I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 393

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 395

66. The story changed ⑺

I don’t remember in detail what Baek Yu-seol did to Azel from beginning to end.

Just as there was a secret between Full Reim and Baek Yu-seol, there was also privacy between him and Azel.

Some of them I know well.

all. For example, a ‘good restaurant club’.

“May Yu-seong, look at me for a moment.”

“huh? what’s the matter?”

May Yu-seong is a handsome boy with black hair, tall height, and perfect proportions that make it hard to believe that he is a high school student.

In this time frame, his contact with Full Frame was almost non-existent.

“You don’t have a club, do you?”

It is rare for a student to not join a club until the summer vacation is over.

This is because the credits you can get from the club are quite significant.

“There is none, but

Ma Yu-seong smiled crookedly.

It was a clear sign of caution.

,… … It’s awkward.’

In the original time zone, Ma Yu-seong always showed a natural smile to Fulle Im. But now I could clearly see that the smile was forced.

‘Do you always treat others like that? … .’

Although feeling a subtle sense of distance, Pule Lim tried to smile and say.

“huh. “I’m trying to find club members, but there aren’t enough people.”

“… … well. “I don’t really like it, haha.”

Of course, May Yu-seong sharply refused, but Full-Im knows his special move.

‘If this world is similar to the original… … .’

I swallowed my saliva and said,

“It’s a shame. I think we just need to get one more person together… … Phew, I can’t help it. “I have to tell Ezel.”

I flinch. May Yu-seong’s huge size is half

I agree. It’s like a Siberian Husky, so it’s a pretty cute gesture.

“wait for a sec. “There are two members in total?”

“uh? huh. “You said you weren’t interested?”

“No, I wanted to hear what kind of club it was….”

“It’s a restaurant club.”


“Azel is very interested in food. why? Are you interested?”

After hesitating for a moment, Ma Yu-seong nodded.

“……I will do it.”

It was good

Full Laim was inwardly delighted.

The process of seducing him was quite easier than I thought.

‘As expected, May Yu-seong has a crush on Azel.’

She said, smiling brightly.

“Then just wait a moment. I’ll bring you an application to create a club within a few days. Can’t I start another club in the meantime?”

After saying that, Fulleim hurriedly ran down the hallway. I almost ended up being late for my next class because I was trying to persuade May Yu-seong.


As I hurriedly open the classroom door and entered, I was met with stares from the students. Her professor glared at her with her menacing eyes, but she quickly turned her head to her blackboard.

Because the full-frame performance was excellent, it seems like they are turning a blind eye to it for once.

‘Ha, good thing I took the test properly.’

Full Lame, who was looking around, soon found Azel and sat down next to her. I’ve been doing this for over half a year already, so now Ezel doesn’t know what to say.

It doesn’t break down.

Of course, I couldn’t get closer to her. I still felt like there was a big wall… but just being able to get this close was a huge achievement.

‘I seduced Mayu-seong, but it’s important to bring Azel.’

This is the biggest problem.

In the original timeline, Baek Yu-seol was brought to the restaurant club before Azel could get distracted, but Azel in the past timeline was different.

As the original story unfolds, she joins the club of Jeremy, the crown prince of the Skalven Empire.

I ended up going… … .

It might have been nice at first.

Because the crown prince is watching from behind. However, as Jeremy’s obsession grew stronger as the days passed, Azel’s mind became more and more devastated. If Ma Yu-seong and Hae Won-ryang had not reached out for salvation in the future… … The novel may have ended with an extreme choice.

‘Well, where in the world is there a crazy writer who writes novels like that?’

I glance at the seat next to me.

Azel with dark circles

I was writing down the professor’s words in my notebook while breathing heavily.

Even though the mental stress may have already reached its limit, the passion for studying does not end.

Looking at her like that, I promise myself once again.

‘…I couldn’t save Hong Bi-yeon, but I will somehow save Azel.’


As the bell rings to end class, the professor rushes out of the classroom. Today again, I hurriedly caught Azel, who was ignoring me as he left.

“… … “What’s going on again?”

Still, I don’t tell them to just quit, perhaps because there were a few times of friction and there were times when I helped them.



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“Would you like to join the club?”

She frowned, looked at the full frame, and sighed.

“I’m sorry… … “I already have a club.”

“Really? But just because there’s a goalkeeper doesn’t mean you can’t score goals, right? If you come out of that club, you’ll be in our club too.”

“Would you like to come?”

“that… …

He paused for a moment, but then quickly shook his head. No matter how much I think about it, I can’t think of a way to escape Jeremy’s clutches.

“It’s impossible. “I can’t leave that club.”

“Well, anyway, you’re saying you’ll come when you come out. “Are you sure about that?”

