How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 82

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Freshman Class Placement Test (6)

The word ‘deviation’ has a strange magic.

How ecstatic it feels to walk alone in the rose garden of Ophelis Hall, feeling the night breeze, and to swim amongst the crowds of professors without an escort.

To Clarisse, all of these things were deviations.

Actually, it’s not even that great. But to Clarice, those little things were so special… He had thought dozens of times that he was glad he had come to Sylvania, even though he had only been there for less than a week.

– ‘Since the Holy Lady always wears the protection of the Holy Law, I’ll be less worried.’

The largest and most magnificent building in Chengdu.

On the day they left the holy city, Archbishop Verdio looked at Clarice with worried eyes.

– ‘Still, please always be careful with your behavior so that your original identity is not revealed. You should always carry the magical engineering supplies I gave you.’

The camouflage magic cast by the wizards of the Saints was so effective that even Clarisse herself was turned upside down when she looked in the mirror.

Her silver hair, which shone softly like glass, is dyed a warm chestnut color like sable fur, so it seems that she is actually wearing a disguise rather than using ‘visionary’ magic.

Ruby-like red and bright eyes still maintain that color, but after taking off the accessories she always wore as part of her body, she only looked like a really plain student A. It was much more effective and convenient than a silly disguise.

– ‘He seems like a different person, but who would doubt him, Verdio?’

– ‘There is no doubt about the skills of the wizards of the Holy City…’

Worry less about personal threats. The ‘protection of the Holy Law’ clad in Clarisse cannot be broken with normal methods.

– ‘No one knows how work is going, Saint Clarisse. Even if the preparations for the substitute are perfect, the illusion magic is certain, and there is not a single case to raise suspicion in the first place… you never know.’

– ‘As expected, Verdio has a lot of worries.’

– ‘There is nothing wrong with being careful.’

Before leaving for Sylvania, Verdio was very worried when he saw the saintess in a state of excitement, but since the staff at Seonghwangdo were not incompetent people, he decided to put his worries aside for now.

– ‘Because I’ve prepared double and triple preparations… I’m sure you won’t notice it unless you’re the one who told me in advance.’

Clarisse smiled softly and nodded at Verdio’s words.

I also thanked the people of the saints. Clarisse worked really hard to enjoy his bachelor life as an ordinary student. All of these things are valuable because they are experiences.

What is an ordinary bachelor life?

It is definitely far from living a life where you exalt yourself as a saint, bow your head whenever you meet eyes, old bishops confess, and become chaste wherever you go.

It hasn’t been long since I came to Aken Island, and I haven’t been to a few places, but already, every day is new and full of romance.

It is said that it is still on the quiet side because it is vacation, but in Clarisse’s eyes, even this leisurely academic scene is close to market pain.

He walks around the bustling life block alone and purchases all kinds of dazzling products, and sits in the corner of the student library and reads all sorts of snobbish romance novels that he would never have dreamed of in a prosperous city.

After overcoming the tragic ordeal, when the characters overlap at least their lips, they can’t control their burning backs and stare at the surroundings with their noses buried in the backs of books. I feel like I have committed a sin by reading a book, so I look at it useless.

No one cares about Clarisse when she sits on a wooden bench by the promenade in the faculty building.

No one bows their head, no one looks up. Everyone has a long way to go, so they are just busy walking.

That fact alone made Clarisse feel full.

No one knows who you are. As a fellow student, I love this feeling of blending in with the crowd.

Even though the features are a bit similar, there is a stand-in who is living a bachelor life as a real saint… Who can think of Kylie as a saint?

At least not a single student in Sylvania can guess Kylie’s true identity.

That was a clear fact.

– Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

And now.

raging storm. I heard nothing but the flapping of my collar and the sound of the wind blowing in my ears.

Ed Rosteyler, the boy sitting between the winds blowing over the altar… was looking down at Kylie with such a sad face.


A roar echoes from the wolf’s gaping mouth. It’s not a high-pitched cry typical of wolves, but a growl close to that of a lion or tiger.

A wave of sound oppresses the chest. The trembling heart sends signals to the brain, stimulating human instincts. it’s called running away

‘Are you crazy about that…? Whoever sees it… He’s a high-ranking spirit…!’

Even students who have devoted their entire lives to training in spiritism cannot handle high-ranking spirits of that level.

