apologize is great.

It would be possible.

“Ugh… … !”

Zeki gritted his teeth, knelt down, slowly approached Hong Bi-yeon, and lowered his head.


No matter how much you think about it.

Just because you pray for a mistake here and because you are forgiven.

I didn’t think I would be able to live a proper life in the future. It has become so vicious and terrible.

There is no way she can lead the life of a normal girl anymore.

Zeki’s red eyes brightened as he lowered his head.

Hong Bi-yeon Adole Beat.

A girl who was born as a princess, has an appearance that is unprecedented in the world, and is even gifted with the talent to be called the embodiment of flame.

Her future will shine brighter and more beautiful than any other jewel. In comparison, she will live a life like disgusting filth.

‘I wanted to live like that too.’

If your life is destined to fall into the abyss anyway, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to fall with someone who will live in that high heaven.

If I can’t have that life.

‘If that’s the case… … .’

It’s an opportunity.

A chance to end that perfect girl’s life with your own hands.

Jakey crawled on his knees to reach the soles of Hong Bi-yeon’s feet and lowered his head. To hide her own expression.

Hong Bi-yeon stretched out her feet without even making any defenses.

‘Stupid bitch.’

The opportunity has come.

Pretending to grab her feet, Jackie lifted her head.

The red eye light radiated menacingly.

“You too will fall into the abyss with me, Adolebit!”

He jumps up from his seat and stabs Hong Bi-yeon with his sharpened spider right arm.

You will definitely die instantly.

It should have been so.

“ah… ?”

Slowly… … !

Couldn’t reach it.

Because my knees were frozen, I couldn’t stand up properly.

Because both arms were caught in the vines, I could not swing them properly.

Even as Hong Bi-yeon saw the sharp blade of the spider reaching right in front of her eyes, she remained unfazed and spoke in a tone of regret.

“You threw away your last chance. This is why I said that humans cannot be rewritten, but I guess it was in vain.”

“Now, wait, wait a minute… I, I actually…!”

“I hope you repent when you die.”

Hong Bi-yeon snapped her fingers as if the excuse wasn’t even worth hearing.


A huge cylindrical flame erupted, engulfing Zeki’s body.


He died instantly without even being able to scream.

That ended the situation.

“ah… …

Full Laim sat down in his seat due to Hong Bi-yeon’s behavior. At the same time, a guideline message was printed.

The ‘Ballroom of Temptation’ has been conquered!]

[This is the end of the story of Duchess Aiharen, who wanted to become the most beautiful and popular in the world.]

The world began to gradually fold.

NPCs turned into smoke and dispersed, and objects turned into dust and disappeared.

In the meantime, the cadets did not even dare to stand up.

“ah… eww… …

Some people collapsed in their seats, while others stared blankly into space.

The black magic and betrayal of a classmate.

The shock still hasn’t gone away.

Meanwhile, there was only one person moving, Hong Bi-yeon. She said as she turned towards the staircase entrance of the clock tower and glanced behind her.

“How long do you plan on sitting like that? It’s pathetic. There will be a reward at the back of the stage. “Please take care of it.”

Then, without realizing it, the students checked the door located at the back of the stage. Since you have cleared the final stage, there will be various rewards, including ‘Magic Stone’.

Full-Im stared blankly at Hong Bi-yeon’s back, and then realized a question.

Her legs were shaking as she walked.

,no way… … .,

Only then did I realize it.

She also wanted to sit down in this situation, and was still unable to recover from the shock.

Pretending like nothing is wrong, pretending not to break down, pretending to be strong.

I was trying hard to act.

Because someone had to be a support for others to get up.

Was it something like that… … .’

Belatedly, Full Lame also came to his senses and woke up with difficulty.

In the end, Hong Bi-yeon was right.

In the first place, I never thought Jackie would ask for forgiveness. So, wasn’t she preparing her magic in advance to bind her limbs?

Hong Bi-yeon knew that the girls would prepare magic because they did not trust Jackie, so she deliberately gave them a loophole.

It’s as if he’s telling you not to argue with his decision.

Knowing how to keenly understand and exploit people’s psychology… … Truly an extremely dirty personality.

But at the same time, you do everything yourself.

He was a very selfish but altruistic person who tried to shoulder the burden.

Suddenly, such a thought lingered in Fulleim’s head.

perhaps… ,I think I may have been overconfident in my knowledge of the original novel and misunderstood the character Hong Bi-yeon.

* * *

“Group A-6, the practical training has ended and the students have come out.”

“Please evacuate the fish.”

“Team B-3’s training has also ended.”

There were dozens of Persona Gates formed in Stella Dome, and because they were all fake, professors could intervene at any time and there was no danger.

Except for one gate.

The Persona Gate of 5 Risks appeared out of nowhere in the middle of Stella Academy. To prepare for that, the magic warriors and professors of the Stella Knights were currently standing by, well-armed.

