I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain Chapter 119

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A blue trail was centered on the top of the huge heart.


The firmness that comes from your grip.

Ian, who was holding the sword hilt while hanging on, began to slash the sword with all his might.

Tahumrit stiffened for a moment.

Ka- suddenly-

Meanwhile, a deep and long line continued through my heart. The blue divine power burned the contaminated magic power spreading through the crack.


Tahumrit finally let out a cry of pain. Ian didn’t stop. The sword continued to tear down my heart little by little. The screams got louder. Suddenly, the next moment, the scream that reverberated throughout Ian’s body faded away with an eerie sound.

Arceas broke the neck of Tahumrit that was in his mouth. The Corrupt Dragon’s huge head, twisted at a bizarre angle, hung limply.

The purple eye glow faded.

Kurrrr… .

Thunder rumbled within the swirling dark clouds. A gray snowstorm began to spread through them. A huge amount of contaminated magic power that had lost its owner flowed down faster than it could evaporate.

In the middle of it.

“… … .”

Ian, who had been staring at Tahumrit’s twisted, hanging head, eventually looked away.

Arceas with one side of his neck torn off. His eyes did not look happy at all as he stared at his dying compatriot.

I’m just sad and tired.

Arceas’ gaze eventually returned to Ian at the center of his heart.

Ian opened his mouth.

“Please accept me.”

Arceas’ eyes widened slightly. Suddenly, one of the front paws that had been deeply embedded in Tahumrit’s ribs slowly came out. It seemed like he could handle the weight of this huge dragon with just one arm.

‘What about this body? Because I have about 30% of the shares… .’

Ian, who was thinking and watching the scene, suddenly narrowed his eyebrows. His gaze returned to the giant heart he was leaning against.

An important question has arisen.

Why doesn’t the quest completion window appear?

‘… no way.’

Ian’s arms grew stronger.

Even in the game, attacking a weak spot did not necessarily mean that the boss would die in one hit.

Moreover, the opponent was a dragon, a being beyond common sense, and was even undead.

Even with my neck broken and my heart pierced, I didn’t know if I could postpone death.


As if to prove that prediction, the purple magic that spread out connected the cracks in the heart. I felt the pressure binding the blade. The blue divine power burned like a fit, and magical power soared through it.

Pussss, purple light spread from the side.

‘Mr. !’

Ian’s brow furrowed.

The eye light was burning on Tahumrit’s limp head.

While glaring at Ian.

Arceas also raised his eyes in surprise and tried to push his front paw into his ribs again. But he could not be faster than Tahum Lit’s surprise attack.

Key- Ahhh!

The misaligned jawbone opened and let out a scream. The foggy gray eyes and flowing contaminated magic power heated up in an instant.


Explosions and shock waves covered the entire area.

Although most of the impact was blocked by the two entangled dragons, Ian also had no choice but to cower and cover himself with his force shield.

-Revenge■■… It must be this■■… !

A desperate thought shook my mind. The explosion grew stronger.

Arceas began to wear a golden force field. Ian also tried to lower his sword.

‘How high is the magic density…? ?’

However, even with all his might, the sword body moved only slightly. It seemed like the sword would break faster.

Tahumrit spread his floppy wings. The same was true for the two magical wings that began to crumble from the tips.

‘crazy… !’

The guy’s intentions were clear. Ian decided to give up the sword of condemnation. Anyway, this was the last struggle. The sword can be recovered from the remains later.

After thinking that far, it was the moment when Ian placed his foot on his heart and prepared to leap.


Contaminated magic formed a hazy film that covered the open chest.

-You can’t escape… !

Ujik, eujijik-

With a thought, Tahumrit’s ribs, where Arceas’ forepaw was stuck, began to crush. Soon one side of his chest was completely shattered. One of his front paws fell off together, but Tahumrit didn’t seem to care.


Arceas roared in surprise.

But Tahumrit, who started flapping her wings despite the fact that her body was being torn to pieces, had already escaped from him.

Turning its body upside down, the completely battered Fallen Dragon soared out.

“… … !”

Ian’s eyes widened as he struck the magic curtain with his force field shield.

The magic power contained in the dark clouds was pouring down.


