How to Survive as a Member of the Meteor Sword Family Chapter 77

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How to survive as a loser in the Yoo Seong-geom family

Episode 77

Knight’s Oath

An inn located in the city of green.

After barely coming to my senses after two days, I screamed at Isabelle, who came into my room to change my bandages.

“Ugh… … It hurts!!! Take it easy!!!”

“What kind of man is this joking? Please bear with it.”

Isabelle cut me off firmly and tightened her bandage.

I screamed like a child without realizing it, feeling the excruciating pain in my broken arms.

“Miss, I’m not joking!!! It really hurts!!! I broke both my arms!!! I almost became one-armed!!!”

As I whined at Isabelle, she looked at me and said, tying a knot in her bandage.

“But thanks to the help of the Lord, I was able to recover quickly. Especially my left arm… … I’m really thankful. If I had been not careful, I could have lost the ability to use it forever because of the magic that remained in the wound like poison.”

“Well… … the bones were almost tearing through the flesh and sticking out… … .”

I was able to endure it because I had experienced all kinds of pain in the Master’s realm of imagination.

If he had been an ordinary person, he would have fainted on the spot, unable to overcome the excruciating pain.

But more serious than the physical trauma was the internal injury. Even with the recovery power of this Avatar body, my core was in shambles to the point where I needed to rest for a week.

‘The Master said that this was all because of synchronization that was pushed too far beyond its limits.’

But there was nothing I could do.

The only way to gain victory against Ivan, who has revealed the power of the Apostle, is for Isabelle to become my sword.

Because there was only one.

I was able to use the synchronization to convey my will, thoughts, and skills to Isabelle. It was all possible because she trusted me one hundred percent.

If Isabelle had even the slightest suspicion about my actions… … the synchronization would have failed, of course.

We would have been annihilated by Ivan, the Apostle of the Zodiac (or, more precisely, the Apostle in Ivan’s shell).

In other words, to put it simply, it was a close call.

This time I couldn’t help it, but I should avoid using synchronization carelessly in the future.

It was a technique with such great aftereffects. After checking the condition of the wounded core, I expressed my gratitude to Isabelle.

“Thank you. It was thanks to your complete trust in me that I was able to corner that Apostle.”

“Ahem… … It’s nothing.”

Isabelle blushed at my sudden compliment and turned her head away. It seemed like she felt awkward receiving my thanks.

“I said thank you. I’m grateful that you trusted me, so why are you ignoring me?”

“Ahem, no. Ahem.”

Isabelle, whose face had become even redder, turned away from her, unable to overcome her embarrassment.

As expected, he’s a guy who’s secretly fun to tease. He really has a good hitting sensation.

“By the way, Isabelle. Do you remember all the techniques I used when my mind was connected to yours?”

When I asked a question out of curiosity that suddenly occurred to me, Isabelle shook her head.

“I remember using the master’s technique… … but I have no recollection of how I did it. I tried several times to regain my senses while the master was unconscious… … but it was in vain.”

There was a deep regret in Isabelle’s voice.

“Really? Well… … Me too.”

I clearly remember Isabelle’s Kukri-styled Half-moon Slash, but I also remember how she used her mana.

I couldn’t remember how I unfolded it at all, as if my mind was covered in thick fog.

It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s like forcing myself to use a technique that doesn’t suit me anyway.

The fact that my right arm, which used the Pagong Banwol Cham, broke after failing to overcome the force of the blow is proof of this.

‘By the way, I’m hungry… … .’

After using all my strength to defeat Ivan, I had been unconscious for almost two days, so I felt very hungry since I hadn’t eaten anything during that time.

But looking at my appearance, one thing worried me. My hands were wrapped in bandages so I couldn’t handle the dishes.

‘Should I ask for some soup? I think I could technically drink it somehow. How could it not work with the implementation of the image?’

– Inoum! Are you planning to use the secret art of the Heavenly King, the embodiment of the mind, to drink something like soup?

No, this guy is usually quiet, so why is he tackling me at a time like this?

‘What is more important to human life than food? Of course, it is used for survival.’

– That won’t do! Until dirt gets into my eyes, it’s useless to use visualization for such trivial things…

‘I will sprinkle dirt all over you later in the Master’s mind, so please forgive me just this once.’

– This, this… … You are such a shameless bastard! Where is the heavenly teacher… … !!!

‘Isn’t that just a way to eat and live? A gentleman of your age is being narrow-minded… . . . ‘

It was at that moment when I was rebelling against my teacher. With a click, the door opened and a familiar woman came into my room.

A stunning beauty with green hair and blue eyes. She was the current owner of the Green Tower, Nastasya Rune.

“Oh my… … You’re finally awake… … Hi. ​​Jin Aster. How are you feeling… … Are you going?”

Her voice, as she asked after my well-being in her characteristically languid tone, was filled with a strange joy and happiness.

“It’s still a bit uncomfortable because the bones haven’t healed yet, but thanks to the Lord’s care, I think I’ll get better soon.”

