How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 31

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Episode 31. Dragon babies are also dragons (1)

At the time when the Blood Ax Bandits were in a hurry, the first to notice the anomaly were the snowfield orcs.



The three orcs standing guard began to scream.

Three young humans were caught walking in the sight of the guys who were shaking with unknown fear.

At the same time, the orcs hesitated and took a step back.



It was something they could never understand.

This is because they are filled with fear that they cannot shake off even though they are looking at children who are less than half of their size.

Orcs who are brave because they are ignorant, and ignorant because they are brave.

Among them, the snowy orcs are said to be several times more cruel than regular orcs.

They can’t even swing their weapons properly and are constantly retreating backwards.

Finally… … .



The people in fear began to scream.

The screams of the snowy orcs soon spread throughout the village.

At the same time, the entire orc village was engulfed in fear.




A snowy orc village engulfed in chaos.

Lois smiled at this and muttered briefly.

“It’s a rush, twins!”

“Kani is coming!”

“Khan is going too!”

Soon, the three young dragons’ massacre of snowy orcs began.



The orc’s scream echoes through the snowy field.

It was full of fear, pain, frustration, and despair.

And Fabbro, who was watching this,’s jaw dropped.

“… … ?!”

I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak.

It had to be that way.

When I first saw Lois and the twins, I didn’t feel anything special.

I thought he was just an ordinary kid.

Even after finding out that they were dragons, I never thought about the inaction of Lois and the twins.

Even though it was a dragon, it was still young.

Because he was a young hatchling who deserved protection.


“her… … .”

The inaction of the children who showed off their skills was beyond imagination.

‘… ‘It’s huge.’

At first glance, the silver-haired twin siblings’ martial arts skills were superior to theirs, and the same was true for Royce, who used sacred techniques.

The twins cut down snowy orcs like rotten radishes while spewing out lightning bolts.

Royce ravages the Orcs with a variety of s*xual techniques.

Snowy Orcs are said to avoid even white mane trolls if there are a hundred of them gathered together.

The snowy orcs, the outlaws of the winter continent, were swept away like scarecrows.

Moreover, the Orcs, who were said to be ignorant and fearless, were running away in fear.

“Huh… … .”

Exclamations flowed out of Fabro’s mouth without stopping.

The scene that unfolded before my eyes was just as unreal.

At this time, Finn, who was next to Fabro, spoke triumphantly.

“Did you see it?”

“how… “What happened?”

Finn’s answer was simple and decisive.

“Because it’s a dragon.”

Also, there was no more accurate explanation than that.


The strongest creature that reigns over all races on earth.

In particular, the more intimidating a dragon is to a being whose instinct is stronger than reason, the more fearful it is.

Finn’s voice continued as he looked at Lois and the twins who were picking off the orc’s neck with such ease.

“They often say it’s a rat in front of a snake, right? That’s exactly what those orcs are like. “No matter how cruel they are, having an apex predator in front of them still makes you feel numb.”

“… … .”

“If you have reason, you can overcome fear, but is there any way that an orc’s dung head full of appetite and s*xual desire can overcome the noble dragon’s energy?”


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“ah… … .”

Fabro seems to have realized something from Finn’s words.

‘I see! This is it… … ?!’

Although I was watching from afar, I felt it clearly.

A force that makes goosebumps appear all over your body.

There was an energy that couldn’t be imitated by an ordinary human being.

Wild and majestic.

The energy of the dragon specified in the legend.

The world called it this.

“… Dragon Fear.”

“that’s right. Also called Dragon Fear. They’re still young right now, so if they go through the second sleep phase and grow up… “Just by encountering that energy, the Orcs will be massacred?”

Finn swaggered around as if he were a dragon, but Fabbro couldn’t say anything.

That’s because the sight of children slaughtering orcs was shocking.

‘this… ‘Is it a dragon?’

No genius from a famous family in the world could have shown this level of inaction at that age.

Even if they are born with the elixir sucked from their mother’s womb.

Bang bang-.

Parts side -.

Heavy drinking brought about by Royce’s s*xual laws and the twins’ lawlessness.

The screams of the orcs seemed to respond to this.



A world of hell unfolded on a pure white snow field.

It was then.

“Two, boss!”

Dozens of people approached Fabro from behind.

Finn, who saw this, instantly disappeared from Favreau’s shoulder.

A moment later, the bandits behind Fabro.

“What the hell is this?!”

Robber No. 1 hung his chin at the extraordinary scene unfolding before him.

It was the same for other rebels who flocked behind him.

In particular, the surprise of the members who captured Royce and the others was even greater.

“Well, I… “What are those monsters?”

Question from Robber No. 1.

In his opinion, the dance performed by the three children went far beyond the level of common sense.

It was an act of inaction that could only be described as a monster.

Ten members rushed in and cut down the snowy orcs who could barely handle one of them!

When I thought about that, goosebumps appeared on my back.

In addition, Robber No. 1 was able to realize.