5 Risk of Persona Gate could be resolved by professors, but if the ‘persona synchronization phenomenon’ occurs, the surrounding environment may be distorted and a dangerous phenomenon may occur.

“what? “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know… … . “I think there was an accident.”

The students glanced toward the direction where the Persona Gate was located and followed the guidance of the teaching assistant as they exited the Stella Dome.

Lee Han-wol looked at the gate closest to him with a confused expression.

Until now, the number of Stella’s students who had died during training was too numerous to count.

But even those deaths were not easily forgotten. It was the saddest and saddest thing in the world to see children who entered Stella and grow up dreaming of a bright future wither before they could even bloom.

Although he didn’t show it, he remembered the faces and names of all the students.

In particular, Baek Yu-seol’s name will not be forgotten in his memory for a long time.

It was the same.

An eccentric student who grew up in an underprivileged environment, but entered Stella with dreams of chivalry.

However, with his skills, he proved to the world that that dream was not a lie, and if he worked a little harder in the future, he could definitely achieve the most rewarding results in the world.

But, I have to die in vain in a place like this.

“Waah, the waves are shaking! The change starts from within!”

“Let’s prepare quickly.”

When Knight Commander Arain gave instructions with a gesture of his chin, the Magic Knights quickly took out their staffs. There would be no need for Arain to come forward. Since he was such an elite trooper, it was ridiculous to even try to synchronize Persona with only 5 risks.

Crackling, blah blah blah… … !!

Slowly, the gate shook to the point where it was visible to the naked eye, and finally it contracted greatly, as if something had exploded inside.

… … Flash!

After a while, the gate completely disappears.

Fifteen students wearing Stella’s school uniform clumsily were summoned.

“ah… …

Someone let out a relieved breath. It was because the tension had eased. Such sounds erupted from everywhere. Someone sighed, someone laughed, someone made a quick call, and someone turned around.

“… … “The ant defeated the tiger.”

Alain’s expression showed a rare expression of surprise. Then he turned around, sarcastically telling himself the joke he had picked up.

“Let’s withdraw.”


The knights, with their military discipline up, turned around in an orderly manner without any hesitation, and the magicians and faculty members who were waiting let out exclamations.

“The students really attacked the Persona Gate of 5 Risks?”

“I can not believe it… … .”

“W-I guess I should say that I am Stella’s cadet?”

“No, no matter what, you’re still a cadet.”

“The Gate of 5 Risks is a skilled Bette

It’s a difficult place even for Lang… …

Lee Hanwol winked at a nearby wizard. Then the wizard closed his eyes, spun the magic circle, put it away, and spoke.

“End of wave pattern. no problem. “The attack was a complete success.”

After checking there, Lee Han-wol walked with long strides and approached the students.

However, when Baek Yu-seol stepped forward first, Lee Han-wol opened his eyes wide and took a stance.

Magic battle that attacked the Persona Gate

Companies are required to report to their superiors according to the manual.

So, even though Baek Yu-seol was a cadet, he did not hesitate until the end and tried to maintain the chain of command even after going through that dangerous battlefield.

“That kid… … “I guess he’s a ‘leader.’”

“It’s a familiar face.”

“You were famous from the beginning of the semester because of your chivalry.”

While the wizards were buzzing, Baek Yu-seol, who had bandages wrapped all over his body and had somehow made a death-like image, held his wand vertically to his chest.

It was the salute of a magic warrior.

When Lee Han-wol received the salute, Baek Yu-seol reported.

“I report the completion of the Persona Gate mission. A total of 16 people, 1 death. “The return of 15 people has been completed.”

Lee Han-wol made a bitter expression at his words. In the end, one student was sacrificed. I was happy that they came back alive, but I couldn’t just smile.

So he nodded, keeping a blunt face without making any expression.

“You did a good job. All of you have achieved excellent results as magic warriors. I’m proud of you. “I’ll send a medical wizard to you immediately, so get some rest.”

In any case, it was true that they had achieved great achievements.

One casualty? It was obviously a sad incident, but the fact that the attack was successful and fifteen students survived was even more miraculous.

At the center of it all, there was probably Baekyuseol. Even though no separate leader was selected, Baek Yu-seol ranked 1141st.

The fact that he stood up and reported would mean that all the other students recognized him as a ‘leader.’

He finally approached Baek Yu-seol to encourage him. But for some reason, he looked like he was about to die, and I couldn’t figure out why.

‘Hmm, was there a big accident inside?’

I was trying to say something to Baek Yu-seol, thinking that I should take a little more care of her.

“Haha, what’s going on?”

I flinch. Lee Han-wol’s heart sank.

It was the voice of a young teenage boy, but the spirit and heavy pressure contained in it made it difficult for him to even dare to open his lips.

Eltman Eltwin, class 9 wizard and principal of Stella Academy.

He came here in person.

Eltman Eltwin slowly looked around at the students, and finally he looked at White Snow and slowly opened his eyes.

“this… … “I guess something interesting happened while I was away?”


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