How to Survive as a Player Chapter 56

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Perhaps it is because only a little of the attribute has been absorbed. It was a publicly known fact within Ellix that each race had different eating habits and food ingredients. However, through this incident, I learned whether this could happen even among members of the same species.

The part that was overlooked because they were of the same race ended up coming back with unexpected results.

Sehyeon approached the window where the morning sun was shining. The clock tower hands visible beyond the window were pointing to 8 o’clock in the morning. I simply gazed at the panoramic view of the empire under the sun.

The peaceful appearance made one wonder if something had happened, as if to announce that yesterday’s imperial war was a dream. Still, everything came to mind clearly.

The value of the favor of the vassals. Among them, there was also a ‘legendary grade’. And there was only one vassal at ‘legendary level’, Ruhak, who was currently the Grand Duke. Everything was a strange situation.

Looking at Ruhak’s unchanging attitude, there was a high probability that his trust was only exposed to the player, Sehyun.

Sehyun didn’t know whether it came from love or hate. However, what is certain is that at least I did not see it wrongly. It’s also not an error. There were no errors in Elix. Everything was perfect, and what was surprisingly great was Elix.

Not even the slightest frame drop… .

[I hate you.]

Why did this thought suddenly cross my mind right now? Elix didn’t even have the slightest frame drop. However, when he heard the hateful words, the screen became distorted and noise appeared. Now that I think about it, it was like that. Why then?

My thoughts trailed off and sank deeply.

“… “I hope Jaeyoung is doing well.”

Sehyeon gave up his thoughts and turned away from the window. I wondered if everyone was okay, but as soon as I could think about it, I shook my head. It was fortunate that he didn’t end up in a dungeon during the Grand Duke’s reign.

As I walked, I felt the weight of heavy wings behind my back. However, the reason why I was wearing it like this was because I couldn’t put it in because I couldn’t control it at the moment. I think it was largely due to the attribute fusion, but it wasn’t easy to move around because things that were supposed to fit properly didn’t fit.

It’s almost time for breakfast. Sehyeon was thinking of going out for a while before that. It seems that he opened the door with that thought in mind, but as soon as he could take a step, Sehyun had to freeze as he held the door.

What was visible through the open door was the same scene as yesterday. After a moment of staring with a blank expression on his face, Sehyun opened the door, came out, and stood on the cold marble.

“Why are you still here… .”

In front of the gate, there were 11 retainers and 30 knights sitting the same way as yesterday. Despite Sehyeon’s words, the retainers did not budge.

Se-hyeon watched quietly and then approached Eun-cheong, who was sitting in the front.


“Yes, Rod.”

Euncheong lowered her gaze and answered politely. The downcast eyes were exposed to the sunlight reflecting off the marble and took on a brilliant glow. Sehyeon’s eyes turned to the silver helmet in front of Euncheong.

One day, after winning an imperial war and obtaining spoils, one of them was given to Euncheong. He never wrote it, so he hasn’t seen it since, but Sehyun didn’t expect to see it here.

I didn’t know what the meaning of the helmet was, but it certainly didn’t mean anything lightly.

If you think about it, they were all undeserved vassals. It was a pity that Zeno wasn’t here, but Sehyun was planning to resolve everything today.

In order to do that, first of all, we had to deal with those who did not budge.

“every… “Shall we have breakfast together?”

The retainers, who had not moved at all, shrugged their shoulders at the gentle, soothing sound of words. It was a slight reaction, but Sehyun noticed even the smallest actions.

“… “You haven’t forgiven us yet.”

Forgiveness? Se-hyeon’s surprised eyes turned straight to Euncheong.

“What did you do wrong?” .”

“The crime of daring to make demands by those who went away under the pretext of the Empire’s pleasure, the crime of failing to go to meet him first, and the crime of not recognizing Rod and attempting to kill him. Nevertheless, it was a crime that I had no choice but to watch… . “We deserve to die.”

Se-hyeon unconsciously kept his mouth shut as the accusations poured out. Although it seemed like they were doing this on purpose, everyone seemed to be sincere because of their serious expressions. I don’t think I’ve ever been raised so honestly.

No, how much should I have done to the kids… .

“Why, you shouldn’t have brought the Archduke and made him sit down too. According to what you say, the Archduke deserves the death penalty.”

At those words, the retainers flinched a little louder this time. The heroes seemed to be maintaining their composure, but the knight-level vassals behind them could not hide their embarrassment.