Shockwaves exploded endlessly above the purple magic curtain. Ian leaned down and looked down between his gaping ribs.



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Magical power pouring down like rain exploded, causing Arceas to fall. He held his posture even while screaming. The golden force field that began to unfold endlessly around him was slowly engraved in Ian’s eyes.

Kwaa- Gwagwagwa-

Finally, the force field was covered by an apocalyptic explosion, and the entire scene faded away.


“… … .”

Trabel Street was engulfed in silence.

No one walked up and down the streets.

The silence began the moment a roar spread across the northern sky.

Less than two days have passed since the reinforcements from Caringion headed north.

The roaring noise from the north where Fortress Belium was located was never a good sign.

The wild settlers gathered in several houses had the same thought.

“… Do not worry. “Everyone will return safely.”

Askel went back and forth between the house and comforted her, but it didn’t have much effect.

There was also a slight look of anxiety on Thesaia’s face as she followed him as he entered another house.

“I’m sure Ian’s okay, right? no way-”

“Don’t even spout nonsense.”

Charlotte, leaning against the wall, cut off her words.

“Ian never dies. “I promise-”

Coo coo coo coo-

It was at that time that a roar of a completely different level than before occurred.

The beastman and the vampire fairy stopped talking.

Tessaia took off her blindfold and looked Charlotte in the eyes. Soon, the two jumped onto the roof of the building without even thinking about who would go first.

They climbed over several roofs, listening to the continuous loud noise, and eventually stood side by side on a tall and narrow chimney.

The view outside was revealed.

darkness. Dense dark clouds in the north and flashes of light in the distant sky.

Tesaia, who was watching the scene blankly, soon sighed.

“What on earth is happening…?” .”

Her ears suddenly perked up. When she suddenly looked back, her eyes flashed red.

Darkness immersed in silence. I could only vaguely see a few residents who couldn’t control their curiosity and slowly opened the door and came out.

Charlotte soon turned to Tesaia, who narrowed her eyes.

“Why are you doing that?”

“… no. “I felt something strong.”

Tessaia muttered and looked forward again.

Soon, she completely forgot about the ominous feeling she felt.

That distant sky. This is because a huge being was seen breaking through the dark clouds that covered the night sky, embroidering a purple trail in the air. The being was flying towards the east at an incredible speed, drawing a parabolic trajectory.

As the being eventually approached the sky, not far from Travelga, Thesaia stammered.

“dragon… ? It’s a dragon, that thing… ?”

Charlotte just blinked.

That’s how she saw it too. I couldn’t think of any winged being of that size, other than a dragon.

However, its appearance was very strange.

This is because only the bones were left, the entire body was tattered, and it was flying upside down. What was strangely bent and limp was not the tail, but the head.

The purple traces that embroidered the air were the remains of magical power created when two wings broke apart.

At that time, the dragon changed its trajectory.

As one wing sank deep, the torso was clearly revealed, looking as if someone had torn it to pieces.

Charlotte’s mouth opened wider.

This is because, somewhere in the middle of the shimmering purple magic, familiar red and blue lights were burning.

Key- Ah-ah-!

The dragon let out an eerie scream. Then, gray breath poured onto the ground.

The flashing blue light became darker.

A small silhouette is clearly visible between them.

Charlotte, who was staring blankly at the back of the dragon moving away, eventually let out a sigh.

“Ian… ?”


‘f*ck… .’

Ian thought as he grabbed the sword he had barely drawn.

At least now, it’s clear that this is a situation that never existed in the game.

No matter how vicious the creator was, it didn’t make sense to put the player in this situation.

Of course, my thoughts would not change now.

Because he was already standing on the dying dragon’s heart and flying at incredible speed.

To be exact, it was falling.

I felt the altitude gradually lowering.

‘For sure, you plan to die with me.’

Exhaling inwardly, Ian looked up at the magic curtain covering his head. There was no need for her to stab her heart again. This guy will die soon anyway.

Even at this moment, I felt the magic contained in my heart dissipating.

So we had to escape before it crashed to the ground.

‘Landing… .’

Ian checked the magic power in his body.

