How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 310

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Episode 310 Strike first (3)

A huge pillar of rainbow-colored light that fell from the sky.

The 141 dragon breaths that had undergone extreme cohesion and fusion shone more beautifully than any other jewel.

But the power contained within was horribly destructive.

Qazuz i.e. -.

The air screamed, and light and space flickered.

The force of the torn space sucking in air was so strong that even the dragons were unable to control their bodies and stumbled around.

That wasn’t all.


A shockwave of heavenly punishment spread throughout the frozen Demonic Sea.


The ice in the black sea broke in an instant.

Ice shatters and turns over, like falling dominoes.

This was simply a phenomenon caused by a shock wave.

The real thing started now.

And Lois’s job began now.

Tsu– guiiiiii—-.

Just before the pillar of light hits the black ice barrier.


Lois’ eyes sparkled.

At the same time, his time began to slow down exponentially.

The ice of the Magic Sea turns over.

A heavenly punishment struck at the top of the black ice wall.

Even dragons swaying in the gusts of space.

1/100th of a second

1/1000th of a second

1/10,000th of a second

Finally, 1/100,000th of a second.

Just before Heavenly Punishment touches the black ice wall.

Time passed so slowly that I thought everything had stopped.

However, Lois’s thoughts only proceed quickly.

‘There’s only one thing I have to do.’

Lois’ eyes landed on the black ice wall.

‘Analyze that.’

I didn’t know that it would have been impossible under normal circumstances.

However, the ice wall has already weakened considerably.

Therefore, Lois was trying a method that had been considered too dangerous and had not been tried before.

‘Let’s try it.’

As soon as Lois’ mind touched the black ice, it sank deep into it.

‘It was said that if you protect yourself, you will never kill in 100 battles.’

In order to crush the black crystal, you need to at least know what it is made of.

For that reason, Lois projected her mind into the black crystal.

If you make a mistake, your mind may become trapped in an unknown substance and may not be able to come out.

Still, Lois had something to believe in.

‘Even if my spirit is eroded… ‘The shock of heavenly punishment will be enough to get you out of it.’

A safety device called heavenly punishment.

And it was something I could try because I had faith in myself.

Lois’ mind sank deeper and deeper.

Lois finally reaches the base of the black ice crystal.

He analyzed the properties of black crystals.

‘also… It’s not just a simple freezing phenomenon.’

Although it looked like ice at first glance, that was merely an external feature.

Lois disintegrated the black crystals deeper and deeper into the depths of the abyss.

How much time has passed like that?

After a long search, he finally reached a conclusion.

At the same time, his eyes widened.

‘This… Rule?’

Laws are the foundation that maintains the world.

The black crystal was a solidified mixture of those laws.

And that too by force.

‘under… ‘You did something crazy like this?’

This means that no matter how much I hit it, there wasn’t a single scratch on it.

No matter how physically you pound the laws of the world, will anything in the realm of transcendence break?

Moreover, this was a trait at such a high level that even zero-level elders could not understand it.

Lois shook her head.

‘Even heavenly punishment can’t break this.’

The transcendent power of 141 breaths.

It was an enormous power that could wipe out a continent in the blink of an eye, but unfortunately, it would not be able to break the barrier created by Kydus.


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‘The two powers have different scopes of activity.’

Heavenly Punishment is a power that clearly falls within the category of physical force.

To break this barrier, something more than physical force was needed.

‘… ‘Can I do this?’

Looking at it objectively, it was impossible to destroy this barrier with one’s own strength.

I don’t know if I can reach the level of zero 3 attributes.

but… … .

‘wee… Even for just a split second, this barrier could be brought down to the category of physical force.’

Even though it was only for a part of the barrier and not the entire barrier.

‘That’s enough.’

The calculation is done.

If so, now all you have to do is put it into action.

Lois unleashed her powers of interference and manipulation.

And it came into contact with the barrier created by Kydus.

‘You mustn’t rush.’

Step by step, he began to dissolve and unravel the entangled and solid laws.

A long time passed by in the span of 1/100,000th of a second.

The rules that were forcibly entangled and solidified were too firm and strong.

‘What the hell is this…? ‘How did they make it like this?’

While solving the tangled laws of the barrier, questions arose in Lois’ mind.

At that moment, Lois realized.

‘This… That’s right!’

The area where the 3 attributes you want to climb to are zero.

This was the result created in that area.

If there is a correct answer, all you have to do is reverse it and find the process to reach the answer.

Lois explored and explored.

I immersed myself more and more deeply.

I forgot time, and I also forgot myself.

For a moment and an eon, Lois searched for the truth, looking for a process that would lead to an answer.


‘… found.’

Lois finally found her way.


He laughed helplessly.

The answer he found was so ridiculously easy.

‘What the hell am I…’ ‘What were you thinking about?’

It was because I thought it was too complicated.

‘Zero of the three attributes… It was just manipulation and interference at the same time… … .’

Of course, that level was not something that could be disparaged as ‘at best’.

In terms of driving, if the 2nd attribute, Zero, means touching the steering wheel from the passenger seat, the 3rd attribute, Zero, means holding on to the steering wheel from the driver’s seat in the first place.

The difference between the two realms was indescribable.

The moment she realized the clue to the three attributes, Lois was grateful to the person who left this trace.

‘Kydus, I learned well.’

With that brief greeting, the tangled laws began to unravel at a rapid pace.

A speed unlike any before.

Another fleeting moment.

Royce created a weakness in the law’s barrier.


Time, which had passed slowly, returned to normal.

At the same time, the light of heavenly punishment penetrated exactly into the weak spot created by Royce.


At the top of the barrier, the light of Heavenly Punishment passed cleanly through the barrier and vertically pierced the black tower located within it.