“Our Green Tower… … owes a great debt to Jin, Isabelle, and Moose. Thank you very much.”

Nastasya bows her head deeply, clasping her hands together as she looks at me, who is half-reclining on the bed.

I was a little flustered because I didn’t know that the top would come out like this, so I waved my hand with the bandage wrapped tightly around it.

“No, it’s not. Well, to be honest, I did it to borrow the breathing mirror. I did it because I needed it, so please don’t be so harsh.”

“Hehehe… … When I only heard the rumors, I thought you were just a spoiled brat… … Contrary to the rumors, you have accumulated deep training and are very honest, which makes you very charming… … You can just take the breathing mirror. It’s something that hasn’t been used for a long time anyway.”

Nastasya smiled brightly. For a moment, the shabby inn room seemed to brighten up, and I found myself staring at her, lost in thought.


That is, until Isabelle, her eyes narrowing, poked my ribs with her finger.

“What are you so absentminded about?”

“… … .”


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Has this kid already come full circle?

I really thought my side was going to be pierced. I couldn’t bear to show my ugly appearance in front of the tower lord, so I tried to endure the pain, and Isabelle pursed her lips slightly.

I’ve been hanging out with Isabelle for quite some time now, and I’ve come to realize that that’s the look on her face when she’s not happy about something.

‘You’ve been acting a lot irritable lately. Did you hit puberty late?’

Well, if your father is Belkan, you probably won’t go through puberty. I probably would have done the same if I were you.

As I was thinking about useless things in my head, Nastasya spoke to me in a quiet voice.

“You’ve been unconscious for two days… … You must be very hungry… … How about having a meal together? We can talk about what happened in the catacombs.”


Since I was hungry at the time, I nodded reflexively and shouted.

“Then… … Since you are not in good condition to come to the Tower of Green… … I will send the tower’s cooks here. Please… … wait a moment.”

She smiled faintly at me and left the room.


It was several minutes after she left that I remembered the knots of my arms, tightly sealed with bandages.

* * *

After about two hours.

A sudden festival took place in the tavern on the first floor of the inn.

It was a festival for us, who had suddenly become heroes who defeated the Zodiac Apostles and saved the city of Verdant Green.

Because so many people came to see us, tables and chairs were laid out all the way to the street outside the inn.

A rat stood on a table in the middle of a noisy tavern, telling stories of its exploits to the men around it with a drunken look on its face.

“Kuhh… … Good. That’s why. Continuing with the story from earlier, this Moose-nim was hiding and waiting for an opportunity, so he put mana into the Park Yo-sak that the Lord had entrusted to me, his most trusted subordinate, and threw it at him… … .”

Every time the boy told his story of what happened in the catacombs, with some exaggeration, there were gasps from those around him.

The tavern was so packed with people waiting to hear his tales of bravery that there was no room to stand.

The only good thing is that no one is crowding around the corner table where Topju and I are sitting.

Since most of the people gathered here were ordinary citizens, it was clear that they had difficulty approaching me even if they wanted to talk to me because of the tower owner.

‘It’s fortunate that nothing troublesome happened… … .’

Although I was able to avoid a barrage of questions from people thanks to the tower, I was now facing a different predicament.

“Okay… … Ah~ do it… … .”

“No, you don’t have to do this… … I can eat it.”

“With your arm in that condition… … how are you going to eat… …?”

Nastasya, holding a spoon full of stew in her hand, urged me to put it in my mouth.

It’s honestly burdensome for someone like me to be like this. And it’s a lot.

Comparing it to South Korea… … I guess I should say it’s like someone who’s roughly the size of a member of the National Assembly is feeding me food.

Moreover, since the gazes of the people gathered at the inn are gazes, there is no need for a separate bed of thorns.

“Okay… … Come on… … .”

As I opened my mouth reluctantly at the urging of the tower master, Nastasya put the stew in my mouth and smiled with satisfaction.

“Right… … You are enjoying it.”

This feels like I’m being treated like a child. And why is Isabelle sitting next to me with her eyes wide open like that?

Pok- pok- pok- pok- pok-

As if poking the enemy with a spear.

Isabelle, who was aggressively moving her fork around, skewering the various dishes on the table, thrust it at me and said.

“Your Majesty, you don’t have to bother me. I am your servant. Please leave your servant to me. Here, eat.”

“… … Are you telling me to eat this all in one bite?”

Isabelle spoke in a chilling voice as she ate a variety of food skewered to the tip of her fork handle.

“I think you, Young Master, can do this much. My father could do it easily.”

“Uh uh… … I’ll eat.”

It’s not like it’s a showdown or anything.

Besides, I don’t understand why you’re comparing me to Belkan.

But before I could express my discontent, I was overwhelmed by her momentum and forced myself to stuff food into my mouth.

Is it my imagination that mealtimes, which should definitely be enjoyable, feel strangely miserable?

“Take your time… … Eat… … Here, drink some water so you don’t get sick… … .”

