I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain Chapter 59

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“Oh my god, this is a disaster.”

Miguel, who was traveling down a gently curved road, hurriedly stopped the carriage.

This was because, beyond the trees that had almost lost their leaves, the panoramic view of the hill was clearly revealed.

He jumped off the coach seat, crept forward, and looked up the hill.

The soldiers were encamped.

Simple checkpoint.

At first glance, there were more than ten soldiers. Between the wooden fences lined up. The commander, who appeared to be a knight, was sitting reclining at an angle.

“Anyway, it looks like we’re the ones they’re waiting for.”

Miguel, who returned to the coach seat, quenched his appetite and said.

Ian’s voice continued.

“Have you noticed our location?”

“yet. But if you go forward, no matter where you go, you will eventually get caught.”

“Then there’s nothing you can do. wait.”

The rustling sound continued.

Miguel looked back.

The wagon they rode in had changed slightly in appearance over the past few days.

The partitions on the left, right, and rear were raised one by one.

It was a protective wall made by disassembling an abandoned carriage that I found while passing by.

This was to prevent any projectiles, as well as the inside, from being visible.

Thanks to this, in many ways, it has become more noticeable than before.

I assumed that all the soldiers and mercenaries in the area knew them anyway, so I didn’t care.

“after… .”

Ian finished preparing.

A gray robe with deep draping so that the face cannot be seen. He wore his cloak turned over so that the lining was exposed, and even held a magic wand in his hand.

“Even people who know you wouldn’t think they are the same person.”

Miguel blurted out calmly.

Ian shrugged his shoulders as he crossed over to the coach seat.

“There’s nothing much for you to do, Miguel.”

He sat down on the backrest of the coach seat and added:

“No matter what happens, just run along the road.”

“that… “Would you mind telling me in advance what you are going to do?”

“It won’t help much. Just don’t be scared and run. “If you stop and the carriage overturns, you’re all lost.”

Before he knew it, Ian was holding a magic stone in his left hand.

It was much smaller than the essence I had used before, so it rolled around between my fingers.

Miguel didn’t know, but it was something he inevitably needed.

The necromancer’s baton, instead of greatly increasing skill damage, had a huge negative option that increased magical power consumption by three times.

It was a conditional penalty that disappeared only when Essence was equipped at the end.

Of course, the minus option wasn’t everything… .

“under… “I understand.”

Ian, who was holding the magic stone tightly, gestured with his chin.

“Then, let’s go.”

“How did I… Hey… !”

Miguel slapped the reins as if telling him to do whatever he wanted.

Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many.

The sound of the hooves of the horses climbing the hill became faster and faster.

A speed that doesn’t feel like it’s uphill at all.

The light of the magic stones embedded in the barding became increasingly clearer.

“Oh, no, that’s crazy…” … ?”

The soldiers who spotted the approaching carriage became noisy.

The commander, who had been sitting loosely, rushed forward in a hurry.

“Stop the carriage immediately! “If you don’t stop, I’ll shoot you!”

Soldiers with crossbows aimed at the carriage.

Miguel closed his eyes tightly, thinking that he would never really shoot as long as Lucy was there.

‘You can’t pull the reins. Let’s not be scared. I’m scared… Cheer up!’

The thought of how we got to this point crossed my mind again.

This was all because of those idiotic Knights of Agellan.

If I had followed quietly, I wouldn’t have been in this shitty situation.

“Don’t slow down. “Keep running.”

Ian’s words pierced my ears.

A voice that rings loudly.

It was proof that it contained magical power.

“I say it again! “Stop the carriage immediately!”

The commander’s urgent shout continued.

It was then that Ian suddenly stood up.

He spread his arms as if showing off.

His robe and cloak swayed unnaturally, and a haze-like wave of magic spread from his entire body.

It was clear that he was intentionally emitting magical power.



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At least it was very successful in attracting attention.

“Oh, wizard… … ? “I haven’t heard of a wizard?”

A panicked voice reached Miguel’s ears on the wind.

It was immediately after that that Ian held out his magic wand.


“… … !”

As a huge wall of fire rose dazzlingly up the hill, Miguel’s mouth fell open.




“Uh, mother… … !”

The guard post became a shambles.

The soldiers rolled around on the floor in the overwhelming heat.

The commander, who was looking up at the wall of fire with his head tilted upward in confusion, belatedly cleared his throat.