The light of heavenly punishment surges into the black tower.

The sight looked as if a rainbow-colored sword was going into a black scabbard.


How much time has passed like that?

The beam of heavenly punishment that seemed to pierce the world gradually faded.


The Heavenly Punishment finally disappeared, leaving behind only a faint ray of light.

After that, there was a short silence.

The surroundings were so quiet, as if the pillar of light that had struck down with tremendous force a moment ago was a lie.

It was that moment.


A fine crack appeared at the top of the black tower.

And that was the beginning.

Low and low-.

Cracks spread like a spider web from top to bottom.

Light emanated from the gap that gradually opened.


A black tower that has been built solidly over a long period of time.

The purification of spatial properties built by dragons over generations was broken down in a refreshing manner.


As the Black Tower collapsed, even the barrier of the law that lost its central point disappeared, and the destruction that occurred at the center of the Demon Sea soon spread throughout the Demon Sea and even collapsed the frozen ice.


The binge drinking continued for a while.

Lois and the dragons watched the scene of destruction they had created in silence.

How much time has passed like that?

The demonic sea where the barrier and the black tower have disappeared.

In the very center, where the black tower was, a huge hole appeared.

It was a terribly black hole.

The darkness was so thick that it was impossible to guess its depth.

The dragons who saw this quickly gathered around.

-Everyone be prepared!

At Odilia’s instructions, all dragons prepared for battle.

The plan to break the barrier was successful, but it was only a preliminary battle.

The real battle with Kydus began now.

In this way, a deep sense of murder and tension spread around the Demon Hyeol area.

1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.

As time slowly passed, the dragons began to wonder.

And this was the same for Lois.

‘… What about Kydus?’

Kydus, who was thought to be somewhere in the Demon Sea, was nowhere to be seen.

Even if I tried to raise my spirits, there was no sense of energy.

The dragons also seemed confused.

-Stay in place!

Odilia’s instructions continued, representing the opinions of the elders.

After that, time passed incessantly, but Kydus still did not appear.

The elders, who thought this would not work, ordered a search of the surrounding area.

But no trace of him was found anywhere.

Royce saw two possibilities.

‘First, if he was punished by heaven a little while ago.’

But the possibility of that happening was small.

‘then… … .’

Lois’ eyes turned to the dark, dark demon blood.

‘If you hide yourself in a place where we can’t find you.’

Lois’ eyes softened as she looked at the black hole.

* * *

The time when Lois and the dragons are in the Demon Sea.


Wang Cheol-su looked at the golden coin in his hand and nauseated himself.

Even though he was holding the gold that everyone loved, Wang Cheol-su’s face as he looked at it looked like he was holding dirty dirt.

He had no choice but to do so.

Over the past month or so.

Aside from eating, sleeping, and packing, all I did was mess with this gold.

‘I… Who would have thought that golden views would turn into stones… … .’

It was good at first.

Except for the first day, neither Lois nor the red-headed demons bothered her.

You can touch gold that you will never touch in your entire life, and play gacha games without running out of money.

but… … .

‘That’s just for a day or two!’

No matter how enjoyable a hobby was, it became less fun when it became work.

Excluding the very minimum time for food, clothing, and shelter, I only play slots all day. How can this be good?

Moreover, it was not in his own interest.

A life of drawing that leads to forced confinement.

Now, just smelling the unique metallic smell of gold made my pottery rise.

‘when… ‘Can I go home?’

Wang Cheol-su lamented.

A life on Earth that he considered unremarkable.

The life he thought was a failure turned out to be a blessing and the most comfortable life for him.

People used to say that leaving home was hard work, but now I realized that fact.

However, it is still unclear when I will be able to return home.

‘I have to get what that monster wants… … .’

I don’t know what that monster named Lois wants, but it won’t be anything ordinary.

Also, in a way, this was directly related to his own safety.

[Listen, survival in this world depends on whether you choose what I want here or not. So, if you don’t want to die, pray sincerely every time you pull the slot.]

Wang Cheol-soo trembled as he recalled Royce’s bloody threat.

‘Oh, no! ‘I can’t die like this!’

I couldn’t face the end with this unfamiliar world, not even Earth.

When Wang Cheol-soo was frustrated with his bleak future.


Finn, standing on his shoulder, tugged at his ear.

“Human, what are you doing! “I’m not working!”

“Oh, what are you saying! “It’s the size of a rat!”

“Get to work, you ugly human!”

“Ah, ouch! “It hurts!”

I couldn’t communicate with Finn, but since we’d been together for the past few days, I knew that pulling his ear was a signal to get to work.

‘It’s damn true that it’s only the size of the palm of your hand! ‘Just do it!’

For a moment, Wang Cheol-su was in tears and his eyes widened.

But the anger quickly subsided.

Even though the opponent was only the size of the palm of his hand, he knew that he was not an opponent to attack recklessly.

Of course, I realized that when I tried to escape a few days ago.

“Ugh, it’s my fault… … .”

Wang Cheol-su, with a tearful expression on his face, approached the random drawing box again.

It was because he didn’t know that the little watcher that Lois had attached to him might rip off his ear.

Today too, Wang Cheol-su put gold into the random drawing box as usual.


When he heard the sound of gold falling, Wang Cheol-su prayed earnestly.

‘Please come out!’

Isn’t it time to come out now?

I want to be free from this life too!

With that wish in mind, he pulled the slot.


I can hear a sound I’ve been tired of hearing for over a month.


The entrance to the box was opened.

Up to this point, it was the same process that had been repeated countless times until now.

If it were normal, the box door would have opened and a soul with a faint light would have come out.

But this time was different.



Dazzling golden light emanated from a gap in the slightly opened box.


Wang Cheol-su’s face, which was dyed golden, was filled with astonishment.


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