Hunter Academy’s Battle God Chapter 127

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The first floor of the tower.

Shin Yu-seong, left alone, looked around for a while.

‘Today’s goal is the 5th floor… … .’

When you conquer the floor of the tower, the warp stone remembers Shin Yu-seong, the party leader. Although Shin Yuseong is alone now, if he memorizes the location in the warp seat, he can come with his party members.

‘So there’s no need to party with your teammates from the lower floors.’

With Shin Yu-seong’s current skills, he could easily break through the lower levels of the tower.

‘Clearing it alone is enough.’

However, considering efficiency, party play was good. For example, what if the condition for going up to the second floor is the number of monsters defeated?

‘… … If you had the choice, would you save time by getting a party? Should I clear it on my own and gain experience?’

Shin Yu-seong falls into trouble at his desk. Hunter and his party, who had been watching, spoke up.

“Hello~ I think you’re going to the first floor. Did you come alone?”

A woman with long straight hair and a gentle look wearing a hairpin.

“Something… … I think I’ve seen this before somewhere… … .”

Bangle bangle. A woman wearing strong glasses.

“What are you looking at? You’re going to work on a girl too… … . “What are you, man?”

A strong-looking man holding a large sword and looking surprised. Daegeomnam must have been sorry for his reaction and tried to cover it up with a smile.

“ha ha ha… … Actually, this is our first time at the top. “It’s amazing to see students.”

“So, it’s a school uniform. It’s cute~ It reminds me of the good old days, isn’t it?”

The girl with glasses patted Shin Yu-seong on the back and smiled.

“How about~ Do you want to come with us?”

“Because there’s only one seat left. That would be great! We are all Koreans… … .”

Let the hairpin girl smile softly. Daegeomnam thumped his chest.

“okay! Come with us! My brother, who is a level 4 hunter, will take care of the lower level boss mobs! “You can’t let a student get hurt!”

Shin Yu-seong slowly glanced at the three active hunters and began to judge them.

‘… … Judging by mana alone. A man using a great sword is level 4. The other two women seem to be level 3 hunters.’

Of course, Shin Yu-seong’s sense was not an absolute standard. Because not all hunters were strong with high mana levels. But I was able to guess.

‘… … ‘Not everyone has the skills to be a burden on the lower floors.’

Shin Yu-seong, who made a quick decision, smiled and nodded.

“great. “I will accompany you to the 5th floor.”

As soon as Shin Yu-seong’s answer fell. The girl with glasses stretched loudly.

“Good, good, exciting! Looking at the school uniform, it looks like Gaon. “Would you like to see some elite skills?”

When a party of four, including Shin Yu-seong, arrived in front of the desk. The guide responded with a smile.

“Please give me a final confirmation. The destination for all 4 people is the 2nd floor. Is that correct?”

“yes! you’re right!”

The hairpin girl’s lively answer.

The man with the sword was chatting with the woman with glasses.

“What if I get an offer to join a guild from a lower level? “My goal is to become a single-minded association official!”

“Phew. Stop drinking kimchi soup. “If anyone saw it, they would think it was level 5.”

However, the glasses woman laughed at the sword man and placed her hand on the warp stone.

Paaaat! Saah!

A woman with glasses and a man with a sword disappear in an instant. The hairpin girl smiled and explained to Shin Yu-seong.

“Put your hands on the warp stone. It works even if you add just a little mana. “I’ll go first?”

Faaah! Saah!

Shin Yu-seong looked at his companions disappearing and placed his hand on the warp seat.

‘Lay your hands… … ‘Mana?’

Shin Yu-seong pulled up a little with the palm of his hand that was inside his body. Very minimal level of mana.


Then, Shin Yu-seong’s body, engulfed in light and transformed into particles, was sucked toward the warp stone.

‘… It’s not a feeling you can easily get used to.’

A feeling that is difficult to become familiar with.

A blue hologram unfolded in front of Shin Yu-seong, who came to his senses.

[ID: Shin Yuseong]

[Attribute: Enhanced concentration]

[Affiliation: Gaon Academy]

[Current location: 2nd floor]

[The Hunter Association supports your new journey.]


Shin Yooseong turned off the hologram and slowly looked around.

“Is this the second floor?”

What unfolds before your eyes is all green.

The second floor of the tower was a vast meadow.

[3rd floor entry condition: Kill Rexvore.]

[Information: Rexvore refers to the leader with the strongest strength among the Kaldvore group.]

Thump thump thump thump!!

A huge sound of footsteps shaking the earth from afar. Wild boars with lion-like red manes on their backs and claws were running toward Shin Yu-seong and his companions.

“It was a welcome ceremony without me even coming to my senses. “This is too much.”

Daegeomnam, who was grumbling, took the lead and was worried about Shin Yu-seong.

“Students go back. “We will handle it.”


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“Find the leader among them? It’s going to be a bit of a struggle… … .”

A woman with glasses puts her glasses in her pocket and takes out a cane. Next to her, her hairpin girl motioned for Shin Yu-seong to come over.

“Now, come here. Yuseong student. “I don’t want to get hurt already.”

However, Shin Yu-seong could not be treated as an ordinary student.

‘… … No way, these people. ‘You don’t know how to distinguish between Rexvore?’

There is no difference in appearance between Rexbore and Caldboar. Of course, there was a high probability that a relatively large caldboar would become a rexboar, but it was not absolute.

‘What distinguishes Rexvore is its formation.’

Except for the foremost Kaldvore, who act as a dangerous vanguard. Second line. The wild boar in the center was Rexboar.

However, what caught Daegeomnam’s attention was the first line that served as the vanguard.

