I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 233

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 233

48. School starts (7)

Even though Stella is in a position to be attacked on a random day if she opens a training session, that is not the case in all episodes.

Likewise, this exercise was not so important that it could easily have been skipped over in the original work.

However, this episode was used as a kind of turning point in the original game, and we were able to see traces of the villains who would mainly appear in the second semester.

Warlocks, necromancers, witches, etc.

Those dark demons with magic-type characteristics each hideout have their own personality.

A warlock is a ‘black magic tower’.

Necromancer is a ‘cemetery or dungeon’.

The witch is a ‘hut’.

Of course, the above personalities are not absolute samples. There are cases where witches gathered together to build a magic tower, and a warlock built a dungeon.

Because I make it quite often.

But in the end, there is always evidence in their hiding place that can determine their individuality.

‘Near the wizard’s dungeon, rotten plants, animal corpses, and beasts tainted by madness are often found… …

Baek Yu-seol glanced at the surroundings with sleepy eyes, then turned his head to look at Full-Ray, who was squatting in the corner and rummaging through something.

“What are you doing?”

“found. “Dungeon entrance.”


“Why is the response so lukewarm?”


The wind blows and the wood grain shakes.

It’s strangely quiet.

Not even the common sound of mountain birds could be heard, there was no sign of small animals shaking the grass, and even insects had disappeared, so how could it not be suspicious?

“This problem is too easy.”

¹¹Well, that’s true.”

There’s no way a real warlock would show off something so suspicious, so it’s just right.

If you look at it, it appears that the atmosphere was created according to the level of the students.

But are all hideouts really like that? No way.

Obviously, the hideout aimed at Class S would have been kept well hidden and they would have tried their best to make it hard to find.

It may be obvious, but Baek Yu-seol has no intention of finding such a thing. Perhaps Hae Won-ryang will try to get the highest score, Ma Yu-seong will follow him around and find something interesting to do, and Azel and Hong Bi-yeon will live their own lives.


Depending on the specific episode, Azel may have found something interesting in this training center.

However, that too is not a major event happening right away.

‘… … ‘It’s boring.’

Nothing happens.

It’s just ordinary practice.

When I thought about that, I felt completely relaxed. I have no intention of taking school classes seriously in the first place, but I still need to get good grades.

It’s not a question of ‘I’m getting expelled from Stella.’

What if we could prevent the destruction of the world?

So what if everything becomes peaceful and Baek Yu-seol also lives a normal life?

‘When that time comes, how do you want to live and with whom?


A question that Full Lame asked inadvertently.

That’s the white snow theory, even in normal times

It was something I had been thinking about, but hearing it directly from someone else’s mouth made it quite confusing in my head.

“Now, follow me. “Next time, I’ll fill your portion as well.”

“ok… …

For that reason, the full frame is currently following Baek Yu-seol.

Since they usually have a hard time carrying everything on their own, we are helping them to at least have less trouble at school.

“come here. The professors said they couldn’t see the forest with red leaves. “I will find it for you, so just follow me.”

Some kind of system error.

In the original romance version, it is said that a setting called ‘system error’ existed in order to prevent the professors from discovering the sweet dating scene between Azel and another sub male protagonist during this training session.

“… … “Is that so?”

There was something about maple leaves that swayed in the gentle wind that strangely stimulated people’s emotions, but to Baek Yu-seol, whose emotions had already dried up, they were just annoying leaves.

He let out a yawn and looked at the full frame ahead of him. she is

I smiled and walked around, wondering what was so good about the autumn leaves. Well, I thought I was young and full of energy.


Baek Yu-seol, who had been staring blankly at the back of the full frame, turned his head slightly when he sensed a human presence behind him.

The presence of people quickly erased the presence, but it could not deceive Baek Yu-seol’s sixth sense.

‘What else?’

When you leave traces of yourself, even if only briefly,

I may not be a professional because I turned it on, but anyway, the fact that I was being followed really got on Baek Yu-seol’s nerves.

‘Originally, it would be normal if there were no incidents… …

He glanced at the full frame.

Okay, nothing happens in this episode. That’s normal.

But has the ‘episode’ ever progressed normally?

Didn’t it always bewilder him by twisting, twisting, and advancing?

It could happen this time too.



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,I was too easygoing.,

Baek Yoo-seol, who walked a little quickly and joined Full Laim, spoke in a low voice.

“Someone followed up behind me.”

“… … okay?”

She was silent for a moment.

“I just got a little excited because it looked like Bo De Guard from a spy movie.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

I don’t know what was bothering him again, but once he caught the other person, he had no intention of leaving them alone.

“I’m taking the lead. I’m going to live

“I’ll open it and come back.”

“no. I’ll help you this time too. “Anyway, this is Stella Dome.”

“What would you do if you were a dark demon? “Don’t they know they can hit you in the Stella Dome too?”

“I’ll just shoot a light from behind!”

“… … do whatever you want.”

Anyway, Baek Yu-seol thought that it was not a very dangerous opponent, so he nodded half-heartedly and took out the Terriphone.

The Terriphone, which was broken some time ago, became a little stronger after passing through Alte Risha’s hands.

It has been fixed properly, so there is no problem in using it.

Baek Yu-seol, who was so close to Full Laim’s ear that her breath touched it, whispered in a quiet voice.

“For now, act as if you didn’t notice that you’re following me from behind.”

“Uh, huh. But, uh… … .”

“why. Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s not like that… … .”

“Quietly, he came closer.”

The wind stopped.

