How to Survive as a Player Chapter 189

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While I was shaking and shaking my shoulders, at some point, a kiss began to touch the pain that was wandering around my wrist. Later, her tongue licked over the area where she was rubbing. The area where she was bitten felt hot, as if it had been burned.

However, before the burning sensation could go away, Sehyun stiffened at the feeling running down her spine. I felt our wings intertwined with each other.


The back of my neck instantly stiffened and the tip of my chin became rigid. My trembling shoulders were already struggling with the impending stimulus.

“ah… !”

The pain-like sensation came on in an instant. Sehyun’s body bent forward. Even as he did so, his chin was grabbed from behind and pulled, causing his back to collide with Ruhak’s body. His moans of pain poured out into the air. Still, Ruhak did not stop.

He stabbed his strong wing feathers and let out a distant breath.

“Ugh… !”

The collars, which were interlocked without any gaps, were slowly rubbed. My vision blinked at the sharp rising sensation. It was more painful than usual, and I felt more achy and numb than usual. Ruhak’s hand was tightly clasped in her tightly curled hand.

Still, the fingers slowly tracing between them were the same as the first time. It was sweet, as if soothing.

Ruhak tightly wrapped his arms around Sehyun’s waist as she tried to get up reflexively and pulled her down. His wings rubbed strongly again, and Sehyun closed her eyes tightly from the intense stimulation. His breath came out in gasps.

You’ve been patient like this.

“Ha, ha… .”

My whole body was tingling and hot. Even though she opened her mouth and took in as much cold air as she could, the heat did not go away at all. Meanwhile, Ruhak found Sehyun’s lips again.

The sound of thick breathing lingered over my lips and touched them deeply. It was Ruhak’s persistence that was behind the seamlessly interlocking actions. He couldn’t move an inch, couldn’t escape at all.

The heated action stopped when a low sound of words rang out among the heavy breathing.

“What you said to me during our twelfth secret meeting… “There was.”

The slow words shook Sehyun out of her past memories. The twelfth day he checked his reliability was a rainy day, with moisture settling on the bridge of his nose. He remembered. Sehyun remembered every single conversation she had with Ruhak.

[I will live for you.]

It was a promise we made to each other. As soon as she could remember those words, Sehyeon was tightly held in Ruhak’s arms. Ruhak’s hair fell over his shoulders.

“You said that… “Don’t forget.”

“not… forget.”

As I stretched out my hand and gently brushed Ruhak’s hair, a lingering feeling came to me. Maybe that’s why his anxiety felt more intense. Sehyun just quietly stroked his ear while his emotions subsided.

Even the feathers of my wings, which had become entangled with obsession, were not resolved until then.


The ‘punitive force’ recruited by the Imperial Castle could only support mercenaries of C rank or higher. However, even D-class mercenaries who failed to take the promotion test were eligible to provide rear support for the punitive force by taking a separate test, which was unusual.

Therefore, the rear of the punitive force was mostly supported by Class C and D, while the front was supported by Class B and higher mercenaries.

And today was the day when the imperial castle opened the teleport to the Hasen territory where Se-hyeon was staying.

“It’s bustling.”

The teleportation occurred a total of 10 times, and each time it moved, about a hundred mercenaries moved in groups. The group that Sehyun belonged to was the last group of back-up volunteers.

Certainly, compared to other groups, the rear support mercenaries were not comparable in spirit or appearance to other mercenaries. To what extent, it seemed like everyone was busy glancing at Ruhak, Euncheong, and the other two heroes. They were looking at me as if they were asking me why I was here.

That’s because the appearance is so nice.

“The fifth teleportation is initiating! Get ready!”

The movement of the 5th group began at the shout of the assistant wizard who came down from the castle. The teleportation that started in the morning had not been completed even after lunch.

What I heard was that the number of magicians directly under the imperial castle was reduced due to mysterious disappearances, so the quota for manpower increased and it took a long time.

The wizard had been inhaling an unknown medicine continuously since dawn. Seeing that, Sehyun felt an inexplicable sense of kinship. I guessed that it was probably a potion or special potion used here.

“Ruhak, were wizards hiding when you were there?”

“Those who are close to magic are usually those who serve God closely. They believed and acted primarily on the words of God, not the emperor. And when a certain opening fell, I hid myself, believing that it was God’s salvation.”

