Hunter Academy’s Battle God Chapter 342

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Chapter 343

It has been three days since Winter Witch Louise woke up from the seal. There have been many changes in Volterra.

The white snow blew so hard that it was impossible to see right in front of you, and the once vibrant city became a snow kingdom that lost all its residents.

Angela, with Lorelai next to her, thought with a serious expression.

The Hunter Association said that Lewis has not yet regained his strength, but can they say that after looking at this scene? Isn’t her spiritual power too strong to treat this as a queen who has lost her power?

“Maybe the association’s judgment was wrong. No matter how many level 6 hunters are dispatched, attacking Louise with 6 people may not be an underestimation of her witch… … .”

Lorelai, wearing thick clothes, tried to breathe into the air as Angela looked at the snow-covered mountains with worry.


The heavy snow that covered Volterra instantly stole the warmth from Lorelai’s white breath.

“Angela. I understand your concerns. Looking at the structure of the barrier… … “If it’s already this cold outside, it’ll be even colder near Ruin Castle.”

Even if she accepted Angela’s suggestion and refused to attack her, there was no one who could blame Lorelai. But Lorelai shook her head.

“In Italy, gates have recently opened in several cities and there is a severe shortage of hunters. “If we refuse, the attack will be delayed for several days or weeks as we search for new hunters.”

Lorelai spoke calmly, looking at Ruin Castle with narrowed eyes and blurred vision.

“Lewis will get stronger quickly during that time. “People who escape the city during that time will suffer from losing their daily lives.”

Lorelai shook her head.

“If you ignore their suffering because it is dangerous, there will be no point in gaining knowledge and becoming a hunter.”

A hunter born with strong abilities as a blessing for humanity saves citizens. It was one of the five commandments that all hunters memorized when joining the association, and in a way, it was a promise that kept society going.

“My thoughts were short. I’m thinking of giving up on the strategy because of some risk… … .”

Angela was thrilled.

How can his party leader be so strong? How can such a small body withstand the expectations and pressure of a nation?

“This Angela… … . “I will risk her life to help Lorelai.”

While Angela’s respect for the party leader was growing, Lorelai hesitated and asked a question.

“that… … Angela. “Did you say Gaon’s party is coming tomorrow?”

‘As expected, Lorelai! It looks like you’re already itching to start the attack… … .’

Angela smiled happily and nodded in response to Lorelai’s question.

“yes! “Not only Gaon, but also a hunter named Yuwol, a member of a famous guild, is said to arrive with his assistant by tomorrow.”

The fact that Gaon’s party is coming means that Shin Yu-seong, the party leader, is also coming.

‘The driver went to Volterra… … .’

Lorelai lowered her head, her round eyes shining with anticipation. Lorelai was unable to sleep well for a while due to the remnants of the New Meteor that kept rising after the battle at the Clock Tower.

When she fell into a deep sleep, a dream full of rosy colors greeted her.

Is it because of the creativity fostered by an enormous amount of reading? The repertoire of stories was also very diverse.

Things like knights and princesses, which are common but closer to the royal capital. A noble from a hostile camp who is opposed by his family. Or, to add even more drama and sorrow, there were cases where the royal family was born in an enemy country.

‘Together with the knight, defeat the evil queen. And the two… … .’

It’s a really cool story just to think about it.

Lorelai’s heart was already racing at the thought of meeting Shin Yu-sung, and she was having a hard time.

Of course, Lorelai wasn’t the only one interested in Gaon’s party members.

‘If it’s Gaon, then of course Kim Eun-ah… … ‘Will you come?’

Angela was also unable to sleep after the national competition. The powerful blow that knocked her out and her dazzling beauty.

‘Plus, he has a personality that makes him want to tease a lot… … .’

How great would it have been if Kim Eun-ah had been a student at Clock Tower Academy instead of Gaon? Angela was full of regret after breaking up with Kim Eun-ah.

However, I thought that this attack, which coincidentally led to cooperation with Gaon, was an opportunity sent from heaven.

‘Hurry up, I want to see… … .’

* * *

Is it because it’s a cold winter?

‘What is this creepy feeling…? … .’

Kim Eun-ah woke up to a strange feeling of chills rushing over her and her entire body going trembled.

‘Well, I prepared in advance and it worked out well.’

It was early, the sun had not even risen yet, but Kim Eun-ah got up from the sofa.

Then, Kim Eun-ah carefully opened the room’s door and checked on Velvet and Adella who were sleeping.

‘It’s been a year since I saw this guy… … . It was such a long and short time.’

At first it was just a simple rivalry. For Kim Eun-ah, who has consistently ranked first since a young age, Adela was the first huge wall she encountered.

Fast activation speed.

Powerful mana efficiency.

Moreover, Adela’s ice ability to block electricity was like a natural enemy to Kim Eun-ah.