She seemed to think for a moment with a worried look on her face, then nodded.

“… … “If I can get out of here, I can’t go anywhere.”

Then, Azel leaves the classroom.

They were probably going to the club room where Jeremy would be.


I got confirmation.

Well then, what’s left is simple. Going to Jeremy’s club and talking about it.

“I need to get my tools.”

* * *

Skalben Club.

As its name suggests, its sole purpose is social gatherings, and currently, second-year student Vera Jane is the club president.

Of course, since Prince Jeremy entered the school as a first-year freshman, he held the real power.

In the middle of a spacious club room decorated with extravagant decorations that made it hard to believe it was a club club room, Jeremy was sitting with his legs crossed on a chair reminiscent of a throne.

,… … ‘You’re amazing.’

Verazane bowed her head to him. Could it be that he couldn’t hide the crown prince’s bloodline even after coming to school? He has set up his own small kingdom within Stella.

In this club room, there were not only nobles from the Skalven Empire but also nobles from other countries, all of whom were children of nobles who were captivated by Jeremy’s sweet words and followed him.


A blue-haired girl sitting next to the crown prince, Eisel Morph.

No one could understand why the crown prince cherished her, who was branded a traitorous morph, but now Azel has become someone that no one can treat lightly.

Who would dare criticize Azel when she became the crown prince’s lover?

Except for Hong Bi-yeon, who was her natural enemy, no one touched Azel, so in a way, it was good to say that her world had come… … .

“Azel, why do you look like that today?”

The problem was that Jeremy’s obsession was too strong. burdensomely terrible

Obsession. Not only are they watching her every move, but they also have students check the time she goes to bed at night. It would be a lie to say that Azel doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

But just as much, Jeremy loved Azel. So much so that she doesn’t want to hand it over to anyone else.

*… … ‘I want to die.’

As Jeremy reached out to stroke her head, Azel unconsciously lowered her head.

‘Why am I like this… …

At first, I was tempted by the sweet talk.

If only I could hide in the shadow of Skalven’s crown prince, and thereby gain the power to grow… … Because she thought that one day she might be able to take revenge on the Adolebit royal family.

But that was a stupid decision.

Jeremy Skalven has nothing to do with his revenge.

love? This is closer to attachment.

he is… They think of me as a love doll. What I am thinking and what emotions I am having.

It doesn’t matter.

A living attachment doll that just sits pretty and smiles pretty.

That was the only role Jeremy wanted her to play.

‘How long do I have to live like this?’

It was already too late to escape from his grasp. Now that the crown prince of her empire has started to become obsessed with her… … Even after her graduation and until her death.

No matter where you run.

He will definitely come to me.

”Azel. do you like this evening

has prepared a dish. To the express course. Are you going to eat together?”

Nod. There is no power to refuse.

‘Your favorite foods… … .’

Jeremy was the only one who cared about Azel, but while eating with him, I have never once found the food to be delicious.

It was such a burdensome position that I didn’t even know if the food was going into my mouth or my nose.

Is it too much to think that the days of starving were better?

“So… … .”

What are you trying to say again? Just as Jeremy’s sweet voice was about to fall, she suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the door of the club room.



The sound of several students screaming and falling is heard.


As Jeremy looked genuinely upset at being interrupted at this moment, his followers hurried to the entrance.

Azel, too, thought it was time to jump up from her seat, free herself from Jeremy’s hand, and look at the entrance.

•… … uh? ‘Who is he?’

There, a full-frame man dressed in an unusual outfit, wearing a snapback and sunglasses, was standing with a bad posture and looking at the place with a baseball bat draped over his shoulder.

“What are you? I dare you to know where this is… … .”


“I guess you noticed your mistake as expected!”

“I’ve seen that line a lot in historical dramas.


“… … “What nonsense!”

Even though her followers were screaming, they were unable to approach her because five male students had collapsed in front of her.

He burst open the door and came in, knocking out five male students in the blink of an eye.

‘how… … ‘What is that outfit?’

There was a different reason why Azel was scared, because the full frame’s clothes were too bizarre to be a Stella cadet.

Not only the snapback and sunglasses, but also black leather pants, a leather jacket, and a crop tee that exposes the navel. There was a fake tattoo that looked like it had been drawn with colored pencils on his forearm, and a lollipop that looked like a cigarette was in his mouth.

… … In full frame, they were imitating the thugs they saw in third-rate movies, but in the eyes of those who had grown up as nobles, they could only see it as a grotesque outfit.

“hmm. “I heard there were about fifty people, but now there are only about ten?”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“I thought it wasn’t worth beating down.”

“… … “For what purpose are you doing this?”

