I Became A Childhood Friend of A Mid Level Boss Chapter 90

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Became a childhood friend of the middle boss (89)

Geumgang Academy Academic Affairs Director, Chairman’s Office.

So Hye-yul welcomed Kang Han-byeol, who returned after proving her skills.

She heard the report from Oh Seung-ah in advance and knew how he performed after entering the artificial gate.

“I had some expectations, but I didn’t expect that I would be able to attack the gray gate by myself. I thought I would get help from Secretary Oh Seung-ah along the way. But it’s amazing that he defeated a rank 2 boss monster by himself. He must have been intimidated by that guy’s pressure… .” “I flinched at first, but when I thought about it, I realized there was no reason I should. On the mountain where I lived with Master, there were many people who were much stronger than him. When I compared myself to those guys, I felt at ease and the pressure that had been pressing on my body disappeared.” “… It seems that the soul has become resistant to pressure due to fighting the boss monster. “There are many hunters who work hard to gain that resistance, but it’s amazing that they gained that resistance just by fighting a boss monster once.” So Hye-yul was purely impressed.

Curiosity arose in her yellow eyes, and there was a strangeness in her eyes.

She leaned forward.

“Hmm… .”

“… .”

So Hye-yul’s scanning gaze.

Kang Han-byeol, who received her gaze, felt an inexplicable feeling of reluctance.

It felt as if my clothes had been taken off, no, my soul was being searched.

He slowly took a step back from her as she got closer.

Then he changed the topic.

Only then did my gaze become much easier.

“So, I passed?”

“If you pass, then yes. With that skill, even the board of directors wouldn’t be able to express their dissatisfaction openly. However, it may not completely end dissatisfaction. “Do you know how many tests students who enter our academy take?”

“No, it’s okay to get there… .”

“We are taking a total of 7 tests, including a written test taken in the mainland, a qualification test that asks about the applicant’s qualifications, and a practical test from 1st to 5th. We pick and choose the students from there and select the students. “At least formally, we even look at the test taker’s middle school grades.”

“… .”

“In contrast, student Kang Han-byeol took the test in an abbreviated manner. Among the board of directors, there will still be some who are not convinced and are opposed to it. It’s a bit weird to say something like this to student Kang Han-byeol… . Jeongjin also has a lot of enemies. “I’m sure there are people who are displeased just because Kang Han-byeol is Jeong Jin-i’s student.” So Hye-yul smiled bitterly.

Tugui Seo Jeong-jin.

It was famous for his eccentric personality and eccentricity, which earned him resentment from both villains and hunters.

Kang Han-byeol, who had been taught by him, was also familiar with it.

Therefore, Kang Han-byeol did not panic even when her master was mentioned in her mouth and tried to calmly understand his intentions.

“What should I do? “Can we take an additional test to convince them?”

“No, you don’t have to take the test. “There is no way they will be convinced by that.”

“then… .”

“Why not do it this way instead? You get recognition by solving the tasks they present. If that were the case, they wouldn’t be able to say anything. Of course, I will adjust the difficulty level in the middle. Since solving missions may interfere with your academy life, we will prepare appropriate compensation. I don’t think it would be bad for student Kang Han-byeol, so what do you think?”

“… .”

So Hye-yul suggested in a relaxed tone.

As she said, it wasn’t a bad offer.

However, Kang Han-byeol was suspicious.

‘What are you thinking?’

When looking at the flow of conversation or attitude.

So Hye-yul’s suggestion was intentional.

He must have been planning on entrusting the mission to himself from the beginning.

“… .”

There is some ulterior motive.

However, it was impossible to understand the true intentions of So Hye-yul, who was quietly smiling.

Even if I asked her what was inside, she didn’t seem to have any intention of telling me.

‘He is also Master’s colleague, and he doesn’t seem like a bad person… .’

In these situations, you have no choice but to rely on your intuition.

After thinking about it, Kang Han-byeol opened her mouth.

“Yes, I will follow what the chairman says.”

“Well thought out. Then, I will contact you separately later.”

It wasn’t like there was no compensation, so he decided to accept the offer.

So Hye-yul made a happy face and clapped her hands lightly.

Soon she took the card out of her pocket and placed it on the table.

“Chairman, this is… ?”

“This is the card key to the dormitory where student Kang Han-byeol will be staying for one semester. “At that time, a student who was scheduled to enroll had to cancel his/her admission due to unavoidable circumstances, so there was only one room left.” It was a card based on a color close to yellow-green like olive.

On the front was the Geumgang Academy emblem, and on the back was a peridot with the room number written on it.