The graduate level is also in the middle of the day. Spiritualists who are active in research and combat activities are said to be veterans if they can handle five or six middle-level spirits.

That’s why Yenica Failover listens to the genius elementalist. That is the status of a high-ranking spirit in the study of magic.

“I-I have to think rationally. Miss Tanya! No matter what, this is…!”

Kylie called out to Tanya in a trembling voice.

In fact, what Kylie said is correct.

I wonder if this is a situation that makes sense, but if Ed really summoned a high-ranking spirit, it would be right to run away without looking back.

Tanya has a history of facing Tarkan, a high-ranking fire spirit summoned by Yenika. It felt more like releasing a monster alive than a spirit. The trauma of that time starts to seep into my brain again.

However, Tanya held on to her trembling legs and opened her eyes straight.

I forcibly held on to reason that was about to fly away, and never loosened the strings of my thoughts.

A high-ranking spirit is a monster that eats mana. With a decent amount of magic power, just ‘manifesting’ will reveal the bottom.

If you want to deal with such spirits and use the spirit ceremony… In the end, you need to maximize magic efficiency through ‘spirit response’.

But it’s easy to say, and there’s no way to say it with a fair amount of sensitivity.

‘I know very well what my brother was like two years ago… It’s too unrealistic to have developed that much magical power in two years…!’

Tanya’s insight was to the point.

No matter what the reality is right in front of us, if you think about it rationally, it doesn’t make sense that Ed can handle high-ranking spirits.

– Whoaaaaaagh!

A huge wolf sitting on a tombstone with its tail wrapped around it leaps. The wind that blew was about to sweep the area once again.

Merilda, a high-ranking wind spirit, landed in front of Tanya and Kylie, who were struggling to keep their bodies together. It was accompanied by a roar.

The marble on the floor was chipped away from the landing alone, and the shards splattered on Kylie’s face. Kylie was dizzy and she was stunned.

A tail-flicking and body-shaking action created a gust of wind that nearly knocked Tanya and Kylie off the ground.

But Tanya miraculously overcame her fear and stepped out. He grabbed Kylie’s wrist tightly and ran quickly to the side.

“Kylie! Listen up!”

Kylie, who was distracted from shaking her body, involuntarily followed Tanya.

“There’s a chance!”


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Tanya also tried to shake her legs in fear, but action came first.

No matter how strong and strong the opponent seems, I will not give up without even trying. I didn’t want to live a life that was accustomed to defeat anymore.

To Tanya, Ed was like a tall wall that stood in her way all her life.

The reason Ed was able to exist with such a high wall was because he had an unshakable status as the successor.

However, that position has now been reversed. You can no longer be scared like you used to be.

“There’s a chance of winning…?”

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I know! That person is absolutely not capable of handling high-ranking spirits!”

A person who sees it for the first time would think that she is a person who has achieved great achievements with her innate talent and effort to shed blood, but Tanya, who has background knowledge about the character Ed, is in a different position.

There is such a thing as reality in achievement.

I clearly remember what it looked like two years ago. There was no way he could achieve this level of growth with the exhausted mana response and the small amount of mana.

“I’m sure… there’s a trick or trick!”

It was quite an accurate insight.

Ed uses Glast’s ring to draw magic and uses it, but Tanya can’t figure out all the context.

However, the circumstances can be inferred.

“I’m not using my own magic at all! You’re trying to fight using only the magic inherent in the magic stone you’re not used to! There must be a reason why you’re forced to use unwieldy magic!”

Merilda’s gaze turns to Tanya, who runs away to the outskirts. Another light leap and a swipe of the foot could quickly overwhelm Tanya, but he doesn’t.

Rather, as if seeing Ed’s notice, he shook his head and let out a light cry once.

“Miss Tanya! There’s no way you can beat a high-ranking spirit!”

“No! Rather, the odds were made by summoning the High Spirit from the other side!”

There was no time to ask what the hell was that about.

Tanya accelerated her steps and looked towards Ed, who was sitting at the altar.

Still sitting still, staring down.

He is not taken aback by Tanya’s unwillingness to fight. However, this must be an unexpected situation.

The biggest reason Tanya was able to see the odds… was that Ed was tired.

The clothes with the arms rolled up are scorched in places, and the entire body here is full of dirt. Minor scratches remain, and even traces of repeated use of magic are evident.

