How to Survive as a Member of the Meteor Sword Family Chapter 76

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How to survive as a loser in the Yoo Seong-geom family

Episode 76

Apostle (3)

North wall of the Tower of Green.

Nastasya’s feet started to stomp as she heard repeated explosions coming from the catacombs.

“Is everyone… … okay? What happened to Ivan… … .”

There was no trace of her usual languidness on her face, which must mean that this matter was of great importance.

“I don’t know. Something seems to be happening… … .”

The wizard who was assisting her side trailed off. No matter how much I expanded my senses, I couldn’t even guess the situation inside.

All he could feel was one thing. Various types of mana and magic were entangled within the catacombs.

Perhaps the owner of the tower, Nastasya, feels the same way.

“… … I am now regretting learning the magic of the new green for the first time.”

As Nastasya muttered softly, the wizard’s eyes widened in surprise at her shocking words.

“How can the Lord of the Tower, who has ascended to the peak of the green, say such things! Please take them away!”

“The pinnacle… … Am I, who is incompetent enough to just watch and not solve a single problem right in front of me, really qualified to be called the pinnacle?”

“It can’t be helped because of the nature of the magic of the new green… .”

It was at that moment that the wizard hurriedly comforted her.


With a terrifying roar unlike anything I’d ever heard before, a huge, black mass rose into the air through the thick ceiling of the catacombs made of rock.

“That’s… …!!!”

Nastasya opened her eyes wide.

What was reflected in her blue eyes was a monster in the shape of a giant spider.

It is a monster that is full of magic, but somehow gives off a familiar aura.

Nastasya, who had immediately grasped the situation through her accumulated experience, muttered in a sorrowful voice.

“Ivan… … .”

“Yes? Are you saying that hideous monster is Ivan? Why did the one who was supposed to inherit the Rune name after Nastasya look like that… … .”

Nastasya answered with difficulty to the wizard who was speechless with surprise.

“Familiar Magi… … That’s the work of the Zodiac… … He made Ivan… … like this… … his apostle. So cleverly that even I didn’t notice… … .

“Perhaps the Black March was also the work of Ivan, who received the power of the Zodiac… no, his apostle. The original Ivan was probably already devoured by the apostle without a trace.”

I felt disgusted with myself for not noticing that things had gotten this way, even though I had taken on the role of the Lord of Matap.

At that moment, Nastasya was quietly muttering while clenching her teeth.


Once again the catacombs shook and two people ran out.

Isabelle and Jean each held a kukri in their hands.

“It’s almost done. Now all that’s left is… … .”

“I guess all we have to do is knock him down.”

Isabelle, who had not yet desynchronized with Jin, continued his words.


Ivan, who had fallen to the floor with a loud noise, got up.

His upper body, which had been hit directly by Jin’s full-powered Pagong Banwolsam, was in a state of indescribable tatters.

“These guys… … How dare they humiliate me like this… … How dare they… … !!!”

Ivan’s upper body, which had been roaring in anger, began to transform into a human form again.

He tried to heal his wounds by gathering the spirits that were subordinate to him, but it was not successful because the wounds were too deep.

“Hehehe… … But I still have those guys. Just in case, I transformed them all into vengeful spirits through zombification… … So this is how they end up being used.”

Ivan looked at the spirits swirling above the catacombs and began to call them in.


The spirits began to scream terribly and were drawn towards Ivan by an irresistible force.

“That is… … the scenery that the young master saw through his spiritual eyes. Even though they are ghosts, I feel more pity for them than fear.”

“That’s right. They are the ones who wander the world, unable to find peace even after death. We have no choice but to free them.”

Ivan, who heard their conversation, laughed as if he found it absurd.

“How can you, who have used all your strength, free those bastards! Since you failed to kill me with one blow just now, you are defeated.

Although I too must leave this place where I have worked so hard to create vengeful spirits for a long time, it won’t be a great loss even if I just absorb the ones that remain.”

“Really? You really think so… … You’re a piece of trash until the very end.”

Jin smiled with an incomprehensible smile. His condition was not very good, however. Not only his left hand, but his right hand, which held the kukri, was also in tatters.

This is because I used Isabel’s technique, which requires tremendous strength when casting, with all my might.

Isabelle, who had exhausted all of her mana through synchronization, was also not in a normal state.

His eyes were still sharp, but his staggering appearance as if he might collapse at any moment was extremely dangerous.

On the other hand, Ivan was so badly injured that he couldn’t move, but he was able to recover sufficiently by drawing on the power of the spirits.

Moreover, the area near the catacombs, which were full of fraud, was not a place where the Lord of the Green Tower could use his power, so it was as if there was no longer anything that could threaten him.

A triumphant smile appeared on Ivan’s lips as he returned to his half-human, half-insect form.

“Hehehe… … I’ll commend you for making me suffer like this. But this is all for now. After absorbing the vengeful spirits and healing your wounds, I’ll tear your limbs apart and suck out your blood and souls, leaving nothing behind.”

“Oh, okay. Give it a try.”

Jin dropped his kukri, his right arm hanging limp and shattered to a rag.


The kukri fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

At the same time, Isabelle stumbled violently and fell to the ground.

There are no more twists.

Ivan burst into laughter, convinced of this.


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“When I first heard the rumors, I thought you were just trash, but you’re still qualified to be a disciple of a prestigious swordsman! I applaud both of you for not begging for your lives until the very end!”

The spirits that slowly came to him of his own will. The moment he absorbed them, it was certain that his injuries would completely heal.

That was when Ivan, confident of his victory, shouted triumphantly at the two exhausted men.