The scales on his hands fell off before he knew it, but the dragon’s magic still remained in his body. If you use this swirling barrier and gust of wind properly, you will be able to land with only a few bones broken.

Even if it wasn’t, there was no other option.

After making his decision in a split second, Ian adjusted his grip on the sword of condemnation.

I could feel the sword body cracking, but the divine power was still clear.

That was enough.

Quad deuk-!

Ian swung his sword at the magic curtain. The effect was sufficient. The curtain, which had been shaking precariously as if it would break in just a few moments, began to break apart.

-Useful■■… You ■■ together… ■■I will… .

With his thoughts, a huge shadow fell over Ian’s head.

Ian’s brow furrowed when he realized that it was a wing. Suddenly, the remaining front paw was forced to move and cover the top of it.

A new screen made of dragon bones was created over Ian’s head. The gap wasn’t small, but looking at the burning magic power, it seemed like it wouldn’t be possible to put a hand on it.

‘You really made up your mind, you bastard.’

Ian gritted his teeth. It was impossible to split all of those bones. Especially with a sword that has started to crack.

Eventually, his head turned down again. If I wanted to escape this prison, I had no choice but to kill him once and for all.


Ian grabbed the sack with both hands and hit the center of his heart. The magic power that clashed with his divine power sparked.

Ian struck without stopping. I felt the cracks in my sword body getting bigger and bigger. But his divine power was also becoming stronger. As if he was trying to fulfill his role until the end.


The magic surrounding my heart was broken. The sword dug deep beneath it. Ian used all his strength to push the sword all the way in. As if reading his will, his divine power flared up brilliantly.

Jeok, Jeok Jeok- Jeok Jeok-

Cracks spread throughout my heart. Between them, purple magic soared, and blue light shimmered.

Key- ah- ah-

Tahumrit’s screams echoed beneath his feet. It was terminal.


As the sword body exploded, the heart was broken into pieces and scattered in all directions. Ian fell and landed.

The quest completion window finally followed. Ian closed the window and took in the sight of the broken sword of condemnation.

‘… ‘Thank you.’

The impression was short. Tahumrit’s body was going limp. Her wings and legs, which had wrapped around her torso, flowed down like flowers blooming.

Finally, I could see outside.

It was falling at an incredible speed.

The land was not far away.


It was at that time that the magical power swirled from the fragments of the broken heart.



Ian was thrown and the fragments exploded at almost the same time. Ian bounced off her as she spun wildly.

Along with the pain, I felt the dragon’s magic disappear in clumps from inside my body. It was clear that he had protected his body from the magical explosion and instead sublimated.

There was no time to feel regretful.

Gray magic swirled in Ian’s eyes. A swirling barrier. At the same time, a gust of wind came out in the opposite direction of the violent rotation.

Although the rotation of the body decreased, the situation did not improve.


Because Tahumrit’s body fell to the ground.

Dust and shattered dragon bones flew in front of Ian.

“… … !”

Ian looked at the bones sticking out in front of him and hurriedly raised his force shield.

With a click, the shield grazed the surface of the bone, changing Ian’s trajectory. As the mantra died down, the shield broke.

The next moment, a swirling barrier pushed his body away. Another tall bone grazed his arm.

Ian realized that his left arm was broken just from that. Even the blessing of struggle and the dragon’s magic could not completely protect him from physical shock.

He immediately unfolded his swirling barrier again and extended his right hand toward the ground directly in front of him.


A gust of wind stretched out for an instant. All that happened was a slight decrease in speed.

The next moment, his body surfaced again with a tremendous shock.

Ian realized that he did not fall diagonally and hit the ground, but was bounced up by the repulsion created by the blessing and the dragon’s magic.

All of the dragon’s magical power was dispersed. I felt like every bone in my body was broken.

It was fortunate that I didn’t lose consciousness, but it didn’t change the situation.

Ian sensed his own death.

In the spinning vision, everything felt slow. Dragon bones spilling out. Darkness and dust. The land is getting closer again. And the status window.

Feeling a rush of wind, he invested all of his remaining ability points into physical strength.

Then, right next to the Primal Resistance skill, I raised all five Primal Vitality, a common skill that had already reached level 1 in the past.

That was his last memory.


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