Edda must have pulled out her strength to the limit due to repeated battles. It didn’t feel like an ex from the beginning.

It was clear that he wanted to quickly kick Tanya and Kylie out and finish the exam.

It is to squeeze into that gap in the heart.

“From the beginning… the purpose is to show the overwhelming difference in power and make them lose their fighting spirit! If they really wanted to fight, they wouldn’t release a monster that inefficiently consumes mana like that… they would have tried to subdue them themselves!”

“Well, then…!”

“The opponent has already reached the limit!”

Freshman Placement Test.

What kind of student deserves to hold the honor of the lofty Class A?

The grading criteria vary widely depending on the professor in charge.

But as things turned out, it seemed that Tanya could provide a clear answer to that criterion.

No matter how tall and formidable the wall is in my way, even if I don’t think I’ll be able to break through… I’m a person who knows how to step through it first.

It must have something to do with Tanya’s life.

Tanya, who has been living under pressure all her life, was tainted with defeatism without realizing it.

It is a habit to re-evaluate, estimate, and give up if it seems impossible.

If you don’t think you’ll win 100 percent, you won’t bet on a match at all. When a cliff comes into your field of vision, you already imagine yourself falling down.

If you live in a high position, you cannot help but live with the fear of falling all the time. However, that can never be the right thing to do.

It is a problem that transcends position and status. In life, there comes a time when you have to close your eyes and step into a dangerous and perilous problem.

‘That’s right now…!’

Tanya gritted her teeth and mustered up the courage to step forward.

Seeing Tanya’s face like that, Kylie nodded as well. It was because he felt ashamed of himself.

“I don’t want to fight with my own body anymore, so I forcibly summoned the spirits! Then there’s no need to subdue the high-level spirits! I’m already tired, but I’m really exhausted from unleashing such a monster, so I attack the main body just once. If you can…!”

– Whoa!

– Aaaaaagh!

The fear of death ran through Tanya’s back.

Because the wolf’s foot had just landed exactly where Tanya and Kylie had been.

Fragments of shattered rocks flew in all directions, and the wind also rose and pushed the two away.

“Ah ah ah ah!”

Tanya and Kylie, who had been wealthy for a while with the fluttering hem of their clothes, had flown to the outer wall before they knew it.

Tanya quickly implemented basic wind magic to minimize the impact, but her right hand was shaking with fear.

“Then… you only need to be able to approach the body once?! Through that wind wolf!”

“Oh, that’s right! If only I could create a gap just once…”

“Then I’ll act as bait!”

Tanya doubted her ears. It’s a bait to attract attention against wolves like that. It’s as if he said he was going to commit suicide.

“I’ve told you, but my constitution is a bit peculiar… Unless it’s a special case, I’ll never die!”

“It’s not seriously hurt though?!”

Kylie shook her head.

“Not at all! It doesn’t hurt! You can trust me!”

If it was normal, I would have dismissed it to say no nonsense.

However, Tanya saw it on the way up to the altar.

Clevius Nortondale, the head of the preliminary 2nd year combat department, sincerely swung his sword at her… but was knocked out by an unknown glow and lost his mind as it was.

‘Prophecy of the Holy Law’.

It is the best self-defense weapon among the sacred magic techniques that borrow the power of the main god, Telos.

It is a blessing that even the head of the Knights Templar needs to spend a lifetime polishing and polishing her s*x art so that she can imitate it similarly, but Kylie was born wearing it since she was a child.

A girl who monopolizes the love of Telos, the main god. The laws of her world itself were protecting her, to the extent that she was in no great danger even without having her escort knights in the first place.

The protection of the s*x law strikes all hostile beings who try to harm Kylie with s*x magic of the middle class or higher.

It’s so fast that it’s hard to react. Because Kylie is seen as a weakling girl who can’t do anything, people usually don’t even expect her counterattack and fall out.

It’s something that even Kylie herself can’t control, so in the first place, Kylie doesn’t try to be hostile to anyone.

Of course, Tanya cannot know such details. There is no time for prying eyes. However, I have no choice but to bet on Kylie’s confident face.

“Are you sure?!”

“Don’t worry, if I create a gap for the wolf… please fight back…! They say he’s a very bad person… that person…!”

be a bad person

It was only then that Tanya felt a sense of certainty. If you come all the way here and tremble in fear, there is no point.