“Everyone go back now- Huh?!”

Coo coo coo coo-

His cries never ended.

It was an earthquake.

He stumbled and fell to the floor.

The ground around was caving in.

No, more precisely, the dirt was gathering towards one point.

The ground in the middle of the guard post was rising up.

The soldiers who were standing tumbled down, and the wooden fences fell over.

The commander, who had been gaping, barely managed to speak again.

“Everyone, everyone, step back! “Go away!”

It was a desperate cry, but few soldiers listened to his voice.

“Lu Solar… Look down upon us… .”

“help me. Please save me… … !”

Most people were lying down on the floor and praying, while others were trembling and crawling on the ground.


It was shortly after that, along with a gust of wind, a hole opened up in the center of the fire.

The carriage passed quickly between them and flew over the hill made of magic.

“I have to stop it… … !”

The commander’s eyes, who had been following the carriage instinctively, froze.

Huge fireballs rising in succession around the moving carriage.

It was a sight that made him lose any sense of duty he had left.

bang-! Quagwang! bang-!

The fireballs exploded and devastated the hillside.

Behind the commander, who was rolling around on the floor with his soldiers, the wall of fire was disappearing.


“eww… Haha! “You did it!”

Miguel finally burst into laughter. His face turned red, as if his excitement had caught up with him belatedly.

That’s nice, kid.

Ian muttered to himself and sat down on the backrest of the coach seat.

Headache and dizziness came over me.

Before I knew it, the magic stone in my hand was empty.

‘Not killing is much more difficult than killing. ‘This is absurd.’

He laughed and thrust the necromancer’s baton into subspace.

The loud sound that was ringing in my ears subsided.

It was the curse of a vengeful spirit dwelling in the baton.

Thanks to my high mental power and resistance, it had no effect, but it was so loud that my head rang.

“You did great, bro! “I’m not just imitating an archmage, I really look like an archmage!”

“Stop yelling. head hurts.”

Ian took off his hood and eased his stiff neck, then clapped his chin.

“Run moderately and reduce your speed. “The magic stone wears out.”

“Oh right. yes. “I understand.”

“ship… White wizard… … !”

It was then that Lucy blurted out.

Ian looked back at her, who was looking at him as if she were fascinated.


“Just before… You didn’t just use red magic… … !”

“No, that’s… .”

“Eh? really?!”

Miguel, who intervened, raised his eyes and looked back at Ian.

“So, you are the legendary wizard? really?”

“I’m sure… ! I’m sure… !”

“What are you sure about? “Not at all.”

Ian snorted and spat out.

Lucy blinked.

“But you used magic of many colors.”

“That’s true, though. That doesn’t mean I’m a white wizard. “They weren’t really great magic to begin with.”

Ian looked back and forth between Lucy and Miguel and added:

“This is just a kind of trade secret, a secret trick. So don’t be mistaken.”

“… all right.”

Lucy finally nodded and looked up at Ian.

“I will protect Ian’s secret.”

“Me too, bro.”

Their eyes look like they don’t believe what he says at all.

“under… okay. Think whatever you want. “It doesn’t mean it’s not.”

If that’s really the case, it’s not unfair. I’m just a high-level idiot, right?

Ian clicked his tongue and looked back.

The hill from which smoke rose was already far away.

Perhaps as of today, a ghost story about a wizard would be added to the outskirts.

Eventually, Miguel looked back at him with a look on his face that had regained some sense of reason.

“I just had a thought. “You might come across one or two more checkpoints like that.”

“There is no choice. But after that, there will be no more soldiers trying to block our path. of course… .”

Ian shrugged.

“Still, you can never avoid a fight with those chasing you.”

“Simply… “I can already smell the metal in my nose.”

Miguel muttered.

Ian rested his head on the backrest.

Slowly, I started to think that it would be better if everyone came quickly.

It was proof that I was getting tired.

“Rest when you can. Don’t think useless thoughts. “Now, there’s not much left.”


“So, everything in this report is true?”

Count Landis, who was sitting in front of the desk, raised his head and asked. The knight in front, Sir Jamie, nodded.

“The two guard posts were buried and turned into a sea of ​​fire. Everyone was shaking because he was such a great wizard. Moreover, the carriage they rode was quite fast. “It would be suicidal to block our way, and we can’t chase after them, so requests are pouring in to allow us to withdraw.”

