I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain Chapter 218

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Maeve briefly told Ian what she wanted to ask.

There was no need for a long explanation. Because her Ian already knew what questions she wanted answers to.

“Once again, it may not work out the way you want. then… .”

“… I will choose the method I originally intended to use. There is no need to feel burdened. Ian. There is also a way to search for clues after everything is over. “I can’t guarantee whether there will be anything left that hasn’t rotted.”

Meanwhile, Ian moved without hesitation through the interior, which was covered with moss, mold, and mushrooms of all colors.

The poisonous spores did not have a very fatal effect on the party. However, the equipment was already noticeably corroded.

In particular, Meb’s armor was discolored severely. Considering the previous battle, it was actually amazing that it was still intact.

This is probably thanks to her thorough management from the beginning. If it weren’t for that, she would have broken apart or come apart at the seams a long time ago.

‘Anyway, once this is over, I’ll have to change all the equipment again.’

Even if I spend all the money I have left, it might not be enough.

Thinking that there was no end to how much he could earn, Ian finally stopped walking.

It was in front of a tightly closed gate.

Beyond this was the chapel. The power of the void was clearly felt.

The reason he was able to come this far without any interference was probably due to the confusion he created.

They will be doing their best to reconnect the broken cycle and subdue Ian’s rampaging descendants.

‘You might want to finish it before I get there.’

Ian’s household was shrinking rapidly at this moment. However, the number remaining was not small.

At least he’ll be able to hold out long enough until he gets underground.

Placing his hand on the door, Ian turned to Charlotte and Tessaiah.

“You know what to do, right?”

“don’t worry. “I’ll pretend to be a subordinate and just watch from behind.”

In times like this, it’s really trustworthy.

Ian responded to Tessaia’s answer with a snort and turned to Maeve.

“Don’t forget. When I hand over the sword… .”

“… “When I step out.”

Ian looked at Maeve’s face shield and nodded before finally opening the door.


A panoramic view of the spacious chapel spread out in a circle was revealed.

Ian leisurely walked into the hall. Charlotte and Tessaia stopped on either side of the door and bowed their heads, and Meb followed behind as if she were his knight.

The chapel was covered in moss and mold, just like the outside.

And in the very center, a pitch black tree trunk appeared to be rising through the floor, protruding in a spiral pattern. The end was jagged, as if someone had snapped it off.

Pitch-black vines spread out from all over the trunk and wrapped around it.

The ends of the vines extended beneath the robes of the priests sitting around the jagged edges of the trunk.

They were crouching down, wearing their robes and hoods, and when Ian entered, they all stood up as if they had been waiting.

The quest window appeared before Ian’s eyes.

The altar of the unclean giant tree.

‘It’s a big unclean tree… .’

Ian didn’t rush at them right away, but stopped at a reasonable distance as planned.

Then, he took out a two-handed sword with a straight edge from subspace. He stamped the tip of his sword into the ground and draped his left arm over his weight.

It was an expression of his intention to not fight right now, and at the same time, he was in a position where he could grab the handle with his right hand at any time.

Pusss… .

In the meantime, the priests who had reached their peaks flew up as if swimming in the air, and were spread out widely in the air. A total of six.

Every time they moved, the vines surrounding the trunk of the giant tree rubbed the surface.

The bark of the tree crumbled as if it were rotting, scattering black dust.

It was clearly dust that could cause abnormalities such as poisoning or infection.

The priests weren’t really flying. It only looked that way because the long vines that stretched like snakes were supporting the body. Living vines were no longer a surprising sight at all.

Looking back at Ian, their robes were unnaturally raised on both sides of the back of their shoulders. As if wings were hidden underneath.

‘Well, of course it must have mutated.’

What’s next after insects, plants?

Thinking bitterly, Ian stretched out his right hand and pulled out a wooden box from subspace. The way I took out a cigarette and bit it became much more relaxed.

