I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain Chapter 256

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“You already heard it.”

Ian said, rubbing the remaining bread into the stew bowl. Now his plate was almost empty.

“okay. I was wondering if the Islanders were in league with the Duke. “Not that, the real reason.”

“doesn’t exist. “That’s it.”

“Hmm… okay? okay. If that’s the case. “I will trust you.”

Tessaia added with a strange smile on her lips.

“I also thought Ian was trying to go to the archipelago.”

You’re quick-witted.

Ian thought as he put bread in his mouth. As Tesaia expected, what he said was only a superficial reason.

The Black Archipelago, like the southern part, was an area I had never been to before, so I asked about it to get information in advance.

Philip asked with curious eyes.

“so… As rumored, were they also part of the gang?”

“It was a close relationship, though. “They say he wasn’t a servant of the Congress.”

“Oh, is that so? It’s a blessing in disguise… .”

Instead, they seem to serve other monsters.

Looking at Philip, who was sighing in relief, Ian added to himself.

According to Palmer, some of the archipelago’s monarchs worship the beings that sleep beneath the sea.

It is said that it is thanks to this that ships in the archipelago are rarely attacked by monsters in the Black Sea.

It meant that both the military and the people had their backs.

Charlotte and Tessaia also listened, but neither of them had any interest in that part.

‘Well, I might have to fight something like a Kraken there.’

Anyway, it wasn’t the important part right away. I was planning on going someday, but not right away.

Didn’t the remnants of the archipelago run away? If he headed to the archipelago now, there was no way it would be received in a good way.

It would be fortunate if it didn’t sink with the ship in the middle of the Black Sea.

No matter how he was, he wouldn’t be able to survive in the vast ocean. Even against the entire archipelago of pirates.

Ian put down the fork he was holding in one hand, lightly tasted his mouth and opened his mouth.

“So, what exactly do you plan to do when you get back?”

His eyes turned to Charlotte sitting on his left.

“Are you going to kill that priest and all his henchmen? Like you said earlier?”

Charlotte nodded.

“okay. The priest and his associates have no choice but to be killed. Kruxika will be sad, but there is nothing we can do. And their skins will be stuffed and hung on the castle walls.”

As the terrible story began again casually, Elijah’s mouth, who had been listening with interest, opened wide. Ian nodded her head calmly.

There was no need to worry about Elijah’s reaction. After she left the city anyway, she would experience terrible situations at any time. Besides, she was an adult, and on top of that, she was a dwarf.

The dwarves Ian saw all had eccentric tendencies, but they all had strong hearts anyway. The same would be true of Elijah.

Charlotte continued.

“There is no surer way to show that the clan has punished the corrupted. Young warriors who have taken the wrong path will also fall apart. Because the central point has disappeared. Of course, there are people who can’t accept the situation and rush at it… .”

She looked down at her left arm. Although she was dressed comfortably, she still had Palmer’s tail wrapped around her arm.

“I’m going to cut off all of those guys’ tails.”

“The Iron Blood Warchief will be born… .”

It has a tail hanging all over its body.

Ian, remembering that scene, smiled lowly. He thought that if it was the Charlotte he knew, she would be able to do that for her clan.

Ian added, soon wiping the smile off his face.

“But that alone won’t be enough.”

“… Even if we finish reorganizing the interior?”

Charlotte asked, narrowing her eyebrows. It wasn’t that she doubted his words; it was that she wanted to hear a more detailed explanation.

“okay. The opponents are worn-out ears in the center. Once you set foot in the south with your troops and purifiers, whatever you prepare will be of no use. They will doubt your authority and try to catch you. “The moment even one lie is revealed, they will do what they wanted to do.”

“… … .”

“Actually, you’re not trying to kill all the berserkers, are you? “Just because your tail is cut off doesn’t mean you will be abandoned by Cruxica.”

“yes… .”

Charlotte’s expression distorted.

“damn… Is that so… .”

Ian quietly looked at her as she muttered. I felt like I knew why the beastmen were defeated by the fairies. Because their sense of kinship itself seemed like a weakness.