After seeing that, Se-hyeon walked closer to Euncheong. I sighed and lowered my knees in front of him. Cheong immediately stretched out his hand as if to stop him, but when he saw the wings pouring out, he stopped and stiffened his hand.

Se-hyeon, who came between them, grabbed Eun-cheong’s cheeks with both hands and made them look into her eyes. Euncheong’s wide-open eyes filled with Sehyeon. He was met by those beautiful eyes that he had only seen through the screen.

“Let’s eat. every.”

The eyes that had been staring at me with surprise gradually began to regain their composure. When the calm eyes returned to their original cool appearance, Sehyeon’s body, sitting down on his knees, flashed up.

“If that is the Lord’s will.”

Euncheong stood up, helped Sehyeon up, took a step back, and lowered her waist to bow. These were familiar appearances and actions. Even the passing habits were the same as what I saw through the screen.

Se-hyeon happened to see a vassal pulling a wagon from a distance in the hallway and walked towards him. Next to the vassal pulling the wagon, there was also a recovery person. And behind him is a man with wings of different colors.

“let’s go.”

Even though he spoke in a whisper, all his retainers heard him and stood up. It’s been seven days since I came to the empire. Finally, a face-to-face meeting was achieved with the vassals.

Sehyeon knew that Ruhak would guarantee some freedom. The moment I glanced at her sad eyes, hatred washed over me again like a wave. I felt like I was going to be swept away.

But I decided not to doubt it. Sehyeon believed the numbers the system told him.

Unfortunately, the only people Sehyeon ate with were 11 hero-level retainers. The 30 knight-level vassals were not allowed to enter the dining room of the central castle due to some kind of hierarchy. Since this was a law set by the Grand Duke, Se-hyeon could not do anything about it. I could see the sad eyes of the knight-level vassals turning away, but I had to wait until later.

The meal was okay. Sehyeon’s food was still terrible, but it was better than the food he had in the nameless village.

The meal proceeded quietly. No, in fact, the retainers did not touch their own food because they were only watching Sehyeon eat. Sehyeon couldn’t put down the spoon because everyone was looking at him desperately to see if he was eating well.

Only after Sehyeon finished the bowl of porridge did the retainers begin to eat. The empty space seen among the eleven heroes particularly struck me.

“… Ruhak.”

Ruhak, who was the only one not eating, turned his gaze to Sehyeon’s call. Ruhak looked at the empty bowl in front of Sehyun and nodded slightly to the servant waiting next to him. The empty bowl was replaced with hot porridge.

Sehyeon looked down at the porridge and opened his mouth heavily.

“I’m going to Zenon, so get ready.”



When I raised my head, our gaze met again. The wings on his back were particularly noticeable. In the Black Empire, the only one who could take out wings was Ruhak. I don’t know why.

When playing games, communication was limited, so there were many times when I had to pass up things I didn’t know. One of them was about wings. Since the days of the Cheongeum clan, the only players who have been able to take out wings are Sehyeon and Ruhak.

After changing from the Celestial Celestial Clan to the Black Celestial Clan, I followed Ruhak’s advice to hide my wings and played with them hidden. Therefore, within the empire, Ruhak was always the only one who took out his wings.

But what about now? Since the color of the wings did not change, it was likely that he would tell me to hide them again. Of course, Sehyun also had no intention of showing off her wings, which were her weakness.

But, that wasn’t something to talk about now.

“Free the companions.”

“Not permitted.”

It was what I expected. Ruhak was a man who showed mercy only to his own people. He did not give his heart to those who mixed in. This was the side effect that occurred when absorbing an empire. Races with strong kinship are very exclusive to other races.

“Insert a channel into the ruling empire and prepare a means of negotiation. And at least two of the group, no. The three of you will be given temporary resident status, so don’t worry about harming them. One of them is Keppel’s disciple. And Euncheong.”



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“How many people are injured?”

“The number of injuries and deaths was low because the opposing empire was not at a level of national power that could enter the empire rankings. There are a total of 12 dead, all of whom are mercenary grade or higher, and all of them have been revived and are in a resting state.”

“I’m glad… . “Please bring in a recovery person and manage it without trauma.”


Sehyeon pondered the ranking of the empire.

It was said that if the national power was below the level of entry into the empire rankings, it was outside the rankings. In Elix, the empire ranking was calculated only up to 100th place. Empires outside the rankings can also be considered high-ranking empires, but the difference in national power compared to the empires in the rankings was at the level of heaven and earth.

If such an empire was willing to risk death to invade, there had to be a reason. For example, the king is captured.

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