“The dormitory assigned to student Kang Han-byeol is called the Olivine Dormitory. It is the third dormitory from the bottom among the 12 dormitories in the academy. It is the third highest dormitory among the five dormitories assigned to incoming students. “Considering my relationship with Jeongjin, I wanted to assign her to the Jeokok dormitory, the highest of the five dormitories, but unfortunately, there were no vacancies left, so I had no choice.”

“no. “Isn’t it great that I don’t have to sleep outside?”

“Thank you for saying that. If Kang Han-byeol’s skills are good enough, he will be assigned to a higher level dormitory starting from the second semester. Well, you’re tired from coming from far away, and you’ll have to pack your bags, so I hope you get some rest in the dormitory. “I will take care of the admission procedures, so don’t worry.”

“thank you! Chairman!”

“I hope you have a good trip from now on.”

After completing his business, Kang Han-byeol woke up.

He gathered his luggage that he had left on one side and left the director’s office.

So Hye-yul, who was left alone in the chairman’s office, turned her gaze to the box on the table.

“… .”

It was a box sent by Dugui Seo Jeong-jin.

One of the assets he donated as a condition for admitting Kang Han-byeol.

So Hye-yul opened the box.


A key was contained in a box with various security spells as well as magic to conceal its presence.

“… .”

An entirely black key.



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So Hye-yul carefully reached out to check the key and muttered softly.

“Thank goodness I came here safely.”

* * *

In my previous life, I lived simply, not buying anything except what I really needed.

This was because I had to use my meager salary sparingly, and there was no need for material greed.

At most, I would have had to pay a few tens of thousands of won a month to play the game.

I had no idea that I, who was not struggling with money, would become a little greedy, and would end up buying so many things to live on my own.

After eating dinner and looking around a nearby shopping mall, I was carrying so many paper bags that I had to hang them over my shoulders.

‘Actually, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap. Even if there is a coffee pot here, there is no problem in living alone. There is also a refrigerator and microwave in the dormitory.’

Since I didn’t have any dreams of living alone, I was only planning to buy what I really needed, but it ended up like this.

This is because I was swept away by the atmosphere of people shopping happily.

‘Haneul even took care of this and that for me.’

Not only the soft sky.

Go Eunbi and Lisa also joined in from the middle and chose items for me to use.

The three people who discussed it together worked hard as if they were decorating their own room.

―Gyeonwoo, you have to buy this too.

-defuser? Is it really necessary… .

-This guy. Of course you need it.

―You can’t do without it!

-It is necessary.

―… Then let’s pick one.

-How about this scent? It’s called lemon herb.

―A refreshing scent like lemon herb is good, or how about a sweet scent?

-ah! I use this brand at home and I recommend it! I really like the scent!

In my past life, I didn’t use a diffuser.

I don’t know if it would smell even if I left it at home, and it was a consumable item that had to be bought again once it ran out.

I could have bought a bowl of soup with that money, so it felt like a waste of money.

As a reincarnated person, I also had similar thoughts.

My mother left it in my room, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

However, the three of them had to spend dozens of minutes at their seats choosing the diffuser, which was so important.

In the end, I had no choice but to step forward and take special measures.

-Let’s just buy them all.

―I have a lot of luggage. Can you carry it all?

―Wow, you are from a rich family… .

―Wouldn’t the luggage be heavy?

You can spend as much money as you want.

Without hesitation, I swiped the sponsorship card I received from my father.

It was the same after that.

―It looks like shampoo is available in the dormitory, but do I still have to buy it?

-Yes, you must buy it.

―Use a good shampoo!

-Hair is life.

―… Do it yourself.

Shampoo, body wash, etc.

I bought whatever the girls told me to buy, and each time I took out my sponsorship card.

Then I got a call from my father.

[Father]: Son, why are you buying so much…

[Me]: Because the kids asked me to buy it.

[Father]: Kids? Who but the sky? Twins? Are they girls by any chance?

[Me]: ㅇㅇ

[Me]: These are the kids with me in the photo taken during the after-party.

[Father]: Swipe your credit card, don’t eat cheap food with them.

[Father]: You buy the food too

[Me]: I already bought it earlier.

[Father]: Well done

Without my father’s permission, I ended up wearing a paper bag around my body.

This was the case not only for me but also for everyone I went shopping with.

Everyone had so much luggage that it was difficult to figure out how to get back.

So I made a decision.

“I can’t do it. “Let’s take a taxi.”

“I guess that would be better, right? “It’s not easy to solve even with magic.”

“I’m also in favor of taxis.”

“Us too!”

“Academy City’s transportation costs are extremely high, so there will be a lot of taxis, right? eww… .”

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay the taxi fare.”

“huh? really? Then, I will ride it well without hesitation! thank you!”

No one objected.

Go Eun-bi, who was crying and worried about taxi fare, quickly changed her face.

I chuckled at her change of attitude.

Soon we went to the side of the road to catch a taxi.