In any case, the priests did not rush to him right away.

Beneath their hoods lined up in the air, dark green eyes flickered as they looked at Ian.


He threw the wooden box into subspace, creating a flame between his fingers.

The end of the cigarette caught fire. Clenching her fist to blow away the flames, Ian slowly inhaled the smoke from the cigarette.

His eyes, scanning the priests, were suddenly sparkling with a vivid purple color.

A strange fear and awe flickered in the eyes of the priests who made eye contact with him.

‘… This really works.’

Ian internally laughed.

but. They too would have already seen him coloring the roots of circulation with chaotic power. It was rather natural to regard him as a high-ranking corruptor or something worse.

Even as the cycle was broken, wasn’t it now a state where he was no longer completely immortal?

That’s when Ian, holding a cigarette between the fingers of his right hand, spits out smoke.

“O great incarnation of chaos… .”

One of the priests spoke. It was a low, very cautious voice, as if it were locked.

Even now, he has gone beyond being an apostle and is being treated as an incarnation.

“The Lord said that chaos and circulation coexist, so there is no reason to destroy one another. Since you have rejected union, I will no longer recommend it… The Avatar will not hold you responsible for the cycle you broke. So, why don’t you stop making unnecessary sacrifices?”

What the hell. Even a ceasefire proposal.



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Instead of snorting, Ian nodded, taking another puff of smoke from the cigarette.

Perhaps, by corrupting a character in the game, it might have been possible to build a friendly relationship with a specific corrupt force.

You will receive small help from them, such as side quests. Since there would be no choice but to be hostile towards the church or the imperial family, I didn’t even know if it was a necessary content.

In any case, it was clear that at least the current situation did not exist in the game. Because no additional quests occurred.

“I want to ask you something.”

Ian blurted out and looked at the priests. A faint sense of relief was spreading across the wooden gum-like mouths of the priests exposed beneath their hoods.

“Please tell me.”

“Who is Bishop Jurdo?”

“… … ?”

The priests’ eyes wavered in confusion. Of course, it was only for a short time. center of the line. The priest closest to the giant tree’s altar bowed his head.

“I was called that once.”

Now that I see it, the guy who was talking the whole time was none other than Jurdo.

These guys are so obvious.

“Do you know Viscount Flint?”

“… Flint? Are you talking about Jicle Flint?”

Jurdo asked back in a puzzled tone.

Ian nodded, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

“okay. Kingdom of Ladrin, of Delarham. “I guess I know you.”

“that… That’s right. Once upon a time I used to show him the way. It’s been quite a while since we lost contact. Did he come to see me? By Flint’s introduction?”

“To some extent, that’s true.”

“How is he doing?”


“… In the end, it happened.”

Jurdo pursed his lips for a moment and then sighed.

“He was born sickly, and wanted to gain a strong vitality that could overcome any illness. But it seems that at some point he took a wrong turn. “Illness and pain are not something to be overcome, but rather accepted.”

“Was it your will to attract that insignificant bastard?”

Ian cut me off. It was none of his business to know the story of a man whose face he did not know. Looking into Jurdo’s dark green eyes, he added:

“Or is this an order from Duke Kralen?”

Behind me, Maeve let out a short breath as if she was momentarily surprised.

Originally, I was just planning to ask about the background. But Ian decided to go one step further.

Anyway, wasn’t Duke Kralen a boss that existed in the game as well?

Jurdo sighed again.

“How much do you know… . By any chance, did you come to the West to kill him? Did that cold-blooded man also sin against the Avatar?”

“That’s right. So, answer straight when asked.”

“… It was my intention to choose Flint. But it is also true that the duke ordered us to sow seeds.”

“He is the one who dragged you down this path.”

“yes. As I was looking for a way to ease the suffering of leprosy patients, you showed me a new path. Foolishly, I was grateful to him. Not knowing that his only interest was eternal life and immortality.”