“me? Breaking the club stamp.”

She smiles and proudly spits out nonsense.

“Go to a club that looks strong, crush it, and grab the prettiest woman! “This is my only goal.”

“W-What kind of bullshit are you talking about?”



Perhaps annoyed by the male student’s retort after every word, Full Lame swung the baseball bat in a full swing and fainted from the blow. In her haste, her other followers took out her wands and aimed them at her… … .

“Stupid bastards. “Don’t you know that mana control is basically activated on campus?”

This was to prevent magic from being used in personal disputes between students.

They had weapons-level abilities at such a young age, and they had no idea what kind of disaster could happen if their emotions went astray at that moment.

Moon Magic School has taken these measures.

In other words, the aspiring genius wizards in front of me are all idiots who can’t use magic.

“Besides, I didn’t rely on magic and learned kickboxing when I was young. “That’s why he swings the baseball bat so well.”

“Wow, what is the difference between boxing and a baseball bat?”


“This bastard keeps tackling my words even when he faints… … .”

Full-time, who finished the male students, gestured to his followers.

“Come on, everyone, come at us.”

“you… … If you do something like this, do you think the professors will leave you alone?”


I won’t leave you alone. No matter what, if you destroy the Skalben club, you may be suspended at least, and at most you may be expelled.


What does that have to do with anything?

‘I thought too lightly until now.’

Always acted cautiously.

Things that shouldn’t be done in the original world were not done here either.

It was such a stupid thing to do.

This is a time zone of the past and another dimension. She was going to return to her original world anyway, so what was the point of being careful here?

‘That was the secret to the white snow theory.’

The secret hidden in the behavior of Baek Yu-seol, who is always proud of his professors, sometimes bullies them, and sometimes gets into ridiculous accidents.

‘Because I lived with the thought that it wouldn’t matter if I died tomorrow… … I was able to make the clearest decision.’

Full Lame held out a baseball bat towards Jeremy. He frowned and took a slight step back.

Her expulsion is already confirmed.

Now that a crazy woman who has nothing to do with the law or anything has appeared, Jeremy also knows that he can’t push her around based on his status.

Money and power don’t work on crazy dogs.

“Hey, there. “You’re the boss here, right?”

”… … okay.”

“Would you like to say yes to me? If I win… … Okay, give her to your side.”

“What if I win?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t have anything? If you lose, you lose.”

“Ha, that’s ridiculous.”

“If you don’t like it, don’t.”

She says, tapping the baseball bat in her hand.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think my Jonathan will ever forgive you.”

Jeremy’s expression scrunched up.

It was a ridiculous betting condition, but if you refuse it, you will only be swept away by that ignorant baseball bat.

“Hehe, it looks like you’re scared of my Brian.”

“… … “Didn’t you just say Jonathan?”

“Are you going to keep finding fault with me too?”

“I’m sorry.”

It was something that hurt my pride, but I decided to get over the situation and put my cane in my hand.

Grasping was the priority.

“… … okay. good night. “Let’s have a duel.”

“You’re cooler than I thought?”



Full Lim hit the head of the male student who was blocking his path with a baseball bat and then walked towards him. Then he takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and holds it out.

“スト, sign.”

“This… … !”

Its identity is the ‘Oath of Magic’.

It was a terrible oath in which the party who broke the contract would lose all magical powers.

”The conditions are the same as I said before. If I win, give me Azel. “That’s it.”

“why. do not want to do it? Then hit me… …


Jeremy, whose expression was distorted like that of a demon, clenched his teeth and forced himself to sign the pledge.

It would be okay to go to a magic battle and win anyway, but this situation itself is his

It was a huge blow to my self-esteem.

“Yoohoo, it was good. The date is this evening. “You have a generous schedule, right?”

“… … okay.”

I had originally planned to spend some quality time with Azel, but due to the circumstances, I had no choice.

In any case, that crazy woman’s expulsion from school is certain, so if she is thoroughly crushed in the magic war, she will never have to see her dirty face again.

“I like it. I’m going? See you later. “You know what happens if you don’t show up, right?”

Full frame is a refreshing answer! Kang!

Jeremy clenched his fists as he walked out of the club room, making noise and hitting the heads of his followers.

Do not vent your anger cheaply, such as clumsily hitting the wall with your fist.

He was the crown prince】.

To control your anger and let it go, you cool your head even more.

… … Watching him from behind.

‘uh… la..?,

Azel felt a strange sense of familiarity.

Don’t worry about the magic oath and what happens next.

An unused stage gun.

That was definitely someone’s strong characteristic.

be used to.

It’s so familiar… … .

I don’t remember.

‘Who on earth is it…? … ?’

Azel’s head became confused.


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