‘Well, that’s why!’

The reason why only children were able to run around in this harsh winter weather.

It was that unbelievable skill.

‘If we had made a mistake, our heads would have been blown off!’

If the sword pointed at the snowy orcs had been pointed at them, their heads would have been separated from their bodies and buried in the snow by now.

As Robber No. 1 thought this, respect appeared in his eyes.

The place where that respect was directed was Fabro.

“also… “Did the boss know?”


Fabro tilted his head at the unexpected question.

In response, Finn whispered into Favreau’s ear.

-Just follow what I say. of course.

“all… of course.”

“As expected, the boss!”

Fabro, the most skilled of the bandits, would have recognized the children’s skills.

Robber No. 1’s respect grew even more.

He asked, his eyes shining brightly.

“Then those orcs… … ?”

-I asked for it.

“I asked for it.”

“That’s amazing!”

Fabro made an awkward expression at Robber No. 1’s praise.

“But what on earth are those monsters? What are you kids doing? … .”

-Who is this bastard calling a monster? And what? brat? Do you want to die?

“Who is this bastard calling a monster? And what? brat? “You want to die?!”


-Hey man! What if I follow that too!

“Hey in… … ! Sorry… … .”


“Big. no.”

Fabro quickly waved his hand and changed the topic when the assistant chief looked at him strangely.

“Anyway, we’re not people we can mess with, so take care of your kids!”

“What is there for me to manage? “If my guys had eyes, they wouldn’t be able to fool me.”

“what… “That’s right.”

Fabro and the assistant pastor nodded.

If you had eyes and a brain, you wouldn’t think of attacking such a monster.

While Favreau and Robber No. 1 were talking, snow began to fall from the sky.

“ah… … .”

At that time, one of the bandits sighed loudly.

Three children moving vertically and horizontally against the background of a snowstorm blowing in the cold wind.

It was definitely a cruel scene, but somehow it felt beautiful.

People just stood there blankly for a long time, intoxicated by the cruel masterpiece created by the young dragon.

Fabro stuck his tongue out for another reason.

“Are you not tired?”

Even though they were fighting so fiercely and for such a long time, I didn’t expect the children’s spirit to drop.

‘If it were me, my attribute power would have run out right away.’

Awe began to grow in Fabreau’s heart as he watched the hatchlings moving tirelessly.

A long time passed like that.

It was when the head of the tribe leader Orc bounced high into the sky that the people woke up from their dream.

“Hehehe, hehe, it’s Sakshin.”

“Roy… I’m hungry.”

“me too… … .”

After finishing their work, Khan and Carney sat down next to Lois and whined.

Lois, who gave the elixir to the guys, looked at the humans standing at a distance.

Both of Royce’s cheeks popped out at the same time.

“ah… If these bastards came, they would help out. Are you just watching that?”

Feeling very distressed, he waved his hand at Fabro.

It was a sign to come here.

Fabro, who noticed this, was startled and spoke to Robber No. 1.

“Well, first of all, take care of your kids well. “I’m leaving.”

“Would you like me to go with you?”

“… really?”

“… no. “Please go alone.”

“This bastard… … . I get it.”

“Everyone, let’s go!”

Robber No. 1 quickly bows his head and sees Fabro off, wondering if he will really ask to go with him.

At first, I said I would go with them out of courtesy, but I was too afraid of Lois and the twins.

Other members seemed to feel the same way, as they swallowed only their saliva as they looked at the children in the middle of the sea of ​​blood.

Meanwhile, Fabro approached Lois like a dog welcoming its owner.

“Boo, did you call me?”

Fabro bows down like a treacherous traitor, which is not suitable for his large size.

Looking at him, Lois gave a few more elixirs to the twins and secretly noticed them.

“Now, I’m going somewhere for a while, so you guys can rest here.”

Lois slowly took a step back, looking at the children who were drinking the elixir without even responding to what she said.

‘Okay, the lump has been taken care of.’

Lois whispered to Favreau in a low voice.

“where are you? Take the lead!”

“yes? Ah, yes!”

Leaving behind the children who were engrossed in snacks, Lois and Fabro began to move quietly.

After a while.

“Are you here?”

“yes! Just follow this path all the way!”

Lois and Fabro come down along the entrance to the underground cave, cleverly hidden by snow.

I walked along a path that was clearly visible even though it was underground.

Then a problem occurred.


Fabro’s body was blocked in the narrow passage and he could not move forward.

He made an awkward expression.

“Haha, that… When I came here before, it was small and easy to get in… … .”

The problem was Favreau’s size, which was much larger than it was decades ago.

Lois clicked her tongue.

“Tsk. You just stay here. “It’s in front of me anyway?”


Leaving Favreau behind, Lois walked forward.

Then, I finally found a small tree at the end of the passage.

A place where there is little light and the biting cold is prevalent.

It was the worst environment for plants to survive, but in the middle of it, a pure white tree was growing, rooted in the ice.


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