I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain Chapter 234

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Nasser blinked for a moment, then burst into laughter.

“This is the first time I’ve ever been asked such a question. I’ve never really looked into it, but… .”

He brushed his moderately curly hair and continued speaking.

“I was raised as a knight from a young age, and was ordained as soon as I became an adult. The very next year, I received a revelation from the Brilliant Goddess and converted to the religious order. It was about half a year later that I was selected as a purifier. And it survived for a few more years. So, I guess it’s not like I don’t have any talent.”

This is what a genius looks like. Even from noble families. It’s so imperial.

Ian added, snorting.

“Compared to Gautier? “Not this Sir Gauthier here, the dead one.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to follow my senior in terms of experience. I’ve never thought about fighting back, but I probably wouldn’t have lost easily. “Because I’m young.”

“Then what about the Dawn Brigade? “What level are you and that sparkle?”

Tessaia quickly intervened.

Nasser tilted his head slightly.

“He also has never shared his superiors… . Still, it would have been stronger than average. What if it was me before I was abandoned. The same goes for my dead senior.”

Ian took a quick bite. In any case, if we had to fight the Dawning Corps again, it was clear that it would not be an easy fight.

Well, since it was a secret society made up of people selected from among the Purifiers, there could not have been anyone who was weak.

Especially since he will be wearing all kinds of magic weapons, magic tools, and even holy relics all over his body.

‘I feel like I’ve entered Chapter 3, damn it.’

They weren’t the type of people to worry about in the game anymore.

Ian clicked his tongue bitterly and looked back at Maeve.

“How about putting this guy with Philip while you eat?”

“Me… ? “With that person?”

Philip turned to Ian and asked. However, he must have believed that he would not be defeated by someone who was abandoned by God.

Maeve, who was quietly eating, looked at Nasser.

“No matter how much we spar, I don’t think it will be easy to fight in that outfit.”

Nasser, who was not allowed to be even minimally armed, was wearing only cloth clothes. He even had his bare feet.

But his expression as he shrugged his shoulders was still calm.

“Just give me a sword and a shield.”

While Philip was looking at Nasser with a slightly feverish expression, Maeve shook her head.

“I look fine. “As long as Philip agrees.”

“I’m fine too. Now I’m really curious. “I wonder if I would be strong even without God’s grace and this great weapon.”

Philip answered immediately.

One training effect would be amazing. Ian smiled lowly and looked back at Nasser.

“If you search the wagon luggage compartment, you will find the shield that guy used. The knife… .”

“Give me what’s mine.”

Charlotte said, unfastening the long sword from her waist. Her orange eyes glared at Nasser.

“If you used sparring as an excuse to do something stupid… .”

“Don’t worry. “I have no intention of doing so.”

Nasser answered as he accepted the sword and headed toward the carriage. While he was looking for his shield, Philip stood up and began to noisily relax his body. His eyes were burning as he turned his neck this way and that.

“The sword and shield are better than I thought. I heard the road was very good. “It looks like you put a lot of effort into managing it.”

Nasser, on the other hand, returned calmly looking at the shield. Philip exhaled, rolling his shoulders.

“If it hurts, tell me. “I’ll stop for you.”

“If you want to learn some tricks from me, please let me know. “I will tell you with all my sincerity.”

Nasser, who spoke with the corners of his mouth curled up, glanced at Ian’s gaze and added.

“In that sense, may I ask you a favor?”

Philip, who had stopped moving, gestured with his chin as if asking him to speak.

“I heard you worked as a servant for a long time. I have never had a seed, nor have I worked as a seed for any length of time, so there are many things I don’t know. Please pass on to me some of the secrets of worship. “I think I’ll need it to serve Ian in the future.”

“… … .”

Philip blinked once as if this was something he had never expected, then smiled slightly and raised his sword and shield.

“great. “I accept the offer.”

“thank you. kyung.”

Nasser nodded and took a fighting stance. And the moment Philip nodded his head as if to start, he rushed straight towards him.


