Hunter Academy’s Battle God Chapter 395

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Chapter 396

Sumire had a satisfying day today. She spent her vacation with friends from the academy as usual, called her family in Japan, and made delicious desserts in the club room.

Smiling like usual.

Chatting like usual.

It was a very ordinary day, happy as usual.

“Haum, Sumire’s mom. Velvet: It’s time to sleep… … “Velvet Garten children have to go to bed at 8 o’clock.”

Sumire, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled and patted her head when Velvet came next to her.

“Haum… … . Let’s read Sumire’s mom’s storybook.”

Velvet asked to read a storybook as usual. Falling asleep while listening to Sumire or Adella’s stories was Velvet’s favorite thing to do, so this was no different from usual.

“It’s been a while since I read a children’s book like this.”

“Velvet likes any book.”

But suddenly.

Sumire remembered a children’s book that Shin Yu-seong had given her.

[And this. It’s a gift for Sumire. Hehe, I hope you enjoy reading it with Velvet… … .]

That was the moment when Laplace disappeared.

It was a book left to Sumire. But Sumire could hardly open the storybook.

Of course, Sumire also really wanted to read what Laplace wrote. But I couldn’t quite get my hands on it.

It was even more so because I had no idea what kind of story it would be written about.

okay. Maybe it’s natural.

Because I didn’t tell you the last parting story. okay. If you fall asleep like usual, there will be no separation.

If you ignore that fact and spend each day faithfully, won’t it come back someday? It may be something that never happened.

“Sumire’s mom, what’s going on? “You look like you’re going to cry.”

Sumire shook her head and came to her senses in response to Velvet’s worried question.

“I just had a stupid thought for a second.”

“omg… … “What do you think, idiot?”

Sumire took out a storybook from her pocket. Of course, it was a children’s book left by Laplace.

The title is A Witch’s Story.

“Wow, that sounds fun. “It’s a fairy tale that even Velvet has never seen before!”

Velvet was satisfied that the book Sumire took out was a fairy tale she had never seen in the library. She didn’t know that it was a book left by Laplace, but she could tell that a familiar mana flowed from it.

“Interesting. Velvet can tell. In the book… … “It smells like mom!”

“is that so?”


Sumire was satisfied that Laplace left her mark on his final gift.

Sumire briefly prepared her mind. And he carefully opened the storybook as if it were a treasure.

“Once upon a time, there lived a girl in a kingdom.”

What was depicted in the children’s book was a poor slum. A sparkly and wonderful kingdom was depicted behind it, but the shabby wooden house covered with straw where the girl lived looked even more shabby.

“A girl born in a slum was poor, but not unhappy. The girl has her parents and younger sister. “She had two younger brothers and her family was so close-knit.”

This is a story from when Laplace was still human. A witch is created by a human who has experienced ‘transcendence’ and is chosen by her. He loses the emotions he had when he was human and becomes a completely different being.

So, it would be good to see this as a separate story from Laplace. But why does the fact that Laplace, a witch, was also just a human make my heart ache so much?

“I wish my younger sister could use Velvet too.”

Of course, Velvet, listening to the story, seemed to be fascinated by the fact that she had many younger siblings. She said that Velvet had a friend like Orca, so now she wanted a younger sibling.

“ah… … lol… … . “Definitely someday.”

Sumire turned one more page with a red face. The girl’s younger siblings and their families depicted in the storybook were just like Sumire’s family.

Sumire’s house was no different from the girl’s. Although she was poor, she was peaceful and happy. Sumire learned to be satisfied with little things.

“Although there was no delicious food, she was happy no matter what she ate with her family, and even though there were no pretty clothes, the girl refined her inner self.”

Velvet was falling asleep with a happy expression on her face, intoxicated by Sumire’s voice. As she felt Sumire’s warmth and looked at her velvet figure leaning into her arms, they were like a perfect mother and daughter.

“A girl with a kind heart helped people less fortunate than herself, even in difficult circumstances. Eventually, her girl’s story spread beyond the slums and throughout the kingdom.”

Sumire silently turned the pages of the storybook. The more I learned about what kind of person Laplace was, the more I could understand why his assimilation rate with Laplace’s parts was high. It wasn’t because of something as simple as looks.

“Eventually, people from the cathedral who heard about the girl’s reputation came looking for her.”

In the world where Laplace lived, there were different goddesses and people who worshiped them. A goddess is the opposite of a witch. She is a being who blesses humans with special symbols.

“The girl immediately accepted the offer after hearing that she could help people in need if she became a believer in worshiping the goddess. … … “With the money the girl sent, the family living in the slums was able to eat three delicious meals a day.”

Before becoming a witch, Laplace was a devotee of the goddess. He said that there could be no witch with faith, but he was still human at that time.

This was before I had the experience of ‘transcendence’.

“But the girl’s happiness did not last forever.”

Sumire opened the next page.

“An unknown plague struck the slum where the girl lived. “The girl’s family living in the slums could not escape the plague.”

