How to Survive as a Player Chapter 88

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Due to the Archduke’s ban on entry, everyone had to just hang out in front of the castle tower, but soon they heard somewhere that heboshi was good for nourishment, so they scoured every mountain to dig up heboshi during the day, and one by one they returned to the empire. It was true.

It was highly likely that the heroes who had not yet arrived were either on their way or still wandering around looking for Heboshi. It was surprising that Euncheong hadn’t arrived yet, but he was a man who competed with quality over quantity. He was sure to pick the best and bring it back.

“Come to think of it… “I think everyone has experienced something like this.”

Ulce slowly opened his mouth, recalling the past. He was silent for a long time, as if everyone was reminiscing about the past.

On the first day of selection, the person who came to the empire was an arrogant king who did not listen to his vassals. The king who came on the second day of selection was a lazy man who neglected everything, and the king who came on the third day was a king who practiced tyranny.

Among the heartless people, there were some pretty good kings. But in the end, it all ended there. The words of the empire that started as amusement ended up as amusement.

The vassals were very tired from the neglect and contempt they had experienced for a long time. Many kings who abandoned their empire. Meanwhile, the Grand Duke always pursued his dreams. Vassals who want closure.

The current Lord appeared at a time when there was no hope. He tried to empathize with the hurt and sorrow of his vassals and endured every moment.

Now that I think about it, it was like that. How did you handle everything with that small body? It must have been very difficult. The hunger and deprivation in the lives of the vassals was incalculable.

Even though he himself suffered from the same thing, he did everything he could to make up for the shortcomings of his vassals.

I loved and understood.

The race that thought they were great didn’t know that their hometown was a small well. Only after coming out to sea did the Heavenly Jin tribe realize that they were the weakest, and after hundreds of deaths, they acknowledged that fact. The process was never easy.

That was the reason why all trust in Lord went down after the species changed. Because of the suspicion that he was no different from previous kings who despised their race. Everyone thought that the black wings were proof that the race had been denied. But Rod has proven over a long period of time that that is not the case. It was a time of hardship.

It must have been very lonely.

During the time he was fighting with everyone, Rod was always alone. So now it was time for everyone to give back. Everyone had a lot to pay back to Rod. And the heroes planned to pay it back throughout their lives.

“It was different to see a leader who had never been trusted by previous kings.”

“Isn’t the pen like that too? When the Grand Duke caught him climbing the wall, threatening to kill past kings whenever he got the chance, they became friends. But now it’s like that.”

As Ulce snorted and spoke, Roxy next to him nodded. Zenon and Rakwin were still silent.

“Zenon, you… .”

“I don’t think I ever gave you guys permission to use that name.”

Zenon growled fiercely. Everyone’s eyes seemed to turn to Rod for a moment, then their expressions changed to look somewhat sad.

“… My name has two letters so it’s pointless to shorten it. “It’s sad.”

The most unfair ones were Roxy and Wools. Rakwin was also in a position where he had nothing to be sad about, as he was actually called ‘Win’. Only the vassals who did not have a nickname, that is, a nickname, were in a situation where their teeth were grinding. Besides, wasn’t Zenon the one who met Lord earlier than anyone else?

It was already a publicly known fact within the empire that the heroes hit the ground after hearing the news of Zeno in Ulta’s dungeon. There were even rumors going around that they should have betrayed themselves.

“You said you hugged Rod?”

“Haha, I guess I need to relax.”

Roxy, who was sitting politely and smiling slyly, suddenly reached out for the great sword on her back. However, Roxy got up, made eye contact with the Archduke, and knelt down on his knees.

“… “The Archduke looks even scarier today.”

“Just looking at the heboshi in Fen’s mouth… “Wouldn’t there be an answer?”

You must have been covered in saliva. At those words, the heroes’ expressions all turned grim. Should I just go and kill him? Are you going to feed that to Rod? Rod needs to know how despicable that guy is.

All kinds of words flowed out.

However, the heroes’ worries were interrupted when a huge shadow appeared through the moonlight shining into the room. The heroes looked back with a feeling of ‘no way’ at the huge shadow that swallowed the inner room.

Beyond the front window was a crazy vassal with black wings spread out. The heroes’ mouths dropped open. Everyone looked speechless.

Wings… You took it out?


Soft footsteps were heard through the suffocating silence. Looking at the sound alone, it was nothing special, but the sense of intimidation was quite different. The heavy force constricting my breathing made me sweat profusely.

“Yeah, I never thought I wanted to die so bad.”

A low, laughing voice followed. At the same time as the heroes slightly lowered their upper bodies, the windows were swept by a strong wind and their mouths began to flutter open. Ruhak’s body stretched out as if bouncing across the gap. The shadows in the room soon became two.