If it were a human or a fairy, they would have simply killed and eliminated all the fallen. It was much easier and cleaner that way. Otherwise, it was a fight that was bound to be lost.

Of course, it wasn’t that there were no solutions.

“So, we have to turn the board over.”

At his added words, Charlotte turned to look at him. His ears were pointed upward. The four scars that separated one side of his face were all exposed on this side.

“You saw a lot while walking around with me. “If you can’t win even if you know their hand, you have to make it null and void.”

“therefore… how?”

“Finish your internal purification. And immediately, send an envoy directly to the Great Church and request that an investigation team be dispatched.”

“… … !”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. Her Ian spoke casually.

“The priest who tried to corrupt the clan and all those involved were punished. I enclose clear physical evidence and sell my name. Then, the denomination will probably move immediately.”

“yes… Even your name?”

“I guess we can say that I returned after assisting Ian, a northern superman and agent of the White Gold Dragon, for a long time. Because that’s true.”

Maeve interjected. She was always the quickest to understand these parts.

Ian nodded.

“They say they came back under my orders. I asked you to root out the darkness in the South. “Then the credibility of your words will increase significantly.”



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Charlotte blinked and blurted out as if she finally understood.

“If the investigation team dispatched like that goes back after completing all investigations and records that the clan is clean… .”

“Not even Ainas or the other fairies will be able to summon the purifiers. This is a matter that has already been decided within the church. Then there will be no reason for them to invade the beasts’ territory with private soldiers.”

Ian naturally responded. Charlotte’s expression became strange as she stared at Ian.

“Ian… You really… .”

“Of course, in the meantime, ears can interfere. They might even add their own people to the investigation team. That part… .”

Ian added, cutting her off, and looked back at Nasser.

“That guy might be helpful. Even if it is a large church, there will be at least one trustworthy bishop. “It has nothing to do with the Dawn Order, the Pure Cultists, or the fairies.”

“hmm… There aren’t many names that come to mind. In fact, there are many cases where the interests of the priests and bishops of the great church are intertwined in some way.”

Nasser whispered, rubbing his finger under his lips. Soon, he looked at Charlotte with that easygoing smile on his lips.

“But I can think of a few people who don’t have any prejudice against beastmen. Instead, some donations will be needed. Ian Nari’s name would be effective, but adding gold coins would make things happen faster.”

“I can afford that amount of money.”

Charlotte answered immediately. As she went around with Ian, she became quite accustomed to dealing with her people called priests.

Ian nodded.

“Good. If there was no other way, I was planning to tell them to place the berserkers somewhere else. Still, just in case, leave it at that. “If there is no village, create one.”

“okay… If you go down to the south of the territory, there are steep mountains called Table Mountain. “I will turn that area into a temporary exile area.”

“It would be perfect if you added a guarantee from the fairy family.”

Ian looked back at Tessaiah.

“I hope you really are Erenos, Tessa. “Then you will be the last button to turn the tables and save the beast people.”

With the group’s attention focused, Tessaia blinked and spoke.

“Because I am the head of the family and an elder. Are you telling me to send an envoy to save the meows?”

“It’s better if you do it yourself. Just in time for the church’s investigation team to visit. “It will be a decisive blow to the central ogres.”

“Even though I am the youngest, I am an elder after all. I guess so. I heard that our family was almost ruined. We can make it the first family to interact with beastmen. “Then wouldn’t our influence in the South become greater?”

“… Even during this time, you are thinking about profit first. “As expected, you’re a nobleman.”

Charlotte smiled, then nodded and looked at Ian.

“I will, Ian. I don’t know how to thank you… . “You even showed me the way like this.”

“I just said it out loud. It won’t be easy to achieve everything as it is. There will be many variables. “It’s natural that it’s dangerous.”

“okay… “In order to accomplish all of that, I must first secure control over the clan.”

Charlotte’s eyes cooled down. Tessaia tilted her head towards her, nodding her evidently.

“So, keep your head straight. “Don’t die before I can help you.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t die. “We will do it all.”

“I think you can do it. Because the brilliant goddess will protect you. “Of course, she will be protected by the God of Struggle.”