The sight suddenly became clear, and Baek Yu-seol regarded it as an attack signal.

The moment I activate my phone and look back.

“You two. “What are you doing now?”


“… … huh?”

There’s an enemy there… Instead, Pungharang was standing there with a stiff expression.

“W-what… … r

When Baek Yu-seol, who had hastily retrieved the Terriphone, asked in embarrassment, Pung Harang’s expression became increasingly hard.

“Why are you embarrassed?”

“uh? No, whatever. Even if I am an enemy

“I thought I was born with it.”

“Stella Dome is safe. “Didn’t the professor say that the system was definitely improved this time?”

“what… … “I guess so.”

However, it seems like the bug that the scene of the red maple leaves is not transmitted to the professors still persists.

“Just answer what is asked. Class S is subject to unconditional individual behavior. But it looks like you two are teaming up… … .”

Full-Im and Baek Yu-Seol looked at each other. Because it wasn’t really wrong

We couldn’t refute anything, so we just shrugged our shoulders.

But if we let things go on like this, Poong Ha-rang will definitely report it to the professors and receive a huge deduction in points.

“Eh… …

When Baek Yu-seol let out a gloomy sigh at the thought of having already dropped everything and received points deductions, Fulle Lim had no choice but to take the first step and make an excuse.

“Hey, I guess there’s a misunderstanding, but it’s not like that.”

“… “No?”

“uh. Be honest. “Who am I?”

“… … Full frame.”

“it’s me. 2nd place in grade, full frame. “But I’m running?”

“It’s not you…” …

“Then who is this guy?”

She pointed to Baekyuseol with her thumb.

There was no need to answer, so Pung Harang kept his mouth shut.

Even though his grades weren’t that high, like mid-level… … The white snow theory itself was enough to prove its value.

So far, as a first-year student at Stella, how many times has your name appeared in newspaper articles and how many times have you hunted dark demons? Baek Yu-seol achieved feats greater than that of most magic warriors deployed in combat… … Running?

“That doesn’t make sense. “You think so too, right?”

Pung Ha-rang, who did not want to understand, but found himself already understanding, nodded slowly.

Because I had to admit it.

Well, there is still one last question left. I didn’t want to bury myself in this situation.

However, it is a question that cannot be avoided.

“then… … “Why did you stick around?”

At those words, Full Laim glanced at Baek Yu-seol’s attention, and eventually threw it out, thinking that he had no choice but to make this excuse.

“You wouldn’t know it if you saw it? We’re secretly dating under the maple tree. “You senseless bastard.”

“… … “Is that what happened?”

“uh. So go your own way. Does it look like we’re going to do some trivial cheating to get some points?”

Baek Yu-seol was pricked by his conscience for no reason, but he resolved it.

Lame went out so shamelessly that he also maintained a shameless attitude.

“That is correct. “I was rude.”

Pung Harang, who admitted that his judgment was wrong, bowed his head slightly and apologized, then turned his back and disappeared between the maple trees.

What is the reason that the image behind it feels so heavy and bitter?

* * *

The practice has ended.

Hae Won-ryang took first place with an overwhelming score. It is said that they have discovered the ancient dungeon of a ‘warlock’ that the professors had deliberately hidden and told them not to find.

2nd place is Azel. As above, the reason was that I found the ‘witch’s hut’, which was created to be difficult to find… … Here she discovered something strange and reported it to the professor, but she brushed it off, saying it was no big deal.

And in third place… … Pungharang.

He desperately searched for the Dark Man’s residence and finally found the necromancer.

He received a very high score for discovering a hidden cemetery, detecting black mana, and even purifying a tomb containing the vengeful spirits of the dead.

But why do I feel unsatisfied?

‘… … Did you say it was a date?’

It is safe to say that it is true even though Full Lame said so himself. Baek Yoo Seol also did not deny it.

Moreover, as she said, those two didn’t have enough skills to cheat.

Perhaps better exploration skills than yourself

A man and a woman who, despite their power, easily ranked in the top 10.

Why did you do that?

Of course, it’s probably because I didn’t take the practice seriously.

I can understand them doing that.

In the first semester, there was a rumor going around in school due to the dating rumor between Full Lame and Baek Yu-seol.

However, I didn’t pay much attention back then, so why are my emotions fluctuating this time?

‘Let’s give up.’

He clearly understood his feelings. He fell in love with her at first sight the day he witnessed her in full form soaring into the sky on her angel wings.

I tried so hard to not acknowledge those feelings and built up my pride, but that was stupid and foolish.

It’s true.

It’s true that I have a crush on her.

But my father said.

The act of coveting a woman who already owns one is no different from the scum of the earth.

Even though my father did great things

Although he was unable to do so, he was the most respected person in Pung Harang’s heart, and he never once went against his will.

Baek Yu-seol and Full Laim secretly reunited, and they don’t want it to be known, so they keep it a secret.

If that is what the two mean, Pung Harang will also respect them.

He stood from afar and looked at the full frame and Baekyuseol. While everyone else is gathered around the scoreboard and checking the rankings, those two are flirting with each other as if the score doesn’t matter in the first place.

“Hey, do you want to eat after this?”

“You buy it.”

“You have a lot of money. “Buy me some.”

“You’re a beggar.”

“Ugh, this sister is alive.”

Right now, she is giving up because she has a huge and overwhelming rival named Baek Yu-seol by her side, but if Baek Yu-seol shows an opening in the future and an opportunity comes to her… … .

I will grab it without hesitation.


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