How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 84

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Episode 84 With a knife in your mouth (1)

The large auditorium, which can accommodate 5,000 spectators, was full without a single empty seat.

The majority of them were magistrates, but there were also quite a few nobles and merchants who gathered from all over the autumn continent for this academic festival.

There were also occasional appearances of people who appeared to be royalty.

The moment when everyone was waiting in unison for the presentation to begin soon.

The light that illuminated the surroundings gradually darkened.


A ray of light in the darkness illuminates the center of the presentation hall, and a man appears within it.

Soon his image was reflected large on the ceiling of the dome.

The video, which resembles a large modern electronic display board, was a device prepared by the organizers of the academic festival for the audience.


The neatly dressed man cleared his throat.

“Ah, can you hear me?”

His voice rang loudly in the wide auditorium, perhaps because he used a sacred technique.

After confirming that the Holy Act was working properly, he continued the lines he had prepared.

“We sincerely thank all the guests who participated in the 127th Fall Continental Castle Tower Academic Festival. I am the person in charge of hosting this academic festival. The order of presentations at the academic festival is written on the handout handed out at the entrance, so please refer to it.”

Soon rustling noises were heard here and there.

Afterwards, the host briefly began explaining a few things about the event.

“Also, prior to the official presentation, we would like to inform you that only the tower owners who participated in this presentation have the right to ask questions during the Q&A session. “We ask for your understanding as this is an unavoidable decision made by the organizers due to the large number of guests participating in the academic festival.”

As soon as the host finished speaking, the images of the monks sitting in the front row of the VIP area appeared on the ceiling.

These were the owners of each castle tower who participated in the presentation at this academic festival.

The video on the ceiling returns to the host again.

“Well then, let’s end this introduction… … . The 127th academic festival that many people have been waiting for! “Let’s get started right away.”

The host, with a booming voice, quickly looked to one side and stretched out his hand.

“The order of the first presentation is… “It is the Tower of Desire.”

As the host finished speaking, an old man walked into the light.

He is none other than Dexter.

He stood in a place where the light was shining, walking neither slowly nor quickly, and looked around.

‘I’m finally here.’

Dexter felt that 10,000 people’s eyes were focused on him.

“Whoa… … .”

He took a long, deep breath, looked straight ahead, and opened his mouth.

“hello. My name is Dexter, and I am the owner of the Tower of Desire. If you know, you will know. What is the Tower of Desire a place to study? But let me explain for those who don’t know… … .”

Dexter paused for a beat before continuing.

“Our Desire Tower is the only place in the Autumn Continent that specializes in research on objects. “Uncovering the principles of countless objects is what our castle tower does.”

Dexter’s voice overflowed with pride in the Tower of Desire.

“Therefore, what our tower is about to see today is also a piece of equipment. If it were the way it was, would I have to explain this or that…? This old man’s speech is not very good. So rather than giving a long explanation, I would like to show you the results right away.”

After finishing speaking, Dexter took another long, deep breath.

Although I tried to act calm, my heart was pounding like crazy.

past decades.

Haven’t you worked hard for this very day, this very day?

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous or nervous.

But unlike his heart that was trembling like crazy, his eyes were full of passion.

Dexter looked to one side of the auditorium.

‘Well, come out now.’

And show it to them.

The time I walked.

My wish.

That it was not in vain!

The shadowy area of ​​the auditorium where Dexter’s heated gaze was directed.


A strange sound was heard in the darkness.


A huge noise with a strange beat.

Using this as background music, Dexter’s voice boomed out.

“50 years of researching objects! During that time, there was only one thing I was pursuing. Objects are no different from sacred and martial laws, and through objects we can overcome the limitations of humans! ‘This’ you will see now will prove it!”

Amidst Dexter’s cries, the transcendental plane slowly appeared.


Light shone on a silver figure walking on two legs and slowly entering the presentation hall.

Choolgi walked to the center of the presentation hall with rough footsteps and knelt down on one knee.

A stern figure, as if waiting for the king’s orders, was projected on the roof of the dome.

Astonishment erupted from all over the place.


“What is that?!”

“her… … .”

“That’s also a piece of equipment?”

The first order of the event.

The 5m tall iron-clad giant that Dexter introduced as a piece completely shattered the common sense that many people had about pieces.


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This was the same for the organizers who prepared the academic festival.

“W-what is that?!”

When deciding on the order of presentations for the academic festival, I heard that the topic of presentations for the Tower of Desire was objects, so I decided to place them in the first order without making a big deal of it.


That could be said in just one word.

Because it’s an object.

Obviously, studying and handling various types of holy techniques is the study of objects, but the majority of monks perceived the study of objects as a hobby.

I thought that practicing at least one sacred magic would be the way to become stronger faster and be recognized by others as I was studying objects.

However, something unexpected came out of nowhere in the first sequence, which was enough to catch the organizers by surprise.

Roaring- Roaring-.

Is it because it was powerful from the first moment of the presentation?

The people’s uproar did not subside easily.

Meanwhile, in the transcendent period that stole people’s attention… … .

“ah… “It’s narrow.”

Lois grunted and stuck out her snout.

Although it was said to have been modified to allow for internal control, there were many shortcomings due to the hasty repairs.

The interior space was also narrower than previously expected.

Little Lois can barely control the Transcendence Machine after crouching down.

‘This isn’t what I wanted… … .’