Between the legs of a giant wolf that roared, a boy could be seen sitting on an altar in the distance, lowering his head. He is completely exhausted and doesn’t want to move anymore.

Isn’t now the time to give him a proper shot? When Tanya nodded, Kylie ran out at the wolf first without even answering.

Surprisingly, Tanya admired her personality because she thought she had a fairly courageous personality… but soon put that evaluation in for a while.


The image of him holding his head tightly and running out as if halfway crying was an image of being terrified without fail.

No matter how certain you are that you are not hurt, jumping into the arms of such a huge wolf is suicidal.

More than anything, I just said that I wouldn’t get hurt ‘unless there is a special exception’… It’s not that I won’t get hurt at all.

If there is even a small possibility, that feeling of fear will still remain.

Nevertheless, at the end, she gritted her teeth and ran out, which Tanya had no choice but to look at again.

Tanya quickly ran to the other side.

There’s no telling how big of a gap Kylie will pull out, but right now we have to bet on it.

The wind wolf was taken aback for a moment.

In the first place, it was just a freshman class placement test. It’s highly likely that you genuinely don’t intend to hurt or kill the other person.

So, what should I do with the girl who jumps in like a suicide like that? It’s really difficult to handle the aftermath of squeezing it with its huge forepaws and bursting it.

But we can’t stay still, so considering that there will be some scars… Merylda lightly swung her front paw.

However, it was Merylda who was injured.

– Kwaaaang!

Smoke rose once, but Merilda’s paw didn’t even scratch Kylie.

Kylie’s cute physical assault… Rather, it left a big scar on Merilda.

Wounds on the stomach, flanks, and claws. Bloody streams left traces on the ground.

– Hwaaaaagh!

Merilda groaned at the unknown attack.

A roar shook the air for an instant.

It was a scream in bewilderment from the unexpected shock. However, Kylie, who was weak, went out of her way with just that much of a shock.


Its white and thin limbs are not optimized for combat. After rolling on the floor a few times, the power went out and it no longer worked properly.

– Kaga River Kang!

Meanwhile, the sound of an object falling from Kylie’s body rolling on the floor was heard.

In any case, with only the divine protection worn on his body, he somehow succeeded in suppressing Merilda’s movements for an instant.

That brief gap is the time for Tanya to struggle for the last time.

Tanya was already charging at Ed. The range of the basic magic that Tanya knows how to use is extremely short.

However, if it were Ed, who was already battered from fighting repeated battles and would have run out of magic power after summoning a high-ranking spirit… Even a single hit would be a fatal blow.

The figure of the boy who sits relaxed at the altar gradually grows.

We cannot afford to waste this fleeting opportunity that Kylie managed to overcome her fears and somehow managed to create.

Basic wind magic ‘divergence’.

It is one of the few magics that Tanya can say has been properly mastered. A magic that scatters a strong wind centered on the caster, disrupting the movement of nearby enemies, and making them fall out altogether if the power is strong.

With that, I pushed Ed away from the altar and quickly offered the magic stone. This was the final battle.

When Tanya reaches the altar with panting breaths, she finally sees Ed properly.

Tanya gritted her teeth and shouted.

“You thought I’d give up…?!”

Repression was originally there. It seems as if a chill is standing in the aktaguni who shouts with clenched teeth.

The rising magical wind becomes the last bamboo spear. It was Tanya’s last move to close the overwhelming power gap.

Ed’s gaze, coldly looking down, showed no embarrassment at all. What scares me most is those eyes.

Those unmoving eyes, as if there was nothing wrong at all. But now it was too late to be intimidated by those eyes. The die has already been cast.

The rising wind magic hit Ed, and Ed, who didn’t even move, ran away and disappeared from the altar.

“Heo-euk… heo-euk…”

Ed completely fell out and disappeared. A momentary sense of ecstasy at the fact that the magic had worked was about to bloom in his chest, but…

The phenomenon of ‘disappeared’… Tanya felt a sense of incongruity.

– Woe!

arrow. But the shape was blurry. As soon as two or three arrows made of magical power hit the ground, they disappear without a trace.

“Ugh, hehe!”

In the eyes of Tanya, who fell to the floor while taking a backwards step in surprise… Only then did the magical engineering supplies scattered on the altar floor, ‘Illusion Disc’ come into view.

It was difficult to create such high-end items with basic engineering knowledge, but at least it was possible to improve them with deterioration plates.