“It means that if there is danger, you are the first to evacuate.”

Next to me, Muan looked like he had a lot to say, but he didn’t really refute Sehyun’s words. Judging from Ruhak’s words, it seems that the wizards sensed some danger and went into hiding. There was a high probability that it was related to the hand of a monster floating in the sky.

“Is there an oracle or prophet here too?”

“of course.”

Sehyeon was lost in deep thought for a moment after hearing those words.

If an oracle or revelation had been given to the empire, it fits the current situation to some extent that the wizards sensed danger and went into hiding, and that the imperial castle recruited a punitive force to replenish manpower.

The problem was that only mercenaries who did not know this situation were likely to become victims.

“The sixth teleportation begins! Get ready!”

From afar, the shout of the wizard, who had taken out a potion again, was heard. Sehyun just watched in silence. Until all mercenaries have moved and it’s their final turn.

And the 10th turn finally arrived.

“The 10th teleport, huh… It begins. “Get ready.”

The wizard was quite exhausted. Wiping the sweat from under his chin, he led people onto the magic circle, looking like he was about to collapse. Soon, a hundred mercenaries began to take their positions above the magic circle.

Sehyeon also moved in between them. The light that illuminated the ground intermittently began to burn so brightly that it became dizzying when all the mercenaries took their positions.


A familiar sensation roamed throughout my body. The comfort of the white space portal where Bill Will was located rose from her fingertips.

Through her slowly fading vision, Sehyun felt a hand firmly grasping her shoulder. At the end of that feeling, along with the feeling of falling, my vision became pitch black.

I felt the passage of a long time. In a faint feeling of exhaustion, Sehyeon felt the wind passing by his cheek and his eyes fluttered open.

The first thing I saw was a vast empire that stretched out into the distance. The world overlooking everything was grand, and so far away that everything seemed small.

“The teleportation of all mercenaries has been completed! “We will stop the injection of magic stones!”

Along with someone’s shout, a commotion that I had not been aware of hit me all at once. When I looked around to hear the roaring noise, I could see the mercenaries who had first moved by teleportation.

As if going through formalities, groups of people dressed in white clothes were filling out documents one by one.

An old man soon appeared in front of Sehyeon’s group.

“welcome. “This is Rubel, the capital of Behia, the Western Empire.”

Empire Behia. It was the same name as the Black Empire. This place, lined with gigantic towers, was the imperial castle.

And one of those huge castle towers was the rooftop of the building where Sehyeon was standing.

The empire was wealthy, and everything in the castle tower was plastered with gold. Sehyeon, who was chasing the light that pierced his vision, unconsciously looked up at the tallest castle tower. And then something came into view as if it was clicking.

Even though it was far away, for some reason that place was clearly visible. It was so high that the distant sky felt low.

“… road?”

Muan’s voice rang out faintly. Nevertheless, Sehyun stood silently, looking at only one place. Longing passed by my cheek like the wind.


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I never thought we would meet so soon.

What came into Sehyeon’s field of vision was a man with pure white wings. A man who looked smaller and younger than he was now was on the terrace of the tall castle tower. Still, he looked bigger than Sehyun and had strong, huge wings.

The name given to someone with a reputation for being pure white emerged from my memory. The sight of her man reminded him faintly of his first meeting with Ruhak. Even the name ‘Nelus’ was noble.

Ruhak from the time of Nelus, who can no longer be seen again, was looking down at the world from the end of the castle tower. Sehyeon’s eyes seemed to be stuck there, and he couldn’t get away from them for a long time.

Everything felt distant. Even the wind that passes by your cheek.


It was about three hours later that Sehyeon finished registering for the punitive force and came out of the castle. It was also a time when the setting sun dyed the world red.

The old man’s words as he wrote down my name vaguely emerged through the setting sun.

‘Two days later, when the sun rises, everyone gather in front of the castle. Everyone must gather together until the gate opens. The mercenaries who arrived today will be transferred to the 7th Brigade. You’d better come fully prepared. The subjugation area is a two-day walk from here. Keep in mind that once you leave, you can only return after a month.’

The old man did not mention the possibility of not returning. No, he may have known but kept quiet. About the difference between life and death in a month.

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