“Cowardly bastards… . But you’re not wrong. According to the report, he seems to be a great wizard. I don’t know where he came from, but I think he sent me a warning. “He is still showing mercy, but he says he will kill everyone if they continue to block his way.”

“Then, shall we bite the soldiers?”

“okay. “If I keep sending you out, your resentment towards me will skyrocket.”

Of course, I didn’t mean to just let those arrogant bastards go.

Count Landis added insinuatingly.

“Is he waiting?”

“of course.”

“Ask them to come in.”

Sir Jamie opened the door and gestured.

Soon a sturdy northerner walked in.

Armor and scabbard with a shiny finish.

Ube was the most skilled mercenary in Hiram City and the leader of the Ube mercenary group.

“What is the mood among the mercenaries?”

After briefly saying hello, the Count asked.

Ubbe said with a stern face.

“Everyone is gritting their teeth. There are quite a few colleagues who died at the hands of these guys. “Aren’t you even hearing that those who came from Naslan are following along at an incredible speed?”

“okay. Those damn Empire bastards and Agellan hillbillies who run around in someone else’s territory like it’s their own home. “It really bothered me too.”

The count’s eyes became cold.

What upset him more than anything was the fact that he couldn’t stop them.

If I had said a word to those narrow-minded people, they might not have supplied goods to the territory.

“I want to see them go away empty-handed. It would be better if we could see the young lady begging for a reduction in her ransom. “I think His Majesty will be pleased.”

The kidnappers were already exerting political influence.

This is because there are widespread rumors that Agellan is preparing for war.

If you get your hands on that girl first, you will be able to receive not only a ransom but also His Majesty’s favor.

“Please just leave it to me. “I selected 30 people who were good at riding horses and were skilled.”

Ubbe said with his eyes shining.

He also wanted to catch and punish the kidnappers.

Of course, there was also a reason to avenge his subordinates.

It was because of the mercenary group from the neighboring town who followed the knights of Agellan.

Those who grew in size by receiving the favor of Lord Naslan were in conflict with his mercenary group, knowingly or unknowingly.

Whoever succeeds in this will probably have the greatest influence in Belle Ronde.

“Good. “Let’s get to the point.”

The Count unfolded a map of the territory.

There, the movement route of the kidnapper group and the route of the pursuers who had crossed over from Naslan were meticulously marked.

“Based on the information so far, it seems like the kidnappers are heading to an abandoned land.”

“… … !”

“Are you saying you were trying to commit suicide?”

Jamie, as well as Ubbe, raised their eyes and said.

The Count shrugged his shoulders.

“Maybe they’re doing it because they trust that wizard. “If he is a wizard and a master of the sword, wouldn’t he be able to break through that cursed land and go to the North?”

“If heaven helps.”

Jamie muttered.

The Count shrugged his shoulders.

“It was hard for me to believe it too. Otherwise, there is no way to explain this route. Fortunately for us, they’re on the move.”

The Count drew a straight line from Hiram City to the north with his finger.

“We can go ahead and wait for them.”

A river leading to abandoned land beyond the border. The edge of the valley.

“If possible, catch them before they cross the bridge.”

“… “I will prepare right away.”

“I will leave command to Sir Jamie. “Please wait.”

Ubbe nodded and turned around.

As the door closed, the Count looked at Sir Jamie.

“I’ll add twenty cavalry. “I hope the sacrifice comes from the other side as much as possible.”

The Ubbe mercenaries were useful, but at the same time annoying.

As it got bigger and bigger, it became difficult to know when it would show its teeth.

It wasn’t a bad idea to take this opportunity to reduce that number a bit.

It would be better if Ubbe died.

“If the kidnappers end up crossing over to the abandoned land… .”

The Count added, tapping the map.

“Lead the cavalry and get out before the sun sets.”

“Shall we leave the mercenary group behind?”

“They won’t give up. Because my pride was at stake. Try suggesting something, and if it doesn’t work, leave it alone. Probably the top scale people and the hillbillies won’t give up, so by that point, everyone is dead.”

“I will do as you command.”

Sir Jamie, who lowered his head, turned around.

The Count, left alone, quietly looked down at the map.

In three days at most, we will know the results of all this commotion.

“Either you get all the money and pride…” We’re all going to die. It doesn’t matter. As long as it isn’t stolen… .”

The ending in which the kidnappers escaped alive was not even considered.


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