There were many taxis waiting so it wasn’t difficult to catch one.

“Wow, I bought a lot. “Are they students who are entering school?”

“Yes, I’m going to Geumgang Academy.”

“I got into a good place. “Okay.”

As soon as the taxi driver saw us, he quickly got out of the car and opened the trunk.

We decided to put as much of our luggage in the trunk as possible and ride with the rest of our luggage.

“Sky, you go in first.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“Gyeonwoo, have a good ride!”

“I’ll repay you with something next time.”

Yeon Ha-neul, Go Eun-bi, Lisa.

Three people carrying luggage carefully entered the taxi in order.

I closed the door after Lisa got in and moved to get in the passenger seat.

At that time, the triplets shouted.

“hey! Dogyeonwoo! we are!?”

“Can we catch it too!?”

“Get in the taxi behind you!?”

Triplets carrying a lot of luggage.

I spoke to the dogs waiting for their owner’s command.

“You guys should jump.”

“What!? What are you talking about!?”

“Hey, it’s a joke, right? yes?”

“Tell me something, Do Gyeon-woo!”

“You’re carrying a decent amount of luggage, so if you just run, you’ll be able to train.”

The triplets looked at me as if I couldn’t believe anything.

It looks like he has lost his country.

No, should I say it is the expression of a dog that has been betrayed by its owner.

But I was serious.

The triplets needed training.

In that sense, it seemed like it would be beneficial training for them.

For your information, there were no hard feelings.

“Then I hope you return before the end of the day.”

“hey! You’re saying that now… !”

“Please leave for Geumgang Academy.”

“Hey, you crazy idiot!”

The triplets screamed something.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear properly in the taxi.

The taxi quickly moved forward, and the people seen through the rearview mirror quickly disappeared.

It seemed like he was running after the taxi and then gave up.

‘Train hard.’

Do they really know how much I want the triplets to grow?

One day, when they become prosperous, my presence will be unavoidable.

I internally cheered them on.

Meanwhile, Lisa, who was sitting in the back seat, seemed worried.

“But is it really okay to leave it like this?”

“I am… “I’ll just save my words.”

“… “I can’t say anything because I also get the ride for free.”

I squinted at the rearview mirror.

The bright sky I turned my head out of the car window.

Go Eun-bi lets out a shy laugh.

Lisa stuck her head out into the space between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat.

After observing their reactions, I shrugged my shoulders indifferently.

“They’ll be okay. Even though he was fussy, he followed what I was told. “It’s rewarding to train.”

“… “Is that really training?”


“hmm… okay.”

Although it seemed strange.

Lisa reluctantly agreed and did not have any further questions.

A taxi driver even helped out.

“Haha, you may not know, but that’s how men usually get along. “It’s a way for men to build friendships.”

“Is that so? “You seem like a naughty person.”

“I know. “You’re a naughty boy.”

It’s not like that.

But I didn’t object and just quietly looked out the car window.

Meanwhile, Lisa was talking to the taxi driver.

“I have a friend who is like that, and when we get drunk, we leave each other on the street and tell them to go home regardless of whether they are drunk or not.”

“ah… “Isn’t it dangerous?”

“So you have to keep your head straight.”

“ah… .”

The taxi driver was a chatterbox.

We were tired from moving around all day, so we just skipped through the conversation without participating.

Only Lisa, who said she had never taken a taxi before, had to suffer.

Still, thanks to her hard work, she was able to arrive at Geumgang Academy comfortably.

“Then have a good time at the academy!”

“Yes, goodbye… .”

Get off at the dormitory site.

Lisa showed signs of exhaustion, but treated the taxi driver with courtesy.

She sighed only after the taxi was gone.

“why… “No one told you?”

“Hmm. great job.”

“That’s right, good job.”

“Yep! Good job, good job!”

Lisa gives us a look of resentment.

We exchanged words awkwardly.

I couldn’t bear to say that I had made her a sacrifice.

* * *

We headed to the Emerald dormitory.

Is it because the night is deep?

Every dormitory we passed along the way was brightly lit.

I could vaguely see the shapes of people getting some fresh air on the veranda or living in their rooms.

At that time, a dormitory caught my eye.

‘Over there… .’

The gem attached to the dormitory’s signboard was emitting a yellow-green glow that could be seen even from a distance.

You might mistake it for an emerald, but it is not an emerald in that the gem on the plaque in the dormitory where we live is an emerald.

Olivine, peridot.

Even without looking at the name of the dormitory, I could tell that it was the Olivine Dormitory just by the glow of the jewel.

‘I think he should be in the dormitory by now.’

According to the flow of the game.

Kang Han-byeol, who passed So Hye-yul’s test, receives admission from her and also receives regular quests.