Jin, who was barely standing, spoke to him with the corners of his lips twisted in a voice that was as if he was dying.

“Thanks for the compliment, kid. But… …are you forgetting something?”

Forgot something?

There was no way that he, the ruler of the catacombs, could have overlooked anything.

If there was a variable, it would be the existence of the soul absorption mirror. Although he was seriously injured, he was not yet in a near-death state, which is the condition for the soul absorption mirror to be activated, so there was no need to worry about his soul being absorbed.

‘Besides, that coward has the breath mirror right now. Did he abandon his comrades and run away? He’s just playing around with things.’

Ivan spoke to Jin, thinking of the mouse that had disappeared without a trace, whether it had run away or was hiding.

“Surely you… … are you trusting that rat-like bastard? That coward ran away and abandoned you a long time ago.”

“Ding. Wrong.”

Jin, who had collapsed on the floor, lifted his right hand with difficulty and shook his fingers.

“Mice are not cowards at all. They are just cautious and wary in everything they do.”

“What the heck are you talking about… … .”

“Mouse, it’s your turn!!!”

Jin cut off Ivan’s words and screamed with the last of his strength.

“Yes, bro!”

A rat hiding in a crevice in the rocks of a collapsed catacombs leapt forward like lightning.

He was running straight towards Ivan, holding a rope in his hand that was emitting a soft golden light.

It was Park Yo-sak that Jin had obtained after much hardship from the Tower of the Iron Lion.

“Who are you calling a coward! This Moose is like this… … like this… …!!! Even though he was a trainee knight of the Knights of the Underworld for a short time!”

The mouse, who had infused a fingernail-sized amount of mana stored in its core into the Bak Yo-sak, threw it at Ivan with all his might.


The length of the mana-infused Park Yo-sak grew and instantly wrapped around Ivan’s large body, which was unable to move.

“Park Yo-sak… … Now that I think about it, that guy had a Park Yo-sak.”

Ivan, who immediately realized what was binding him, shouted, “Go away, heavens!”

“But it’s no use! With a magical tool that doesn’t have enough power, you can only tie me up for a little while. Your limits are limited to delaying the time of death for a little while!”

“No, that’s not true. Mouse, if you really want to be a knight, show your courage!”

“Yes, bro!!!”

The mouse, with a determined look on its face, ran towards Ivan. In his hands was a glass bottle filled with a clear liquid.

What Jin had been keeping all this time.

It was a soul-stealing potion that forcibly extracted the soul of a living being.

“Eat this! You dirty spider!”

The mouse, mustering up all its courage, approached Ivan and poured all five vials of the escapist medicine Jin had given it into his mouth, which was tightly tied to the box.

“What the… … Kkwak, Kkwaaaaaah!!!”

The effect of the soul-pulling drug that instantly extracts the soul of a living being takes effect, and Ivan’s terrible scream fills the entire night sky.

The sensation of my soul being ripped out was literally a pain that felt like my whole body was being squeezed.

“Like this… … Do you think I’ll end up like this!!!”

Even in excruciating pain, Ivan displayed superhuman concentration and desperately held on to his soul as it tried to leave his body.

Jin, who saw this, stuck out his tongue as if he was fed up.

“That crazy guy… … He’s so damn persistent.”

It was a fearsome mental power befitting the position of an apostle who directly drew upon the power of the evil spirit.

But there was one more thing the guy overlooked.

That’s right… … .

Grow up-

As dawn slowly broke, empty bodies that had lost their masters began to return in search of their resting place.


For the spirits who had been wandering the sky, having lost their bodies and rest to the monster created by Ivan, now that the monster has been neutralized, this is the perfect opportunity to vent their grudges.

Above the catacombs.

The vengeful spirits that had been swirling in the dawn sky began to fall toward the ground in search of their own bodies.

It was as if countless shooting stars were falling.

Isabelle, lying on her back next to the fallen Jin, muttered softly as she looked up at the sky with her slowly fading eyes.

“It’s spectacular. It’s so beautiful.”

“Well… … Well, what happens later won’t be pretty at all.”

Grow up-

As soon as Jin finished speaking, the spirits that had taken hold of my body began to slowly approach Ivan.

Ivan, sensing what was about to happen, screamed in a terrified voice.

“Get out of here, get out of here, you motherf*ckers!”

But his cries, as he tried his best to hold onto his own soul due to the ecstasy of the soul-splitting ritual, had no power or authority.

The anger and malice of countless zombies came together and attacked Ivan.

Ppatduk- crack- crack- pop- pop-

Soon after, zombies rushed at Ivan like a swarm of ants and began to bite him mercilessly.


Ivan’s terrible screams as he was being eaten alive shook the entire forest of dead trees.

“That’s… … It’s a bit disgusting to look at with the naked eye.”

“I think so too. Still, it is a fitting end for a villain who toyed with the dead.”

The bloody festival that began with Ivan as a sacrifice continued without end. The zombies that had become one mass and clung to Ivan were tearing him apart indiscriminately.

About an hour like that.

“Ugh… … Ugh… … .”

Ivan’s screams of pain gradually turned into groans, and then disappeared completely.

After a long struggle, the apostle of the zodiac died.

Crackle- crackle-

Even though he was dead, the zombies paid no attention and continued to tear at Ivan’s flesh.

Until the sun rose high in the sky past dawn and completely illuminated the forest of dead trees.

Soon, the bright sun shone down on the zombies. They finally felt the true morning and collapsed on the ground like rotten straw dolls.

In the place where they had gathered, only Park Yo-sak, radiating a faint golden light, and a puddle of blood remained.

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