Laplace, who became a believer and worshiped the goddess, was able to avoid the plague. However, the slum where Laplace was born and raised had already become hell. As a human, Laplace’s family, whom he valued more than his own life, were dying from a plague.

“When the girl heard the news, she ran to the slum. In the slums, she saw smoke rising so large that it could be seen from far away… ‥ Her girl ran until she was out of breath.”

Sumire turned the next page with trembling hands. A huge fire was engulfing the slums. If children’s books with cute illustrations are this scary, what was reality like?

“The girl ran despite people’s dissuasion. I saw the house reduced to ashes. The girl saw a house with nothing left, but she couldn’t even cry… … It flows… … “I didn’t.”

Sumire struggled to turn the pages. There was a clear image of Laplace, as if it had been taken from a photo, not from a fairy tale book with cute illustrations.

Despair was clear on Laplace’s face, and black liquid was flowing like tears from his eyes.

“The girl thought. Is this also the will of the goddess? “Is this an ordeal given to you?”

Laplace lost the slums and family he was trying to protect in an instant. He was betrayed by the kingdom and goddess he trusted.

“But unfortunately, the girl did not survive that ordeal. She couldn’t understand the kingdom and the goddess. Instead, she made a wish to heaven.”

A moment of despair that far surpasses human reason. The Akashic Records, which contain all of humanity’s records, are willing to reach out. I pay tribute to the greatest despair in human history.

“Your family and your neighbors. I hope that everything the girl holds dear comes back to life. “No matter what I lose in return, I will never regret it.”

Of course, there can be no hope in a result created from despair. Despair naturally gives birth to despair. It wasn’t the result she wanted, but she had no regrets.


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She became the queen of those who suffered and willingly became the witch of plague that the kingdom feared.

“ah… … .”

Sumire looked at Velvet leaning into her arms. Fortunately, Velvet had already left for dreamland.


Sumire turned the next page without realizing it. She tried to stay calm and read out loud even though no one was listening.

“The girl who became a witch gave up her name. She took the name Laplace instead.”

The feast of corpses that started in the slums engulfed the kingdom. The opponent is a real witch chosen by the Akashic Records. It was not something that a border kingdom could dare to deal with.

“This is why Laplace became a witch… … .”

A person who becomes a witch transcends humanity. Humans lose everything that makes them human, including emotions.

The ‘real’ Laplace lost everything. What Sumire met was only a small part of it. But it was definitely a future that that girl could become.

If he had not met Shin Yu-seong and suffered despair like the girl, what kind of person would he have become by now?

Can we really say that there is a difference between himself and Laplace, who became a witch?

“sorry. Mr. Laplace… … I, no more… … “I can’t read it.”


In the end, Sumire closed the storybook. It was Laplace’s last memorabilia, but I couldn’t read it. I couldn’t read any more.

I don’t mean to defend Laplace, who became a witch and destroyed the kingdom, but hot tears flowed from Sumire’s eyes. Those were human tears that Laplace could not bear to shed.

Jump and jump.

Shin Yooseong approached Sumire without saying a word.

“Ah, Mr. Yoosung… … Since when… … .”

Sumire, embarrassed, asked when she had seen him and since when she had heard about him, but Shin Yusung gave no answer. He just wordlessly walked up to Sumire and wiped away her tears.

“There is no need to be sad. Sumire. Laplace was happier than anyone else in his last moments. “That is the gift and change you have made, Sumire.”

Sumire woke up sobbing due to Shinyuseong’s comfort.

“Ah Kong! Kya, kyahang… … .”

Thanks to this, Velvet fell off the sofa, rolled over, and glanced at her parents.

And then Shin Yu-seong and Sumire nodded at the intense gaze they were giving each other.

‘Velvet should sleep in the room.’

While Velvet quickly disappeared, Shin Yusung held Sumire’s hand. And together, they infused mana into the fairy tale book.

– Ah, Sumire. I couldn’t even have the last conversation. So don’t leave this message instead.

Then, Laplace’s vivid voice was heard using mana as fuel. Of course, the message is always one-sided. They were really alive and couldn’t communicate or talk to each other.

But is that enough?

– Even at this moment of leaving the message, I can clearly see you crying in sorrow.

Sumire stopped whimpering at the sound of Laplace’s voice.

– Keep in mind. Human life is too short to be sad!

Why did he say that all breakups are sad? Sumire realized that she thought that was a stupid idea. She realized that there could be a great breakup too.

– So smile brightly!

So Sumire followed Laplace’s advice and smiled brightly. She held her god Yoosung’s hand tightly next to hers.

– Love you all your life.

Sumire saw Shinyuseong.

– Please, be happy with my share.

Laplace’s voice rings in my ears. Even though he looks similar on the outside, if it were Laplace, he would be smiling kindly at himself like his mother.

“That Yoosung… … . My eyes are swollen and I look like an idiot because I cried too much to say this, but… … .”

Shin Yusung shook his head and interrupted Sumire, who was trying to say something. And he actually spoke first.

“no. “You’re so pretty, Sumire.”

“Yoo, Yoosung… … . town… … .”

He was the first to bring his face closer and kiss the embarrassed Sumire on the lips.


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