I Became A Childhood Friend of A Mid Level Boss Chapter 150

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Became a childhood friend of the mid-boss (149)

Monday 8th and 9th period classes, understanding light element magic (2nd level).

The exam was held at the cultural center, not the training center where lectures were usually held.

Then I couldn’t help but wonder.

‘Why is it a cultural center?’

The nature of the class could usually be inferred depending on the location.

If it is a teaching center, it can be expected that it will be focused on theory, and if it is a training center, it will be focused on practice.

Also, if you are a Dimensional Hall, there is a high probability that you will enter the gate and take the course.

Students prepared for class accordingly.

The test was the same.

You can infer the nature of the test from the location and prepare for it.

In that sense, if we were to guess Hong Yena’s test through cultural perspectives… .

‘It’s said to have strong entertainment value.’

Hong Yena is extremely strict and serious when it comes to teaching magic.

Thinking that she might take a test that goes against her inclinations, I couldn’t predict it.

However, it would not be a general test that simply uses one’s head or body.

I had no choice but to go into her test without much information.

‘It’s dark… .’

When I entered the pre-announced classroom, darkness greeted me.

As the space seemed to be divided by a door, the lights in the hallway could not enter the classroom.

I tried to brighten the darkness by turning on the lights in the classroom, but it was no use.

I pressed the power switch several times, but no electricity came on.

‘I guess I should at least use this.’

I had no choice but to use a light instead.

Even that only barely illuminated the area around me, and the light did not spread far.

That means the dark elemental magic that is currently dominating space is higher in hierarchy than my magic.

Of course, I could guess who performed the magic.

The intention is still unknown, but it was probably Hong Yena’s doing.


‘… It’s cool.’

There was a cold energy in the space.

Depending on the person, it could feel a little cold or cool.

At that time, Hong Yena appeared in the spotlight.

“Now that it’s time, I’ll explain the test. Gather here quickly. For your information, anyone who comes in from now on will have points deducted.”

“… .”

While our magic cannot properly see into the darkness.

Hong Yena, standing in the light, was very visible.

We gathered around her.

Then the area of ​​light shining on her expanded to encompass us.

“In this test, you can only use light elemental magic. If you use other magic, you will be at a disadvantage, so be careful. So what test are you going to take? .”

“… .”

“You are going to cook.”

“… ?”

Cooking out of nowhere in a class dealing with elemental magic of light.

We couldn’t help but tilt our heads at the explanation Hong Yena gave.

Then, looking at our reactions, she snapped her fingers, as if she wanted to show us with actions rather than words.

Immediately after, the darkness covering the space faded and the surroundings gradually became visible.

‘I wondered why there was a cold feeling… ‘I guess it was because of that.’

It seemed better to say that the space we were in was the kitchen.

On one side, there were facilities for cooking food, and on the other side, there was a corner to store ingredients.

From what I could see, the cool energy that was sometimes felt in the space seemed to come from the corner where fresh products were handled.

“All the most common tools will be on the kitchen counter. So, you can choose the ingredients you need from there and make the dish specified for the test.”

“What kind of dish are you making?”

“Make sure you check that on the counter. There will be a file with assignments nearby. “You can choose one or more of the menu items listed there and make them.”

“Instructor, I have tried making ramen… .”

“I hope that no one gets to that age and can’t even cook ramen. At least you’ve tried frying an egg. People who don’t even have experience with that… Well, shouldn’t I just learn it this time? “I can’t guarantee your test score, though.”

“… .”

Tilting her head to one side and smiling brightly, Hong Yena dismissed the remarks of several people as if she would not listen to differing opinions.

I could see the frustration on their faces.

Looking around, it seemed like there were not only them, but also quite a few people who had never cooked before.

Nevertheless, she continued to explain without hesitation.

“Cooking food isn’t the end. “It’s a test to present it, enjoy it with your eyes, and even taste it.”

When Hong Yena snapped her fingers again, the space was again covered in darkness.