Nasser and Philippe swung their swords at each other almost simultaneously. Philip blocked Nasser’s flying sword with his shield. However, at the same time that Nasser swung his right arm, his left arm was also stretched out diagonally forward.

The sword Philip swung was in an attitude as if he was going to hit him with his shoulder.

“… … !”

Instead, Philip raised his eyes and slowed down the sword he was swinging.

Still, it couldn’t stop completely, so the blade lodged itself in Nasser’s forearm. However, Nasser did not bounce away or withdraw his outstretched arm.

“… … .”

The blade of the round shield he held out stopped in front of Philip’s chin. The movement of the two stopped for a moment. Philip, who had stopped breathing, withdrew his sword.

Blood was dripping from Nasser’s arm, which was cut by the blade. Nasser opened his mouth calmly.

“If it had been full-body plate armor, there wouldn’t have been any scars on my arms. Instead, Sir, even if you were wearing a helmet, your head would have pounded a lot.”

He lowered his shield and shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s a given, of course. “I think it will resonate more with you if I show it this way.”

“Well, first of all, wrap a bandage on your arm and then speak.”

Philip was flustered. He was so eager to fight, but when he saw the blood, he seemed to feel sorry.

Nasser added, looking down at his bleeding forearm.

“it’s okay. Even though the goddess has taken the stigmata, not all the blessings in her body have disappeared. As you will soon find out, her body, blessed by the Brilliant Goddess, is particularly strong and recovers quickly. anyway… .”

Nasser hit himself on the head with a knife.



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“Using a shield for defense is enough when your head is being targeted. That’s when the magic flies. Other than that, it should only be used as a weapon. Otherwise, there is no reason to wear that armor or carry a shield.”

Nasser finished speaking and smiled mischievously.

“Is it engraved on your body now?”

“… Yeah, whatever. “I don’t think I’ll forget it.”

While Philip nodded shyly, Charlotte suddenly approached and stood next to Nasser. In her hand she held a cloth to be used as a bandage.

After receiving Nasser’s gaze, she gestured backwards indifferently.

“They told me to wind it up. “Unless you want to stop sparring.”

“… “Then, please do me a favor.”

Nasser held out his arms. While Charlotte was bandaging his face with a nonchalant expression, his eyes turned to Philip again.

“There are several tricks I often use. Would you like to learn them? “You probably already know a lot of things.”

“… “Philip.”

Philip shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

“Just call me Philip. “After all, he hasn’t been ordained yet.”

“Not Nasser?”

“… We’ll be fine when we’re alone. “I don’t think they will make a mistake.”

“haha. Yes, Philip. Well then, shall we try again?”

… I’m sitting there filming a youth drama.

Ian, who was watching the two, snorted. Anyway, it wasn’t a bad sight to see.

After taking a sip of his drink, he held out the bottle to Meb, who had finished eating, and said,

“How do you look?”

“What a great teacher. It will be a great help in areas I cannot teach. “Maybe it will be more helpful because we are the same age.”

“That guy’s skills.”

“… … ?”

Maeve, who brought the bottle to her mouth, just rolled her eyes and looked at Ian.

Ian added.

“Do you think it could be used as a seed?”

“… … !”

Maeve quickly put down the bottle and frowned.

“Are you really asking me to make you my squire?”

“Because he is a former purifier, he knows how to deal with monsters and corruptors well.”

Ian shrugged. Maeve held out the bottle to him.

“So I think it would be better for you to take him with you.”

“I think there will be a lot of conflict with the Dawning Order or the religious order. I didn’t think I could trust that guy at that time. Even if you don’t betray me, you’ll do something unexpected. You can’t take a guy like that with you. “It seems like you want to atone to Lu Solar, but you can wash away your sins in the outskirts.”

Ian, who took another sip of his drink, looked back at Maeve and added,

“By serving the Lord.”

“… … .”

“Think about it slowly. “Because there’s still time.”

“… “What are you going to do if I say I won’t take you with me?”

“Well… .”