Although not as strong as the powerful illusion embedded in the purple disk, it can be modified to manifest a ‘weak illusion’.

Above all, Ed himself, who was in a state of disrepair, was in a really weak state itself… It wouldn’t have been that difficult to implement such a welcome.

In the first place, such magical engineering knowledge was a different world to Tanya. Tanya doesn’t even know if Ed has magical engineering knowledge.

What I can infer is that quite a few students must have been victimized by this tactic.

If so, where is Ed himself?

Tanya’s eyes turned to the direction the arrow had come from. Trees drooped in the direction of the altar with their heads bowed unnaturally.

A boy jumped from one of them.

Ed landed with difficulty, shook himself off, and stood up. She was a more serious wreck than she had seen in visions. She wondered how she was moving.

An improvised bow is held in one hand.

The two ends of the tree trunk, which could have been used as arrowheads, were being pulled tightly by a thread of magical power glowing in bluish light.

‘Are you going to be like that…? How long have you been training to respond to magical power…?’

‘No, in the first place… you know how to handle a bow…? Who couldn’t hold a knife handle properly…?’

While sitting down, Tanya quickly pushed the floor with her hands, but her legs, completely weakened, had no intention of doing their job.

I struggled and tried to get myself up, but the feeling of fear in my body had already reached its limit.

The distance with Ed, who trudges along, narrows, but both legs are completely on strike.

– Hwaaaak

At some point, even a huge wind wolf… subdues Kylie and returns behind Ed holding a bow.

Even the shadow of a huge wolf was cast in the background of the figure he sat down and looked up at, and it seemed to confirm that Tanya had no chance of winning.

“Hee, Lee Iik… Heeik…!”

Ed comes up close and looks down at Tanya.

His battered body is full of bruised and scoured wounds here and there. Suddenly, even bloodstains are visible.

Covered in dust and exhausted, she is reaching her limit, but she still doesn’t show any sign of hardship.

The cold gaze looking down at Tanya who is sitting down… Arouses Tanya’s trauma again.

The hero of the rubbish-like behavior he saw in the Roth Taylor family, the dagger he held in his hand, the servants screaming in pain, and those fear-stricken eyes.

It sweeps through Tanya’s mind as if it were a kaleidoscope.

Goosebumps as cold as those gazes ran down Tanya’s back and all over her body. The trembling of the body is uncontrollable.

Ed then reached out, and Tanya closed her eyes tightly.

“You should have tried your best, but I’m sorry. This side has circumstances too.”

– Hwaaaaaaaagh!

Once again, a strong wind blew… When I regained my senses, the huge wolf’s shape was gone.

What was in Ed’s hand was the magic stone Tanya had brought with him.

Shivering and slowly opening her eyes, Tanya saw the sight of Ed breaking the mana stone.

It was the moment of failing the test.

“But you can’t just look at it as a blood relative. If that’s the case, you’d be more angry with your personality. Wouldn’t it?”


“But I saw it again, Tanya. You had a side like that.”

Ed also released the magical energy contained in the hastily prepared bow. When the thread of magic broke and the arrow shaft that served as a bow returned to a normal tree branch, it was roughly picked up and thrown nearby.

Ed let out a sigh and looked up at the high sky. She was languishing. The freshman class placement test, which was painful, is also coming to an end.

The Tanya Rosteiler that Ed knows is nothing more than a consumptive villain who just walked out of the student council election with the prestige of her family and showed off her arrogance.

I thought he would run away if he was frightened with a moderately high-ranking spirit, but… he was unexpectedly strong.

“If I had been in the opposite position, I would have run away without even looking back. It’s really amazing that you tried to subdue the tired me somehow. No one can do that… You can be proud of it. You’re kind of amazing.”

“Uh… uh…”

Even though her body was completely relaxed, as the feeling of relief that the situation was over came to her head, Tanya’s emotions began to rise inexplicably.

“Ah… Heh… Black…”

Ed felt very embarrassed. Because I didn’t think that this kind of reaction would come back.

Anyway, exam time is over. I also broke Tanya’s magic stone.

Since I don’t have the heart to fight anymore, I was thinking about how to give a word of comfort.

“Go, don’t come any closer!”

A girl slipped between Tanya and Ed… and quickly blocked Ed with a dusty face.