The heat from the cooking flesh began to rush into the room like a gust of wind. Among them, the only one who was still calm was Rod.

The heroes, who had been watching what was happening in the sky, clicked their tongues and knelt down again. Of course, the facial expression itself was not like that.

“… “As long as you don’t go crazy.”

“I knew that guy was crazy, but… “I didn’t know it would be that bad.”

“Well, I… Tsk.”

Starting with Zenon and even Roxy, everyone clicked their tongues and shook their heads. The fact that I took out my wings can be said to contain my desperate will to stop it if I have to, because I will go after seeing the road even if it means doing Donggwijin today. In other words, it means to invade naked. And that too in a solemn place where Rod is present.

Just thinking about it made my teeth grind. The heroes thought again. Should I kill him?

Of course, the fight ended one-sidedly. And very briefly. The pen that had been thrown out the window and rolled into the room looked charred. Even the once abundant wings had become tatters.

“… big… ball… .”

Fenn folded his wings and bared his teeth to the Archduke who entered the room. Instead of answering, Ruhak snapped his fingers. Immediately, Fenn rolled his body to avoid the explosion. Ruhak’s eyebrows twitched.

Everyone thought they were going to die. Until Rod, who was sleeping quietly, woke up with his white wings twitching.

“Umm… .”

Everyone held their breath at the sound of a half-asleep voice. The heroes below Zeno who were kneeling fell flat on the floor, and Fen held his breath. Muan also hid behind the curtain of the bed and made no sound.

“ah… The wings… Why again… I’m with you… .”

It’s so uncomfortable it’s killing me. Slurred words came out in a thin stream. Immediately after, a crunching sound was heard, and it disappeared as if wings were seeping into open clothes. After tossing and turning several times, my body fell into a restful sleep again.

Only when regular breathing began to be heard did everyone let out the breath they had been holding. The Archduke, who was the only one who was not hiding and was looking confidently, moved his body.


The place the Archduke headed was the bed. The Archduke reached out to Lord’s ear amidst the quiet sound of breathing. A faint light leaked through it and disappeared as if seeping into Rod’s cheek.

The moment my breathing became deeper, the hand that was touching my ear slid down and traced my cervical spine. And when she pressed somewhere.


“under… .”

All the heroes stiffened their shoulders for no reason. The Archduke, who thrust his arm under the Lord’s neck, lifted his sagging body halfway and began to adjust his wings, which were re-establishing themselves as if in full bloom.

I moved the wing in a direction that was not uncomfortable and slowly laid my body down to avoid compressing my nerves and covered it with a blanket.

Even through the series of processes, the sound of even breathing did not change. All the heroes were heartbroken to see him sleeping well without tossing and turning.

Wings also have immunity, so it was especially good to take them out when sleeping. The current vassals already have perfect immunity and it is natural to hide it according to the tribal law, so they do not take it out, but their rods, who have weak immune systems, should be taken out like this to reduce the chance of getting sick.

I didn’t even know what the Archduke was thinking, but that’s what it seemed like on the surface anyway. Plus, those feathers. The wings, soft and tender as if they had just been born, were perfect for targeting here and there.

“… “It’s so delicate, it’s scary to even put it out there.”

“I guess the Archduke would do that too.”


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Worry was evident in the eyes of the heroes as they looked at the Archduke, who even put his shivering wings under the blanket because of the cold. Then, someone blurts out something as if possessed.

“… “I think Rod is prettiest when he sheds his wings.”

“I admit it.”

The answer came from a charred pen. He was lying down on his back with his arms crossed, and only his head was turned towards Rod. I looked around and saw that the heboshi root was still in his mouth. The other heroes thought again. Should I kill him?

Meanwhile, the footsteps of the sixth visitor were heard from the end of the hallway beyond the door. I tried to hide it from others, but it was useless. You would never know that there was a loudspeaker installed in the hallway. That’s being conveyed to the room right now.

The other heroes, forgetting their own situation, clicked their tongues and looked at the Archduke who turned toward the door.

“Who is it like?”


“Hmm, but wouldn’t it be worth a try as a leader with the Archduke?”

“Haha, it would be possible if there were about four leaders.”

What a pity.

The heroes whispered that, forgetting their own situation. Before she knew it, Fen had come and knelt down next to Roxy. Even the battered wings were hidden. Hebosh, covered in saliva, lay on his lap.

Everyone was going to have to spend tonight kneeling here and watching the Archduke. The problem is that there are still six heroes left.

Everyone sighed and silently prayed for Euncheong to rest in peace. The person I envied the most here was Myuan, who was quietly looking down at Rod’s sleeping face next to the bed.

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