I Became A Childhood Friend of A Mid Level Boss Chapter 296

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I became a childhood friend of the middle boss.

Around the time I was promoted to the second year of middle school.

After first becoming aware of the Gift, Yeon Ha-neul often used division for her own convenience.

He goes out with Dogyeonwoo and sends his alter ego to run errands on his behalf, cleans the house, and makes him do his homework… .

She had no qualms about using the gift.

Neither Hong Ye-na nor Do Gyeon-woo tried to stop him.

Rather, it was actively encouraged.

“It seems like the clone’s experience points belong entirely to you? So what you’re saying is that if you use clones for training, you can increase efficiency several times. This is a scam. There are all kinds of gifts like that in the world… . The sky is you… “You were born with truly blessed qualities.”

“Iknow, right… . I never thought it would have such an effect on division… . I’m truly jealous. Envy you.”

“I agree… . In future training, let’s use division as well. “I need to get used to gifts anyway.”

like that.

Because it helps with training.

Thanks to the support of Hong Ye-na and Do Gyeon-woo, Yeon Ha-neul enjoyed all kinds of advantages, almost as if she was abusing the gift.

Without even realizing that egos exist in alter egos, and that the closer the alter ego is to oneself, the stronger the ego becomes… .

That’s how the incident happened.

“Then shall we start training?”

“Yes, I like it.”

“yes! “I’m going to create an alter ego now.”

Summer three years ago.

Do Gyeon-woo and Yeon Ha-neul, who were on vacation, visited a mountain in Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do for the purpose of camp training.

Hong Yena, who led the two, ordered them to train as soon as they unpacked their belongings at the accommodation.

In response, Yeon Ha-neul activated the gift as if it were natural… .

Unlike Seoul, the surroundings are wide open and there are no people watching.

And suddenly I was curious to know the limits of the gift.

I ended up summoning dozens of clones until my body ran out of mana.

The result was chaos.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the soft sky, the clones escaped control and each asserted themselves.

“no! Why should I do that? You can do the laundry. “You cook the food too!”

“I want to play with Gyeonwoo too! “Don’t make me work!”

“Are you the only one with Yeonhaneul? “I’m also Yeonhaneul!”

“No, I’m Yeon Ha-neul?”

“Yeonhaneul is me! You guys go away! It’s all fake… .”

“what? You are your alter ego! “The real soft sky is me!”

“Hey, guys… Don’t fight… . Let’s get along well… .”

“… .”

The clones behave as they please.

It refuses to obey control and even insists that it is its own entity.

Surprised by the clones’ resistance, Yeon Ha-neul hurriedly tried to cancel the gift.

But it didn’t go as planned.

This is because the power was almost exhausted and the gift was used to its limit, resulting in a backlash.

It seemed like I wouldn’t be able to control the gift until I refined it to some extent.

Hong Yena and Do Gyeon-woo came to a conclusion.

“I can’t help it… . It may be uncomfortable, but we have no choice but to live like this for the time being. It’s a shame it’s not Seoul, it would have been more of a headache if it had been like this in Seoul… .”

“Haha, I see… . It’s a good thing that we’re the only ones there. “The accommodation we rented has an auditorium, so we don’t have to worry about sleeping separately.”

“Ugh… . sorry… .”

“sorry… .”

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“Well… . I’m sorry, Master… .”

“sorry… .”

“… .”

In the sighs of Hong Ye-na and Do Gyeon-woo.

The young heavens apologized all at once.

The two people, unable to tell who was the real person, smiled bitterly.

No, actually… .

Only a few clones were distinguishable.

This is because there were alter egos that were subtly different in appearance, personality, way of speaking, behavior, and skills.


‘… The horsepower level is low. It’s an alter ego.’

Do Gyeon-woo was also able to check Yeon Ha-neul’s physical abilities through the status window.

Nevertheless, Do Gyeon-woo and Hong Ye-na deliberately did not select the clones.

Because I didn’t want to hurt them for no reason.

When they return to the main body later, that experience will also belong to them.

‘It’s something that time will solve anyway. Let’s wait until Haneul can control the Gift.’

So, let’s not discriminate against younger people and treat them equally without prejudice.

Hong Ye-na and Do Gyeon-woo, who secretly reached an agreement without their knowledge, made a pledge.

In reality, things went as expected.

As time passed, clones appeared whose mana ran out and could no longer maintain their existence.



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“Oh, no… .”

“I am… It’s true, but why… .”

“Hey, Gyeonwoo… .”

“… .”

The soft skies gradually became smaller.

Those who were still alive, who had to watch their disappearance, could not help but tremble with anxiety.

Because he had to suffer from the relief that he was the original body and the fear that he might still not be the original body.

As more time passed from there… .

“… .”

When it was reduced to around 20 people.

The soft skies, excluding the main body, felt their strength weakening and although they did not want to admit it, they had to admit it.