Royce’s dream was a cockpit with fancy control buttons and various levers.

‘It’s not bad to move automatically according to the pilot’s thoughts… … .’

But in reality, it was just crouching in a small space and clicking a few buttons and a joystick-like control device.

Although the environment was 180 degrees different from what she had dreamed of, Lois did her best.

‘If you don’t want your first order to be forgotten, you have to leave a strong impression!’

While Lois was faithful to her duties, Dexter was also doing his best.

Dexter pointed to the Transcendence Flag with his hand and let out a loud voice.

“This guy’s name is Transcendent. “It belongs to the category of objects, but at the same time, it is an object that goes beyond the limits of ordinary objects.”

Dexter glanced to one side.

Then Favreau and Douglas brought a thick rebar, put it down, and disappeared.

Dexter’s voice became louder when he saw this.

“Of course, there are beings who have learned sacred and martial laws… … .”

That’s it -.

Transcendental raises his body as if responding to Dexter’s words.

Dexter, who had already spoken to Lois, continued talking without paying attention to the Transcendental Movement’s movements.

“Even if you’re an ordinary person with no attribute powers!”

If Dexter’s booming voice captured the audience’s ears, what was happening in the center of the presentation hall made it impossible for them to take their eyes off.

That drama-.

Chochungi bent down and picked up a rebar.

Although his movements were not yet as smooth as those of a real person, this was not a big problem to those who saw the moving steel giant for the first time.

It’s just amazing and amazing.

Also, the scene that happened right away was enough to capture people’s attention.


Cho Chul-gi’s arm, holding the thick steel bar, slowly closed.

Then, didn’t the steel bar, which was as thick as an adult man’s forearm, slowly bend?

Dexter’s voice continued after a pause.

“This transcendental device created by our Tower of Desire will lead us to the realm beyond the limits of humanity!”


As soon as those words were finished, the rebar was completely folded in half.


As the Chochun Gi laid down the rebar, a heavy sound echoed throughout the auditorium.

Through this, people were able to clearly realize that it was real rebar.

As the hall became quiet, Dexter finished his presentation.

“… “With this, we will conclude the presentation of the Tower of Desire and take questions.”

A short presentation of less than 5 minutes.

Although it was only a moment compared to the time spent preparing for the Transcendence Period, the impact of that short moment was enormous.

As if to prove this, countless hands were raised by tower owners who had the right to ask questions.

Dexter did not miss the tension.

‘It’s not over yet.’

He showed off his transcendence in front of many people.

However, whether they acknowledged the Transcendental Period will be confirmed during this Q&A session.

Dexter pointed to a monk with a stern expression.

“Ask a question.”

“Heron, the lord of the White Tree Castle Tower, will come. “You explained earlier that it doesn’t matter whether you have learned Holy Law or Martial Law. So, does that mean you can move that transcendental piece even if you can’t use elemental power?”

“That’s right. What drives the transcendental machine is obviously elemental power and sacred law, but ordinary people can also operate the transcendental machine.”

As soon as Dexter finished answering, a question came right next to him.

“Donus, the top owner of Hwanyeom. What it means is that even ordinary people can move… “Are you sure there is someone on board that aircraft?”

“You saw it correctly. “Currently, there is one user operating the Transcendence Machine.”

“her… … .”

After two Q&A sessions, questions started pouring in from all over.

“Then how much can you use that item?”

“Currently, in theory, 30 minutes is the limit for maximum power operation.”

“How long does it take to produce?”

“If we have the time, materials, and manpower, we can produce enough cars a year.”

“Can you tell me the holy magic technique that went into making it? “At least roughly.”

“That is impossible to answer.”

Questions and answers exchanged briefly.

Dexter kindly answered all questions.

As time passed, the questions gradually decreased.

The questions so far have been mostly flat.

However, the content of the general question changed into something sharp in an instant.

In the front row of the VIP room, a person wearing an ivory robe stood up with his hand raised.

“Blake, the top owner of the bombshell.”

“Ask a question.”

“Is that all that can be seen of that transcendental object?”

“… “What do you mean by that?”

“The limit to what a piece called the Transcendence Machine can do is bending a single rebar.”

“… … .”

“First of all, I understand that an object that looks like a steel doll can demonstrate more than ordinary military power. But, can that object really move like a warrior who has learned martial arts, or can it show special abilities like a monk who has learned sacred techniques?”

As I listened to the question, something made me cry and my emotions rose, but Dexter suppressed it superhumanly and answered.

“… The transcendent period is still in its early stages. “It is true that there is a lot of room for improvement.”

“Hehe, I see. So how long does it take to make such an improvement? 10 years? 20 years? Or 50 or 100 years?”

“… … .”

Dexter could not answer easily.

This is because even the developer himself could not estimate how much time it would take for Chochungi to be able to move like a real warrior.

But the harsh questions did not end there.

“Even after all the improvements, do you think that this piece can have the same power as a real warrior?”

“… … .”

Dexter has no answer and the hall becomes quiet.

A time when everyone was only looking at Dexter and Blake.

There was someone who was completely angry.

‘That damn old man!’

Sparks flew from Royce’s eyes as she boarded the transcendence plane.

The transcendental period that Dexter created by changing his life.

Also, Blake’s remarks throw shit at the romance he had dreamed of.

There was no way Lois would just tolerate this.


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