Ian shook his head. It was enough of an action to make Maeve guess the omitted words.

“… okay. “I’ll think about it.”

Maeve muttered and looked back at Nasser, who was sparring with Philip. A new conflict appeared in her eyes.

Ian looked at her side face for a moment, then returned the bottle to his mouth and looked away.

‘Well, I’ve done enough.’

Anyway, it wasn’t a boring night thanks to those guys.

From the next day, Nasser was able to put on the equipment that Philip had taken off.


“This tannae, only for me?”

Tessaia, who was twitching the bridge of her nose, spoke as it was towards the afternoon.

Philip, who was sitting across from her, sniffed and said.

“It’s happening to me too. “It’s faint, though.”

Following Maeve, Ian roughly nodded his head. Tesaia opened the window leading to the coach seat.

“What is it, Meow? “Is there a fire somewhere?”

“It seems so. “Smoke is rising.”

Charlotte’s answer came right away.

“It’s not just one or two places.”

“Is there a forest fire somewhere?”

Tessaiah stuck her upper body out the window. Philip tilted his head.

“Is this also an aftereffect of consciousness?”

“It was done by a person.”

While answering, Ian also turned his head and looked at the front of the carriage.

Beyond the hill road leading to Guando, black smoke was rising. As Charlotte said, there were many strands.

“A person? Are you sure… ?”

“Fire is the weakness of the families of corruption and pestilence. “They probably didn’t set the fire.”

“Then, of course, Ragliffe must have succeeded in stopping the ritual with his own power!”

Philip looked back at Maeve and exhaled. Maeve’s expression also brightened slightly.

Ian neither denied nor affirmed. Anyway, in his opinion, it was a pretty positive sign.

Of course, at the same time, it also meant that a situation that he was not very happy about would soon arise.

It was going to happen anyway, but I wanted to do it in a situation where there weren’t many people watching.

It was when the carriage reached the halfway point of the uphill road that Tessaia and Charlotte’s heads turned at the same time.

“I can hear footsteps.”

“There are several. There is also a rider. I can also hear the sound of metal. “If it’s not a group of bandits, it looks like soldiers?”

At Charlotte and Tesaia’s consecutive words, Ian let out a faint, bitter smile.

Anyway. Noblemen are not good.

Thesaia quickly entered the carriage and closed one window.

While Maeve and Philip turned to each other and put on the hood of their robes, Ian also closed the carriage window.

As the room became a little dark, Nasser’s voice continued through the small window on the coach side.

“What should I do?”

“You just have to stay still.”

Ian turned his head and spat out. Before I knew it, I was scanning the subspace with one hand.

“The skilled assistant will take care of the rest.”

“Skilled teaching assistant… “What?”

Nasser tilted his head. Instead of answering, Ian exchanged a look with Charlotte. Charlotte smiled, revealing her fangs and spat out.

“If you want to get to the duke in one go, something short and simple won’t work, right?”

“… do it yourself.”

Ian swallowed his mouth and held out an album luxuriously bound in leather. It was his identification card issued by the Northern Territory.

Charlotte added, looking down at the certificate.

“I think it would be more effective if you showed it yourself if it were necessary.”

“… … .”

Ian frowned for a moment, then let out a short sigh and quickly closed the window.

Nasser blinked as he looked at the closed window, and his eyes naturally returned to Charlotte.

Before she knew it, she was tidying up the equipment on her body with a purring breathing sound. It seemed like a sound she was making to loosen her throat.

“What are you trying to do?”

“What do you think I am?”

Charlotte asked back without even looking. Nasser patted her shoulder.

“You’re Ian Nari’s colleague. “He is also a beastman warrior.”

“okay. But at the same time, I am also Ian’s servant.”

“Is that so… ?”

“Look ahead. And stay classy. “If you look down on Ian, I won’t let you go.”

“… yes. Well, I understand.”

While tilting his head, Nasser looked ahead with a smile on his face.

Before I knew it, a group of soldiers, led by a knight, had appeared above me.


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