While regular quests allowed players to have fun with the game, they sometimes served as a continuation of the main story.

Meanwhile, he is assigned to the Olivine dormitory, which happens to have an empty room.

This was the dormitory I was looking at right now.

‘I should go see your face.’

At this time, Kang Han-byeol would be unpacking in the dormitory.

I thought about it and shook my head.

‘It’s strange to go there all at once, and it may affect the story in a bad way.’

In the game, Kang Han-byeol, who is assigned to the Olivine dormitory, meets and becomes friends with her roommate.

A doctor who is a party member of Kanghan Byeol and a Guardian character.

He has a temperamental nature of explanation and helps Kang Han-byeol, who is ignorant of the world due to living in the forest with Seo Jeong-jin, adjust to Academy City.

Even though it did not have a significant impact on the story, its role could not be ignored.

I made sure not to interfere with the meeting by interfering with the two people.

“Why are you looking at that dormitory?”

“No, just… . “Because the jewels sparkle.”

Yeon Ha-neul asked as if she was curious.

I gave her question a vague answer and walked past the Olivine Dormitory to the Emerald Dormitory where we lived.

And every time the elevator stopped, we said goodbye to each other.

“I really enjoyed today! See you tomorrow or next time when the time comes! good night!”

“I’ll get off here. Everyone worked hard today. Get some rest.”

Go Eun-bi and Lisa get off.

Before long, the soft sky began to fall.

“I’m going to go too. “What are you going to do tomorrow morning?”

“I think there is a restaurant in the dorm, so I’m going to eat breakfast as soon as I wake up.”

“call me when you wake up. let’s eat together.”

“I don’t know when it will happen… . If you’re hungry, eat first. Or wake me up with a phone call.”

“okay. If you don’t wake up by 10 o’clock, I’ll call you, so make sure you answer. Understand?”

“If you think about it, it’s a 10 o’clock alarm. “There’s no need to set an alarm.”

“Hey, I’m not an alarm?”

“Please. good night.”

“really… . “Sleep well too.”

I promised to have breakfast with Yeon Ha-neul.

I closed the elevator door.

She waved at me until the door closed completely.

It was the same for me too.

[This is the 15th floor.]

After a while, the elevator stopped.

When the door opened, I came out into the hallway.

Walk straight to the room.

It was then that I met Yong Yong-rang.

“hey! Dogyeonwoo! How are you?”

“With Yonghae? “When did you come?”

“I arrived about an hour ago… . The site was quite large. “I didn’t know that I would get lost even after coming here!”

“Yes, I think it would be worth it for you.”

Maybe he just finished showering?

Yong Yong-rang was wearing a wet towel around his neck and thin clothes that exposed his arms and legs.

The muscles were clear whenever I looked at them.

‘My arm muscles are no joke.’

Even though I wasn’t applying any force, I couldn’t see any sagging skin under my arms.

The muscles are strong and plump.

It was thicker than my arm.

It would make an even bigger difference if Yong Yong-rang strengthened his arms.

‘… ‘I’m jealous.’

I don’t neglect training, but why don’t my arms swell?

The difference in constitution was cruel.

I complained internally.

“Then why were you out in the hallway? “Where are you going?”

“I heard there was a training facility here, so I tried to train lightly before going to bed. That’s good. “How about you go together?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m tired from walking around outside, and I need to pack my things. Let’s do it together next time.”

“Tsk, it’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do. Are those the things you bought with the kids?”

“that’s right. “Isn’t that a bit much?”

“It seems like there are too many, but… . “I won’t be able to use it all until I graduate.”

“Well, it somehow ended up like this. You might soon become like this too. “There are probably more things you need to live alone than you think.”

“Looking at you now, it seems like that too. So I won’t go out and buy it. “I think it would be better to train at that time.”

“What if I don’t go out and buy it? Just to live?”

If it’s Yongyongrang, that might be the case.

The room on the top floor was equipped with everything, so there was no problem living there.

As if denying my thoughts.

“Why do I just live?”

“what? “Then what should we do?”

Yongyongrang responded calmly.

“What kind of world is it these days? “It’s a world where you can easily buy things online without having to go out and buy them.”

“… .”

“There are many online shopping malls where orders arrive the very next day… . Oh, I heard that people in Academy City mainly use Aka Market. “At this point, it might be a good idea to try ordering from there.”

“… “No.”

“uh? what? Sorry, the sound was so low I couldn’t hear you clearly. “Can you say that again?”

“You’re not this kind of character.”

“What do you mean?”

Yong Yongrang is puzzled.

I regretted it in my heart.

‘Miss, if I had known it would be like this, I would have just ordered it online.’

Why didn’t I think of that?

More than anything, my pride was hurt by the fact that I couldn’t come up with an idea that even Yong Yong-rang could think of.


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