To Kim Eun-ah, Adela was just a strong being. She really wanted to win someday and pat her on the back.

So I never even dreamed of Adela being weak.

‘but… … .’

The story was different now.

Eunah Kim got to know Adela and saw many new sides of her that she didn’t know about. She also learned that Adela suffered more than she did.

It must have been so sad to lose her brother, even if just for a moment, but how did Adela feel?

Adela was one of the few survivors of the winter of Volterra and was a first-hand witness to that hell.

‘You didn’t want to avoid it?’

However, even as she asked this question, Kim Eun-ah already knew the answer. She said she wanted to run away, this wasn’t something she could run away from.

Adela was no longer a child. She was a decent hunter. Louise, the Winter Witch, awakens again in front of Adela, as if to tease her.

So it cannot be avoided. What Adela needed now was courage and support.

‘What a twist of fate.’

Kim Eun-ah let out a long sigh and left the room. Then, one by one, she put the prepared items into Adela’s pocket.



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The first item Eunah Kim chose was a hot pack. If you ask why it’s a hot pack, there’s definitely a reason.

[This is my 10th loss. Give up now.]

That day, as usual, Kim Eun-ah, who lost to Adela, was lying on the floor with an angry expression. How can we break that ice that protects everything? Just as I was thinking about it, Kim Eun-ah saw it.

[Ho Ho-]

The scene where Adela, who has left the sparring room, takes out a hot pack and blows on it to warm her hands.

‘That guy. Since I’m dealing with ice, I’m secretly sensitive to the cold… … .’

How on earth do you use your abilities when you’re so sensitive to the cold? How did you endure the cold winter of Volterra while being so susceptible to cold?

‘… … therefore. Let’s put a lot of hot packs that he likes.’

Although the hot pack is short-lived, it will radiate warmth and melt tired Adela.


Of course, the hot pack was just the beginning.

Among the items prepared by Kim Eun-ah were fur gloves that Sumire had knitted herself, and there was also a good luck charm made with a photo of Velvet and everyone together using an analog camera.

In addition, Kim Eun-ah’s miscellaneous items, from special chocolates to outrageously priced fur coats, were endlessly stuffed into her pockets.

Although it may have been meaningful, this was Kim Eun-ah’s form of support for Adela.

She was able to relax because her brother woke up after a long illness and she was now over the trauma.


Kim Eun-ah’s hands, which were busy putting things in her pockets, stopped. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten used to her steps now. Euna Kim didn’t have to check her opponent’s face to know who he was.

“I guess you weren’t sleeping?”

“huh. On days when I have important work to do, I go for a walk early in the morning. Then Eun, you… … .”

Kim Eun-ah scratched her cheek with an embarrassed expression at the unexpected appearance of Shin Yu-sung.

“I’m embarrassed for no reason… … .”

Shin Yu-seong smiled and sat down next to Kim Eun-ah, who stretched out on the floor and placed items for him.

“Don’t worry, Eun-ya. “Now Adela is not alone.”

Shin Yu-seong was right.

Adella was no longer a 5-year-old girl left alone in the cold winter, and Shin Yu-seong was no longer a 5-year-old child abandoned by her parents.

The reason Adella went to Volterra was to attack witches as a hunter. Adela was not the lost Mia she was.

“I’m not worried.”

Perhaps it was because of that, Eunah Kim answered with a firm voice and looked at Shin Yuseong. To Kim Eun-ah, Shin Yu-seong has always been a problem solver. A problem solver who solves problems that seem impossible to others very simply.

“Just like you saved my brother this time… … “You will save Adela.”

That wasn’t the only thing she was worried about, but when Shin Yu-seong nodded, whether he knew what was in her mind or not, Kim Eun-ah almost sighed again.

He’s so kind and trustworthy, so why on earth is he doing this?

I wanted to ask why there were so many women around you, including yourself and Sumire, but also Adela. Kim Eun-ah couldn’t do that.

‘… … ‘That’s why I like this guy.’

Wouldn’t it be a little better if we just assume that this guy is born with a talent and ignore it as something that can’t be helped?

“Because winter vacation is short. Make sure to win and come back quickly, you know?”

So, in order to remain faithful to their relationship even just now that they were together, Kim Eun-ah proudly hugged Shin Yu-seong’s hand.

“and… … “You can’t get too close just because it’s just the two of you.”

Moreover, unlike before, Kim Eun-ah even revealed her jealousy with honesty. Considering Kim Eun-ah’s shy personality, it was truly a remarkable change.


Shin Yu-seong answered immediately.

If someone asked what the strength was to protect and for what purpose, Shin Yu-seong could confidently answer.

He said that the reason he developed his strength was to protect his precious people, and that he was strong for this moment.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Along with Shin Yu-seong’s vow, white snow fell endlessly from the sky. The harshest winter ever recorded has come again, but there is nothing to be afraid of.


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