Then the other side became brighter, and booths with completely open fronts appeared in the darkness.

It was a booth reminiscent of a restaurant.

“I hope there won’t be a fight for space just because there are only ten booths. “If you want to have points deducted or be disqualified, you can do that.”

“… .”

“Those who want to have their grades evaluated should bring the prepared food and set it on the table in the booth. Considering the people behind you, you will only be given 5 minutes from the moment you enter the booth. You just need to stage it so that it looks appetizing when you take a picture inside it. Of course, it has to be delicious.” Soon the light went out and the booth was once again immersed in darkness.



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The light that was shining on us from above gradually decreased in area and finally converged on Hong Yena.

We had no choice but to rely on lights created with light elemental magic.

At that time, Hong Yena clapped her hands to brighten up the surroundings.

“And once you choose the material, you can never forget it, so choose carefully.”

“… .”

“Then I’ll start the test now.”

* * *

The darkness in the space is too thick.

It was almost impossible to move in the dark without always using the light.

Even then, it was difficult to see far away.

This is because in order to produce brighter light, the amount of light must be increased and the density must be increased at the same time, resulting in increased mana consumption.

Mana could not be consumed recklessly in a test that lasted up to two hours.

Not only was it an inefficient method, but it was also a burden for me.

‘But that doesn’t mean you can’t spread a detection net around you or use pure magic to help dark adaptation… .’

The only magic that can be used in the test is light element magic.

In the end, I had no choice but to use the light efficiently to take the test.

The situation was no different for other students.

“Oh really… . I can’t see clearly… .”

“If this continues, I’ll just be wasting time looking for directions.”

“You want me to cook when it’s this dark? “Is that possible?”

The students were acting cautiously while floating the sphere of light.

I could hear their voices around me and see a faint flickering light.

‘I better move too.’

First, I had to occupy the kitchen counter.

Fortunately, I remembered the location a little while ago, when Hong Yena illuminated the darkness.

I walked slowly, shining the light in that direction.

As I traced the air with my hands, I felt very uneasy.

‘It would be great if the avoidance instinct was activated in times like this… .’

Unfortunately, Gift did not seem to perceive this situation as a threat.

I had no choice but to walk helplessly.

Then, as the distance gradually got closer, I was able to see the kitchen counters.

‘Let’s see, there’s an empty seat…’ .’

There was a name tag on the corner of the counter for convenience.

I found an unoccupied seat and wrote my student number and name on the name tag.

Then I checked the notice that was placed on the cutting board.

The notice included a menu designated as an exam task.

─ Understanding Elemental Magic of Light (Level 2) Midterm Exam ─

Choose one or more of the following menu items and complete them by following the recipe.

1. Omelet & Pancake & Frankfurt Sausage

2. Golden fried rice & steamed egg & soybean paste soup

3. Curry & pork cutlet & pickled radish seasoned

4. Ramen & fried dumplings & rice

5. Steak & stir-fried onion & French fries

As I turned the page, there were recipes and precautions written on the back.

I quickly skimmed through the content, paying particular attention to the cautionary notes.

1. Omelet & Pancake & Frankfurt Sausage

―The omelet should be cooked evenly throughout.

―Bake pancakes slowly over low heat.

―Frankfurt sausages to the core… .

2. Golden fried rice & steamed egg & soybean paste soup

―For golden fried rice, the rice grains should be evenly coated with egg water.

―So that the steamed egg rises gently… .

3. Curry & pork cutlet & pickled radish seasoned

―Vegetables used in curry should be well cooked without burning.

―Don cutlet is deceiving… .

4. Ramen & fried dumplings & rice

―When adding eggs to ramen, be sure to soft-boil them to prevent the yolk from bursting.

―If you don’t want to beat an egg, you can replace it with a fried egg. At this time, cook it half-boiled as above.

―The fried dumplings are golden brown on three sides… .

5. Steak & stir-fried onion & French fries

―Steak should be grilled to medium as the Maillard reaction occurs.

―Sauteed onions are caramelized… .