Philip added. Ian, who was shaking his head, suddenly stiffened. The part I had overlooked crossed my mind. Without him by her side, wouldn’t there be no way for Charlotte to receive the blessing of struggle?

‘… ‘I shouldn’t send it away bare-chested.’

After organizing his thoughts, Ian stood up and opened his mouth.

“I think the conclusion has been reached.”

He held the liquor bottle in the center of the table in his hand.

“Now, all that’s left to do is drink.”

Everyone in the group except Elijah paused for a moment and looked at him.

Ian opened the bottle without hesitation and began filling the glasses in front of him one by one.

The color became lighter after adding water, but the refreshing and sweet scent remained the same.

“of course. “You should drink it.”

Philip stood up, exhaling cheerfully as if to brighten the mood. While he was delivering glasses filled with alcohol to the group, Charlotte muttered shyly.

“On a day like today, I only talked about myself too much.”

“That’s because you’re the correct one.”

Tessaia raised her glass and smiled.

“So where can I save my family?”

“Just worry about your family, you bastard.”

Charlotte countered calmly.

“The fact that you are an elder and the head of a family also means that your future is dark.”

“That’s funny. Just look at it today. Ian doesn’t say anything to me either. “That’s how trustworthy he was.”

“I guess I saved my words because there was no use in talking. “Because you don’t listen to advice.”

Soon, the two began casually exchanging gossip about each other.

Ian didn’t bother to stop the two from arguing today. All he could do was let out a faint laugh as if he was astounded.

“do not misunderstand. Those two are very close. “Enough to risk each other’s lives.”

Philippe, who was watching with a smile while holding his glass, looked at Elijah who was sitting next to Nasser and whispered.

Elijah blinked.

“How amazing. “In the book I read, it said that beastmen and fairies are no different from enemies.”

“It was like that. Initially.”

Ian answered, sipping his drink. Even with water, it still tasted good. Philip’s eyes slightly curved as he looked back at Ian.

“Can I tell you how these two became friends?”

“I’m curious too. Actually, I was skeptical the whole time. “Especially the part related to the demons.”

Nasser added quickly.

Ian nodded, listening to the voices of Charlotte and Tessaia flowing from left and right through one ear.

“This story begins back in the borderland kingdom of Agellan. It was there that I first met Tessaia. ah. My sister and I are from Agellan. I also met Ian Nari there for the first time. Let’s leave this story behind and start with our first meeting with Tessa… .”

Looking alternately at Elijah and Nasser, whose eyes were sparkling, Philip continued speaking.

In the middle of the hustle and bustle.

“… … .”

Ian and Maeve met each other’s eyes, and without even thinking about who was first, they smiled and slowly raised their glasses.

It was a great night. There’s still a long way to go before it passes.


Gooooo… … .

A low sound that seemed to resonate throughout my body spread.

It was a sound that sounded like the wind or an incomprehensible whisper.

Ian found himself staring into the darkness.

Dark with a sticky texture like tar. The dark surface twitched as if sensing his gaze, creating a series of distorted ripples that resembled a screaming face.

It was a scene that felt unrealistic because it was so realistic that it couldn’t even be compared to when it was a game.

“… … .”

Ian immediately realized that this was a black wall.

This is because it was exactly the same as what I had glimpsed in Arceas’ memory. That was probably why he was having this dream right now.

‘It remained unconscious. Or maybe it’s the aftereffects of the soul… .’

Ian lifted his head and looked up.

The sticky darkness that rose endlessly turned into black smoke halfway through and shimmered. It seemed as if an ominous aurora had unfolded.

You might call that the veil of perception.

Looking at it like this, I felt like I could understand why wizards were so fascinated by black walls.

Neither solid nor liquid nor gas. However, something clearly exists and possesses great power.

Moreover, when you look at it, it pulls you in as if it is sucking your gaze. It seemed like I heard a whisper in my ear.

Trust your instincts. Beyond this, step into the unknown world.

“It’s not your world. “It’s a bit disappointing.”

It was then that a calm voice rang from next to me.


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