“So you abandoned him?”

Ian asked harshly. He was already half-listening to Jurdo’s words.

This old man said too much nonsense. Besides, it would be enough for him to listen intently to the story with just one person.

Instead, he was looking for a way down underground. It wasn’t difficult to find. This is because on the diagonally opposite wall, the entrance to a spiral staircase that clearly led to the basement was revealed.

It was a secret staircase that would have been hidden behind the mechanical apparatus in the wall. Originally, it would have been an evacuation space created to hide priests and residents in case of emergency.

Because the monastery was built in the old style.

“As you can see, we have opened our eyes and followed the truth of the great cycle. But it wasn’t a duke. He said this was not the immortality he wanted. Instead, I sold it as a failure.”

“clinker… ? Oh yeah.”

Ian, who had been reflexively asking, soon exhaled smoke from a cigarette and chuckled.

“It’s because your ego can collapse and you can’t fully control it.”

“also… You understand. I said that liberation in the true sense is inherently uncontrollable. He didn’t accept it. He even thought the ritual would fail. That was the last time. “Foolishly, he abandoned us.”

His liberation.

Even while snorting inwardly, Ian nodded.

In any case, it was a moment when the inference that Duke Kralen was a member of the parliament became strong again.

Eternal life and immortality were one of their main interests. Wasn’t the reason he used the vampire clan as his minions to research the secret of immortality?

“But by now, you might be thinking a little differently.”

“It looks like Larcliffe’s ritual was a success.”

“Yes, chaos incarnate… . Although it was the smallest ceremony, it was sufficient to preach the truth of the great cycle. Even if the duke resists… “It will only be a matter of time before you become one with us.”

Jurdo laughed lowly. The priests also responded with phlegm-filled laughter.

Ian inhaled the smoke and thought of Duke Kralen in the game.

The reason he kept them alive was probably only to leave room for the possibility of something unknown.

They probably didn’t know that they would prepare for the ritual while avoiding their surveillance and ultimately succeed.

‘On that subject, when it became an irreversible situation, did you just decide to accept it?’

Or maybe I’ve lost my taste for the illusion of unity I’ve experienced.

The latter seemed a little more likely.

If you’re a member of the council, you must have quite a bit of power, so even the Void Being would have noticed you.

So, without these, there was a high possibility that the duke’s mental state was a little different from what he remembered.

As Ian smiled coolly, Jurdo, who stopped laughing, added:

“But if what the Avatar of Chaos wants is his life… I’m willing to give in. “The Lord also said that he will not block your path.”

“You can block it.”

Ian added quickly and looked at Jurdo with his purple eyes.

“Because I have business to attend to that old tree you serve. “You must pay for trying to swallow my soul.”

Jurdo and the priests froze for an instant. Ian took off his arm that was resting on the weight of the sword.


The sword tilted backwards was picked up by thick steel armor.

While Maeve took a step forward without saying a word, Jurdo spoke.

“But you incarnate chaos… Didn’t you make a promise? “If I give you the answer you want-”

“That means you drank kimchi soup.”

“Kimchi soup… ?”

“I mean, I never had any intention of doing that from the beginning. furthermore… .”

Ian smiled viciously as he dropped the cigarette on the ground and trampled it.

“Actually, it’s the same for you too, right?”

“… … !”

Jurdo’s eyes twinkled. Even as we talked, Ian’s family was still shrinking.

Moreover, the waves of chaos power writhing beneath my feet did not subside. Even as they were talking, they even let out a heavy sound again.

The reason they joined his conversation was simply to buy time.

Jurdo’s lips slowly curled up.

“You… You knew it all from the beginning… But already-”

Jurdo’s voice suddenly quieted down.

Sooo… .

This is because a red light was spreading next to Ian.

“Thank you, Ian.”

Meve, clad in red sacred power as sticky as blood, walked forward with her sword in both hands hanging down.

“Now leave this to me.”


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