Nastasya brought a glass of water to my mouth. There is no other angel like her.

On the contrary, Isabelle’s eyes became even narrower.

“My father said that there is nothing better than strong alcohol to heal broken bones. I asked the chef to bring me some at a high price, so please enjoy it.”

“Which country’s treatment is that…?”

“Father’s words are never wrong. Now, drink up quickly.”

As if not to be outdone by Nastasya, Isabelle handed me a glass filled with clear liquor.

… … The smell itself is unusual. It smells like an alcohol lamp.

It seems closer to spirit than alcohol. Where did you get this?

“Come on.”

As I forced myself to drink it at Isabelle’s urging, I felt a burning pain from my esophagus to my stomach.

“… … .”

I’m already not feeling well. I feel like I’m going to die if I get caught between these two people.

I think it would be best to just go to my room and rest quietly.

After making up my mind, I spoke to Nastasya, who was diligently scooping something up with a spoon.

“Excuse me, but can I get up first? I’m not feeling well and I’m really tired.”

As I spoke carefully, Nastasya answered in a voice full of apology.

“Ah… … I was thinking too much about myself… … I used healing magic while you were unconscious, but I guess the remnants of your magic still remain and you haven’t fully recovered yet… … Go up and rest.”

Is the real Nastasya an angel?

“Thank you for your consideration, Lord Tower.”

As soon as I got permission from her, who was the highest ranking person here, I ran up to my room.

“Whew… … After all, resting quietly alone is the best.”

I threw myself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, unable to overcome the fatigue that was still lingering.

* * *

That night.

While I was in a deep sleep, I felt a presence in front of my room.

The noise belonged to two people, not just one.

As the wounds on my core from the aftermath of the synchronization had not yet healed, I carefully moved my mana to strengthen my hearing, and soon I heard two people whispering.

‘Sister. Wouldn’t you have woken up by now?’

‘I don’t know. You must have been very tired because of this incident… … and your body was a mess… … .’

The owners of the noise were Mouse and Isabelle. I glanced out the window and saw that the festival was still going on even though it was quite late and darkness had fallen.

Could it be because of the relief that we no longer have to see the disastrous Black March?

Everyone who attended the drinking party under the guise of a festival had bright smiles on their faces.

When I thought that it was all thanks to us, a strange sense of pride welled up in my heart.

‘Well, there’s still the issue of the collapsed catacombs and the bodies left in the forest after the zombies were eradicated… … but the Tower Master will take care of that. By the way, what kind of plot are they plotting in front of my room?’

Isabelle and the mouse are constantly whispering and conversing.

I got out of bed, slammed the door open, and spoke to the two startled people.

“What, if you have something to say, come in. Why are you chattering in front of the door?”

“Oh, brother. Are you awake?”

“Your Majesty, Your Highness… … .”

The two exchanged awkward glances, and then the mouse scratched its head and opened its mouth.

“That’s… … My sister and I have something to tell you… … It’s our own determination… … It’s a manly determination… … .”

“What is it, resolution? Is it important?”

When I asked the bewildered mouse, tilting his head, Isabelle nodded with a serious expression.

“Yes. It’s an important story, so may I come in and tell you?”

“Uh… I don’t know what it is, but if it’s something like that, both of you come in and talk.”

I gestured to them with my bandaged hand, Isabelle walking with a slightly nervous gait.

The mouse entered my room with a stiff gait.

“I don’t know what it is, but just sit down.”



I offered them a chair, but they both shook their heads with a determined expression.

And then, after exchanging glances once more, he suddenly knelt down on one knee and bowed his head toward me.

“What, what is it? Why are you guys like this all of a sudden?”

As I stuttered, bewildered by what had happened before I could even say anything, Isabelle raised her head, her brown eyes sparkling, and opened her mouth in a low voice.

“This is a decision that I have reached after much discussion with Mr. Mouse… no, Mr. Moose.”

“What does that mean?”

Isabelle and the mouse had serious expressions on their faces. They looked like soldiers preparing themselves for battle.

As I swallowed my saliva without realizing it due to the solemn atmosphere, Isabelle opened her mouth in a loud voice.

“Isabelle Aster, daughter of the King of Hades, the next King of Hades, and the young master’s servant!”

“I don’t really have a position… … but I’m Moose, a loyal subordinate of Brother Jin Aster!”

The eyes of the two people who raised their heads at the same time shone brightly.

“From now on, from this moment on, I pledge my life-threatening loyalty to Master Jin Aster, the second son of the Yoo Seong Sword Family!”

“We will be your loyal sword and shield!”

“No matter what difficulties I face, I will risk my life to follow you, my lord!”

It was an oath of loyalty that was infinitely clumsy, but contained a stronger determination than anyone else’s.

It was such a sudden story, but I didn’t need to think about it too deeply. Rather, it was something I should welcome.

All I have to do is to sincerely respond to their sincerity.

“I will gratefully accept your oath and determination.”

I nodded silently to the two people who were waiting for my answer while maintaining a floating posture.

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