He says he is not his body, but his alter ego.

Nevertheless, they did not show it and had a glimmer of hope.

As if laughing at that hope.

“Ahhh… No, don’t do this… . Bye, Gyeonwoo… ! I’m real! “I’m real!”

“Master! Please save me! Something must be wrong! I’m real, but why… .”

“why me! Why am I fake!? I am real, I am real! So please… .”

“… .”

Extinction came without fail.

The disappearing clones were in despair.

Every time, Hong Ye-na, Do Gyeon-woo, Yeon Ha-neul, and the clones couldn’t help but feel pain.

In particular, the clones were devastated and distorted by jealousy and jealousy toward the original body.

That’s why I clung to Hong Ye-na and Do Gyeon-woo even more.

“Gyeonwoo! Why do you only take care of him? “Are you saying I’m fake now?”

“Praise me too, Gyeonwoo. Don’t just do it to him… .”

“Master! “I can do better than that fake!”

“… .”

If you cannot prove yourself, you have no choice but to rely on others.

The younger heavens hoped for the recognition of the two people who would prove themselves.

From this point on, the tragedy accelerated.

When it was reduced to around 10 people.

The nerves of the younger skies were extremely sharp.

“I am real, I am real, I am real… . I have to be real.”

The corpses were getting weaker day by day, and it felt like they were waiting for a death sentence.

Although there may be differences depending on the individual, extinction is imminent for all.

They were mentally broken.

The main body was also not safe.

“I am real. I… Is it real? uh? uh? ah… Yeah, that’s really true… .”

As the experiences of the alter egos that faced extinction in despair seep into the soul.

The main body, Yeon Ha-neul, could no longer be confident in her own existence.

Moreover, the fear of extinction was strongly engraved in me.

Around this time.

“There is only one real one anyway. so… If you kill everyone but me… I can be real.”

The young heavens, who were almost ruined, were wary of each other and embraced each other.

The fight, which had been exchanged only through words, went beyond simple acts of injury and escalated to the level of having to see blood from the other person.

Finally, some who were facing extinction made extreme decisions.

He decided to kill all the Yeonhaneuls except himself by any means necessary.


“Aaaah! “What are you doing!?”

“die! die! You must die! Without you, without you… !”

Tragedy struck.

It was a drizzly night when people fell into a deep sleep.

A young sky set fire to the main auditorium.

The main auditorium, which had completely blocked escape routes, was quickly engulfed in fire.

In it, she tried to kill them at random.

Of course, they did not suffer gently.

After three or four people who failed to respond at first or were weak-minded were killed.

They all came to their senses and fought to protect themselves.

And I was swept away by madness.

“You think I’ll die easily!? If you’re going to die, you’ll die!”

“Crazy bitches really… . “You think I can’t use magic!?”

“You want to try it with me now?”

“… Yes, that’s right. Just kill them all like you said. Except me. then… “I am real.”

The great hall burning with fire was like a hell where people could kill themselves.

Until the last one survives.

The young skies fought a bloody battle.

“Sky! “Light sky!”

“What is this… .”

Hong Ye-na and Do Gyeon-woo, who appeared late, tried to stop him, but it was no use.

The young skies shook off the two men and continued their life-or-death battle.

Then, when the main auditorium began to collapse, the battlefield unfolded under the night sky.

A summer field with lush vegetation, a forest filled with deep darkness, a night sky with fluttering raindrops… .

They used their surroundings as a stage and mobilized all their resources.

So only one person remained.

“ah… .”

By killing yourself.

Yeon Ha-neul, experiencing murder for the first time in her life, sobbed like crazy.

Although I was relieved that I had survived, I was confused as to whether I was originally the original body or the clone that killed the original body.

It was indistinguishable.

The more the experiences of the alter egos flow in, the more.

That’s why I asked Do Gyeon-woo.


“Sky, you… .”

“Am I real? Really… Is that correct? The sky… “Am I the only one?”

“… .”

Immediately after, Yeon Ha-neul fainted.

That’s it.

It was a summer day three years ago that she, Do Gyeon-woo, and Hong Ye-na experienced.

* * *

“I’m also a light sky, why…?” . no… .”

I don’t want to die.

I want to live.

She ran recklessly, barely surviving in a bloody war that honored only one person.

‘I have to run away, quickly… .’

Yeon Ha-neul now has only one person left besides herself.

Sadly and resentfully, she knew she could not defeat her opponent.

There was a difference in skills.

So I had to run far away.

If your survival is revealed, your opponent will try to kill you.

And maybe… .

I don’t want to think about it, but… .

Do Gyeon-woo and Hong Ye-na, who decided to recognize each other as their true selves, could have joined in.

It felt like he would be even more devastated if he was betrayed by those who meant so much to him.

It was just scary for her.

It was fear.

‘I don’t want to disappear.’

So, just to live.