The trembling face with arms outstretched is the image of Tanya running for fear of being harmed.

Seeing the boy more like a warrior than an aristocrat, Kylie felt great fear. But somehow he wanted more safety for Tanya.

“I-I’ll tell you… if I, if I… recklessly hostile and attack me… uh… somehow bad things will happen! Really! Ooh, don’t move…!”

I don’t know who is threatening whom when I talk tremblingly as if to please believe me.

Ed had no intention of harming him, so he only let out a deep sigh.

However, the moment that gaze turned slightly downward… Ed’s pupils widened in an instant.

Ed, who hadn’t shown any embarrassment since the exam started, shuddered for the first time. And he quickly starts looking around.

Kylie felt a great sense of incongruity in that appearance, but did not let go of her trembling hands. He didn’t relax even when he stared at Ed.

“Exams over! Ed! Come here and help me! Clevius is completely out of whack…!”

“Assistant Professor Claire…! Please update the scorecard here…!

Suddenly, assistant professor Claire’s voice came from the altar entrance. Judging by the voices of Anise and Onyx, it seemed that they were coming to clean up after the exam.

Ed threw the last remaining mana stone into the Altar of Change. Magical power surged up and enveloped Ed’s body.

Then, a small fire bat ‘manifested’ rises above Ed’s head.

“Wh-what are you doing…! The test is over…! What are you still planning to do…?!”

Kylie shouted in a trembling voice, but Ed sent a fire bat toward the altar clearing without showing any sign of concern.

There is no reason to fight anymore. It seems that the faculty members are gradually coming up, so shouldn’t we just stand there while protecting Tanya from harming her until they arrive?

Kylie thought so, and kept her mouth shut as she pressed her chest against her chest. And… she noticed her strange behavior belatedly.

As he turns his gaze toward his body for a moment, he realizes the identity of the sense of incongruity. The tips of her chestnut-colored hair had faded little by little, and there was a silver aura about them.

The ‘vision magic’ cast by the wizards of the saints is maintained by the ‘crescent moon brooch’, a semi-permanent magical engineering item he brought with him when he came to Sylvania. You have to carry it with you at all times so that the effect does not stop and continues continuously.

– ‘Kaga River, Kang!’

The sound that came from the moment she was knocked out by Merilda, it was only then that Kylie realized the identity of that sound. It was the sound of the crescent moon brooch he always carried in his arms rolling on the floor.

“This, this…!”

It is just before the school staff come in.

Kylie felt goosebumps all over her body. In an instant, her heartbeat grew louder and her breathing quickened. Kylie quickly turned her head toward her altar clearing.

However, the fire bat that Ed had already sent had already brought the brooch.

Ed took the brooch and quickly pushed it into Kylie’s arms.

“Be careful not to lose anything… be careful.”

This is the first time I’ve ever had the experience of having a big hand in my arms. Combined with the already embarrassing situation, Kylie backed away in shock.

Her inhalation and exhalation were intertwined on their own, and just looking at Ed made it feel like blood rushed to her head.

The brooch in her bosom glowed softly again, and Kylie’s hair, which had been dyed silver, regained its color.

“Uh… uh…”

The situation was so sudden that Kylie couldn’t think of anything to respond to. Her words keep getting stuck at the end of her throat, so she can’t react.

“I’m leaving now!”

“My God, Ed! Why, why are you so hurt!”

Until Ed took care of the spirits and managed to lead her battered body back to the faculty… Kylie had no choice but to stand still.

Fortunately… Tanya was also in a difficult situation to come to her senses, so it seems that she did not properly grasp this situation that happened in an instant.

Kylie… stood there dumbfounded for a long time.

mere coincidence. There is such a possibility.

It may have just been a kind act of taking care of lost items at the right time.

However, Ed Roth Taylor, who has always been shrewd, is also a person after all.

It was an overly sudden situation, and I had to react quickly, so I gave up a momentary gap.

It may have been a very minor gap, nothing special to ordinary people. It’s such a small and meaningless gap that it’s hard to even notice.

However, the size of the gap is different for Kylie, who has lived in respect all her life.

– ‘Be careful not to lose things… be careful.’

‘I just… tried to say something respectful…’

The setting sun was proof of the end of the class assignment test.

Underneath the reddening world, Kylie’s ruby-like eyes… got stuck in the back of Ed who was moving away.

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