◆ All menus can be freely arranged as long as the recipe is followed.

In that case, deductions or additional points may be given.

◆ … .

Precautions will most likely be a key evaluation element of the exam.

As I looked at the notice, I was lost in thought.

‘What should I do… .’

It is difficult to create even one menu due to time constraints.

If you mess with other menus just to get a higher score, you could end up ruining what was going well.

It’s like trying to catch two rabbits and not being able to catch even one.

I decided not to be greedy and focus on one menu.

So my choice is… .

‘Let’s have ramen.’

Wouldn’t it be better to take the test with a menu that I can do well in?

When it came to ramen, I was pretty confident.

Moreover, various categories of arrangements were possible.

After making my decision, I walked straight to the ingredients corner.

‘There are a lot of different things.’

I moved the position of the light to illuminate the surrounding area as wide as possible.

By doing so, it was possible to roughly determine the location of various materials.

This means that you can organize your routes more efficiently.

‘I’ll just have to pick the bean sprouts first.’

Head to the nearest vegetable corner.

Amazingly, when the light illuminated the darkness, the display stand glowed blue.

Bean sprouts and other vegetables turned blue.

‘Why is this happening?’

There was no time to think leisurely to find an answer.

Time is limited.

I had to quickly get the bean sprouts and go get other ingredients.

I like the freshest looking bean sprouts I can see… .

That was when I tried to reach out.

“madam! what’s this!? “What’s wrong with the meat!?”

‘… ‘What’s going on?’

A shout from a nearby meat section caught me.

After stopping to grab the bean sprouts, I approached the place where the students were gathered.

They were very confused as they picked up the steak meat.

“Why is there rotten meat!?”

“It wasn’t like this when I saw it earlier, how could it be like this… .”

“… .”

Let’s hear the students talking.

It seemed to be in poor condition or mixed with rotten materials.

After seeing a student with a distorted face holding rotten meat, I turned to the meat corner.

‘You didn’t notice that the colors were so different? How can you see it wrong? .’

When the light illuminated the meat corner, the shelves glowed red.

It was a light seen even in butcher shops.

All of the meat, covered in red, looked fresh.

If I didn’t know anything, I wouldn’t have suspected that there was rotten meat mixed in.

‘… ‘That’s it.’

Only then did I realize.

In order to deceive our eyes, Yena Hong placed a spell so that when it reacts to the light, a light that hides the state of the material comes on.

‘I almost got hit.’

The rule that once an ingredient is caught cannot be softened and must be used was in place for this purpose.

Students who chose rotten meat could no longer expect good scores on exams.

If I had been pressed for time earlier and grabbed the bean sprouts hastily, I would not have been in the same situation as them.

I watched it for ten years.

‘I know there’s a trap, so I just have to let it go.’

I learned it in class.

Light is divided into three primary colors: red, green, and blue.

When three colors of light are combined, they turn into white.

With that in mind, I gave the light two colors.

“This is how it was done.”

The vegetable corner is illuminated green with lights that used to emit white light.

Color is added with lights that emit red and green light, respectively.

As the three colors overlapped, the color of the lighting in the vegetable corner changed to white.

I was able to identify fresh bean sprouts and put them in the shopping cart.

From then on, he selected other materials by applying the three primary colors of light.

I also decided on the ramen I would make with additional arrangements.

It’s seafood ramen.

‘There are a lot of expensive ingredients, so should I use them now? When will I use them?’

Snow crab, shrimp, clams, mussels, etc… .

Expensive ingredients were put in to boil the spicy and refreshing soup.

Now it was just time to cook.

But the problem occurred here.

“what? “Why doesn’t the light come on?”

No matter how much I turned the lever on the gas stove, the fire did not come out.

Other people had similar situations.

‘How are we supposed to make fire when there is no fire?’

It’s really hard to boil ramen.

I decided to turn my head.

There must be a way.

“Oh, that will do.”

If there is no fire, light solves the problem.

After coming up with an idea, I immediately started cooking.


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