‘I’m sure you don’t know. ‘I can’t help it.’

Very young days.

Shin Yu-seong had dealt with a wild boar on Mt. Musin. Of course, he didn’t go around forming a group like the current Khald Boer. I was able to fully learn the characteristics of the wild boar.

‘The opponent’s weapon is a rushing power using body weight as a weapon.’

Rushing power was a double-edged weapon that had tremendous destructive power as it accelerated, but at the same time became difficult to change direction.

‘I guess I won’t have to exert any effort this time.’

Shin Yu-seong pointed out one of the Caldboers with his excellent eyesight. The target is the wild boar in the exact center of the second row.

‘It’s definitely Rexvore.’

Now that the target was set, it was time to break the formation.

Thump thump thump thump!!

As numerous wild boars rushed forward making a loud noise, Daegeomnam, who had been pushed back, looked nervous.

“… … “It’s like this from the second floor?”

“As expected, the top… … .”

A woman with glasses holding a cane and preparing her skills. Shin Yu-seong, on the other hand, calmly overlaid her mana on her hand blades.


Shin Yu-seong’s now fully strengthened hands were weapons that could even pierce rocks.


A desperate moment when Daegeomnam and the vanguard’s wild boar clashed.


* * *

Sumire sprinkles Japanese style furikake, also known as ‘flavor powder’, on top of delicious boiled porridge.

“Uh, how are you feeling? “Do you like it?”

Sumire’s eyes lit up as she waited for Kim Eun-ah’s evaluation. Kim Eun-ah, who saw that look in her eyes, nodded with a look on her face that said she couldn’t help it.

“… … huh. It’s delicious. very.”

“Really? Eun-ah, you must have tasted a lot of delicious food so far… … . I was worried that this kind of simple porridge wouldn’t suit your taste… … . “I’m glad you enjoyed it!”

Sumire is truly happy.

However, Kim Eun-ah had a tearful face due to memories of yesterday.

‘… … I really am. What did you do.’

The more Kim Eun-ah thought, the more embarrassing memories came to mind. She pinched Shin Yoosung’s cheek. She begs to be hugged. Jump on her back and bite her ear. Feed her food yourself.

‘… … Let’s die, Eun-ya. Please die.’

The truth was not like this either.

‘Oh really… … . Who knows how to get drunk after eating tiramisu?’

When Kim Eun-ah stopped spooning and became frustrated, Sumire, who was watching from the side, became serious.

“… … “Do you have any concerns?”

“huh. I have very big concerns… … .”

“omg! “What?”

“no… … . “It’s better not to know.”

I’m worried that you lost your charm while drunk on tiramisu. Kim Eun-ah couldn’t say such worries even though her mouth was torn.

Sumire smiled and blushed as she looked at Kim Eun-ah.

“… … still. What Eun-ah told me. very… … I was happy. Among my friends… … “Because you pointed it out to me.”

“Uh, what? “What did I say?”

Kim Eun-ah had to recall another memory. Even now, the opponent is not Shin Yuseong, but Sumire.

‘… … ‘What did I say?’

No matter how much Kim Eun-ah tried to remember yesterday, she couldn’t remember what she said to Sumire.

Sumire, on the other hand, blushed and twisted her body.

“Yes, that… … He wants to be with me tomorrow… … .”

Let’s listen to Sumire’s story. It was only then that what Kim Eun-ah said yesterday crossed her mind.

[Sumire~ Isn’t it nice that you get to sleep with me? Tomorrow, I will continue to play with you?]

Sumire was downcast at Kim Eun-ah’s reaction and smiled sheepishly. It was obvious to anyone that she was disappointed.

“Oh, maybe… … . If you forgot, I’m fine… … .”

“Oh, no! We decided to play together! Today! Right?”

Kim Eun-ah, recalling a memory, answered urgently. Sumire’s disappointed face instantly brightened.


“yes! Well then! I’ll heat up some bath water! This is what Eun-ah asked for! “I wrote it all down!”

Sumire smiled brightly and held out a piece of paper. There, the bucket list that Kim Eun-ah had mentioned while intoxicated with her tiramisu was written down.

[One. [Make me breakfast]

[2. [Taking a bath together]

[3. [Eating snacks and watching horror movies]

[4. [Pajama Party]

[5. … … .]

[6. … … .]


Kim Eun-ah hit her forehead with her palm so hard that it made a sound. Honestly, what was written on Sumire’s paper was a list of what Kim Eun-ah wanted to do.

However, Sumire Kim Eun-ah is the first friend of the same s*x that she has had a deep relationship with. She had dreamed of it before, but she had never done it before.

‘… … But you said it all with my own mouth? Oh, really… … .’

Kim Eun-ah accidentally tapped her lips! Let’s knock and scold him. Sumire called Euna Kim from her bathroom.

“Eun-ah! “I’m ready!”

“Huh? Ugh! okay.”

* * *

Hot, steaming hot water.

A bathtub with a subtle green bath additive. Kim Eun-ah and Sumire were looking at each other.

“… … What I thought was “It was the bathhouse at my house.”

Kim Eun-ah looked at Sumire and grumbled a little. The bathtub is too narrow for two people to stay together. But she added:

“… … But this place isn’t bad either.”

These were not empty words. Sumire’s legs touch every time she moves. The feeling of a bathtub filled with the two of us was quite nice. It feels quite different from the huge open-air bath at Kim Eun-ah’s mansion.

Kim Eun-ah glanced at Sumire’s body and her eyes gradually narrowed.

“What on earth did you eat like that… … .”


On the other hand, Sumire just smiled at Kim Eun-ah, probably because she was in a good mood.


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