She led her injured body down the mountain through the darkness without stopping for a moment.

I didn’t know where I was going or where I should go.

All I had was the thought of running away as much as possible to avoid any possible pursuit.

We ran day and night like that for several hours, when the sun gradually began to rise.


“ah… .”

She reached the end, there was no way to go any further.

It was the sea of ​​Taean.

Originally, after the camp training was over, I was going to go sightseeing with Do Gyeon-woo and Hong Ye-na.

“… .”

As if possessed by something.

Covered in blood and sweat, she walked along the sandy beach.

The tide soaked my shoes and legs.

Still, she did not back down and stared blankly at the sea.

Perhaps because it rained last night, the sea I looked at with the sun at my back was infinitely murky and dark.

A bitter smile appeared.

“what… . “It’s not pretty at all.”

It was my first time seeing the sea, and I was really looking forward to it… .

She muttered softly.

I was overflowing with emotion.

I couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Well… .”

Tears flowed down my cheeks, which had become dirty overnight.

She cried bitterly.

The sound was buried by the wind and waves and could not spread widely.

‘I am… Maybe it’s good… .’

She is no longer Yeon Ha-neul.

It cannot be soft sky.

There is no home to return to either.

So who are you now?

She found the answer.

“I am… .”

I can hear the sound of the waves and smell the sea.

She rubbed the area around her eyes with the back of her hand and raised her head.

I looked out over the wide open, endless sea.

There is determination in the red eyes.

Before you know it, your hair turns black and your skin begins to turn bronze.

“… ocean. “Kite sea.”

If you can’t become heaven.

In that case, I will become the sea for just a moment.

Like the murky sea spreading out before your eyes.

She made up her mind.

* * *

“… “Don’t call me that name.”

Now it is a lotus sea with black hair and bronze skin, clearly distinguishable from the light sky.

She immediately frowned as if she didn’t want to hear it.

Immediately, the rabbit’s ears perked up and it took a distance from me and retreated.

He noticed the presence of his friends.


“also… “It was a trap.”

Friends showed up.

Yeonbada looked at them with an expression of displeasure.

In particular, the gaze directed towards the soft sky was full of hostility.

Meanwhile, they looked quite surprised as they faced the sea of ​​kites.

“It really resembles Haneul… .”

“It looks like Yeon Ha-neul’s alter ego is correct.”

“… .”

Go Eun-bi, Yong Yong-rang and others are whispering.

I didn’t react at all and just looked at the soft sky and the soft sea.

Either way, it didn’t look good.

The two people just stared at each other as if they were fighting.

There was no conversation back and forth.

If we leave it like this, it looks like the silence will be prolonged.

Can not help it.

‘I had no choice but to step forward… .’

I had intended to do so from the beginning.

I opened my mouth to mediate between… .

“So…” .”

“Gyeonwoo, you’re out.”

“That’s right, you’re out.”

“… .”

Yeon Ha-neul and Yeon Bada, who had been silent all this time, cut me off almost at the same time.

Their attitude was as if they were drawing a line, as if this was their business.

It was embarrassing for me.

At that time, Yeon Ha-neul spoke up.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“what? Why is this happening? Do you really not know? “Isn’t it obvious?”

The sea of ​​​​snorts as if in awe.

Then he responded sarcastically.

“Because I don’t like you. Because I hate you to death. Originally, your seat was mine. But you took it away, did you think I would just sit back and watch? “On a fake topic.”

“… You must be the fake one. “The real one is me.”

“No, it’s really me.”

As the lotus sea shows off its momentum, the lotus sky responds as if it will not lose.

As Yeon Ha-neul takes a step, Yeon Sea moves, thinking that it is right.

The two people walked forward in such a stride that they stopped with some distance left.

“It’s good that it turned out like this. “I was already planning to visit you sooner or later and challenge you.”

“so? “You didn’t want to secretly assassinate me from behind because it seemed like I was going to lose again?”

“… “Shut up, you’re fake.”

“You really shouldn’t split. “Because I feel bad.”

“Your true nature is finally coming out? Is that okay? There is also a Gyeonwoo. “I’m probably surprised that you spoke so harshly.”

“Hmph, what a surprise. You don’t know, right? Gyeonwoo says I like this too. And what about you?”

“You… .”

“Why, it’s fake.”

“… .”

There is no room for intervention.

The lotus sky and the lotus sea exchange words with fierce force.

My friends and I could only watch the two in bewilderment.

At that time, Yeon Bada was pushed out of the argument.

She was momentarily speechless and clicked her tongue hard.

The initiative passed to Yeon Ha-neul.

Yeon Ha-neul urged leisurely.

“Say whatever you want, now.”

“… Stick with me. “This time we will find out who is real.”

“Who lost?”

“why? Are you worried? “You die.”

“… Ok, fine.”

He seemed to think about it for a moment.

Yeon Ha-neul nodded.


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